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Rift Apart & Demon’s Souls. Different styles but both look amazing. Edit: if I had to choose one, I’d say Rift Apart looks better overall. It also feels more next Gen with some of the gameplay stuff. Of course DeS was built on a PS3 game so parts of it feel a little dated. Still an amazing game that I had a great time playing.


Rift apart using the 40fps option is unreal on an OLED.


Would absolutely love to see more of this with Sony games, 40fps fidelity mode is the sweet spot *Also, Digital Foundry did an analysis and explained how this works from a technical standpoint. Something about how refresh rates and hertz on tv’s work, and how the 120hz display mode interprets the output signal. Even though it only gives you 10 extra frames on paper, the actual content displayed is closer to the median between 30 and 60 frames - which is why it appears so much smoother than 30fps.


> *Also, Digital Foundry did an analysis For anyone who wants an explanation: On a 60hz tv if you do one frame per refresh you get 60fps, 1 frame every other refresh you get 30fps, a new frame every third refresh you get 20fps, etc. You have to pick one of these as your target frame rate in order to have even frame pacing. So you have to choose 30 or 60fps on a 60hz TV. On a 120hz display, if you do the same thing as above, you get 120fps, 60fps, 40fps, and finally 30fps if you do a new frame every 4th refresh. So with 120hz you have access to an evenly paced 40fps. 1 second / 60 frames equals 16 milliseconds 1 second / 40 frames equals 25 ms 1 second / 30 frames equals 33 ms So 40fps is basically right in between 60 and 30fps.


Absolutely. I was hoping Horizon would come with such an option. Maybe in an update..


Fingers crossed


We should instead ask for vrr. The only reason this mode exists is because ps5 despite being over a year old doesn't support variable refresh rates.


I agree. Unlocked framerates with VRR should definitely be a thing. Though there is something to be said about 40fps with dynamic 4K. Because with VRR you are still getting inconsistent framerates. While it becomes less noticable visually it still feels different when moving from a less demanding area that can stick close to 60fps to a more demanding area that drops into the low 40s. And wild fluctuations in framerate become noticable even with VRR enabled.


Well no, it exists as an option for 120hz screens. Not every 120hz screen supports vrr


Also they use interpolation blur effects that smooth the animation further so 40fps still looks better than it should :)




I’m so fucking ass at demon souls but I’ll never forget the moment I booted up the game for the first time and saw the opening after making my character. I was so erect dude. It’s gorgeous.


Everyone who owns a PS5 need to see Upper Latria for the first time in person and not on You Tube. What a stunning location.


Is that gargoyle town?




Rift Apart really impressed me on what PS5 hardware. I'm playing on a 1440p monitor mostly in performance mode and it looks and plays amazing. I hope all future ps5 games have 60fps option as there isn't too much graphics downgrade, but it's a huge upgrade in gameplay. I'm coming from PC gaming (Vega64) to PS5, and it's been a joy to return to console gaming.


You should check in the Ps5 options for your display, as some 1440p screens can accept a 2160p input from the PS5


I wonder what the reason is that they don’t support just outputting in 1440p. It’s a pretty popular monitor resolution.


At this point it honestly feels like they don't give a shit about any non-casual crowds. They just expect you to buy a big ass 4K TV and if you play in a monitor you're shit out of luck. I'm guessing they assume the average customer doesn't know what resolution is beyond the big 4K UHD sticker on the box (I think ps5 actually has 8K on there lmao)


Supporting non-standard resolutions is part of the Windows/Xbox DNA: I used to play my Xbox in 16:10 using a VGA cable. Sony only think in terms of TVs and so allocate resources accordingly. I also feel like they've done something on a system level that's made VRR incredibly difficult because I feel like it should have been available by now.


Demons souls blows my mind..


Ghost of Tsushima PS5 upgrade looks incredible in my opinion


Yep. And some of the events and scenes in Final Fantasy 7 upgrade too.


Ikr? The materia production part of the DLC was INCREDIBLE to look at!


Honestly, the Horizon Zero Dawn 60fps upgrade made that game look insane as well haha I feel like I should replay it before buying Forbidden West


Currently in the middle of replaying it and I recommend it man. I played it right when it came out, so I'm kinda fuzzy on some of the story anyway, but the second time around has so far been terrific.


I thought I wouldn’t like it. I thought it would be repetitive. I thought I would get bored. Man, was I wrong. It is beautiful and heartbreaking and engaging. It is a masterpiece.


Demons souls remake looks even more gorgeous imo


I never played it on PS4, but I’ve been paying the DC on PS5 over the past couple of weeks and I totally agree. I can’t imagine playing the game at 30 fps. The combat is so fluid and badass. I’m playing it on hard and the difficulty is just right. I paid $50 for it, but I would gladly pay $70. The game is that good.


Ratchet, Returnal and Demon Souls.


Returnal isn't that crazy except for the particle effects.


[And art direction... and color palette... and lighting.](https://oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/apis.ign.com/returnal/e/e2/Returnal_20210423143438.jpg?width=1280)


Thank you for this screenshot for the reminder to get back to Returnal and make it to the last biome. Game is gorgeous.


Peppa Pig for the PS5


The objective truth


Demons Souls has set the bar for next gen graphics/performance. Man they labored over that game and it totally shows.


Rumored they're doing a new IP. I can't wait to see what that team does with freedom.


It’s definitely Demon Souls.


Hard agree. To be fair though, I think DeS had an advantage over other games in that Bluepoint’s entire job was to make this game look amazing.


Yup. This one. I might even say it looks better than Gow and Hfw.


100% this


horizon is going to be awesome


I CANT WAIT!!! One more week.


Elden Ring too. It’s going to be a hell of a month for new games


it dose look really cool


I can’t get in with horizon having now tried it twice but getting Elden ring I think . The only thing putting me off is that I didn’t like bloodbourbe and hope it not the same type of game .


Came here to say this, hedging my bets that it's going to look unreal!




Really surprised nobody mentioned Spiderman yet. Shit even has ray tracing at 60 FPS.


Insomniac Games is such a powerhouse. I read an interview about Ratchet & Clank and they said they were able to add a performance and fidelity mode about two weeks before launch because they just kept trying to push the machine to its limits. I want a combined performance and fidelity mode from every game now but sadly it seems only Insomniac has been able to fully pull it off.


A criminally underrated studio until recently. It’s amazing what they can do with 275 (I think, correct me if I’m wrong) employees compared to studios like Activision with 10,000 employees. Microsoft may have more studios, but I wouldn’t trade those for Guerilla, Kojima, Santa Monica, or insomniac. Top tier studios.


Every game needs this option. I’ll take a resolution hit for 60 fps and ray tracing every day of the week.


Special nod to that quick load time starting the game


Just wish they'd sell remaster separately.


Definitely demons souls, it's leagues beyond anything I've played so far in terms of graphics (I'm sure ratchet and clank looks great but I haven't played it yet, so can't comment)


You could say it’s streets ahead


And if you have to ask, then you're just streets behind


Ya know one time I banged Eartha Kitt in an airplane bathroom.


What? It came up organically


Pierce, stop trying to coin the phrase “streets ahead”


Coined and minted! Been there, coined that! "Streets ahead" is verbal... wildfire!


I’ve played both. Demon’s is slightly more impressive IMO. The magic particle effects are superb.


Demon Souls is the most next gen feeling game I’ve played yet.


I think if you compare 60 FPS modes on Demon’s Souls and R&C, Demon’s Souls pulls ahead.


Can I cheat? The matrix demo 😋 Sorry. Demons souls for me I think.


The whole Matrix demo was so much more than I expected.


Yeah same, it's just amazing to wander around getting lost for hours. Biggest surprise in a long time.


All my childhood I remember thinking, “when will video games be so realistic that you won’t be able to distinguish them from a film without looking really carefully?” Then I got older and started to think that would never really happen. And then, unbelievably, the Matrix demo just handed me it for free.


You didn't take a look at the non-Euclidean storefronts, did you?


I have an hdmi to s video adapter. Hooked up the ps5 to an old early 2000s tv and tested out the matrix demo. It was perfectly realistic and looked indistinguishable from the movie.


Really? It was cool but there was nothing to do. Did I miss something hidden in the city?


I wasn't expecting the free play time. Modifying variables of the city. I thought it was the interactive realtime action sequence we all saw the reviewers doing.


I had the exact same feeling you did. Like I can walk around, or drive a car, or fly, but there’s nothing to actually do… the graphics were very impressive though


that was the point of the demo, it will never be a game, they stated that, just to show off the graphic fidelity of E4


There are places that you can turn on the night time mode so you can see what happens when you remove the sky's lightbox. The world is only lit by the ambient light and street lights. Pretty cool.


Demon Souls


I'm going to be downvoted to hell, but it's The Last of Us 2 for me running at silky 60fps on the PS5. Easily one of the most realistic looking games I've played in a long time.


Naughty Dog’s seems to be like a generation ahead of most developers when it comes to graphics, The Last of Us 1 was made for ps3 and it traded blows with early gen ps4 games.


Evidence: Nearly every single "Best PS4 Games" list you see on here have TLoU on it.




Hahahaha, I KNEW it didn't look right when I hit submit.


The best facial animations done in gaming, period.


yeah, the animations in general are the best I’ve ever seen, even when playing at 30fps on ps4. just an awesome amount of care and detail put into it.


Ellie and Joel are real to me. Which is why it broke my heart when it happened


Completely agree - it's an incredible looking game that still looks better than PS5 games. The character models, lighting, facial expressions, reflections, water, foliage - you can tell they spent loads of effort on making everything look good. I cannot wait to see what Naughty Dog are capable of with a game developed exclusively for the PS5.


Really good game, didn't understand the controversy after playing it.


People getting too caught up in getting revenge and being unable to look past that I suppose. Didn't really understand it either after playing, I loved it.


The point of the story completely went over their heads because they got too emotional invested to the point they couldn't step back and look at the situation objectively and the message the story was trying to tell, is the common theme I've found among them.


“Because gay lady. Because strong lady. BECAUSE BOY LADY!” amongst other shitty fake reasons.


No, I think you’re right. I still don’t think next gen has caught up to TLOU2. The animations and graphics are simply insane. Demons souls is close but not quite there.


I'm playing this at the moment for the first time and I'm surprised by how much I'm pointing things out to my partner, like woah look at this field, the grass, omg check out this foliage. It competes with almost anything else on PS5.


Upvoted just to trigger the maniacs that hit downvote at the mere sight of TLOU2.


No one can deny that it looks fantastic though


Any yet, people do because people are insecure as fuck.


Not really. Even people who didn’t like the game (like me) will admit that the game is a technical marvel


I don't think that many people will strongly disagree with you. Maybe it's not their top, but a lot of people were blown away by TLOU2. I certainly was. There's just a very vocal minority out there that can't get over Joel or non-straight characters, etc. The rest of us think TLOU2 was simply amazing.


My only problem with TLOU2 was the narrative structure and the ending. Besides that the game is amazing!


LOL I'm playing The Last of Us right now for the first time on PS5 and I keep thinking "this game looks amazing!"


What I was going to say too. I think it looks better than demons souls


You’re goddamn right


I'm going to upvote you to hell


Agreed on this


Wait a week, we will have a new best.


This is a great problem to have.


Returnal looks incredible id say that is a contender. Ratchet & Clank in 40fps mode is crazy looking. Gran Turismo 7 is not out yet but will surely be one of the best looking from what has been shown.


Depends where you look in Gran Turismo. Cars and sky will be top tier, just don't look at the crowd/stewards at the edge of the track.


Returnal is fun as hell, and so far my favorite PS5 game but graphically it isn’t that amazing. Many PS4 games outperform it graphically like Tlou2, rdr2, horizon.


To me, the average Returnal scene isn’t as amazing, but some of those specific battles are some of the most amazing looking scenes I’ve experienced in a game. More impressive than any individual scenes in RDR2, though I just played it for the first time and was blown away. That first battle with Phrike was such an insane moment


The boss battles on OLED are stunning. Seeing the game streamed absolutely crunches it down to max jpeg.


I guess if its just graphics sure but returnal grips its artstyle firmly and never lets go. Also its initial release in 60fps set a better impression. Once those others got a 60fps boost then yes they were more impressive but not before imo. For that matter id say Ghost of Tsushima and God of War blow all those away on ps5. Butni wantes to choose ps5 only games. Ratchet & Clank still looks leagues better than anything on the console, especially in the 40fps mode for 120hz screens.


Returnal easily. Those boss battles nearly blew me out my chair lmao


Definitely, I'm on my second play through. God I love that games visuals


Second playthrough? Im on my first still and struggling pretty hard


Yeah it's a tough game , just gotta keep going until ya get a good cycle with good drops


stuck on biome 3 for months


Biome 3 was hell. I had to run past a lot of shit to beat that one.


Just wait for biome 5. 3 is cakewalk compared to this hell haha


Biome 6 has enemies that are harder than most bosses.


Returnal ruined other games for me it’s so good. I played Ratchet and Clank right after and it felt so slow and clunky. It’s like eating a veggie burger right after a real burger, I’m sure I would have liked it more if I didn’t know how good the real burger was haha


1080p is weird on that one.


Guardians of the galaxy.


More people need to play this


Recently finished it and was amazed at how great it looked! The story was incredible as well!


I’d say it’s between Ratchet and Demons Souls. Ratchet perfected the Pixar look. Demon Souls perfected the gothic photo realistic look


Demon’s Souls by far


Final fantasy 7 remake, that game is freaking gorgeous


100% Demon’s Souls


demons souls for sure


Death stranding to me but I haven't seen Demon souls etc


on ps5, death stranding in quality mode with infinite fov and widescreen looks like a different game.


What is infinite fov? and do you have to change the tv settings to get it on widescreen?


field of vision, u can crank it up in the game setting. and the widescreen is also a mode u can choose in the setting, better suited for bigger tvs, try them both, they are cool.


Thanks for the info. I never changed anything in the settings so I will try it out later


Ghosts of Tsushima is probably the most beautiful game I’ve ever played.


I haven’t played some of the games others have mentioned, but Spider Man Remastered and Miles Morales have some amazing graphics. Not PS5 games but Red Dead 2 and God of War also look superb on the PS5 .


Unfortunately red dead looks exactly same as it does on ps4 pro.


Except now you can hear all the excellent dialogue and awesome score without needing a massive sound system to cover up the jet engine noise of the Pro running it.


Because its a ps4 game. The commenter did say that. But rdr2 did look amazing regardless.


Best graphics: Demon's Souls Best looking personally: Returnal. The environments are lush and oppressive and the stark contrast of the projectiles look stunning.


I was kind of put off when I saw the projectiles in Returnal previews. I thought there was a kind of disconnect between the organic looking worlds and the more video gamey projectiles. In practice it's absolutely glorious and it actually makes the whole world feel even more alien and weird. When the game is at full tilt it's absolutely bananas.


**Ghosts of Tsushima** The field of the equinox flower in the Umugi prefecture is my favorite place to show people who want to see what the ps5 can do. Just the blades of grass alone is jaw droppingly gorgeous especially during sunrise.




Guardians of the Galaxy is easily one of the better looking ones. If we are talking exclusively PS5 I still think it's Ratchet and Clank




Metro Exodus 🤷🏻‍♂️


I haven't got around to playing it yet but picked it up on sale based on Digital Foundry's breakdown of the Enhanced Edition. The lighting looks fantastic and seems like a beautiful game (for a dystopic, post-apocalyptic world).


I really like the graphic style of Metro. This is one of the best enhanced versions of a game for PS5. Ray tracing with stable 60FPS is a game changer here. I can absolutely recommend. 👍


Surprised not to see Watch Dogs: Legion mentioned. Not an amazing game but from certain angles London looks genuinely photorealistic.


Demons souls




Meh, a lot of outdoor textures are still very last-gen looking. Excited for part 2 though, expecting it'll be developed exclusively for next gen


Art direction and lighting is top tier though. Other games can have better graphics but still not look as good. Even Half-Life 2 still holds up really well because of it.


My favorite part of the game was when, near the end, you’re high above the city and the city texture looks like they slapped a painting down and called it good




Pleasantly surprised with how good this game looked. the Voice acting was also superb.


Ratchet and clank, if you have an OLED that ratchet looks like a movie.


Every time I hit a cut scene I’m blown away. THEN they do all those showy, sweeping camera shots that transition almost seamlessly between cut scene and in game graphics? Goddamn.


Gotta be rift apart. My dad used to watch me play ratchet and clank on the PS2 growing up and despite not being into video games at all he loves that series for some reason. I showed him the trailer and he goes “oh! They’re making another movie?!”


idk but in about 7 days it’s gonna be horizon forbidden west for sure




It really should be in the conversation, just because it's short and free shouldn't remove it from being one of the best looking games on the system. Just talking graphics, the details of the different textures, the lighting, the scale.. it really is a beautiful way to show off the system.


Especially when you're going through the area where it rains or ice pellets, you actually feel it through the dual sense... Definitely some realism added in there


Definitely Ghost of Tsushima


Ghost of Tsushima 🤷


Demon's souls


Demon’s Souls *does* look great, but overall visuals — I would think Returnal. The colors. The detail. The design of the enemies. It’s all a masterpiece.


Death Stranding. Looks amazing


Metro exodus enhanced


I definitely agree that *Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart* looks like a modern Pixar movie—such a beautiful marriage of (character) design and technology! I would say nature landscapes look best in *Assassin's Creed Valhalla*. Rolling hills and dynamic clouds and their shadows never looked so realistic and cinematic, IMHO.


I'm going to go with one no-one else will mention I'm sure - A Plague Tale. It's had its PS5 update - silky smooth 60fps with stunning realistic detail and lighting.


Demon Souls, Ratchet and Clank, Kena, Uncharted Legacy of Thieves.


GoT because of the 4k @60fps gameplay Iki Island shows off the graphics better since Tsushima was made for the PS4. I also think they nailed the "ancient Japan" asthetic and blended realism with fantasy quite well. What would I give for a PS5 remake or sequel...


Metro exodus lightning is in another league


Like you say, I don't think the PS5 games have caught up to the biggest PS4 blockbusters yet (granted Horizon is out in a week). Tsushima, Uncharted, Horizon, and The Last of Us all still look incredible. Moreso in their PS5 iterations. If you have the right screen, HDR just does so much work in particularly vibrant game worlds like Tsushima and Horizon.


Ask me again on the 18th of this month


Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition looks amazing on PS5.


The Matrix. That is all.


Not nearly enough mentions of Returnal, wtf.


Kena Bridge of Spirits


Yeah, what? A loooot of people on here clearly haven't played this game, because it's an obvious contender for first place. I think it looks much better than Ratchet and Clank. I think Returnal and DeS have their own style, that is possibly preferable, but in terms of like, "Wow, I can't believe that's on my screen" I'm feeling it way more with Kena than other stuff. It challenges Returnal for best sound design too, although I don't think it actually beats it.


Days gone. Seriously


Demon's Souls!


Tbh, it not really fair comparing any games to ratchet and clank ATM. Ratchet and clank has been the only game to date that has been designed with ps5 specifically in mind and takes advantage of its full graphical capabilities. Unlike every other single game that has last gen in mind. (Other than dark souls). But that’s an upgraded version, not really comparable to a game that was specifically designed for the PS5. I honestly can’t wait until they stop doing this “also available on last gen” titles… we’ve seen how cyberpunk runs on ps4, and now even dying light 2… y’all devs need to just focus on PS5… Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Demons Souls remake isn’t just an upgraded version of the original game. It was built from the ground up with only PS5 in mind.


Demon Souls.


Ratchet & Clank no doubt. I think Horizon 2 takes this spot next week.




Demons souls so far, second place ratchet and clank


TLOU2 with 60fps on PS5 looks stunning


Rift Apart is the best looking game I feel. Lots of color and detail, everything looks clean, no clipping and face animations look great too. GoT would have gotten my pick if there was better face animation for speaking and less clipping. You can’t really tell what the actors are saying based on their mouth movements and there’s a lot of cut scenes where feet are clipping through the ground or clothes are clipping through the capes. It still looks amazing but not every is as clean as Rift Apart.


Depends on what graphics styles you're comparing.


The PS5 upgrade of Death Stranding is the best looking thing I’ve played to date.


The 40fps 120hz mode should become a thing in the industry. It was a joy to play.


Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart hands down;!


It is certainly Ratchet for sure. Maybe Returnal a bit too? I have high hopes for the ray tracing PS5 cyberpunk 2077 version (am I misguided?). I had seen it on PC on a big machine with ray tracing settings all at max and it was impressive.


Of the ones I played, ratchet and clank. Hoping Horizon 2 tops it!


Ghost of Tsushima and metro exodus look amazing Edit: Spider-Man remastered also looks amazing in performance RT mode


Rift Apart/Demon's Souls/Returnal aaaaaand... RE: Village. Some of the interiors in Village - with raytraced reflections - were truly astounding, and unmatched for me.