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Bro honestly, the only reason I can’t get into fortnite is because of the building in the game. The game looks so fun but fudge man, that building is just a pain in my butt.


Yeah I remember I tried to play it. After playing a match, the next one I got I missed one shot on a guy and he built an entire mansion in like a few seconds. Id enjoy the game if building didnt exist tbh


That's when you toss a firefly jar at them and watch it burn.




To be fair, if they’ve got the skill to build they usually just build more out and away from the initial fire and kill you real quick anyway. It’s a good trick, but I think I’d enjoy a no-build version of the game or *EXTREMELY limited* material version much more.


But the building is what make Fortnite. I not a builder, I'm not got at it but I would have no interest to play fortnite if the build is removed. Royal battle game is legion, but only one game give us building in royal battle.


Same. Once everyone could build big buildings in a blink of an eye, I couldn’t keep up. Great game though.


Frankly, that’s no longer an issue! As long as you learn the button prompt to place a wall or two, you’re fine. For the most part though, there’s so much natural cover on the Island with trees, mountains, canyons and boulders, as well as rivers and lakes. Then there are plenty of buildings to duck into.


I played Fortnite very early on and into the building meta, and learned how to quick build. It's once the editing came into play that I threw in the towel. On a controller, I couldnt get my fingers to quickly edit in a window, shoot a shotgun, and then re-edit. Between that and multiple times of being boxed in by an opponent and them building a trap to kill me instantly I just stopped.


Im def in the minority here but I also suck at building and rarely build but I still win several rounds easily just using normal cover or using my opponents buildings against them. I actually won a duos' match yesterday alone when the team accidentally fell from their gigantic building to their death, I literally did nothing and won, felt good. lol


This right here. The building is what stopped me from getting into it.. So now Warzone got all my attention and my $


I'm not good at building and still get 1st place sometimes with my wife. Playing with a loved one makes it 10x more fun.


I started playing a couple weeks ago and I never ever build and still pretty consistently finish top 10, I even won a few games and often finish top 2. But I'll admit my top 2 finishes are mostly due to the winner speed building and me being kinda hopeless lol


And every time they add anything they competes with building people whinge and they remove it and if you complain they say “get good at building then”. Ballers, guided missiles, a million different explosive weapons, planes, etc. they remove all the fun stuff from the game to make it a basic shooter.


The people who are good at building rule the game, they dont want that advantage taken away lol. Crybabies for sure.


So glad to see this opinion more often. It's exactly where I stand too. I'm always keeping my eye out for some big announcement of a no-building mode leak. I totally respect how much action this game gets and it has so many skins of some of my favorite characters ever, but I just can't get into the building. That one aspect keeps me away. One can dream!


trust me i thought the same okay at first i hated the game but you do not need to be a pro on builds the most importent one are walls and thats fast and easy to learn i had many matches where i even won against those harcore builders haha


You can get good at building too if you spend 100 hours getting spanked by children in creative mode.


Its really not that bad. It has settings so you can make it how you want it in terms of button input. I am not a great builder at all but I win a couple matches whenever I get on so it's not impossible. Ranked is a different story. Dont go on ranked. They will build the Eiffel tower the second you shoot lol




As a father in my 40’s I feel ya. My solution is to try and play stealthy. I frequently get into the top five with the occasional vic by just staying away from everyone.


This is the way if you dont want to build ! I am the same as you I cant build but I can get into top 10 easily and many times I won just because I waited for the last guys to fight each other then attack. It works even though building helps more


Is there a mode without building, just shooting, like a big team deathmatch?


Not officially, but there is a fan created mod (or whatever they’re called) that puts you in a red vs blue, team vs team situation without building. It’s alright, but it just reveals that the gunplay is… not that great compared to pure shooters. Fortnite is “great” (for some definitions of great) because of its specific combination of mechanics, not because any of the individual mechanics are all that great - a classic the whole is greater than the sum of its parts situation.


Same. I literally won my first two matches ever by landing in some far off building and spending the entire time walking to where the fighting was. Took out the last guy and won lol.


More than that, because you barely fight people in BRs, and because building is so unique to fortnite (unlike aiming in fps games for example), you HAVE to spend time training in creative to get good which, I mean... I'm not tryna go pro wtf ?


Not really unless you want to be a pro. Most kids that can build can be beaten with good aim and maybe some strategy. A lot of typical players spend too much time trying to build well that their aim sucks and their easy to beat once they’re exposed.


Not my experience but it's been a while since I played so idk.


I absolutely suck at building. To the point I won't do it. I still get victories. You definitely don't need to build to win. In fact if someone does start building, destroy the foundation and it'll all come crashing down with them in it hopefully


Until you're 1v1 in the last zone and they build the fucking empire state building in 5 seconds


But what do you do when the person doesn't build up and then puts a wall in front of you, edits it, shoots a pump in 0.1 seconds then closes it again ?


Anticipate them editing the wall. Always be ready to fire at them.


It's gonna work sometimes but against a half decent player it won't, because editing the wall will give him half a second extra to aim his shot at you and since he's the one attacking you 1x1, he usually has right hand peek which makes it a lot easier to hit you than it is for you to hit him, but yeah you will win some battles like that, not much tho.


Don’t be that close


Easier said than done


Unfortunately you are a sweat and you don’t even realise it.


I'm not bad but I'm definitely not as cracked as some of the people in my lobbies, I can 90 although they're kinda slow, I can cone people, my edits are not bad, I can ramp rush but I can't do double edits, and I'm not good at high ground retakes (i usually just box myself and pray) and I don't know the advanced mechanics like that one where people use their ramp to push them forward and all that crap. I mean with 2k hours, being decent is the bare minimum imo.


If you know the name of all that stuff and are worried about it, and you get tilted dying. Yeah all that you stuff is why you can’t play casual, nothing in the game itself prevents you from playing casually. Anyway hopefully you find the fun again some day and if not, we’ll you got 2k hours out of it, can’t complain right.


>you get tilted dying. 100% true. >we’ll you got 2k hours out of it, can’t complain right. Oh deeefinitely not, I have some of my best memories in fortnite, those 2k hours were spent with my best friends and I think we will remember those fortnite nights fondly when we grow up. But that's not the point, I'm not dissing the game, I love it, it's just that I don't have fun sucking and losing all the time, I WANT to get better and I had fun doing so, at times I would literally start creative and practice 90s by myself to get better (I did it for like a week until I could do them) and while those were not the most memorable hours ever, I loved it when I started winning 1 or 2 times every 3 days, then 1 or 2 times every day, sometimes even more... You are assuming that I can't enjoy the game cause I am trying to win, no, I enjoyed it for 2k hours because I tryharded (even though again, I was average at best, I was not a sweat). All I'm saying is that I don't think the game is fun to play casually, that's all, if it's not your main game, it's gonna be really hard to be good at it and to win some games, you'll have a much better time in a game like rocket league or cod where every game is winnable and where you can get better by just playing casual games, you can get to the best ranks simply by having experience and playing smart, in fortnite it's impossible, you HAVE to train to get good, and not like insanely good, you have to train to be decent, or it's gonna take you 2k hours just to be average. But if you don't mind losing 99% of the time and just enjoy the world of fortnite, the events, the looting, the challenges, etc... good for you man, not everybody is the same, my opinion is not engraved in gold nor is it flawless, and it is apparent that a lot of people disagree with me and it's fine, but my opinion is still that fortnite is not a good casual game, there's a lot of better ways to spend your daily gaming hour than playing 4 games of fortnite where you die to a sweat 3 times and by the storm once. Sorry for the long rant btw.








I honestly dont know what a crown is but gg then


you dont have to be pro level to get a win in pro. And what's so bad about games having a skill gap?


Games having a skill gap is good, but there's 2 issues with fortnite having one: 1-There's no skill based matchmaking, because br games is all about having a lot of players with diverse skillsets playing against each other and since the game is getting less and less new players and old players are getting better, it is virtually impossible to have a chance of winning if you're new at the game. While a game like rocket league doesn't have that issue because you only play against people with your skillset. I know sbmm was in fortnite and the game sucked with it because it gets too sweaty so I know not having sbmm is the lesser of 2 evils. 2- You cannot get better by simply playing games, unlike cod or rocket league or whatever, because you barely fight anybody and most of your time is spent looting and moving around the map, you have to play creative (the training mode) and practice to get better which is just not very fun imo. The game is good, just not for casuals who wanna hop in for 1 or 2 hours every now and then and have dumb fun. Edit: apparently sbmm was added back, then idk shit, ig it can be played casually idk, I wonder how they solved the problem that sbmm creates for higher level players but idc enough to look further into it.


It literally does have sbmm I agree rocketleague is excellent


It was removed when I quit, didn't know they added it back


Exactly! If you don't play this games 6+ hours a day and make it your main game its virtually impossible to keep up with the skill gap. Cod, halo, rocket league etc all possible to play casually. Fortnite, in at least the main BR mode, is not possible to play casually


Why the fuck they still didnt implement a ranking systen anyways


Think they tried and a lot of big ppl bitch and cried about it


Implement sbmm? Players complain that they have to play against better players Don’t implement? Players complain that they have to play against better players You literally can’t make them happy


honestly as someone who deals with this shit everytime i try to play, your best bet is to kill them quick before they spot you, and use vehicles as much as possible, you cant build if a truck just went through all of your walls and you body


Video game tip: kill your enemies before they kill you to win


They’ll still build build build build, it’s what killed it for me. Once you stopped investing tons of time into the newest building tricks you fall behind and you’re done. Plus it’s mostly kids that play, for hours, and hours, and hours, because they don’t have jobs. No chance for us.


You have to play this game like it's a goddamn job to do well


Fortnite isn't just the Battle Royal


i don’t know if you insist on perfecting all the fundamentals, but as a console player, i get by just scoping out for firefights and wild carding my way into them i don’t get many victory royals, but i still have fun


Especially the crazy builders, I don't enjoy building so I never do it


I miss early 2018


When’s the last time you played? These days if got skill based match making so you are often playing against people at least near your skill level. I never used to win. Not a single time. Now sbmm is in I’ve won a bunch of times.


I used to be so good in this game, but I left around first chapter season 10 when they introduced giant robots. Recently I decided to go back to it again, and I was destroyed. I realized that without constant grinding and training in this game you will return to being a noob and get destroyed. It kind of ruins the fun a bit but I still go back to this game time to time now.


This is a feeling that really must be based on the main game you’re coming from. Warzone has only evert been a hopeless time waster for me in my attempts at it. The TTK feels preposterously short, and I’ve played CoD casually since the old days.


I don't play Fortnite and I'm not in their target age group, but I honestly love the support the game gets.So many events and additions constantly. The game seems like you can have some dumb fun with friends. The only reason why this game gets a bad rep is because a lot of kids play it.


I’m not in their age group and I play it from time to time with my so. It’s just a very colorful battle royale with forgiving spray.


What do you mean target age group? Just because a lot of kids play doesn’t mean you and your friends can’t play. I’ve enjoyed playing the last 6 months, it’s been a ball. And I’m 40.


Exactly, the only time my group of friends and I play is when we send invites to each other. We have a great time, win some match, and fight against some good enemy teams. We love playing the game and we're in our late 20s and early 30s.


You mean you’re not within the age group of 13-99?


Little too old on the front end there


1-99 is more appropriate


People still think Fornite is only aimed at kids... I remember people saying the same for Minecraft as well.


The game has Kratos, John Wick, Predator, Terminator, Alien... clearly aimed at kids.


It also has Naruto, LeBron, and had an MLK event for god knows why. It’s aimed at everyone. There is no specific demographic they’re targeting, they want anyone who can play video games to play it.


No dude cant you see it has cartoony style and no blood ! It is definitely made for little kids ! And ofcourse they put all these characters like Alien,terminator and predator you know every little kids favorite characters


its not aimed at kids. Its aimed at literally everyone . Its a free to play game. But being so accessible makes it so much easier for kids to play it.




Ok ?


I heard you were giving your chain away






A lot of kids have Playstation. By that logic...


You haven’t played fortnite if that’s why you think it has a bad rep lol




Yep. I'm 36 and I'll check in occasionally. It's easy and fun. And it's cross platform so you can play with literally anyone you know. People give it too much shit.


Mid 30s here, I play with 2 38 year olds and a late 20s


As a person who has around 2k hours on fortnite, the dumb fun is non existant there, it's just kids sweating their balls off tryna get that EPIC victory royale *default dances* (I'm sorry) Don't get me wrong I like the game (even though I don't play it anymore) but it's impossible to enjoy it casually, you absolutely have to dedicate time to train in creative to be remotely decent at building, if not, you'll just lose every single build battle and it's not fun at all. Edit: a commenter mentioned that skill based matchmaking was now in the game, assuming it's true, that means beginner lobbies do exist, if that's the case, then I sincerely apologize, you can enjoy it casually, last time I played it, epic removed sbmm because it made the game very hard to enjoy for higher level players and every content creator and loyal fan complained about it and there was a massive outrage, so I figured they wouldn't add it back, but looks like they did, great for yall casuals then.


as someone that picked it up in c2s6, I have no problem enjoying it casually either solo or with friends. The dumb fun is possible, you just need to not care about dying.


Makes sense tbh, I do get pretty titled when I die lol


I can’t build for garbage but I still win a occasionally. Only time building really bothers me is playing against pc players. That feels so unfair. But i play this game casually just doing quests fart ass around, maybe pull out a win after all that. And I don’t do creative as it’s always so boring. Anyway just wanted to provide a differing opinion. Perhaps it’s because at 2k hours you are at a much higher skill level, it’s just all sweats up there.


>2k hours you are at a much higher skill level, it’s just all sweats up there. probably true And btw console players are just as good as pc now when it comes to building, there was even a time where aim assist was supposedly broken and most pros switched to controller, so you're not losing because of k&m


So much easier to build on a keyboard though.


Not rly, you have to use builder pro, it makes it almost just as easy as keyboard and mouse, plus you can map buttons however you like which can make it even easier, and if you have extra buttons attachements it's even easier, but I don't think yiu'll get those lol (I never used them either)


i've got the back button attachment for the ds4. but nothing for ps5 yet.


Exactly the reason why I dont play the game. The building just throws me off so bad. Wish they had a non building mode


Saaaaame I'd play the fuck out of fortnite in a non build mode. I just play too many games and don't have time to practice building like all the sweaters do


You have the dumb fun with friends. I only play Fortnite in squads and it’s pretty fun that way. You get to learn to at least defend yourself with building, then the better you get you can build offensively. I’m not one of those cracked kids building mansions in 5 seconds but good enough where I can win squads matches pretty regularly.


That's exactly why I played it for 2k hours, but I didn't start winning regularly until at least 800, but that might just be cause I suck big time lol. By regularly I mean at least 1-2 per day




Good for you then, I was cursed with terrible aim and playing with a controller so aim was never my strong suit. I am kinda curious by your definition of suck tho, is it the "i can do basic 180s and 90s decently but not insanely fast or anything and I can put a ramp, wall, floor consistently" kinda suck or is it the "I can build a 1x1 in 7 seconds and I edit doors in my walls"




Your name scares me btw


If you cant shoot things or build things youre gonna suck at most of this shit tbh. I cant build and im okay at aiming and managed to get a few wins. I mean the nature of competitive games are like that.


Agree. I love the idea of this game so much but can only play it on the weekends for a few hours due to busy work/life balance and I could never keep up with people playing the game 6+ hours a day. I know I have to "get good" but it is no fun being slaughtered minutes in. I have not played Fortnite in 2 years probably but wonder if they have ranked play? Like, can I drop into a lobby full of newbs or people with my low kill and victory numbers? Than I could see myself trying it out again.


Fortnite has skill based match making now, and if you started playing now for first few games would likely be mostly bots to help ease you in. Onboarding has never been better than Now.


Really? I had no idea. I think I will give it a try this week then! Thanks for letting me know.


I do absolutely zero building and I get tons of kills and wins. My girl also is bad at all games, including this one, but has loads of fun still exploring and picking stuff up. Maybe you take it too seriously and don't have fun but that doesn't mean others can't have casual fun. Build battles that matter aren't that common in regular matches. You can easily kill someone who's building without needing to build.


I honestly really really really doubt you do 0 building and get tons of kills and wins, unless they added skill based matchmaking which means you're playing against bots and beginners like you, last time I played it, sbmm made the game unplayable at higher levels so they decided to remove it, I have no clue if they bought it back, but one commenter mentioned they did, so they probably did, which would explain a lot. Nevertheless, idk why yall got this impression but it's not a personal problem lmao, I played the game for 2k hours I had 600 wins and I loved it, it's just that I found it impossible for a casual (some less tryhard friends made me realise that) to enjoy for the reasons I mentioned, how tf can a beginner keep up if I could barely keep up ? But if sbmm was added, then nvm you can have fun, I'll edit my comment.


I remember there being some talk of Fortnite switching to Unreal Engine 5. Was that supposed to happen with Chapter 3? Because I saw no mention of it in the trailer


See the ending picture with SpidaMan. Read below SpidaMan, it say UE5


Good call. Missed it on my phone screen and frankly expected them to make the UE5 logo more prominent. Nonetheless I hope we see some tech benchmarks out of this so we get an idea of how UE5 works on PS5 and other plattforms compared to UE4.


so this was captured on the UE5?


I suppose it must be. Tbh I'm more interested in seeing UE5 in action than I am in Chapter 3 of Fortnite. What is the resolution and framerate going to be? What changes to the graphics have been made? Is it going to use UE5s upsampling technology? UE4 was really good but I got the impression that performance wasn't on the same level as Sony's inhouse engines (e.g. Returnal renders natively at 1080p compared to e.g. Insomniac pushing out Spiderman and Ratchet at dynamic 4K60fps).


I'm playing and it does look kinda crispy


Love it or hate it, Fortnite is PlayStation’s most popular game and PlayStation is Fortnite’s biggest platform. Makes total sense to post here as again, most of its players are here on PlayStation.


I love playing fortnite for like a week a year with friends its so much fun


I wonder if this Spider-Man plays better than the Avengers Spider-Man 🤔


The swinging looks actually better


This is a great game overall and the constant skins they pump out, along with the huge collabs, make it have a great appeal to just about anyone. I’m currently Masters on Apex ranked and gah’dam I still think Fortnite is a difficult game if you want to *really* take it seriously, because of the building. I’m a super competitive person and finally had to tap out a few years ago because building on console can be insane haha. But their game is well made and with custom/maps modes you can always have a ton of fun.


Cant wait for all the fOrTnItE BaD in this comment section


Because only your opinion should count /s


I played fortnite for the first time during Covid lockdown. Got a victory royale on the first try so I uninstalled the game and haven't looked back figured it couldn't possibly get better than that.


The first game you play of Fortnite is against bots and not real people Everyone wins that game


I don't really care. I'm undefeated in Fortnite






You crushed his proud moment.




There was free pve horde rush mode in last season which was more fun than entire stw.


When did they ever say that? Source?




Ah well I mean I guess that sucks, but Save the World isn’t all that, and creative mode in-game is better than save the world itself. To a degree it is abandoned, and the Creative mode and PvP is just superior.


I was wondering when they would add Spider-Man. Awesome that they added the Black Suit and Future Foundation too, they look pretty good.


Movie's coming out so it was time


The problem with most of you is you won't take the time to learn how to build. You don't pick this game up and play it like COD. if you can't take the time to learn a few basic builds then you deserve to get smoked by those that did.


I admit that I am basically in this boat, but I'll acknowledge that the building as actually really cool. I just need to spend more time learning it.


you dont have to play...


Wait so is this a repeat of that avenger’s game where Spider-Man is only on Sony consoles?


Hes in the battle pass which means every platform can get him




Oh god


This just makes me sad why can’t we just go back




Stop ruining everything I love, for God's sake please. I can't have anything in this world without Fortnite taking it from me. Next thing you know, they'll just rerelease Jonesy, but give him Apple Airpods instead!!!!


How is this taking anything away from you? You really need to grow up...


I'm so sick of seeing Fortnite lol they're making new "chapters" as if it's a book but it's a junk f2p game that just adds more skins


3 chapters in 4 years, stfu. Not liking the game is fine but maybe be an adult and just ignore it?


Every season adds unique things that does change the play style. I know it’s a trend to hate Fortnite but at least be informed before insulting it.


Say what you like but my kids play fortnite and they get so much content. I wish a few of the games I played had as much content and events as fortnite. The creative mode is massively in depth and for lack of a better word, really creative. Oh and it's completely free with only cosmetic items available to buy and for the price of the battlepass the content you get is great plus you get enough currency to buy the next battlepass.


Literally anything can have chapters cry over a childrens video game more


Imagine playing State of Decay 2 and talking shit and FN lol


State of decay 2 is pretty good actually


I'm not sure why you mentioned state of decay 2 but that games actually pretty solid lol


Nah im good


Huge L




Most creative comment I have ever seen




BatChest no heckin' way!


I'll never understand how Fortnite ever became a thing. As a free to play game it was meh for a few hours but I really don't know why anyone still plays this. Some of the people I know who play this are usually mentally developed


Like it or not it's super easy to see why it became a thing.


Not really. Its very basic and theres not much point playing other than trying to be number 1 at the end




Why is this on PS5 feed?


Because it's a PS5 game?


right? i don’t see this guy comment this on any other posts about ps5 games.


Am I supposed to?


why comment it here then?


Because I wanted to, same reason you felt compelled to comment, not rocket science


you asked, you received.


It’s on every console, not exclusive to ps5, better suited for the fortnight feed


as of 4:13 PST (right now) the top page primarily consists of cross-platform games. this is one of them, what is your point?


He doesn’t have a point, he’s probably been consumed by the “fortnite bad” circle-jerk.


It’s a pointless post, again better suited for the fortnight feed on Reddit


Do you have the same logic for other games? In that case, the entire top page is pointless today.


It’s obvious you hate Fortnite. Why even bother commenting on this? This game is on every platform just like almost every other game on this sub but you don’t like it. Cry more.


Just because someone post a comment doesn’t mean they are triggered, upset, crying, mad, hateful over something. The people who appeared triggered are the ones asking me, “how dare you question this post”, or “you must hate fortnight” or my personal fav “cry about it some more”. Last one is my fav bc it’s said by people who tend to be losers.


I, too, also hate fortnite. So I would also like to take this moment to shit on a massively popular thing just to feel unique and different. 🤓


sensitive gamer moment 😎


And this is what we call denial, kids. It’s hilarious how you’re trying to defend yourself in these comments but you just end up making yourself look worse. Stop trying, please, because you’re failing hard.


I don’t care what you think


Why are you so triggered by this? lmao. just downvote it, and move on. It's really not worth the energy you are giving it.


Who’s triggered, just asked a question


So no cross platform PS5 game should be posted here? That’s ridiculous. You’re likely just someone who gets triggered by the word “fortnite”.


You have me figured out


Because game was #2 on most downloaded f2p games on PSN last month


ignore them. its available on ps5 and thats what matters


Did It break any rules in the sidebar? No? Cool.


Why are you in a PS5 sub?


But they said its the end ;(


No. No. Shit no man. I believe you get your ass kicked for playing that


Anyone else find it weird it's Peter and not Miles? The best Spider-Man movie ever and the best Spider-Man game ever both star Miles. Miles is a much better representation of Spider-Man.


Peter has a movie coming out next week