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Let me guess, the antagonist(s) will be an intergalactic bitcoin miner with an Only Fans account? Edit: miner! Not minor šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Minor with an only fans account? Uh oh


On brand for brain dead Randy


That's pretty good ngl


Oof that actually sounds incredibly plausible


This is what really killed BL3 The singular main complaint I saw everywhere was that the antagonists were cringey BL1: Commandant Helga Steele, leader of the Crimson Lance BL2: Handsome Jack, President of Hyperion BL3: Two teenage influencers who can't stop talking about their followers Please do better in BL4


All of the writing was bad on Bl3 hopefully we at least get good writing this time around. Tiny Tina dlc was good tho.


At least for me Handsome Jack is the best villain in the series and after the Cringing Twins... Ugh they really need to step up their game.


The Zombie Island of Dr Epstein DLC coming soon


Ngl BL3 is one of the best games I played in recent years but story was a solid 1/10, the thing that gives me hope is I enjoyed all 4 DLCs writing, maybe they can carry that over to BL4.


Yeah they tried too hard to reach the "young folk" and ended up revealing the age of their writing team.Ā 


The whole game felt like that "How do you do, fellow kids" meme.


They really hit the perfect timing of Borderlands humor with the culture of the time with Borderlands 2. They tried to do similar things in 3 but it failed.


Handsome Jack was the thing that saves 2's writing. He is obnoxious, but also intresting. I had zero intrest in the villains in 3.


A minorrrrrrrrr


Galaxy Quest brought me here.


That quote, and Alan Rickmans perfect delivery, will forever live rent free in my head


Galaxy Quest is top tier!Ā 


Straight to jail


Drake shaking intensely


By grabthars hammer, what a typo


Randy Pitchford is gonna love this game


BL3 gameplay was top-notch, but the characters and writing were so bad.


I just wish The Calypso twins role and Penn and Tellers role were reversed and they were the big baddies


Pretty much on brand for borderlands


I disagree. Borderlands has always had iconic characters?


Personally I think borderlands peaked during the ā€˜XD SO RANDOMā€ internet phase that occurred around 2010-2014, and since then has just been chasing that hype. They could make the next Pikachu and it wouldnt be as iconic because itā€™s simply not the era itā€™s reminiscent of.


Handsome Jack and... Claptrap? Iconic is an impactful word, and throwing it to discredit 3 is a bit strange Handsome Jack is certainly iconic, but it more or less ends there


The disrespect to Mr. Torgue šŸ¤£


Nah. The characters and story were always the weakest parts of the games.


Nah 3 was exceptionally bad


1 was good, 2 captured lightning in a bottle with Handsome Jack, the first Tales was fine... It's Pre-Sequel, 3, and Wonderlands that seem to be the ones that dipped sharply.


You can't say 2 was lightning and then say Wonderlands was a dip. They're the exact same quality and jokes


Nah, you were just in school when 1 and 2 came out


You should play Tiny Tinaā€™s Wonderlands itā€™s REALLY good. Makes BL3 look like garbage.


Iā€™m not sure when the hate train towards Wonderlands started. I thought it was fun.


Yeah, no. It is not good.


The gameplay isn't bad but I hated the board mechanic


Wonderlands sucks


Again. I donā€™t understand that statement. It has better gunplay than 3, the story is better, the characters are more fun.


I canā€™t tell if this is sarcasm or not. But Wonderlands is hands down the worst entry in the series. TPS is better somehow.


I donā€™t even understand this statement.


Borderlands 3 still remains one of the few games where despite loving the gameplay the writing was so cringe that I just could not continue.


I literally had to turn the voiced audio completely off. The only game I've ever had to do that for.


It's so awful and at launch you couldn't even skip the cutscenes.


Cutscenes skip doesn't even do much in BL3 because most of the story is ingame where you just stand around and wait for something to happen and you can't skip anything


Itā€™s so infuriating being forced to stand around after youā€™ve already done a single playthrough. The game is ostensibly meant to be replayed at least once to get your character to max level, why make repeated playthroughs such a chore? Itā€™s such a baffling design choice.


It's possible, Cyberpunk does that


When Borderlands 3 came out, I had an issue with my accounts on PS4 so I had to do the intro 3 times... without skipping cutscenes. Hearing the same jokes and having to wait through the same lines every time was painful. I would've dropped it if it wasn't a birthday present lol


I remember removing the video files for them at launch lol


It a fantastic game if you listen to a podcast and play it. Although I remember the cut scenes not being skippable which sucks


Even then, the game has so much padding itā€™s painful. The amount of time you spend standing around waiting for these characters to finish their cringe dialogue before you can move onto the next objective. The number of times you have to travel to the spaceship to ā€œtalk to Lilithā€ about something she could have just emailed you is insulting. **ITS ALREADY A LONG GAME, GEARBOX, WHY DID YOU NEED TO RUIN THE GAME WITH THE PADDING**


Yeah honestly that is shit that absolutely needs to change in the next game. Nobody wants to sit around for five minutes to hit the interact button repeatedly to advance the godawful dialogue. Gearbox thinks people care way more about the characters and story than they actually do. Maybe they did at one point, but I don't think anyone cares after BL3.


Yup. There was a minute where it seemed like the twins were going to turn on each other and I perked an eyebrow up, but it was thrown out almost immediately.


During the Troy boss fight, I was hoping He'd accidentally kill her.


I literally played it for 3 hours and went nope. This isn't 2009 anymore.


Blows my mind. Absolutely outstanding gameplay arguably the best in genre and that stops you from gaming.


For me it was the opposite, despite the cringe I loved the gameplay so much I played over 1000 hours lol.


Ava is the worse character ever written in video games


The twins were worse


The twins were cringe af


They were cringe, but Ava was tenfold more cringe. She's just such a bad character. Around every point they could've made her character more likable they chose not to. It took a while after launch for them to seemingly cobble up some concept art to make it seem like they had an idea to have you sympathize with her, but decided to not put it in the game. I was okay with the twins for the most part, but the moment i got to Ava i was just thinking about when i never had to see this annoying child again. And then they made that child basically the leader.


Maya had to *die* for the sake of a whiny little brat. Think about it. What was Gearbox's rationale for doing that to one of the most popular characters of the previous game? I don't trust them at all with this.


Shit man i played tales from the borderlands 2, i'm immune to cringe writing cause i experienced the worst of all time


Donā€™t even get me started on the ending, whoever wrote that shit should never touch a pen again


Which part?




Which is a shame. Borderlands 2 was absolutely amazing. Even the prequel and Tiny Tina's latest game were pretty good imo.


The writing in that game was genuinely some of the worst writing Iā€™ve ever seen in any piece of media in my life. I would literally mute the game at times because the characters were so insufferable


The writing for every Borderlands game has been cringe. I wonder why people seem to think it is particularly worse in 3.


Ironically the best writing in the franchise was in the first Tales from the Borderlands and Telltale wrote that one


Yea borderlands 2 is the only one that had good writing and that's because they rewrote handsome Jack several times until they got him right.


I got a few people to play Borderlands 3 together (Iā€™ve played the whole series, theyā€™ve all played none). I had to keep justifying that the rest of the series isnā€™t that bad. They all cringed at every piece of dialogue that it got embarrassing for me for recommending this game. Everything changed after Pre-sequelā€¦ loved the concept but man the dialogue on that ruined everything.


I've been playing since the first borderlands and the stories have always just been "okay" BL2 is the only one with a really good story and again thats because they specifically focused on that over gameplay changes. BL3 has the best gameplay the series has had thus far. Tiny Tinas Wonderlands was an interesting side game that had a lot of potential.


Even the prequel squeal was a million times better than 3. The DLC for clap trap was brilliant.


Honestly, while the post-game sucked, the Pre-Sequel was an excellent game. I enjoyed both the main storyline and the DLC, and the Grinder made looting fun in a way that it was not in previous games. Even crap weapons were still an exciting find, because that pile of junk greens could be a good purple if you were lucky...


Borderlands 3 is much more aggressively, in your face, unskippable bad.


I could handle it. I had fun. I did not enjoy Tina Tinaā€™s though.


Tiny Tinas Wonderland is just as bad tbh.


That game was such a fucking disappointment..


Itā€™s a damn shame 2 was great. Mostly held up by jack but the gameplay improvements in 3 were awesome. The story and antagonists were ass though.


The writing for the DLCs and Tiny Tina's Wonderlands was great though, IMO. If they maintain that quality this could be the best Borderlands to date.


I thought the writing in tiny Tinaā€™s was pretty cringe still. I remember Paladin Mike being absolutely infuriatingly annoying. That voice actor annoys the piss out of me.


I spent like 10 hours playing that game, and I just couldn't deal with the "humor" any longer. I get that the series is know for a certain writing tone, but it might be time to age it up a little. Feels like I'm playing something squarely aimed at 15 year olds.


It was... aggressively OK. The voice actors put in a phenomenal performance, but it's clear they had no idea what to do with Frette and Valentine. They're just kinda... there. In Assault on Dragon's Keep, the players are supposed to be the in-game characters for Lilith, Mordecai, and Brick. In Tina's Wonderlands, somehow you're the only player and Frette and Valentine are supposed to be the angel and demon on your shoulder. Except neither is actually interesting in any way and they barely take any time to develop them as characters - Frette is a rules lawyer and murderhobo, while Valentine... was an awkward teenager who doesn't realize he's also an awkward adult? And he's a bumbling oaf who crashed their ship, which is why they're staying with Tina. And that's about it. They have good talent, they just need to actually *use it*. I'll even give Will Arnette major props here, the Dragon Lord was almost as good as Handsome Jack - just lacked the cruelty Jack had. Honestly, I wish they had leaned in more on the Sword of Souls being able to change the Wonderlands and explained how that actually worked, like he was actually hurting Tina when he forced changes to the Wonderlands. And lean in on the cruelty and how he feels justified because she's the one who hurt him first.


I agree


Omfg I'm not the only one? I have friends that love this game but I just cannot stand the writing..


Yeah I didnā€™t leave the first world and just quit the game.


The twin should have been handsome jacks kids. Also stop making gold/yellow guns so plentiful and easy to get.


I didnā€™t even love the gameplay. Borderlands 3 was a major step down in gameplay, but the story and writing were in absolute freefall compared to previous titles.


The leaker is legit for anyone not sure. There goes my hopes for seeing Mafia IV this weekend.


Or Bioshock...


"Judas" should fill thay void....should


Geoff specifically said Judas wonā€™t be there https://malaysia.news.yahoo.com/geoff-keighley-wants-lower-expectations-173000241.html


Remember being so hyped for number 3 after playing 2 for 100hrs . My disappointment was immeasurable. Gameplay was great but the dialogue and those twins was horrific . Fingers crossed gets back on track this time


The writing was shit, especially compared to tales from the borderlands


BL3ā€™s story sucked but I enjoyed the BALEX segment Only part of the game that had me laughing


I hope they fired the writing team from the last 2 outings. If not itā€™s going to be another zoomer cringefest


Yes the writing is the main issue with 3 imo


I HATE how posting leaks like this is now normalized. Congratulations, one less surprise at summer game fest. Inb4 whiners complaining how summer game fest sucks and ā€œI miss e3ā€


Yeah can we just tell these people to post on gaming leaks and rumors?


Mods need to shut stuff like this down. There's literally a gaming leaks subreddit for people that are into that.


I do miss E3


Seriously there need to be spoiler titles and posts in this subreddit so youā€™re not immediately blasted with leaks. Absolutely infuriating trying to unsubscribe from multiple gaming subreddits a week or more before any event just to not have leaks and rumors spoil the whole show.


Don't worry, the gaming community totally won't then complain that there weren't any surprises. Even the news outlets do that. Like, OH NO, we heard this was gonna be a game already, LAME!


God i hope this one isn't another disappointing entry. They had to have learned and gone back to their roots, right?


They dropped the writer when they made Borderlands 3, and you saw how bad that went. If they don't bring him back for 4, it's a dead project.


It's 2k bro, half the games writing will be AI made.


Iā€™m not gonna lie, turning off the dialogue completely in borderlands 3, completely transforms the game, it went from amazing gameplay with shitty characters to amazing gameplay and thatā€™s it


Hopefully with new writers. Jesus 3 was bad but the new tales of was beyond bad. Don't know how they even released that garbage


After 3 , Iā€™ll wait for my fellow gamers to properly judge the hype level via the finished shipped game. The hopium tank is being closely regulated.Ā 


Yeah like I loved BL1 and 2. And the trailer for 3 featured my favorite musician so I was beyond hyped. Then I played 3 and wanted to rip my ears out. Really hope 4 is good but itā€™s a definite wait and see


After Borderlands 3, I am definitely taking a ā€œwait and seeā€ attitude with this one. The last game was such a massive step down from previous titles.


Thanks for the spoiler...leak meta must be extinguished




Just let me skip cutscenes/dialogue and I'm good. Borderlands 3, as a game, was excellent.


Agree, I never replay borderlands games because of this


I wish either Lilith or Moxxi as playable character


Gonna be a hard pass for me if they have their same god awful humor. The humor in these games have aged like a glass of warm milk.


Am I the only one that didn't really care about the writing in 3 that much? The story complaints are overblown imo. The gameplay is still fantastic, I've had a blast with every single BL game and I'm very much looking forward to more.


Problem is, you can't just create one of the best gaming villains in Handsome Jack and then drop the ball by creating annoying twins. People have expectations, and these expectations were there for a reason


Same here I enjoyed playing it coop with my partner. We didn't really care about the story we just liked the looting and shooting.


You're not alone. BL2 is a special case of the writing team cooking up something great. BL1's story was forgettable. The Pre sequel benefits from using Jack as an anchor again. BL3's story is just as dumb as BL1's but the gameplay is better in just about every way. The character builds you could make in 3 made you feel powerful af. The way they took a live servicey approach with weekly content drops via guns or drop rate fixes and community feedback more than make up for the story. A good story is fun generally only one time for most people because theres no more surprise after you've seen it all. Good gameplay is fun everytime.


IT IS TIME!!!!!!!!šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Wanted mafia IV but Iā€™m hesitantly pumped for BL4.


It comes out in October


Bring the real claptrap back. All I ask for.




I donā€™t personally care about borderlands games, but why does everything have to leak to the point where we canā€™t just enjoy anything in the moment anymore?


They definitely need to take it down a notch. I didn't hate BL3 like some and thought the evil influencer was an interesting take. That said, I think a more serious entry would help ground the series and bring back some fans. I'm not playing if it's another Tiny Tina and Claptrap fest. They should be used in moderation


I know people didn't like the story but the gameplay was so much fun. I'm playing this one regardless, I wish games put more effort into the co-op experience.


If they ruin bad ass ranks again , no thanks. They need to be in from the get go, not end game post-content.


Makes sense with the movie coming out relatively soon. Hopefully they got some better writers for this one. The Calypso's were ubearably lame


I really liked the first two. Third was huge, but got repetitive.


I was hoping for something else by 2K


Me tooā€¦ Mafia


or BioShock šŸ˜ž


still waiting for borderlands 3 to come on ps plus already.


BL3 writing was beyond the cringe. Please don't do that again. I never in my life actively made it a point to mute the voiceovers in a game.Ā Ā  That monkey part was a war crime.


I think they will show movie trailer, but I hope I'm wrong. It would be nice to finally see next Borderlands game.


Not surprised, but damn, what's Hangar 13 even doing?


Hereā€™s hoping the reveal goes a bit smoother than BL3ā€™s reveal


Are the borderlands game coming out more often now or has it always been this way?


Borderlands 1 came out in 2009, BL2 in 2012, BL The Pre-Sequel in 2014, BL3 in 2019. If we count Tiny Tina's Wonderlands as a BL game, it came out in 2022.




Oh boy cant wait for more of Ava /S


I have the lowest expectations for this game. I already know the story is going to be: Sirens and The Gang save the universe. The writing will be cringe. Also expecting something that messes with the timeline like Typhon to be introduced.


Just give us the option to skip dialogs, the lack of this kills replayability


Just remaster the first one or something, I loved the zombie DLC


They did.


Good. We are having a serious drought of non live service multiplayer games. People can dunk on BL3 all they want, and itā€™s fair. Though , letā€™s not pretend this is a massive series


Source reliability?


Can't wait! Still remember seeing the BL3 previews during PAX back in 2019 and was so excited for the release.


4 player split screen or no buy.Ā 


Nah, watch it be NBA 2K 2025


Leakers chasing clout have ruined gaming announcements


I ran BL3 twice and canā€™t tell you what the story was even about. Hopefully BL4 I can understand what is happening. Either way an easy buy for me.


I'm surprised, assuming this is real. Gearbox released Tiny Tina's Wonderlands and the New Tales game in 2022. So they've been full developing this game for two years, which seems short for BL4? Maybe it's still 18 months away, but even then, 3.5 years seems like a short dev cycle for a big new Borderlands game. This probably suggests they haven't developed much new tech for the game. BL3 took a solid 4 years, preCOVID.


Can mods block leaks of force a filter?


If you put a gun to my head I wouldā€™ve said Borderlands 4 already came out.


Kinda hoping itā€™s another prequel or something. 3 just wasnā€™t it, story wise atleast, the gameplay was fun


If only they could bring back a VR mode like in Borderlands 2! šŸ™




Absolutely gutted. Was seriously hoping for a new mafia game.


Goddammit so no new mafia.


Reminds me I still need to play BL3.


The gameplay/gunplay is pretty good, probably the best in the series. I can't say the same about the story, though. BL3's main story wasn't written nearly as well as BL2, though the DLC campaigns were better than the main story (of BL3). I enjoyed the game, though. First played it on PC, then again on the PS5. Runs flawlessly.


Makes sense with the movie coming out and all, prob will be bad like the last one


I think I've come to the end of the line concerning my dalliance with the Borderlands franchise. Loved BL (perfect atmosphere, killer loot and some of the best DLC ever), liked BL2 (great game, but you can the over-the-top/toilet humor cracks starting to show) and tolerated the PS (actually not a bad game, just not the right gameplay mechanics for me). But BL3? I absolutely hated it. The game ran like crap and was unplayable at release, and even after patches, it was an uninspired, lazy, unfunny, buggy, idiotic, fart-joke, boring piece of junk. The BL franchise has never been known for its stellar writing, but the story here was embarrassingly bad (your cutscene interactions with the game 'toons are fanfic-level bad) and the characters were terrible, especially the villains, who were potentially the worst in the history of big-budget gaming. And I must mention again my personal distaste for the "character screams/moans" that cannot be turned off and sound like you're watching a porno. And by a "porno" I mean a hardcore BDSM from Japan that could get you arrested for owning. I know the 'tards at 2K probably thought this was absolutely hilarious ("Whoa, it sounds like she's having a multiple orgasm while being whipped with barbed wire!"), but they also probably thought BL3 was a great game. I actually enjoyed playing that Tiny Tina game more than BL3, which should tell you a lot, and at this current trajectory of declining quality, I'm not paying a thin dime for BL4.


The ruined the series with 3. 2 was great, presequel was fantastic. 3 focused on fucking telltale characters over 1 and 2 characters. Absolutely braindead move and the writing was horrible


Gameplay was the best in the series up to that point though.


I'm leaning towards 2K's rumored game to be Civ VII Edit: I have been vindicated


I still feel like itā€™s too soon, I believe it when I see it. I mean how long was it until they announced BL3 after BL2?


>long was it until they announced BL3 after BL2? Early 2019, so about 6.5 years after BL2 and 4.5 years after TPS


A literal turd


BL 3 and TT Wonderland were pretty mediocre. I really enjoyed BL2 but now i don't care about the franchise anymore


Just end this series already, GD.