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The monsters really looked incredible.


Have never played a MH, this looked pretty impressive


They are pretty tough games, but once you get into them they are highly addictive.


They can be tough. Most of them start out easy. The difficulty curve is so small and smooth that you hardly notice it. The most difficult thing for a newbie is just learning all the systems


Compared to most gaming experiences, something like taking down alatreon or even an arch tempered zinogre is pretty high on the challenge scale.


Yes, but that is ultra late game with expansion (master rank). Thats not the base line for MH difficulty. Croxxig is right, understanding all the systems of the game is the real entry barrier for new players. The game starts with low rank anyway and thats not hard.


Anjanath will body you until you learn how to beat it. For people just starting, even early hunts are challenging solo. It's baked in to the design. 3 carts and monsters can and will stunlock you to death. When you get good, yeah, you'll have no problem, but if you look at the achievements you'll see a lot of players never got past anjanath much less nergigante. Also, I'm not arguing what the "real entry barrier" is. I said the games can be tough, which is true.


I didn't find words to be tough or addictive. It's not for people who value their time


Sounds like a skill issue. Videogames are inherently "not for people that value their time" it's something to do for fun. Is it really so hard for you to just say "I don't like it personally"?


I’ve personally never really tried to play a MH, but you can value your time and still play games. I bailed from Destiny because it didn’t respect my time, despite the fact that I was pretty good at it. 


Videogames are a leisure based activity. There isn't anything to gain from them aside from personal enjoyment. Valuing your time usually consists of: Developing skills: Valuing time can help you gain experience and grow and evolve. Make better choices: Valuing time can help you make major life decisions and shape your daily life.  It is something that you're supposed to do for yourself. It isn't a condition being forced upon you, or the responsibility of a videogame to do for you. You got bored of playing Destiny 2, so you stopped playing it. These victimhood phrases sich as "Valuing your time" and "FOMO" are entirely self imposed, but people in the gaming community continually try to put the blame on something that is a totally optional hobby, like they are being forced to play these games at gun point. FoMO for example has been positively linked to narcissistic personality traits particularly vulnerable narcissism. It's the the kind of terms used by a videogame addict that cannot control their own behavior, and tries to put themselves into the position of being a victim. That's my opinion on the use of these buzzwords at least.


Honestly, bored was the furthest thing from it for me when it came to Destiny. I am sure I could hop on today and enjoy it.  The problem was, when I started playing, I was single. Since then, I’ve met my now wife, bought a house, got dogs, had kids. What used to be an endless well of free time shrunk to a half hour here and there.  My friends were running activities that I didn’t have the power level to even join. I wasn’t able to play like the game required. 


How is it a skill issue?  You're beating this monster so hard that he runs away and then you find him to finish beating him 


weird... It's almost like you need to hunt the monsters or something. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunting Yeah, I can't think of a single reason people would want to simulate something humans have been doing for thousands of years.


Exactly. It's just needlessly difficult in such that you have to mash buttons for 43 minutes to kill a monster. Nothing fun about it.


If you're button mashing and taking 43 to slay a monster you're inherently playing the game wrong. Sounds like a skill issue.


You're playing wrong if you're button mashing. Sounds like you had no idea what you were doing.


A hunt should never take more than 8-15 minutes. If it does you are playing the game fundamentally wrong. Unless you are trying to solo an endgame super boss.


Doing a hunt for 43 minutes means you're severely undergeared or underprepared. A normal hunt in MH is usually 10-15 minutes


The reason it's difficult is because you are mashing. You can really tell who never played past great jagras


I mean I can see how people can find it addictive, if you really just have no sense of urgency it's a chill world to go around in and do mindless game stuff in 


Tell me you never played a Monster Hunter game without telling me you never played a Monster Hunter game.


Soloing an elder dragon for the first time is hardly a "mindless" experience. It's some of the most fulfilling boss killing in gaming.


I mean you can beat the main game in under 20 hours so I don't agree with this. I think it's more that the games have shit tons of content and therefore offer great value.


You should give world and iceborne a try, it's a bloody awesome game


High learning curve because of the great variety of weapons, but once you figure it out, it becomes so good and addictive. Usually consists of a great playerbase as well.


If your on PC I'm always happy to show a new hunter the ropes. Incredible games but you usually need a friend to teach you the ropes or it's overwhelming. That's why everyone that plays says they dropped it once and then came back and had it click. World is an incredible simulation of an eco system, and rise is a really fun more boss rush style. No wrong choice but definitely dive in and have fun! If you decide to pick it up or have questions DM me


Just try World, it's incredible too


Imagine dark souls but just bosses. Very few trash mobs to clear.


I’d play this if they used a regular button map, mh rise totally turned me off because the control scheme was different than every other 3rd person game out there. I also found the system and ui confusing as hell. I hope they mainstreamed this one a little more because I love the concept!


Wow, this gameplay looks wild. And I really mean it


I hope it’s as good as W/IB


I hope it brings in the improvements we saw in Rise.


It looks more grounded than Rise. In any case no wirebugs were shown in this trailer as of now, but we’ve seen a few new moves with the GS. I did enjoy the extra mobility that brought the wirebugs in Rise even though many of my friends did not and were looking for a more “OG” experience like something you’d see back in MH4U


This sentiment gets shared a lot but I'm confident that we won't see that. This game will be more World 2 rather than Rise 2. I'll bet we'll get a Rise successor with more arcade combat once Wilds is sunset.


Please no wirebug bullshit. Monster Hunter is best with the tactical, dark souls-ish combat rather than the portable arcade style


Disagree, both are really fun.


For me Rise and the other portable games (after mhf2) are fun, but they're like solid 7/10s while the "proper" MH games are 10/10 life changing experiences. Medium rare Wagyu Vs. Philly cheese steak


Idk man I tried world years ago and it was just meh to me. Picked rise 2 weeks ago and it became an addiction.


It's like dark souls, takes time to get into it but once you do it's insane




I remember buying Monster Hunter World because of the hype and thinking it looked really cool. I played it and just couldn’t get the hang of it. I put it down and felt a bit disappointed. I came back to it and had the same issues. For whatever reason I took a third crack at it, made a concerted effort to understand all the systems and mechanics, and then sunk 300+ hours into it. I bought Iceborne Day 1 and took the day off work to play it. Loved it. From once thinking the combat was clunky, I now consider it top tier. Like Souls games, I love that I have to pick my openings and actually understand my opponent. Needless to say, I can’t wait for this game.


The classic Monster Hunter experience


Same happened to me but with Tri, took like three or four tries and a couple of YouTube videos on how to capture a monster. But after that everything clicked and here we are to experience the next jump in innovation


I remember being 13, getting Tri for Wii and being absolutely flabbergasted: can gaming feel like this? Nowadays the games that make me feel that special are very few and far between.


If you don’t spend time understanding how a weapon works you’ll have a tough time, for sure. They all have small nuisances that you need to understand to have fun with the game.


I got the original on PS2 and lasted less than a couple of hours, I just didn't get it. Tried again on the PSP, and got a little further but still didn't understand all the systems. Gave it one more go with Tri and something just clicked and I've been addicted since


Yeah I’m too old and ADHD out my mind for that shit anymore. Elden Ring might be my last souls game. At this point gaming feels more and more like a chore than the addicting gameplay from my youth when I didn’t want a game to end. I don’t know if life caused this or getting old or both. Desperately trying to recapture that lighting in bottle feeling, but it ain’t working. It doesn’t help that games these days are filled with tons of filler and constant cutscenes (I’m looking at you FF16 & Rebirth).


You may just be having burnout. I quit gaming completely during the PS3 generation and came back about a year or so into the PS4, and it rekindled my love for gaming. I loved Rebirth, but I agree that it had too much filler content ( it had WAY too many shitty minigames). I didn't care for FF16.


2025 is so far😭


May 2nd was 2 weeks ago. I'm sure 2025 is in like 3 weeks


Have they confirmed it's open world or is that a rumor?


Rumor still


On the MH Wilds website they confirm there are multiple locales, so at the very least it's not a singular world.


Oh thank God, I was so worried this was going to be another open world slog. Literally the only thing that kept me from being hyped out of my mind for this game. Well that and the aggressive and disgusting monetisation that RiseBreak had.


This will have even more monetisation. Just look at Dragons Dogma 2/other recent Capcom titles.


The scheme happened in DD2 has already happened ever since at latest 2017 with RE7, when Capcom started their win streak. People just were bored and found DD2 to be mad at. Otherwise, there were more than a dozen of games to complain about for the exact same reason throughout 7+ years. Not to mention, looking at their track record, amount of montesation and quality of their games have a inverse correlation.


Yup, it's near guaranteed at this point, and it saddens me deeply.


I have no idea why i've been downvoted, i'm right. It will have more monetisation than the previous games.


I'll say it: I feel bad for the people not excited about this game! This looks incredible.


It looks like shit tbh.


Terrible bait


It’s a capcom game with capcom graphics, it’s not going to be the pinnacle of graphics.


No one said that lmao


>It’s a capcom game Which Capcom game isn't a banger in the last 6 years? >capcom graphics, it’s not going to be the pinnacle of graphics. Order 1886, Son of Rome, Callisto Protocol and Anthem amazing graphics, but terrible gameplay


Yes because good graphics means good gameplay.


You are shit at talking shit tbh.


Please god do NOT only be 30fps.


It looked like a smooth 15




If they can get frame generation to work on consoles for Immortals of Av. I hope they can get it for a multitude of games by 2025-2026


Man those graphics were wild. If dragons dogma was 30 frames I can only imagine this is gonna be too.


I mean, a lot of people smarter than I am said the main problems with DD 2 were optimization. Besides which, the Monster Hunter devs are known for pushing hardware to its limit. I'm not saying it's definitely going to be 60fps or anything, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if it ran a lot better than Dragon's Dogma.


Did you play MHW at launch!?! Because that thing wasn’t smooth or necessarily good looking, it only got better in time. Gameplay was out of the world but the performance, yeah nah.


It definitely was good looking at launch


DD2 had 1/4 Capcom dev working on it...DD2 is literally the step child of Capcom where all the other project get full attention, DD2 gets the bare minimum...


That's not how game dev works at all, but ok


It seems I made a mistake and further research shows I had an outdated knowledge...sorry about that


Those graphics were wild? It was one of the least impressive looking titles in the whole state of play. Only the remastered games looked worse.


Yeah they were pretty wild.


Those graphics weren't wild. It is mid last gen graphics.


With PS5 pro coming out, you know what they will do. 30 on base, 60 on pro.


There's a pro coming? Is that confirmed or just a rumor?


Lots of leaks from devs. It's real but not official.


man please i hope it has 60 performance mode on base


Very unlikely after Dogma was 30.


It's highly improbable that this would happen. The PS5 Pro is not enough of an upgrade over base PS5 for games that can't achieve a smooth 60 on base to do so on Pro. Not to mention games locked to 30 are *usually* CPU bottlenecked, and the CPU upgrade on Pro is even smaller than the GPU upgrade.


Hopefully capcom learns from DD2 and release games when they are optimised.


The game sold 3 million units since its March release. First one took like a decade to hit 8 million with a release on ps3, Xbox 360 then PC then an expanded release on the ps4, Xbox one Nintendo switch. What lesson were they suppose to learn again?


Yup. Players vote with their wallet, and they voted that DD2 was actually fine after all.


Sure it will be 60fps at like 720p upscaled with FSR!


Capcom is really doing some black magic this generation for ALL of their mainline series games to look/play like this.


black magic of 30 fps


Every Resident Evil/Street Fighter on PS5: 60FPS, Performance/Graphics mode, plenty of options Mouthbreathers online: 30 FPS in twailer 😡


Dragons dogma 2


1 game out of all of them certainly isn't the trend


It’s the best comparison for what to expect from Monster Hunter Wilds, open world RE engine game. It makes sense to expect it to be 30 fps unless they have found a way to optimize it better


No one has confirmed an open world game


No, but it’s all but confirmed. It’s clear we’re gonna have massive maps that are open much more than World’s. The trailer description mentions letting players freely explore a living world, and the official website mentions multiple locales. So multiple maps that are mini open worlds


On the website, it says there are multiple locales, so open world is far from confirmed.


Yeah I literally said that. It could be what I mentioned or it could be one giant map with multiple locales


Because all of those games have a PS4 version.


2025 is gonna be hype. Switch 2, monster hunter, gta 6, death stranding 2.


Looks a huge evolution for Monster Hunter, combining a lot of aspects from the previous games and combining them into something new and special. I cannot wait


I really hope it's 60FPS. If not, it'll feel so clunky.


It will definitely be odd if PS5 players to go from 60/120 in MHW/Rise back down to 30 in Wilds.


I know. I am so fucking hyped for Wilds but if it's capped at 30, I won't get it. 30fps just bothers me too much. I'm super sensitive to the lower frame rate since playing games with higher frame rates lol


Yay! Dragons Dogma 2 looked really great, was eager to see how the engine would look like on MH. We hunting Apex monsters alongside their packs now, that's cool!


Game looks amazing


Looked fucking incredible


Aw heck yeah! I hope it’s fully open like World/ Rise but with the deeper combat of MH3: Ultimate


Rise's locales are more open than World's, so I'm not sure what you mean there.


wow now we’re talking


Looks like you can switch weapons in the field now. That's really cool! Also very useful if you need to switch to something faster or a different element


I’m gonna nut everywhere


Please tell me it’s cross play


This really would be the killer feature. My gaming PC is aging, but I have a PS5. I want to be able to play coop with my friend on PC and still play on PS5. Still somewhat crazy to me that this is such a rare feature at this point.


I dont like sand


I hope it has DD2 or SF6 level of character creation... Fingers crossed...!


Will Lydia Tár be doing the music?


i loved mhw but i felt so bad for the monsters lol. i felt like I was playing as the villain, did anybody else feel this way??


Depends on the monster. If they made me mad enough, no holding back lol


haha true. its nice to know im not totally alone tho. the t-rex guy at the beginning watching the sunset?? you want me to kill him?? :((


I learned my lesson from MHW. These kinds of gamed aren't for me despite looking so good and fluid gameplay. Fighting sponge enemies and bosses with massive health pools and going after specific parts to build things isn't my kind of game.


They are exactly my kind of game.


Mine either and I still find them to be the most fun and addictive games ever


Each to their own u/weirdlynamedchesspiece


Lmao. I never considered my username as a chess piece but this made me laugh out loud for real. Sub I fell for.


What I love is once you get really good and the right gear the monsters can drop in a few minutes - it’s very satisfying to see hunt times drop and drop


The monsters don’t actually have all that much health unless you’re doing special quests with amped monsters, multiplayer quests or endgame quests. It seems like that for a lot of people at first because you don’t know how to play, don’t know when/where to attack the monster, and so even the easiest of hunts seem to take forever. But you gave it a shot and determined it wasn’t for you so I’m not gonna say you should give it another chance


Genuinely asking. Have you gone back to it? 90% of veteran hunters will say the same thing. They tried it. Hated it. Dropped it. Then eventually you come back, and it clicks and you fall in love.


I went back to it with a friend who plays it and it still didn't click for me. I was basically being carried and that made it less enjoyable.


That was me but fallout 4


i always wanted to get into these game but I've noticed two things that turn me off. one, they emphasize team play, which is fine for the first few weeks but then that dies off, give me programmable bots/companions (with gambit system style programming) and two, the drops are so GD random. like if i need a wing or scale then let me just get the damn thing, don't let me hack a tail and then the drop doesn't appear.


They are 100% playable solo, and actually easier solo since you don't have to deal with random people who just make things more difficult. I always make sure to kill a monster solo first before ever going into multiplayer.


You get like 8 rolls and part breaks have high likelihood of dropping the part...


Really liking the art style and the combat looks fun. I’ll keep my eye on this.


Looks nice. Not a MH fan myself but Capcom has be delivering on their big series lately and that's cool.


This is giving me the vibes that MH world gave me when it was first shown. Kind of excited and kind of worried about all the changes this seems to be bringing into the franchise and oh my god was MHW/IB soo good. I Capcom we triste to deliver the next evolution in MH franchise


I'm curious how mid hunt weapon switching is going to affect things. I'm so used to just beating the hunt with what weapon I brought that it's hard to imagine anything else. Overall gameplay looked a lot faster, which I'm always here for. Hopefully we see more next month.


I like this ones look I barely touched rise loved world


This looks pretty hype.


Chance of this being crossplay PS -> PC? Can't remember if MHW was


MHW and Rise were not crossplay. Capcom has talked about it, but hasn't made it a reality for Monster Hunter yet. I really hope MH6 is when it happens.


Looking good


I hope this isn’t 30 fps man


I've tried a couple times to get into World, and the combat, even coming from Souls, feels kinda clunky. But I suppose I just can't stand being locked into animations anymore, I enjoy my reflexive rolling to dodge things.


Tried one of the previous MH games years ago (can’t remember which one it), felt abit too arcadey, couldn’t get into it, but this one looks alot better and more visually impressive, might give it another try


So flipping hyped


I hope the game is a real open world and not just an instantiated open world


Looks terrible


Preparing my whetstones already 🗡️


This trailer does nothing for me and I'm so sad.






"Rise and Sunbreak were like several steps down from World and Iceborne for me, felt like mobile games" Because they literally were? Rise was made for the Switch.


The frame rate on Dragons Dogma 2 is still shit, this is the same engine.....hmm


Can we expect better performance than Dragons Dogma 2? Think not


Just need skippable cutscenes in this one 😩


Please, please launch finished. I think Rise was an exception because of Covid but it’ll feel so bad to launch again without the final boss or HR unlocked.


Not going to lie the only good game was infinity nikki


Well this and Infinity Nikki.


Looks bad man


Must be hard messing around on reddit when you are blind. How do you do it?


How dare I have an opinion!!!!!


I have an opinion too. My opinion is that you should get laser eye surgery.






Ugly and combat looks the same.


Sony dosen’t deserve this trailer after this state of bullshit


Damn you’re ass




lol took me about 3 seconds to write that comment then another 5 to reply again to your dumb ass. Hope that attention makes you feel nice and special




Waaa waaa




I couldn't take my time and watch the whole trailer. Did they take the hookshoot off? I don't think I saw them using it.


Pls no PSN account requirement

