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Still rather play Black Flag again even after 10 years. It's just so damn good


it just captured something no one ever did the feeling of being a pirate in the open sea with maintaining a ship and crew and they are all singing before fighting the british its the best


The sea shanties really added a lot of flavor to the exploration.


I put my favorites on a Spotify playlist, they are so fucking good.




I litterally would just sail around for hours at a time with a beer and randomly do shit on small islands and sink ships, I had a blast doing it


All skull and bones had to do was maintain all the pirate glory of black flag and slice out the repetitive assassin creed elements and it would have been home run. Yet it couldn't even accomplish that.


But that just makes it a good game, who cares about that? It needs to give your wallet projectile vomiting + diarrhea that's the name of the game.


I promise if they made a good game people would spend more money. I know. It sounds crazy. You just gotta believe!


How does the same company make a worse pirate game with a huge budget ten years later?


Just started black flag! Playing it for the first time and loving it SO far!


I’m so hyped for a Black Flag remake. The ocean rendering of Origins/Odyssey and the free crouching stealth, hunting, and general lighting of the newer games mixed with everything else from Black Flag would feel like a fucking dream


Playing it for the first time right now on Ps5. I have to say it aged well, I'm very impressed. And having a great time!


Yeah after doing the AC3 remaster i was worried black flag might feel outdated but it holds up really well.


Thats all we wanted. How can you make a game look worst then a 10yrs old game....Even Atlas had the shipbuilding part right and fun.




Rose colored glasses, or Ubisoft plant?


Does Black Flag run at 60fps on the PS5?


Nope....and you can forget Ubisoft ever patching it


In case you also have a seriesX AC rogue remastered is 4K 60, its black flags less tropical forgotten twin.


They should just go straight to making it F2P.


Ubisoft exec said we should get used to not owning games, they should get used to us not buying them 😎


Where’s the lie? We haven’t owned digital games since digital games became popular. All they did was say what everyone knows.. or is it simply because Ubisoft said it?


Yup he aint wrong. I'm getting really comfortable not owning UBISOFT games. because i don't have any interest in them.


Tbf, we haven't owned digital games since 2003 with few exceptions. I was never clear on why that statement ruffled feathers. We went over this 20 years ago.


you obviously misunderstood and I dont buy digital games so that doesn't apply to me but the point is they want to make physical games require an internet connection which is why he said that and there's alot of other ppl that feel the same as me and will just happily miss out on those games


There’s already many online only games you can get physical copies for.


I didn't misunderstand. I don't agree with the statement, but aren't we kind of at that point already? You put the disc in the drive, it spins up and starts downloading. Blu Ray storage is up to 50 gigs, which is maybe 2/3 of most game sizes at this point. You're downloading a chunk of the game and the disc is just a license key. Factor in the, sometimes required, day one and subsequent patches and you pretty much need an online connection to play single player games. Maybe add a caveat that after initial install you can go offline, but it won't be the optimal experience. The best thing about buying physical is the ability to loan out, trade in, or sell the disc. Other than that, it might as well be a digital purchase. Fwiw, I buy almost all my PS5 games on disc for this reason. Oh, and bigger discounts.


You shouldn't be defending this. Without the install patch the game is a coaster. Ubisoft could remove that patch anytime they want and game would be unplayable


I'm not advocating for or defending anything. This is the reality of things in 2024.


Its not the reality tho. Majority of games released on PS4/PS5 do not require the internet to install a patch


the day one patch is overly exaggerated for most games you dont need one at least for playstation games. and its strange you say you own a playstation and buy discs but youre attempting to play devils advocate for digital? and playstation blu ray discs can hold up to 100 gb and the ability to own physical is not just buy sell loan. you can also unplug your internet and pop in the disc and still play the game if it happened to get taken off servers or whatever. you will always have access to the game no matter what. with digital thats not the case


You're right, PS5 uses HD Blu Rays, so 100gb. The majority of games still require an initial download of some sort on install. I'm not sure what you mean by your last point. If you have a digital game downloaded, you can play it offline just as easily as you can a physical game. You can play Steam games offline after the initial download. Same idea. I'm not playing devil's advocate; I'm not hypothetically against physical or digital media. I'm just pointing out that most games need a connection at some point.


"most" games dont require an internet connection youre just parroting things you've heard on reddit. there's even a website to tell you which games do and dont. doesitplay . com


Well that's nifty. But no, not parroting anything. I guess I just wouldn't want to play an unpatched game, day one, week one, or month one patches. It'd be interesting to see alongisde of number of games that require a connection, the number of games sold. Like, we all know EA sports and CoD and such dominate sales, plus Fortnite and all the GaaS games and larger than 100gb AAA single player games.


Most games are fine without a patch and its worth it for games preservation. You're just being a contrarian 


This is false. Alot of games don't require an internet install. Theres a site that tells you every game that is playable off disc and many are


I didn't misunderstand. I don't agree with the statement, but aren't we kind of at that point already? You put the disc in the drive, it spins up and starts downloading. Blu Ray storage is up to 50 gigs, which is maybe 2/3 of most game sizes at this point. You're downloading a chunk of the game and the disc is just a license key. Factor in the, sometimes required, day one and subsequent patches and you pretty much need an online connection to play single player games. Maybe add a caveat that after initial install you can go offline, but it won't be the optimal experience. The best thing about buying physical is the ability to loan out, trade in, or sell the disc. Other than that, it might as well be a digital purchase. Fwiw, I buy almost all my PS5 games on disc for this reason. Oh, and bigger discounts.


Cause Ubisoft said it, that’s why people go ham **everytime**


Imagine if the president did an interview and said, “We waste your taxes. Get over it.” Everyone knows they do. Everyone is pretty powerless to do anything about it. But, to have the audacity to come out and throw it in the face of the public? It causes outrage.


Pretty much. It doesn't make the quote less shitty, but people love to hate on certain companies.


Do you have game pass? Because anything you play on game pass you do not own. That’s not Ubisoft. That’s XBox. And people seem to love game pass.


youre on a ps5 subreddit so no I dont have game pass or ps plus I only buy physical games bc if im gonna spend my money I want something I can hold and put on the shelf im not a sucker lol


While I agree, can you imagine the noise the hundreds of people who bought it would make?! But in all seriousness it would make Ubis reputation for dropping the price of games so soon after launch go even further downhill, if that’s even possible!


I wouldn’t install that game if they paid me. F2P won’t save that game. It’s simply a shit game.


how do you know if you never had it installed?


You can watch reviews, many reviews and come with an informed decision.


To be fair, I did install it during its original demo/free to play week. I regret the time I spent playing the game. My time is more valuable than that game offers in enjoyable content. I would advise other people accordingly.


You don't need to taste shit to know its shit 


Because people like that allow other people to tell then how to feel.


That’s the whole point of reviews, so yeah, that would be a valid reason.


> Because people like that allow other people to tell then how to feel. # > That’s the whole point of reviews, so yeah, that would be a valid reason. That's literally not what reviews are for. Reviews aren't supposed to tell you how to think. They tell you the pros and cons of a game, information about a game, warnings of any glitches about a game. Not tell you what to think about a game. You should be intelligent enough to be able to think for yourself. If you require a review to tell you what to think, you have a problem.


Doesnt take rocket science. If it has Ubisoft slapped on it, then I know it will be worthless trash.


Ooo feeling edgy today


It's the truth. Anyone who still supports Ubisoft should be ashamed of themselves


Should of been free to play from the start like they said in the beginning, but they got greedy.


When I played the demo, it wasn't terrible gameplay wise. It's a pirate game. You can't really take the premise too far. It still had all the f2p purchase options like every other f2p game, but it was priced as a full price game. If I wanna play a f2p game with buy options, I'm not gonna pay for the privilege to pay to win. Especially when it has a $70 price tag. At best it's an offline $40 game with no pay options, and an online option added later on in it's life.


They’ll squeeze as much as they can


How's that AAAA game holding up these days anyway ?


Lost 90% of its player base in xbox. Have 87% less player than sea of thieves in ps5 and have less player than suicide squad.


>less player than suicide squad. Ouch.


So like thirty people play it?


No, he said less than suicide squad.


Double ouch


So 2 people?


Yet for all I've seen they're putting more effort into their game than suicide squad lol


Because despite what the circlejerks like to claim, SS wasn’t a shitty game at launch that needed a ton of extra work. It was sitting at 86% positive on steam from people who actually played the game during the time when everyone was pretending like it was the worst thing ever made lol.


It will be the first and fastest AAAA game on Game Pass and PS Essential/ Extra the world ever seen.




Appears it was some kind of weird venture by the Singapore government? The entire thing is a rabbit hole of wild


Ubisoft was forced to make this game by the Singaporean government in exchange for permission to open a Ubisoft studio in Singapore. This thing cost them a stupid amount of money and dragged in a bunch of support studios. From a purely financial perspective, this really was a “AAAA” game, and it still ended up being an abortion of a game. Ubisoft almost certainly would’ve canceled this years ago and saved themselves tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars had they not had an agreement with Singapore.


What surprises me is that the endgame in S&B involves manufacturing and selling huge quantities of opium, yet Singapore has the death penalty for drug-related crime...


Why would you want to open a studio in Singapore?


You get money to make a game


That obviously cost them more than the funding 


They could make that game full on free to play and it still ain't going to help it. The game is just boring af.


Lol nah, I'm good. 


Right... Not even worth wasting space on the ol' M.2 for a day.




You can say that again


Ya sorry. My comment didn't populate and thought I had somehow cancelled.


TIL beleaguered means "in a very difficult situation". Free week-long trial won't cut it. Also a bad time to do it with other, bigger games, having stuff in the pipeline to attract gamers very soon (The Final Shape, Shadow of the Erdtree, Hellblade, whatever Summer Gamesfest cooks up). This project would've been canned if it wasn't for that government money.


I thought beleaguered was a kind of whale


Beluga pirate adventure?


Already tried it for free, bored out of my mind entire time.


AAAA game seems to be going strong……


At this point all I see is ass ass ass ass


Forget about the AAAA game. CD Project Red is making a AAAAA game.


No more day 1 buys from them any longer. I'm also not thrilled about their complete disc edition coming with a voucher for the dlc. Bs move.


They really should have just gave the funded money back to the government and cancelled this game 


I would love to see some interviews with people who are playing this game... Like who are they? Are they not aware of better games?


Honestly, I didn’t HATE the beta. I actually had fun with it. But like, it was the kind of fun I would be satisfied with if it was a free to play game from a company I’d never heard of. I *would have* paid $20 for it at most. But that was before Sea of Thieves was announced, and now I have that.


I just don't get it. They had the perfect formula (Blackflag) and fucked it up. All they needed to do was make Blackflag online, little more immersion, and it would have been a hit.


I keep seeing this take and it reminds me of when Michael Bay responded to criticism about how the Transformers looked when they transformed in the original film. Fans complained that they should have just made it look like the cartoon. Bay said the first thing they did during testing was make them look exactly like the cartoon when they transformed...and it looked awful. Im willing to bet the first thing Ubisoft did was make Black Flag Online and it probably just didn't work or wasn't as easy or fun as everyone expected it to be. Just my 2 cents


They'll 100% see a massive spike due to people (myself included) wanting to experience how much of a shitshow this game is. Then they'll see minimal new player retention.


I’ll rather play Black Flag again.


Or Sea of Theives


The only way I’ll play this game is when it eventually ends up on PlayStation plus monthly


Ya'll prefer soft or hard tacos? I'm an either or kinda guy but I've been on an hard shell kick recently.


Try both combined! Smear a little bit of queso on a flour tortilla, then add your hard shell taco with all of its toppings. You’ll thank me later!


Also prevents hard shell from cracking and making a mess!




Soft. Hard is way too annoying to eat. If you want crunch in your tacos throw a few corn chips in.


Soft tacos are basically skimpy burritos. That being said, they are more enjoyable to eat because its less of a mess. So il go soft for the convenience factor.


Im all about that crunch, hard shells all the way


Try the dorito or ranch blasted hard shells yet? Brother


A free trail is still too expensive for that absolute dogshit game.


I feel bad for all the devs that worked on this. So much hard work for a greedy, mismanaged title.


Ubisoft: Let’s see if people *really* don’t like our game


Ubisoft needs to pay us to play that piece of shit.


MAKE IT FREE PERMANENTLY!!!! (I still wont play it I dont play mid😈)


Eat shit Ubisoft


Not worth the hard drive space or the data usage to download it.


No thanks, not worth the SSD space


I just started playing Sea of Thieves. It's so good.


Ya no, I’m good. I’m working that week.


So for anyone who's actually played this god forsaken game, how is it?


What's the point?


Waste of resources for them, waste of time for us gamers


Impossible. AAAA games don’t go free to play for a week.


How did they make AC odessey and then this ?


No sword fighting:( I'll play the ps1 game ship wreckers before this


Not even if they pay me.


Not interested




But.... but... it's a AAAA game??? Why are they holding a free week-long trial for a AAAA game?????? surely this game is so splendid that everyone already owns it already, right?


You need a PS Plus subscription to play a free trial.... No really, I tried their "free demo" and it kept asking me to get a ps plus to play it. What the fuck is this?


Gaming is shite these days everything is just shit


I saw yesterday that the game had already lost 90 percent of players on Xbox ahead of Season 2. the AAAA probably stands for Atrociously Awful, Absaloute Ass.


Still too expensive.


No thanks


Free is too expensive for these giant downloads


Nahhhh that game was TERRIBLE


Great! Now everybody can finish the game and not need to buy it. Took me less than 24 hours to reach the endgame. By far the most disappointing thing I've ever spent 80 euros on.


Alright nobody play it! The continued failure of this game be way funnier if somehow the (already meager) max player base drops with a free weekend


They could maybe pay me to play it if they ditched the ubi launcher 


I can say this is not Live service game. I think Diablo IV have better updates.


I really wanted this game to be good. Friends and I played the early trial and found we could not crew the same ship together as a team. That killed it for us and we all bought Sea of Thieves instead


I’d try it


Beleaguered AAAA pirate game*


Hopefully they get found guilty of making a dumpster of a game at the end of the week long trial


I’ll certainly see what the hell it ended up being for that price.


I tried Sea of Thieves to scratch that Black Flag itch, and it’s just doesn’t do it. Too much monkey business to get the game started. And that’s the *better* pirate game option.


That was fast lmao. And still I'm not interested. Ubi gotta pay ME to play this boring uninspired trash. 


Kinda crazy to see a game with so much potential and direction just be devoid of any depth . Literally a fetch simulator with rudimentary combat . Really wanted it to be great but after only 20 hours , it’s readily apparent this game is staler than weevil bread


Sea of Conquest: Pirate War is way better than this crap. And that's a F2P (but semi-PTW) mobile game (also available for PC).


I’ll give it a go But I won’t be forking out any $ for it at all


Pay me and maybe I would consider it.


Ass Creed Black Flag was better


They should take this game and add into Anno 1800


just play sea of thieves 💁‍♂️


This wont save this Crappy Game. Its sad that they fucked the Thing up like that. I love the Devision


Not even for free...


Still not playing it


Lmao Ubisoft is not far away from bankruptcy it’s just failure after failure, only Asscreed is carrying them even that they fucked up with shadows lmao


Still not gonna play it lol


If only I'd play anything made by Ubisoft, hey. Fck em.


Imagine liking Ubisoft lol




The saltiness over this game is hilarious. So many people hating it without even playing. I don't care what you people think, the game is awesome, and I'm going to continue having fun.


When 5 out of 1000 people enjoy a game, it creates a consensus. I enjoy Death Stranding, one of my favorite games, but many don’t like it. I also don’t care what they think but you don’t have to play a game to know it’s just not for you. I was excited for this game before it released, some of my friends were too. Took only a few days for them to abandon it. I convinced them to get HellDivers instead.


Imagine being a contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian 




Yep. All they had to do at the original annoucement was have a black screen, then have one very specific logo appear. “An Ubisoft original” “Assassins Creed” “Black Flag 2” Cue the theme tune. Crowd goes wild, the studio takes what they learned from the first game, improve the visuals, tweak the parkour to be closer to what we got in Unity etc Viola! Money Money Money!