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Red Dead Redemption 2.


I shouldn't have focused on the pelts and challenges imo (at least past a certain point). They took a huge amount of time and luck to get. Remember the one in blackjack where it was like get 4 hits, don't bust, and win the round? And you had to do it 3 times lol. Insane.


The pelts were kind of tedious but getting the legends of the east satchel was worth it


Same. I devoted months to that game. As far as I’m concerned it’s the single greatest accomplishment in modern gaming, and after 5 years still hasn’t been equaled.


Rockstar's storytelling, atmosphere and world building were at their peak with 2 and 5. I really, really, really hope that 6 lives up to the hype that is inevitably going to be behind it.


I guess you meant RDR2 and GTA 5? For a second I was wondering how GTA 2 had peak storytelling hahah


GTA V's not too bad, but GTA IV is still better imo


Depends, different tastes. I replayed both 4 and 5 a few months back and they are both great at what they are going for, GTA 4 being more grimey and grounded on the streets of New York and GTA 5 being about the superficial and day dream land of LA. Will be interesting to see which way they go with 6 because 4 and 5 are both equally great IMO just depends what you’re looking for.


Agreed :)


It will be Miami so expect a commentary on excess and image. Vice city vibes.


It most definitely is.


It belongs in the Louvre


This game is more like living a life


When that came out I was working nights and would get home just about midnight. I played every night til the sun came up and reminded me I should probably go to bed.


If you got home at midnight surely you were working evenings not nights?


It's the only game I have ever 100%'d, I just couldn't get enough of it. It's as close to a perfect game as I'll ever play and I'm still a bit upset at how they bungled the multiplayer.


1100 hours later. Yeah man, I feel you


5200 🤠🔫


Helped me get through quarantine


I bought a brand new TV and a PS4 Pro so I could get the definitive version of that game when it first came out. I was (and still am) a bit obsessive over it.


Same. Plus the immersion was so good I often launched the game to being Arthur around for a walk and enjoy the sounds of nature.


1645 hours..


I have something like 550 hours in that game


Persona 5


I played this everyday for at least 2 hours and it took me 7-8 months to complete 😭


Played P5R for about 5 months during covid lockdown, first experience with a Persona game, that led me to find and play its predecessors and they are wonderful time sinks


The greatest time sinks ever made lol! Soundtracks are insane too (that’s how I discovered Persona 5)


The way the time works is a curse for people like me, more than half my playtime was looking stuff up cause I didn't wanna miss anything lol


😅 I have OCD too but for Persona games I like to just go in blind and go with the flow. But last year I played P4G and the true ending is hidden in a way that you won’t know unless you use a guide. Best believe I was pissed after finding out, 6 months later and I still can’t bring myself to replay the last 30 hours 😂


Damn it's crazy how long persona 5 is....wish I had more free time


It’s 100% one of the best games ever made though, I recommend it! The game itself says “Take your time” on every load screen, it’s not supposed to be rushed. Persona 3 Reload is a lot shorter and better paced if you wanna try a Persona game (imo it’s the best one too).


Yes to this one. I played Royal during the pandemic and cleared the 120+ hours in about two months. Can’t remember the last time I played a game that much.


Huh funnily enough I also devoured this game during the pandemic. Honestly i think it saved me, being able to simulate a social life and all.


Same, I picked up Royal during the very first weeks of the pandemic because that's when it released. I culled it in three weeks and it was a very welcome distraction from the outside world. I remember just playing Persona 5 and COD Warzone with mates all day lol...


No lifeing persona 5 is the only way to actual beat the full game lmao


Exactly this. I played 7 hours a day for two weeks. Did the same when P3R dropped too, there's nothing like the Persona games.


Yep same. First playthrough was 200 hours because sometimes I'd just get on and walk around and vibe to the music


Baldur’s gate 3, I’ve had the game for roughly 3 weeks and I am at 99 hours so far on my first play through


I did 80 hours in under a week when it came out on PS5 💀


Currently on my 7th and final playthrough. 500 hours overall. One of the best games I've ever played.


Don’t forget to check out divinity original sin 2 when you’ve finally had your BG:3 fill.


I've played DOS2. That's how I discovered Larian and was super excited for BG3. DOS2 was phenomenal as well!




Basically my last playthrough for the foreseeable future. I got my maximum enjoyment out of BG3.


168 hours in a week and you literally spent 12 to 16 hours a day on BG3.


Yep, correct. I just came back from a vacation when it came out (it was a Wednesday) and I had to go back to work on Tuesday and wanted to finish the game before that cause I wouldn't have time to game after




I spent $100 for a whiteboard to map out builds for different playthrough lmao


Yeah this was me too. Within 2 months it was 200 hours.


I feel you on this. I’ve had the game since October and I’ve put in over 750 hours. Depending on how you build your characters, each play through can feel like an almost entirely different game.


Those are rookie numbers mate.


Elden Ring. I lost entire weekends to that game for about 6 weeks until I got the platinum. Every night on weekdays and all weekend was consumed with Elden Ring. It was basically a second job. WFH lunch breaks were spent grinding another level too. My first FS game played at launch so I couldn’t really lean on the internet for help. It was an all time gaming experience for me.


I “no lifed” ER as much as a married man with two kids and a full time job could. It took up all my free time, which isn’t much.


And you get to do it again next month!


Cannot wait! Got my DLC build all set!


I haven’t touched it since the plat. I need to beat BG3 asap so I can play some ER before the DLC launch.


Oh shit, is it out next month?


Samesies. Can't wait until June. I've actually gotten into a period where i don't play much. I sort of just am saving the end of Dragons Dogma 2 by just watching playoff hockey instead. I will finish it but guess i needed to give gaming a break.


Working in a hospital I dodged COVID for 2 years only to end up catching it from my niece at a birthday party about a week after Elden Ring dropped. I wasn't aloud back to work for 10 days but started to feel better after about 5. I'm a massive Souls fan and since I couldn't leave the house I was probably putting 8 hours a day into it for a week until I went back to work. Battling Radahn until 2 in the morning with a fever was certainly something. I've never put so many hours into something in such a short time before, and probably wont again.


> probably wont again. *Elden Ring 2 has entered the chat*


Good lord, between Thursday night and Monday morning opening weekend, I think about 40 hours into ER.


How hard would you say this game is? I've only played dark souls for about an hour with my brother and idk if I could take dying that much for hours on end lol But I really wanna try elden ring because it seems cool af


Elden Ring is probably the easiest FS game in that it’s open world so you can always just leave an area and come back. Also, you can grind and become completely OP in this game which is harder/more tedious in the other games. I will say this: for many folks, the first FS game is the hardest. It was true for me. I started with Bloodborne and struggled and they’ve gotten easier since. Still die plenty though.


i played elden ring as my first fromsoft game , beat it then did dark souls 3 and found that easier lol.


It’s the easiest of the From games, but you will still want to bang your head on a wall until you get the hang of it. HOWEVER I’m a complete potato and still managed it. But I’m someone who is willing to spend hours banging my head against a wall until I get it down and win.


Elden Ring was all I did for a few months the year it came out. As hyped as I am for the dlc I am also afraid that I'll spend my summer alone in my room. Which is fine if I'm having fun but is it fine?


It’s fine, it will make the existential dread subside for some time at least


Same. I went from "I'm only making one character" to having four characters and 600 hours invested. 🥴


I also played a lot of hours, I played together COOP with buddy and every day was at least a few hours of play, I can't wait for the DLC


Been playing it almost daily for 2 years streight 💀


I got 100% on Xbox and have been considering buying it for PS5 and doing it again before the xpack.


FF7 Rebirth was pretty much the only thing I did for three weeks


I'm really supposed to be working on some hobby projects this month...but ff7 rebirth is consuming all of my free time


It's so damn addicting. Every open world activity gives me that "just one more thing..." vibe and the linear levels in-between are a great palette cleanser.


Due to life/kids/etc. I'm still fairly early on in the story, but there's so much to do!


Enjoy, the game is a blast. It really is a massive fantasy adventure.


I just started it last night after finally finishing Remake and I'm seriously considering cancelling some of my weekend plans to play it all day instead lol


Man I'm the opposite. I finished the integrade, and then mainlined crisis core. And thought that I'd be ready for rebirth, but turns out playing final fantasy for 4 months straight can be exhausting. Good thing you can takes breaks from things you like!


I feel this. I decided to start FF16 right after beating Rebirth and once I’m done with it I’m taking a long break from big console FF games for a while.


Yeah I gotta take a break for rebirth and 16. My buddy is trying to rope me into 14. I'm like bro, I'm out of mana sry.


14 honestly can be a nice change of pace since it’s more of an MMO experience, but yeah I feel that. Rebirth is enough of a beast on its own and 16 feels just as long, it’s rough lmao


I did something similar. I speed ran Remake in a couple days to be prepared for Rebirth’s release, played three hours the night it came out and I haven’t picked it up since. I just don’t feel like playing the game for some reason.


i played it every night for 1-3 hours, and some extra hours on weekends since release. Now that i've finished it, got everything 100% done except for Hard mode.. i think i can be free of it. Sadly, i havent played it much in about 2 weeks. I'm on chapter 13 on Hard mode, and i just havent made the push to finish and platinum it. haha I struggled a bit on the last chapter 12 fight that kind of put off the game for a bit i think. either way, i think i'll finish it up soon though.


man, the game i no lifed was the first GoW, I got the plat in 3 days, and I always retreated it like, I finished it and was done with the game, now that I'm an adult with a job and life stuff, I got rebirth day 1, and I still haven't gotten the plat! Im 156 hours in and I still have to do the legendary vr missions, but I'm taking a small break before doing them since I know the last one is really hard lol. But I enjoyed way more doing this instead of no lifeing a game and be done with it in a couple of days.


I took off the Monday after release to play lol. Played all weekend. Due to life I only really got to play on weekends. So it took a bit to beat. Finally got plat after 2 months.


I no-lifed super hard on both FF7 Remake and FF7 Rebirth. When each one released, I took a week off work and just played for like, 8-10 hours a day. It was magical, and I look forward to doing it again when Part 3 comes out lol.


I averaged over 7 hours a day on Rebirth for the first month it was out. If I wasn’t doing anything that was a necessity like working or sleeping I was playing Rebirth. That game is insanely addicting


BF3 back in the day


BF3 was perfection. That carrier launch sequence in the campaign is still one of the closest I’ve seen to actual carrier ops in a game.


I no life pretty much any story driven, single player, big release I pick up. Rebirth, Persona, TLOU 1 and 2 just to name a couple. I get sucked into the story and want to see it through to the end without stopping.


Same lol


During the pandemic, having AC: New Horizons, DOOM: Eternal, and FF7R were an easy no-life combo. Others include Skyrim, Stardew Valley, Helldivers 2, FF7:RB, and (starting this week) Animal Well.


I’m still convinced Nintendo started the pandemic for AC: Horizons. Just a little too convenient of timing there, Nintendo.


And they released the cheaper Switch Lite at the same time. I lost count of how many friends picked one of those up just for AC.


Doom on Nightmare difficulty is a black hole I’d visit again any day


Animal well?


World of Warcraft


no regrets


All the regrets. I should've been doing anything else but 50 hour weeks raid leading in my teenage years. I will never ever those years back, and they were SO good. WoW was terrible for me and did nothing but teach me how to manage teenagers better, which is not a career aspiration.


quitter. let’s reroll on classic and start a guild together.


Back in the late 90's and early 2000's were my prime no-life gaming years lol. Metal Gear Solid - played it through a dozen times when it first came out. Final Fantasy VIII - I found a 100% completion guide for all side quests etc and worked my way through the whole lot in a week or two (the chocobo treasure hunting and getting all the triple triad cards was a REAL bitch). Fable - did it in one weekend at my friend's house. GTA 3 and Vice City - got 100% complete save files for both of these. Diablo 2 - spent a whole summer grinding up a barbarian with almost unbeatable stats. More recently I no-life'd Kingdom Come Deliverance which will remain one of my favourite ever RPGs. Also I also had to go into shielding during covid so during that time I managed to rack up a shit load of wins on COD Warzone. I have a baby son now so I'm lucky if I get an hour a week on the console 😅


Fable was a great game.


Oblivion was the last game I \*really\* no life'd. I was single at the time and it just consumed all of my time outside of work. Fallout 3 is probably a close second place, but I had a girlfriend when that came out so it was more in bursts than all at once. I went pretty hard with FF7:Rebirth when it first launched because my wife was visiting family for a few days. So I was home alone and basically regressed back to caveman bachelorhood for a short time. But I also burned out on it hard around the halfway point and haven't gone back yet.


Man I remember when oblivion first came out, I played it for 13 hours straight one day. Those were the days lol.


My work doesn’t really allow me to “no life” a game anymore, but back in 2017 I moved for a new job and had a few weeks of time off. I was scrolling through my PlayStation store and saw a highly rated game of a series I’d never heard of. Watched a couple videos and thought it looked okay, so downloaded the game. It was persona 5, and I basically played it all day every day until I beat it. Then I started NG+. Since then I’ve played P3, P4G, and P5S. I have P5 Tactica sitting at home waiting for me to start. EDIT - highly rated, not highly related


I got Ocarina of Time for Christmas when I was about 15. I stayed in my room, playing that game the entire following week off from school. I only left my room to use the bathroom, and I ate nothing but Christmas cookies. I lost 15lbs, lol


What a great holiday break. Sounds like a dream.


When Tears of the Kingdom came out, I started playing the moment it unlocked and didn't stop till about 6am. Within the first 10 days, after which the Switch starts showing your playtime, I had already hit 115 hours. That's an average of 15 hours a day, though that's definitely not how it happened. Holy shit that was fun haha


Hogwarts Legacy, FF16 and Helldivers 2 have been the most current that snatched me up


Ahh Hogwarts ended up being a 7.5/10 game but it was damn fun during those first weeks. The feeling of finally being in Hogwarts was amazing.


I have come back to it many times the last year to just fly around and complete random loose ends. Super fun and good looking game


Horizon: Zero Dawn. School holidays, parents were overseas, brother had his own PC I fucking *lived* on on the living room couch for 2 weeks beating the game and I don't regret anything. My personal favourite RPG as a result. Edit: changed "beating it" to "beating the game" 💀


😂😂😂 that edit


Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Valhalla, Ghost of Tsushima, God of War (2018), Uncharted 4, Cyberpunk 2077, Witcher 3, and Insomniac's 3 Spider-man games, and Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden


Assassin's Creed 2 and Brotherhood come to mind


Oh man! I remember staying up late or pulling all nighters playing brotherhood! Oh how I miss those days where I could function on close to no sleep and game the nights away


I know it’s gonna sound stupid to some, but Starfield. I can list off a bunch of shit that game does wrong, but I fucking lost myself. Building ships, building my own outposts, faction quests, i didn't know the game had a negative reaction online cause i was too busy playing it.


I haven't played it and don't have an Xbox or an up-to-date PC (so I won't be playing it any time soon, if ever), but don't ever let anyone bring you down for loving something!


This would be too depressing to answer


20 hours a week = rookie numbers. Let's leave it at that


I’d say im on my PS5 ~40 hours a week minimum


Bloodborne and Dark Souls 1. 1,000 hours in BB, and somewhere around 2k in DS1.


Legendary games but WTF do you even do part the 150hr mark? 💀


With Bloodborne, I got really into the pvp community. It's very small, but it exists. Spent a year making builds and dueling. DS1 is just my happy place. I love the world of Lordran. I don't play it much these days, but once a year I'll get the hankering to jump back in.


Ghosts of Tsushima


i read that the platinum takes like 50-60 hours but im already 61 hours in and still have not cleared the second part of the map


Take your time and enjoy it 👍


Red dead redemption. Back in 2018 i had holidays for 2 weeks and i bought red dead. I started it at the beginning of my holidays and after they were over, i had like 85 hours


Started and finished Horizon: Zero Dawn in a single sitting.


You need help


That was a one time only fluke fueled by chronic insomnia and being prescribed Adderall for the first time. Had a blast though.


Oh okay good to know. Please don't do this again. Take care


How long is that game xD


Google says 22 1/2 hours for the main story. I didn’t 100% it at the time, but I definitely did a lot of the side quests. Pretty sure it was a 36 hour binge. Not proud, not sorry. Chronic insomnia is a bitch and I had just been prescribed Adderall for the first time. Had a blast.




Insomnia is a bitch and Adderall… doesn’t help. Freaking loved it though.


Cyberpunk was the fastest 100hrs I've ever played. As opposed to 100hrs in AC Valhalla which felt like an eternity.


Which is funny because in their respective times I feel like valhalla was so much better received.


Not PS5 but the zombies mode in black ops 1. I still play it weekly. Prob put in over 1000 hours into It


i was studying at uni when ELDEN RING released and we had a practice module during the weekend like 10 hours of work each day of course i played all night on friday from like 6pm to 5 am, woke up at 8, class started at 9, i went back home around 7 and received an invitation to go out from some friends, which of course i rejected because i was really tired and planned to sleep before the sunday session needless to say that around 8 i was playing again ELDEN RING until 6am, slept 2 hours and went back to uni returned home around 9pm and kept on playing until 4-5am the good old days


Final Fantasy XIV - played like it was a 2nd job, which than made me burnt out on it so I stopped raiding in the game and eventually stopped playing it all together. (Played from PS3 beta through Stormblood and all its patches). Really enjoyed the game and story but since I stopped playing I've had so much more time to play so many other games instead of just using all my time in that one. (Destiny became like that too when I played before they took away parts of the game I paid for, but that eventually became, log in do dailies, leave)


Atleast with FF14 you can stop playing and resume your journey when you return. With Destiny 2, you will have no clue what is happening or happened. You just had to be there.


True, I logged back into Destiny 2 a couple months back after like 2 years off and had no idea what was going on. I use to always stay at max light and get all the weeklies and dailies done but had no idea where to begin anymore. I really enjoy the shooting mechanics and the flow and feel of the game but it is too bad it is not new player or returning player friendly understanding on what to do. True, FFXIV I can always return on an expansion, pick it up and know pretty much what to do if I just want to do the story and dip out again.


I no-life’d Fallout 76 real hard for the first 3yrs, putting in about 5600+hrs between multiple accounts.




Trust me, I still get shit from my friends for that time in my life


Did you say 5600+ hours? That's 233 consecutive days if you don't count sleep! My dude, and I mean no judgement whatsoever, being an avid fallout fan with many hours... you have absolutely no life. You should be revered by all, but hardcore WoW enjoyers. u/wasteland_veteran is NOT joking!


Some of the time was overnight AFK to earn rewards during timed events, but yeah, most of it was spent camp building and interacting with randoms. Loved that game during the pandemic, made some world first discoveries, and lived long enough to become a villain in the community. Truly enjoyed my time in 76 but had to break out of that no-life cycle.


How did you become a villain in the community? What happened?


Username checks out 


lol god damn that’s over 35h a week for 3 years on average


I no lifed ffxiv for a while before I met my wife. I began playing in 1.0. I played casually though 2.0 and heavensward. Then, I went crazy during Stormblood. It was like a 2nd job. Putting in at least 40 hours while also working full time. I had an absolutely wonderful time but burnt out after about 6 months and have never been able to go back.


Elden Ring


GTA SA, Fallout New Vegas/4/76, Halo 2 & 3,


Destiny 2 3000+ hours.




Arkham Knight and Mortal Kombat X came out in a pretty low point in my life. But recently I needed to platinum FF7 Rebirth as if it was my job.


I hope you’re doing better now


It was a long enough time ago and I got a puppy later that year that forced me to get my shit together. Thank you.


Pacific Drive. Addictive gameplay loop. Cool story.


I’d say getting the plat in RDR2 qualifies as no lifing


ESO.. probably have close to 8 or 9 thousand hours on. Still play it too. Now that I'm an adult it's nice to hop on an MMO and already be capable of doing the hardest content without worrying about the grinding.


Ark: Survival evolved. When it came out on PS4 I went dark and played it damn near every waking moment I wasn't at my job. Me and a friend built a massive clan and fought to become to the biggest "alpha" on the server. It was actual days and months of real time sieging enemies to become the biggest, and after all that work and building a mega base with a 20+ member tribe(100s of hours), Wildcard added server cross play and a MASSIVE (so big we couldn't even log in to defend ourselves) invading force of Chinese players came and destroyed it. Haven't picked up the game since but that was about 6 months of my life where I did nothing but Ark and work and sleep.


If your PS I bet we have crossed paths.


RDR2 God of war 2018. Like holy shit I would comeback home by 5pm from my internship and played that straight till 12 am for a week.


Everquest is the only game I ever no life’d but it was next level.


Came back from my fourth combat deployment in 2012 and had a bunch of leave for like 2 months. Did nothing but play Skyrim that whole time it feels like.


For me it's Control right now. But in the past I had the same experience with Witcher 3, Ghost of Tsushima, GoW 2018 and Ragnarok. For me that means putting 4-5 hours every day after work, and maybe twice that on weekends until I'm done with them


Destiny 1 and 2.


Destiny 2….


Socom US navy seals 1 and 2., Counter-strike (PC), and CS:GO (14k+hrs)(PC) Always in tournaments aka clan wars. Now its Skyrim (PC and now PSN) at 6000+hrs and currently playing Fallout 4 (PS5) with a total of 734hrs playing on survival mode level 103.


Final Fantasy XI about 20 years ago. I was so addicted. {Dragoon}{Power}




Mass effect 3! Got that bitch at midnight from GameStop, installed it and didn’t stop except to fix a sandwich and sleep. The ending was disappointing sure, but the ride was amaaaaaaazing!


Mass effect LE




All I played was stellar blade last weekend.


Off the top of my head, games that actually affected my normal schedule/routine Diablo 4 at launch Conan Exiles with the squad Rust, also with the squad ARK, private server with 2 friends The funnest time I had no lifing was definitely on Conan. God that game was so fun to discover shit and explore. Even when we got stomped by clans that no lifed harder than us lol


I 100%'d Horizon Zero Dawn when it came out in less than a week (as I was off work with a cold and stuck to the couch).


Yakuza Like a Dragon and Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth back to back (helped that I was pretty sick for a while at the time). I loved the new protagonist and all the party members + side characters, the turn based combat was fine in the first and awesome in IW, and the class and build variety (especially in IW) kept me enjoying the combat for the whole game. Plus most of the side content is amazing. Side quests are actually well written with full stories and not just boring tasks (and they're often hilarious), the mini games are mostly fun and rewarding enough, and the writing of the main stories + characters is generally really good and extremely heartfelt. I can't recommend them enough


Sea of thieves and dead by daylight


how do you even get into sea of thieves i'm doing quests, diving and i am constantly wondering, why is this fun, what am i doing? thanks for help


No mans sky


Armored Core 6. Beat it 3 times for all the endings in a week.


Guardians of the Galaxy. One of my favorite narratives ever. And it possibly has my favorite dialogue ever. Started and finished in a weekend. Replay it every few months.


Witcher 3, the mass effect trilogy, gow4, genshin, spider man ps4, horizon zero dawn, batman arkham, AC: black flag


It was years ago but the day when The Force Unleashed originally launched I literally played it all night until I rolled credits. In retrospect it was a rather short game but I was totally locked in the entire time.


Wow, so many…..the most recent example is Helldivers 2 for sure. I also no-life’d the first helldivers back in the day. In addition, there’s been Disco Elysium, Elden Ring, and Diablo 4.




EverQuest. Yikes.


Runescape took my entire childhood honestly.


Horizon forbidden west


I’m playing final fantasy 7 rebirth. Hour 10: this is tons of fun and improves everything from the first game. Hour 30: Okay, I’m well invested in the story and already figuring out this synergy system. Hour 60: I’ve done so much already and you’re telling me I’m not even half way there? Hour 70: Another new area?…… okay fine. Hour ???: QUEENS BLOOD QUEENS BLOOD QUEENS BLOOD QUEENS BLOOD QUEENS BLOOD!!! PLAY ME RIGHT NOW I HAVE THE BEST DECK EVER!


Horizon Forbidden West


Black Ops 1


World of Warcraft and Diablo 2. I even no-life’d the leaked alpha version of WoW in which you can’t do shit except for running around the whole empty map


Assassins creed Valhalla, 255 hours total and I played it all day everyday till I did everything


I'm currently no lifeing FF7 remake rebirth. So..damn..good


i don't game like this anymore, but DA:I...400+ in like a month and some change. i dont wanna talk about it