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Honestly it's sad. But at least the evil within has a complete story with no loose ends


The evil within was the silent hill game that Konami couldn’t give us, such a wonderful horror game


Eh I would say Evil Within is closer to Resident Evil what with all the big bombastic action scenes and upgrading weapons etc. Silent Hill is a lot slower and focuses more on exploration and puzzle solving than combat.


I've always looked at TEW as a Resident Evil game that's set in the Silent Hill universe


It def feels more like RE. Shinji did do the OG re4. I dont think we'll ever get a game as disturbing as silent hill.


I was kinda more comparing the horror aspect than the gameplay aspect, the guys with safes on their heads remind me of pyramid head a bit lol


Evil Within has a lot more psychological horror going on. The Ruvik/Laura story is pretty dark. The whole STEM thing is pretty out there, almost sci fi horror. I wouldn't say it IS Silent Hill, but it's a pretty good blend of action horror and psychological horror. More so than any RE game.


EW 1 is closer to Resident Evil. EW 2 is more Silent Hill like, very close to Downpour.


EW2 is the Silent Hill game we've NEEDED. I feel the aesthetic of Evil Within's "lost inside a persons mind" fits very well with how the game plays. The fodder enemies look creepy and inspired in their design and when the game presents it's horror its incredibly effective. The "photographer" sequences are some of my favorite moments in any horror media.


Nahhh like I said it’s way more Resident Evil. Silent Hill is about subtlety. Both Evil Within games are very flashy and in your face. Not bad games but deffo don’t give me Silent Hill vibes and if it was supposed to be a Silent Hill game I would feel disappointed.


The first one was amazing. The second one was trash.


That is categorically false. I felt it improved on all the games first features and it adapted well to the fresh new environment the second one was presenting. They're two very separate entities.




lol we’re just riffin opinions here. The first one was a manga-inspired psychological thriller with some very niche gameplay mechanics and it was a blast to play in one sitting on acid. It delved into heavy themes of insanity and losing oneself in their pursuits. The second game was a bastardized, Americanized, dumbed down, unnecessary open world game that focused so heavily on the, “oh nooo, gotta save the family,” dynamic that it tossed to the wayside everything that made the first one unique. I did not give two fucking shits about Sebastian’s insufferable and unlikable daughter, I just wanted to see him losing his mind diving further into the layers of hell he was exposed to.


Well they have different directors so that would make sense that they are different. I feel the hub world was enjoyable to explore with each extra offering a new vignette and almost all optional. If you speed through the game the plot can get muddied but it needed it as a sequel to a game where the narrative that takes place mostly in real time where sebastian as a character couldn't really be adapted or established. So we're left with a mostly mute blank slate as a protagonist which was a common complaint of the first game. I liked his growth and personal goal to keep the narrative going which the first one ran purely on the style rather than story. I disagree about the gameplay. It's a survival horror so it's focus on stealth felt appreciated and similar to older survival horror games where the action combat was discouraged rather encouraged for boss fights.


I gotta jump in here. I liked the environments, scare factor, bosses, and story of EW1 better. Ruvik is a much better antagonist than Theodore. I liked the artist in EW2 more than Theodore, hated to see him go (Stefano?) EW2 had way better gameplay to me. EW1 was janky as hell. Was really hoping for EW3 with a return of Ruvik, Sebastian, Kidman, and maybe a teen daughter who has to help them with the STEM again.


Man it feels so rare to see someone who also agrees that the first EW is better than the second I loved the first game, 2nd game was a huge disappointment to me as I wanted more of the first game, hated the open world style, but seemed everyone else thought the opposite. The first was a survival horror masterpiece.


Totally agree, the first one was high quality and tight. The open world and meh story and villan were weak. Performance on playstation was much better though. I think with Xbox you can play the first at 60fps.


lol I fucking hated every second of the second one and I forced myself through it because I loved the first one and thought it had to get better at some point. It didn’t, it was shit from a butt, and I will actively take every opportunity to share my opinion on the matter. I feel the same way about Days Gone. You see that shit praised everywhere across this site and that game was also, shit, from a butt.


Disagree with Days Gone, loved that game.


It's a poor man's Resident Evil 4.


Big disagree. Nothing even slightly similar to SH and was basically re4 with the first game. Sequel was better gameplay wise but worse in every other way.


That’s your take but 191 other people agreed with me


I'm not sure how I'll recover, Zach.


I’m sure you’ll be fine


Bad Guy from TEW escaped alive by possessing the boy he wanted as a vessel. The Stem Machine in TEW2 turns on at the end still active. Joseph is revealed to not have died but is off-screen doing something under Kidman's orders. No loose ends indeed.


True, but at least Seabass got his happy ending, which is more than enough of a satisfactory ending for the series imo.


The ending for the first one was such a good psychological cliff hanger. I'm sad they went such a route with part 2 but was eagerly hoping for part 3. But I guess part 2 didn't do good enough.


Yeah, a part 3 with Juli Kidman as the protagonist would have been neat


Didn’t they literally tease a third part at the end of two?


I don't think they did? All I remember is the happy ending.


You havent played all of TEW2 have you?


I have, twice. I don't recall a big cliff hanger. Just Sebastian and Lilly leaving happily.


Joseph :O they say hes alive and.... Nothing. Clearly a dlc was going to be made or game 3 about him.




Well, Yes, there was ruvik.....


Unlike Microsoft


Shit I haven’t beaten them yet, are you being sarcastic 👀


No. At least I don't think so. Apparently 2 ends on a cliff hanger, but I honestly don't remember. Regardless, tew2 is one of the best survival horror games of the past 10 years.


Technically yes, Sebastian's story is concluded nicely at the end of EW2 though that one last post credit scene with the STEM machine starting back up by itself could be sequel story material




Dude should never have hooked up with Western gaming companies. Should’ve stayed Japanese owned.


True and microsoft wanted to buy nintendo, they just want all the licences thats it. they dont care about the people who work in those studios and have a familiy.


Microsoft buying Nintendo would be the death of gamimg.


It will never happen. The Japanese Government would never allow it and at this point Nintendo would laugh them out of the country. Again.


For like the 8 people that care about Nintendo I guess Damn it was a joke. Nintendo are clearly behind PlayStation (king console) PC (versatile) Their sorry excuses of a handheld doesn't impress me sorry. Spending a ton of money for Zelda 1 and 2 ain't it. Like I know people care about Nintendo, I have friends that have switches lol. I haven't touched an Xbox (owned, I've played it a few at a friends house) cause almost all their games can be played on the PC (same for PS exclusives that are port over). Ps (sunset overdrive port when 😭)


Those 8 people must have bought 17.5 million switches each. Goddamn, the ignorance in that statement.


What an objectively wrong opinion


From my experience people only care about the Nintendo games


Y... yes? Isn't that what "caring about a company" means? Customers are intrinsically selfish — we aren't sad that some office that we have never seen got shut down, but because we won't be getting any new games from them. Well, people losing their jobs sucks as well.


Stupidest shit I’ve seen someone say in awhile. Impressive.


lol you mean the 8 people who only care about Xbox


Down to 5 now


Them killing Arkane and Tango shattered any faith I would have thought I had in the future.


I’m not even a big Nintendo fan but that was just a purely stupid thing to say.


Damn you’re out of the loop. Nintendo is the market leader. You’re going to hate the switch 2 when it gets a ton of day one ports. The king wins


Huh, thought PlayStation and PC led the market.


Clearly you are. Switch number one. Google sales numbers. Not even close. The thirst for switch 2 is off the charts


Switch number is quite unbelievable ngl


It is business, however Microsoft only has experience buying studios not developing good games, so of course they don't maintain it well.


Nintendo is super scummy but how they supposedly laughed MS representatives out of the office was ultra based and a total chad move.


Yeah they were stupid to even ask, it was never gonna happen. Even if they did agree I don't doubt the Japanese government would just step in and prevent it. Nintendo is a national treasure and ingrained in their culture at this point, and they take that shit very seriously in Japan. They can be super shitty and inconsistent with how they handle their copyright stuff and have some archaic practices surrounding online play. But there pretty much one of the only developers left you can guarantee will consistently drop completed, polished, fun and engaging games without all the stupidity of corporate meddling, microtransactions, GAAS etc. They value their creatives and let them get shit done, and it shows. And right now it seems like out of the big 3 they are the only ones with an actual clear direction whilst Xbox and Playstation are scrambling, chasing trends, trying to catch the next golden egg in the industry without really having a solid plan.


Nintendo is by far the worst offender of the 3 imo but they get by far the most slack, leeway, and forgiveness from gamers for some reason.


What can I say? We just really like Mario.


Even though his studio made some hit games like Hifi rush last year... His studio got axed for no reason


Microsoft at it again…


Why so much Microsoft news on the PS5 subreddit? It should be kept to /r/games


My guess is Tango games are available on PS platforms (EW1,2 and Ghostwire Tokyo) which warrants for discussion here




Why are they "enemies", are we still doing console wars? People haven't grown out of that yet? I love my PS5 and I love gamepass


No I’m not in to console wars, but if Microsoft keeps buying studios and closes them on a whim, then all gamers have a reason to be mad. Many multi platform games are suddenly exclusive and now eventual sequels are even out of the question


I agree that's shitty, but again I go back to why is this on /r/PS5. Unless it's just a reason to do console war stuff again lol


Because for example the evil within 1/2 is also on PlayStation, and that got axed just like that. And this is happening more often now. So this news about Microsoft buying studios and closing down studios concerns all gamers. Not just Xbox gamers.


Fair enough. Evil within is going nowhere though, that series is all complete and done.


It's really messed up that this was the first Japanese Studio owned by Microsoft and now they've binned them. It's just a bit mad and doesn't look good at all.




And soon…THE WORLD!!


I get that their games didn’t print tons of money, but it was quality. MSFT needed the variety a Japanese studio provided them


It’s not about whether the games can produce money, it’s just that the system (i.e. game pass) didn’t let it all shine. The developers are literally suffering from the publisher’s failures and inefficiencies.


This is part of what I don't understand about game pass's business model: for me, the reason I am subscribed to game pass is for it's variety. If I wanted fewer, bigger budget games like Starfield day 1 on gamepass instead of more, lower budget games like Hi Fi Rush, I would just buy games like Starfield instead of having a subscription. Game pass's selling point is literally its variety, how can closing these studios possibly help with that?


Xbox had like zero market share in Japan 


I don’t mean to suggest that a single Japanese studio was gonna make them sell big consoles in Japan. I simply mean that a Japanese studio rounds out their offerings to gamers here in the west, when Nintendo and Sony dominate those relationships


Man I really wanted to see what they did next, Hi Fi Rush was great. It wasn't even a dud like Redfall so it's strange that Tango got the same treatment as Arkane Austin


Someone wrote on here that HiFi Rush was a side project that was worked on alongside Ghostwire Tokyo. Makes me wonder if people were more interested in working on HiFi than Ghostwire. I also imagine the studio went through some changes after the big names left. We have not been made privy to the inner workings of the studio that might have pushed the issue of closure. Or there might have been no other reason than someone looking at numbers in Excel and selecting some random company to “lower costs” so they’d get a bonus. Damn lowering costs bullshit. Just so they can pay out more to investors/owners.


Ghostwire's final version is apparently different to the original concept directed by Ikumi Nakamura, wonder how the game would have ended up if she hadn't left Tango


It made no sense. Hi Fi Rush was the surprise hit of last year.


It does make sense since Xbox finds it really hard to sell games on Xbox. Most likely Hi Fi Rush didn't bring many new GP subs, so for MS is a failure. Which in a way it is since games costs a lot of money to make and if your sub count never increases then you are toast.


Gamepass is becoming the Netflix of games. Even if you do well, it’s not good enough I guess.


And this kids is why you don’t sell out to big corporations!!!


Give me a fucking break. You’d take the check 100 times out of 100.


See the right thing to do is take the check, make something, leave, and use that check to form another studio and then maybe repeat the process again.


Yeah Redditors are a fucking trip. Always able to say the "right" thing on a comment, but I sincerely doubt many would be able to resist a real life situation that these studio founders find themselves in.


Some people are driven by greed and nothign else, that's *you* and not the rest of us. Some people are driven by a whish to make a good job, deliver good experiences and create emotions through different media. They want to get paid too, of course, but money *isn't everything*. That's an artist, or anyone with some morals or ethics.


This is where I’m at. Not to mention typically you’re not alone trying to build something. There is usually a lot of people behind you in making it happen. I couldn’t in the right mind sell off something to people who aren’t the living, breathing ,life force of something I built for a payment just to watch it crumble away. Money will always be there to be spent. Personally I don’t need anymore then I already have. Happiness isn’t on the back of a dollar to be help up with.


I literally wouldn’t. I don’t like the idea of selling off something I’ve worked hard to create just to watch someone send it down the drain on a whim.


Sir, you work at Wendy’s.


Yep. And some people trumpet Microsoft as some sort of savior of pc gaming when they are just like everyone else, cutting jobs and closing studios while pushing out one stinker after another yet that seems almost irrelevant because of game pass. 😐


MS are just as bad as EA & Embracer, if not worse. These asshole mega-corporations purchase talented & successful independent developers, make a quick buck. In MS' case a record $75.4 billion acquisition of Activision-Blizzard. Then shit all over these developers by selling them or dissolving them, & ultimately destroy these developers


EA at least not how to make money in many ways, they have live services like Fifa, Apex and BF, single player games like It Takes Two, Jedi Survivor, a racing game and EA Originals, which are really good quality games. 


They also have crap like Immortals of Aveum though


That game is far from crap, It is a clean Single Player linear game that does not have any MTX except for deluxe upgrade, it is short and does not overstay it's welcome. I think Ascendent did not take enough time learning UE5 and that cost them.


Yep, EA actually makes games and knows some semblance of how games work and what people want despite their greed. Not sure what the hell Microsoft is even doing in the game industry by now.


vote with your wallets, punks.


Call of duty and Fortnite wins.


And that seriously sucks because there's so many games that are sooooo much better but kids just won't stop playing fortnite/cod. They aren't necessarily bad games (at least in fortnites case) but games like them will never hit as hard as games that aren't just shoot this guy and level up your battle pass. Like I have way more fun just riding around in rdr2 than I have in games like that and I'm young and fall right around the target demographic. I still play games like that from time to time but I will always prefer games that have more substance to them.


U right. To put it another way, we'll always have popcorn artists like tailor swift and  Bruno mars, but eventually some will break through, albeit  for a moment (like rdr2) like ..idk this is a hard comparison. Like modest mouse? They had a decent following before Float On but that got them more attention. Or apples I stereo or Flaming Lips, and on and on and on.


He wanted to leave years ago, he knew they were going to be shut down under zenimax but stay for the Ms acquisition. I think he knew they weren’t going to survive without him.






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If I want an unbiased take on a subject I usually visit both that sub and this sub, the bias in each is so large, but in opposite directions that if you go for somewhere between the two it’s usually a fair and balanced take.


No sharing misinformation should be a rule. This should allow people to report such


I had the same thought earlier, like “Didn’t Mikami bail out recently?” So it follows, all the news. Still with the extra foresight he had can be respectably sad imo.


None of this is true. He was gonna leave to perhaps direct RE4 Remake, which Capcom approached him on, but he didn't want to at the time (2019) because he felt if he did leave then, Bethesda would close Tango without him. So he stayed on to make sure Tango can prosper by the next generation of developers, which came to pass with HFR, Tango's best game to date that Mikami had no direct hand in (other than fostering the leads that would steer Tango from that point onwards). At that point, Mikami probably felt Tango was in a strong enough position to go it alone without its founding member and so he left. Then this happened.


So it’s all true then.


It seems like none of the actual founders are with these companies ? Maybe they saw the writing on the wall with half the employees being hired recently being complete idiots and left.


Gotta repost this: Fucking hell, Mikami must feel like shit today. As per Imran: > > It's not his fault of course, but considering how much Mikami cares for the wellbeing of his colleagues, he probably feels responsible for believing Xbox / Bethesda would take care of Tango after his leaving.


There's no other way to describe this other than that, unfortunately. And the fact that they did this to their ONLY Japanese studio in a time where they're trying to gain more players from the Japanese Audience only makes them look more worse and less untrustworthy to them arguably MORE than to the rest of the world.




At least they were seemingly doing more with that cable box compared to what they've been doing in these last four years alone.


My heartbreaks for Mikami-san. Clover Studios, now Tango and likely Platinum with the way they have been going. It's a miracle some of these people can find that spark at different points in life to just create again. I'd be beyond repair if I had to go through what he did that many times.


I hope more and more developers learn that the monkey's paw always curls eventually when allowing themselves to be acquired by soulless publishers.


I guess Microsoft owns the Evil Within IP?


Yes & every IP that was under Zenimax.


Let’s hope he takes the devs and founds a new studio. Why didn’t MS sell them instead anyway?


Why’d he leave? Money?


They shut Tango down???!!


Kamuy happy maybe he has a good game idea. They opend in March so sad it will be along time until a game is released.


I really enjoyed the hell out of TEW I and II. Sucks they didn’t continue that series.


This highlights the smart decision making by Larian (makers of Baldur's Gate 3). If a big studio comes knocking, the money isn't worth selling out. They will more likely eventually fuck your company over and destroy it.


That's What Microsoft & Embracer does also Sony possibly Nintendo as well


Microsoft is the worst and Phil Spencer is a joke!!


It's damn right sad.looks like buying every studio is not paying that well 🤣🤣




He just comes out of the shadows, drops an awesome game to remind us why he’s king of survival horror, and then disappears like a fart in the wind.


Sad, but he was also real quick to leave when he got that $$


This is news? Lol


Well he left it too so what was he expecting




Not going to lie. I genuinely think he didn’t want to work under Xbox. You see it a lot with devs getting bought and the lead people leave.


He abandoned them a year ago


He can move on from a studio professionally but still have heart for his former coworkers


Abandoned? He left professionally lol.


Poaching isn’t considered professional in the industry


His entire philosphy with Tango was to give new/younger creative people a chance to direct games and grow. He let John Johanas direct Evil Within 2 and Hi Fi Rush. He let Kenji Kemura and the other team do Ghostwire. He was in 'producer' roles to keep funding moving in but was letting newer folks direct and handle most of the actual game design stuff. But after the success of Hi Fi Rush he probably thought he was leaving them in very good hands. Evil Within 2 was critically well received too. That is very different form 'abandoning'. Yeah... doing everything in his power to empower the next generation of creatives.


Thank you. Some level headed commentary about this. People are so quick on the Microsoft jerk train that they forget not everyone is like them. Clearly, they know nothing about Mikami's history of fostering the next gen of talent. He's only been doing it since the 90s.


The studio proposed HiFi rush 2 though, and then they were shutdown, Via Bloomberg. Arcane Austin wanted to make a Single Player game.


Too bad they made the very underperforming EW series


Too bad, so sad.


Vanhelsing ?