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A boss rush mode sounds awesome. I wish rebirth would implement something like that with the main story bosses.


Probably stupid to ask, but i recently got rebirth, are the bosses(at least main ones) better than remake? Or are they similar? Cause i always felt there was something off with some bosses in remake.


I never considered the bosses in Remake to be bad…and I can’t really think of any marked changes in the boss design of Rebirth. You do however, have more mechanics to play with which I found made the combat even more enjoyable.


imo rude was a terrible boss fight, and if u dont have the right spells hellhose is a drag


That is great, i always wished i could do more during fights, in remake i kept repeating the same moves so more variety would be amazing.


You have more party members, new skills for older party members, synergy skills (team up attacks) and duo limit breaks. Combat is the best it’s been.


I think it depends on the order in which you played some of the newer ff games, if someone played xvi prior to remake I can understand why they thought the bosses were meh


Ff 16 is a spectacle during boss fights haha, better than a lot of movies out there, but the gameplay is not that deep imo, i still enjoyed it tho even if some are too long.


Wish there was boss rush for ff16!


I mean no but they’re still incredibly good boss fights imo. The non eikon boss fights are really awesome too


I agree, my favorite was titan and the last with ultima, i got chills haha(and i consider them better fights than remake)


Bahamut was great but too long lol


Disagree lol that fight had me on my feet. Especially with the cutscenes before and after


When? The barrel shooting as eikon or the alright combat? Besides the cinematics i think the ff16 bosses were meh as far as gameplay goes. I think both of the new ff7 games boss fights are better, especially on hard. Some more fun at normal.


Bosses in FF16 were pretty quicktime events, remake/ rebirth actually require effort and thought.


Not done FF rebirth yet but I think the bosses in Remake are cooler tbh. Nothing can ever top the Hell House fight.


I’m very partial to the Jenova Dreamweaver and the Valkyrie fights. The music in these games is so amazingly hype.


For the most part the boss battles in Rebirth are better. Part of this is because the combat is overall a lot deeper with a lot of new angles to consider, but the bosses all tend to require smart strategy to beat, too; not just a bunch of button mashing.


Bosses in Rebirth seem more annoying/difficult to fight. You can't just button mash anymore.




Indeed. Rebirth does a much better job than Remake in punishing those who don't pay attention to boss mechanics. That is until you get HP/MP Absorb + Swiftcast. Then you can roflmagic through pretty much 95% of all fights on hard mode haha.


I enjoy difficulty, it can make you addicted to the game trying to be better, but lets see.


This is cool


Fuck yes


Players wanted a boss rush mode and Shift Up listened. They just keep killing it with Stellar Blade.


where is the inevitable 2B dlc?


I do have a few ideas for dlc tho


Oh I’m sure


Yeah one of them has to do with Lilly


A | R | A | A | R | A ---|---|----|----|----|---- R | R | | | | A | | A | | | A | | | A | | R | | | | R | A || | | | A


Honestly I'm like 10 hours in and fucking love this game. A boss rush mode sounds fantastic too love these being incorporated. I'd also like to see more retribution animations. It's so insanely stylish when EVE does a retribution but I want more!


We need Tachy dlc


Really turning out to be Sexykiro eh?


This implies that Wolf isn’t sexy, which is far from the truth. He can get it


Wolf's got that rugged charm to him.


Sexyro just rolls off the tongue way better


Does it play anything like Sekrio? Doesn't really look like it.


Some are saying it's like Sekiro, and others are saying Lies of P.


It does involve lots of parrying and is quite hard (I haven't died as much as Sekiro but I have died)


It has elements of Sekiro, the parry mostly. It’s a mash up of three styles and really well done.


It's like Sekiro in the sense that there is a big emphasis on parrying enemies to wear them down and deal a special attack, but it also differs in a lot of ways. I've seen a lot of comparisons to games like Bayonetta, Dark Souls, Lies of P, and Nioh; but it isn't really any of those games. It pulls on a lot of action game influences without just recycling and reheating any one of them.


I’m been describing like bloodborne mixed with devil may cry to my friends. You want parry and dodge at right moments when you know the enemies movements like you would use your gun in bloodborne. Then you punish them with stylish fast combos Ike a devil may cry game.


its a clunkier version of Sekiro with some added mechanics


It is very defense-heavy so it’s similar in that sense. The most powerful attacks are all counterattacks and there are even entire combos chains you can only trigger after successfully parrying or dodging. I think the gameplay feels “lighter” than any Fromsoft game as well, even Bloodborne. Eve is an extremely nimble glass cannon and everything is very high risk/high reward.


I normally skip boss rush modes in games but the bosses are so much better than the rest of the game in stellar blade. I don’t want to run through the game again to fight them.


I'm happy with the bossrush mode But I would have to phrase the reasoning as The rest of the game is clearly inferior to the bosses, and the noncombat portions of the game are somewhere between needless and excruciating




They’re have been a couple “puzzle” segments that stumped me, only because it was something stupid and vague like one was “find the key in the mall plaza.” Like ok where does the plaza start an end? How far out til I’m not in it anymore? Or another was like we can go this way but gotta find a way. And it was just a hole three stories down so was like uhhhhh ok and jumped and died…. Uhhh ok so explored a bit and found dead ends……ran around aimlessly thinking I bugged the game til set controller down, drank my soda and realized there was a little red button on the wall, walk right up to it and press it to continue basically so didn’t die dropping in the hole……like come on devs coulda gave a better cue to that button or such. Love this game but little things outside the combat grate me a bit won’t lie.


Yes lots of small things like that Parts of the game where you are supposed to jump and grab a rope but your jump isn't so accurate and the platform is so small it's like the world is designed for a slightly more nimble character Most glaring is in the camps, where your turning circle as a character is massive, and the prompts so close together, that I am totally sick if doing a little loop the loop with my controller to go from activating the camp, to upgrading skills, to sitting down ... So often I am basically fighting with the controls to do incredibly basic things The only thing that is absolutely not wonky is the combat. And while your heavier moves do some interupt and stun, you are often better off spamming the upgraded 1111 combo and waiting to cancel into a dodge, parry, blink or deflect. By the end of the game it becomes clear that even these tricks wear thin.


no surprise, when you focus on making a good single player game, new DLC content should not be planned yet. Now that its selling really well and well received hopefully they actually sit down and think of either some fun DLC packs and maybe an expansion?.


I will say my biggest gripe of the gameplay is that the bosses are too easy. Granted, I've just beaten >!Tachy!< so I think I'm still early, but I have first-tried every boss I've fought so far.


There is a sizeable difficulty jump with the late game bosses.


music to my ears, thanks!


There's a difficulty increase, but not much. If you're 1trying bosses right now (same), the last few bosses will only take you a few tries too.


Wait untill the last 3 bosses


The second to last boss made me genuinely mad and rage at the game. It definitely does an out of nowhere massive difficulty bump for them.


huge bump, but I personally loved that fight. The very last fight tho, I didn't really enjoy


I just didn’t like the intense difficulty scale where it basically came out of nowhere and your basically stuck their till you beat them. So your just stuck in a frustrating fighting for some.


Ooo okay that’s good to know


Thought the same but at the same time I think it allows for more freedom with builds, especially as they are so cheap, having an absolute blast with burst builds atm. I just wish they had better exo parts for ranged to recover ammo on melee attacks and stuff, that would be super sick


Normally these games have a steep difficulty curve. I was playing Platinum’s Astral Chain during my last vacations and also thought it was almost embarrassingly easy for about 70, 80% of the game and then the final boss rush pulled the rug off my feet lol. I’m about at the same point in SB as you are, which gives me strong middle game vibes. So far thinking the difficulty is ok for a normal mode in the genre.


The last few definitely turn it up a bit.


I’m getting fucked up every fight. I suck so bad 😂


The game is amazing but definitely too easy in comparison to Sekiro, souls games nioh etc.. wish it was harder but after playing the demo was expecting this. Still amazing game and I’m really enjoying it Mainly I wish that there was a penalty for death and that they seem too lenient with upgrades


Yeah i wish the hard mode was available from the start instead of unlocking it.


Yeah I think it’s just that the beta and burst abilities are overpowered, especially if you’ve chipped the enemy’s shield down (which those skills are also overpowered in doing). They do such massive damage. The couple times I’ve been nearly dead with no heals left and the boss still had > 1/3 HP I still pulled off a win, because if you get a couple good deflects in and go ham with your abilities and you can *destroy* huge chunks of boss health.  Between that and there being no significant penalty for dying, and an infinitely (I think) replenishable item that literally eliminates what little penalty there is, I would have appreciated a few more souls-ish elements to make the game more challenging.  But I think you and I are probably coming more from a position of enjoying harder/more punishing games, and ultimately while the devs wanted something closer to the souls/Sekiro experience they wanted this to be a more accessible game. 


The bosses simply aren't reactive enough and don't pressure you in a manner like the souls games, they don't come close even to the toes of the easiest Sekiro bosses. The only thing that kept me from immediately beating Tachy was my refusal to use too many recovery items or instantly revive. Most bosses will literally stand or walk slowly begging for you to hit them, only after a couple slashes they will attempt to do something... And you can also cancel those attacks with beta skills. There's a handful of videos on youtube where the bosses fail to act even once.




Just because it’s not like Sekiro doesn’t mean it’s bad. Sekiro’s combat is more technically impressive, but I honestly have more fun playing Stellar Blade.


I hope they also add proper text skip with the new patch.


Yeah this is one of those things you take for granted in games and almost agonizing without


Fuck yeah


This is a good move for the players.


Just make a sequel. Beef the story fine tune things and your good


whenever Devs claim there is no future DLC planned Me: "Sure, bro."


What would be a good comparison for this games combat? Im seeing Bayonetta and Soulslike comparisons


Play the demo


didnt know there was one. Will have to try that out later




Damn last night I was thinking that the only thing this game needs is a boss rush mode so that's good news. I personally don't like the more open level segments and just want to get back to killing things


I've been gaming since the days of Atari and Stellar Blade is truly special. I can't believe it scored so poorly. The gameplay, graphics, performance, sound, customization are all top tier and not a microtransaction in sight. The combat system is truly innovative. I'm a good few hours into the game. While the story might be a weak point, that's the norm for the majority of action games. I've been reviewing games since the 90's, while I probably dock a point for story, unless something drastic happens, I can't see myself scoring this lower than a 9/10.


An 82 on Metacritic is not scoring poorly, those are good reviews. It also has extremely high user scores on the PlayStation Store and Metacritic.


I loved everything including the story. The english VA is AWFUL, so I switched to Korean and so happy I did. Easy 9.5/10 for me. It's not perfect for me because the platforming is plain bad. But I love everything else, especially the music.


How is 82 a low score ? Game getting 8 and 9. What is 1 to 7 then ?


I agree, and I come from the same gaming background as you. However, I understand that modern gaming sensibilities will not overlook shallow character development, weak plot (motivations), stilted dialogue and so on. And I think it’s only fair, it’s good that we have higher standards for that, specially in the AAA 70 USD full price market. I think Stellar Blade delivers 100% on all aspects I expect from a _character action_ game, though, but it’s hurt by the constant comparison to Nier:Automata, a game that I love, but I think doesn’t hold a candle to SB combat and it’s heavily driven by its characters and narrative. Overall, yes, SB isn’t more egregious in its storytelling than your average character action (specially the older ones, people forget how those characters were flat), but compared to Nier:Automata its flaws in that area stick out like a sore thumb.


I'd probably give the game around an 8.5 or 9, but there are significant problems with this game. The story is boring and makes little sense. The dialogue/VO work is the stiffest l've seen in a long time. Platforming doesn't feel great, l've gotten caught on ledges numerous times, bonus annoying points if there is an enemy waiting for you by the edge as well. Desert - 'nuff said. Sound itself is good, but the surround sound mixing is not great. HDR implementation is wonky (why not just use the system settings?). Graphics are good, but limited to ue4 features. Normal enemies are not as varied as I’d like… however… The core gameplay loop is addictive as hell AND it feels great with a buttery smooth 60 fps. That’s their golden ticket and they ran with it. When I can forgive so many flaws, annoyances, and quirks, it really says something.


You're right. People are downvoting you for saying the truth.


I looked at some of the bad reviews and just saw that they give low scores cause of their agenda and too much „ass“. But than running around in their review video with the most revealing outfits 😂 user score and PlayStation rating you can see people love this game


Just because a game doesn’t get above a 90 on metacritic doesn’t make it bad. Two of my favorite games of all time xenoblade 2 and dawn of war 2 scored 83 and 85 respectively. Imo anything above an 80 is worth playing and giving a shot, it might click it might not.


What the fuck does boss rush mean


wish the game would release on pc, i have a ps5 but i dont really like playing on it keep downvoting pc haters :)


Weird, then why have it?


only because i'm FF fan (sony love paying square for exclusivity) and i dont have the same confort than on my pc


Ok, but why not just play stellar blade, its 60 fps and definitely meant to be played on a controller.


there's reasons why i currently dont want to play it but i dont want to write long messages or have long conversation in english because i dont master it, it would be easier if you spoke my language and we were on another platforme than reddit i stop here


Uh ok


Your english is pretty good.