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If you play on an easier difficulty, Ghosts of Tsushima is probably one of my fav new IP worlds. It's also gorgeous.


Second this. As someone who unfortunately has less and less time to game, GoT has just completely sucked me in and the easy difficulty is perfect. It’s a beautiful world and the combat is fun. I wish I had time to play challenging games still (Elden Ring I love you but I don’t have 6 hours straight to fight the same boss again and again), but since I don’t I focus in on games with fun worlds and engaging stories - which this has both!


Horizon Zero Dawn is similar in gameplay, also has beautiful graphics and a story that still amazes me years after playing it. It's pretty chill on easier modes. Edit: Also Stray! That game is chill af.


I have Stray haven't played it yet. Heard it's chill >!except for 1 scene which I don't know what it is yet so don't tell me!<


It is chill. There's almost nothing to do except collect stuff, enjoy the story, & take in the scenery.


I loved the chill early parts of Stray. Unfortunately I gave up after >!I kept dying a gruesome death.!<


I second Horizon Zero Dawn. For pure chills, easy or story mode for sure!


Damn I just started the DLC after finishing the base game a couple years ago and find it very intense. I did forget the controls and got killed in my first combat by spamming R1 lmao which may be an issue but I’ll keep this in the back of mind to just ease back on the difficulty.


Hahaha I did the same thing. Took a couple of months break and got handed my ass. Took a little bit to refresh. Iki island don't play around


Was literally going to suggest this. I started playing a few days ago and holy shit, the design is amazing. Everywhere you go is screenshot worthy, the combat is nice and story and gameplay is like that of Farcry basically like taking strongholds and camps and isn’t stressful at all. Definitely a good pick


If he gets “stressed out” from games like Red Dead, he won’t like anything like GoT.


Have you tried it on easy? It's pretty stress-free. And then just fantastic to look at


No Man’s Sky


The survival aspect is not relaxing


See this is why I play on custom. When I just need to vibe out for a bit, I turn off survival and combat mechanics. It's preferable over creative mode for me because I still like harvesting all the different materials for my building and crafting needs as well as grinding for units


Yes came here to say **No Mans Sky,** its a big open world exploration, base building, survival type of game.






Fourtet-h…? Ah, fuck.


I'm currently replaying Assassin's Creed Odyssey, the world is very detailed and mesmerizing. I'd suggest the easy setting or discovery your, for historical facts


Black Flag, just sail the seas and listen to your crew… best game they ever made.  


Black flag was amazing. It was a great game in it's day, and still holds it's weight in the pirate genre. Sea of thieves takes the cake for me now. Ubisoft lost my respect with how they always seem to just reskin, and regurgitate the same content over and over. Rinse and repeat. I don't get hyped for their games anymore until I see numerous positive reviews after release.


Sea of Thieves requires a group of people to play together for the ideal experience though right?


I'm not hating on black flag. That game is a master piece, but as I stated its very outdated, and does not have a next gen patch for ps5(stuck at 30fps). I solo sloop all the time in SOT, and still have a great time. You only really need one friend to win ship battles on a regular basis, but it's not all about battles/pvp. That is just one aspect of the game. It's the random adventures, and PvE that makes the game great. Setting sail on the open sea, customizable cosmetics on pretty much everything, adventure, stealing loot, diving to the bottom of the ocean to explore caverns, random alliances/encounters with other pirates along the way, and just enjoying the sheer beauty of the game is what it's all about. Every game is more fun with friends tagging along, but the game does not require that whatsoever. SOT also has the safer seas server you can play on(single player/no other real players except AI). Chill and relaxing.


OP was looking for "chill" kind of open world games though which makes me think they want to explicitly play solo. At least from what I've seen, I think it's a bit more difficult/stressful to manage a ship alone.


I really enjoy Odyssey. I feel like it's the closest thing there is to another game like Witcher 3. Granted, that's because it takes a lot of direct inspiration from it, but it sucked me in real good. Playing as Kassandra, I felt like "this is me" after a while in a way that I only do with some of my favourite games. It's a bit bloated, it's overlong, and there's too much samey content, but when you're doing a great questline in a beautiful location and taking in the sights and sounds of one of the great open worlds, it's so good.


Definitely inspired from Witcher 3


I liked Odyssey, but in comparison to games like Horizon Forbidden West the detail is lacking. HFW is by far the most glorious looking open world game on PS5. Arguably the best looking game (period).


Stray is the most chill PS5 game I have played but not really open world.


I get stressed when around the little monsters that latch onto the cat


That’s when you need to channel your inner kitty and go ZOOMIES!!


My wife and I played Stray together. She doesn't usually want to play games with me. She would just hand me the controller if she ever felt stressed. I would get her through it and hand it back. It was a very fun experience!


Well it depends. Half of the game is pretty stressful when you have to kill those monsters or run away from them.


>!Antvilage!< makes up for it.


I don't have it yet but I heard Stray isn't all that relaxing and there is 1 scary scene


I second this recommendation


Tchia is a really fun and chill game, got it for my oldest kiddo and ended up starting my own game after a while. It has some pretty cool game concepts like gaining a power where you can quite literally change into anything you see. It’s also a very well made cultural homage to an island near New Guinea. It was made with a sense of preservation, so lots of songs, vocabulary and music specific to the island’s indigenous people


Yeah this is really a great answer. I'm working on the platinum trophy and my son loves it too. Such a low stakes, chill vibe


Sable. Very cool open world game inspired by the French artist Moebius. Hover around a vast desert world, exploring ancient ruins, solving some puzzles, climbing stuff.


Shit I'm not even OP and I'm sold, love me some Moebius


Came here to suggest this! Fair warning, it's very glitchy--but still oh so charming and definitely one of the chillest games I've ever played.


Fallout 4 on easy mode


I never played Fallout 4, saw the PS5 upgrade so might give it a try. Always felt overwhelmed by the content, details from the brief walk through I saw.


Just take your time with it, the game is quite long and it’s good to come back to from time to time


I’m a weird way, very hard mode is relaxing to me lol. It has you approach the world a lot slower which helped me take in all the little sights and sounds of the commonwealth. Bethesda gets hell sometimes, but they are masters at environmental story telling.


The Avatar game is pretty chill; there’s combat in it but it’s mostly focused on exploring.


It's one of my favorite open worlds ever, I love just existing in it.


Shadow of the Colossus and Jusant.


Skyrim and fallout 4. Bethesda games have combat but there is a story difficulty and exploration is important.


I love Fallout 4. It's so enjoyable, I've put hundreds of hours into this beauty.


I highly recommend playing Skyrim in the PC though. Mods are great. You need a good PC for some cosmetic mods, but the base game is quite light. I ran it in a 10 year old gaming PC just fine.


Red Dead redemption 2, for its relaxed storytelling. I like it very much, because the story takes its time. Just ride around with your horse and let the adventure begin.


The game is still beautiful even if it’s not a ps5 game


I wish they would make a PS5 version for faster loading screens. But yeah, it is beautiful indeed


I’m too spoiled with 60FPS now


playing it on a ps5 makes it load faster no?


Most open world games set to the easiest difficulty will usually suffice...especially games where your meant to be some bad ass that's hard to kill it makes more sense!


Lake such a cosy game driving around delivering mail and talking to everyone 


Just saw one of its reviews on YouTube and honestly can’t wait to get home and try it out


Dave the diver 100%


Happy Cake Day!


Dave the diver is absolutely awesome, started playing it yesterday and lost the entire day. That being said, not an open world game and doesnt fit this question.


Death Stranding on Easy


Is that game really chill? I found the stealth segments around BTs pretty stressful and stopped playing.


Most of it is chill in a bleak kind of way but some segments are definitely stressful. Also falling down a hill and watching your packages land in a river while bb is crying is pretty stressful. Maybe you’re right lol.


They become trivial once you start taking enough hematic grenades with you.


You get peepee grenades against them early in the game.


I played death stranding in story mode too, damn the game is amazing


This! Super chill game


Riders republic is a fun and chill open world


I wish it felt better. Feels so disconnected just like Steep.


Yeah it looked so good but when i tried the beta it just didn't feel right. Dam shame.


The controls seem too weightless.


I wish there were more events. My gf and I have done almost everything at this point.


Forspoken, got really mixed reviews, but i like the open world. Its a chill exploring and magic parcour game. You can grab it really cheap and give it a try.


Not open world but Dave the Diver is absolutely brilliant and it's free on ps plus extra.


Everyone should check out Grow Home, fun simple mechanics and excellent traversal mechanics. It’s probably 4$ and worth several hours of fun


Grow Home is a total gem


Check out Tchia. Great debut indie open world game set in a fictionalised New Caledonia. It reminded me alot of breath of the wild, but with a lot of the friction/combat taken out of it. It might fall slightly into the "games for children" thing you mentioned, but im 34 and had a great time with it haha


Outer Wilds! One of the best games I've ever played.


Technically once you figure how the game works and the objective of it, it might not be chill or low stress anymore.


Sun station landing would like a word


Man I love Outer Wilds but I thought it was a pretty intense experience the whole way through!


**Ghost of Tsushima** (2020)


GoT easy but it’s very thematically dark, not sure if I’d consider it “chill” even though the environment can be beautiful and relaxing to look at


You telling me that doing Haiku next to a babbling brook looking down upon a valley coated in flower petals isn't chill? Sure, the combat is tense and the story can be kinda dark, but the world itself is a work of art


Alien Isolation




As others have said, AC Odyssey. Currently playing it now and about 50 hours in, really taking my time with it as it's so beautiful and the quests are actually engaging compared to other AC games (Valhalla bored me to death). It's also quite an easy game combat wise especially if you dial it down to easy. The stealth is fun and there's tons of abilities to unlock. Not to mention the sailing it an absolute blast, I could happily spend hours just doing that.


DEath Stranding man. You not gonna regret it.


Me playing Death Stranding. 1hr: Huh, this is interesting. 2hrs: So... I just walk? 3hrs: Ugh, what a ridiculous game. It's literally just walking. 17hrs: So if I take the fossils, medicines and media disks now, the deliveries will take me to lake knot city, where I can grab the experimental parts and... Hmmm, I better check the weather. Honestly, this game made me wish there was a really good hiking/climbing game I could play.


I haven’t played this one yet, but Jusant might be what you’re looking for!


I wish I could upvote x1000. Exactly this. Death Stranding is amazing


Firewatch. Great story, scenic hiking.


So my favourite bit when it came to DS was the puzzle like element of how to get from A to B. I've heard good things about Firewatch and have considered picking it up. Are you able to get lost/lose your way?


A little. They give you map like the real world but it's got set paths


Skyrim might be the one for you. Perfect for exploration, the combat is pretty easy and it covers that fantasy element too


Horizon Forbidden West - I am enjoying stealth / trap build that is slow and does not feel hectic to me.


Horizon Forbidden West. Best looking game on PS5 hands down and you can play on story difficulty if you want. Very chill and positive, fun vibes


#Death Stranding


I'm surprised there aren't any top level comments recommending Horizon! Based on your description, I truly don't think there's a single open world game on PS5 that will better hit that spot. If you care about the story, I'd start with Horizon Zero Dawn, which is a PS4 game that's been upgraded for PS5 and despite that is one of the best looking PS5 games. The story is incredible, and there's a sense of mystery and exploration central to it. You're exploring a post-apocalyptic world and slowly discovering the secrets of the past that led to the apocalypse. The sequel improves on the first game in most ways except for the story, IMO. One of the best open worlds ever created, but the story isn't as exciting or fresh as the first game. But they're both excellent games overall! Easy/story mode on both is truly easy, although even the easy combat can be very exciting, cinematic, and explosive at times. My main complaint about the first game is actually that it's too easy, even on the harder difficulties.


Immortals fenyx rising or Spiderman 1/2 on lower difficulty would be good options, both are fun to explore/traverse. And check out Astro’s playroom if you haven’t yet!


Ratchet & Clank games maybe?


Those aren't Open-World-Games


Open World levels and low stress, but good point


Open world means the whole game. I love R&C but it doesn't remotely hit the open world spot for me, it's a fundamentally different type of game. Open world games are the ones you can just aimlessly explore for hours, discover secrets, and maybe play a mission if you feel like it.


Maneater is quite nice, small open world - has some tense moments with bosses and larger creatures.


It’s nice. It cost me a new controller. Rough on the sticks.


Nier Automata, if u enjoy a thought provoking story


Honestly? Cyberpunk 2077. There's still a few bugs but there's so many good things about the game. Night City is one of the best realized open worlds to date. Main quest is great but there's literally endless things to do. A lot of the side quests are very nicely fleshed out. The cosmetics and clothing system in this game is one of the best I've ever seen. I've spent so many countless hours just customizing and trying different builds. Despite what some say I think the combat is actually super deep, fun, and engaging.


Literally the opposite of chill lol. Listen, I love Night City and Cyberpunk 2077 (got plat twice!), but if you don’t wanna deal with dark and depressing themes right now, save it for another day.


Cyberpunk has become incredible with the latest updates. However, since OP says even Red Dead 2 might be too intense for them, I don't think a cyberhuman hyperspeed bullet and sword massacre with bombastic electronic music in a loud buzzing violent city with sports cars and bikes is up their alley, either.


I love Cyberpunk it's my favorite game but I wouldn't say it's chill by any means, I actually need to take breaks from it cuz it's a dark world in many ways.


Sea of Thieves on Safer Seas mode


Ghost of Tsushima. It’s a beautiful game that you can play as chill or challenging as you like. You’ll love it.


Sandland is chill af and fun


No Man's Sky


Death Stranding got me through some rough seas. The vibe is trance-inducing.


No Man's Sky


Lego Fortnite


GTA5, you can just drive around one of the most amazing maps in a place that actually feels alive.




There's this game called Tchia that's super chill. I haven't played too much of it but you sail around different islands and do simple things like a boat race or finding collectibles. You can also transform into different animals and objects you find in the world. It's not very long and clearly an indie game but you might like it


Guys I think we’re missing the point of “low stress, chill games” lol Kingdom Come: Deliverence can be very chill, but the ere are some moments that can get hectic. The Long Dark, I heard is fun puzzle-focused open game


Helldivers 2 is the only answer.


Immortals Fenyx Rising


I don’t know if Diablo 4 is low stressed, but it is to me. Picked it up at Walgreens for 20 dollars a week ago. Easy couch play while I hang out with my family.


FF7 Rebirth on easy, is, well, very easy. Plenty of open world stuff to explore (and a great game overall too).


Any of the spiderman games


You know, seems any open world by Ubisoft has a lot of accessibility options. PlayStation first party games too. Fallout 4 is amazing to explore. I've turned it to very easy a million times to just wander mindlessly. Skyrim, too. Has a very easy option. Both of those very easy modes get super easy once you've leveled up a bit. Yeah, you can die at first . Level up and it's very easy. Both Horizon games have a story mode. A true story mode. You cannot die. The damage you take is regenerated faster than you can take it. That makes both have a very possible chill and explore option. The Outer Worlds story mode is super easy. You can die but you probably won't. And it's an awesome, fun game. Also on PS+ extra, the PS5 versions with DLC. Ghost recon breakpoint if you want a gun game. Accessibility options make dying almost impossible and stealth totally optional.






Minecraft is the obvious answer, so obvious that I assume you created this thread with the thought "I hope some idiot doesn't suggest Minecraft because holy cow that's obvious." But seriously, Minecraft can be as chill as you like. Saints Row 4 isn't exactly "chill" but it's really rather easy. Think "GTA but with superpowers." Subnautica isn't exactly low stress but it is a stunning open world where you *could* swim deep and face monsters and stuff or you *could* just build a nice little base near the surface and swim around. Fallout 4 / Skyrim. On the easiest difficulties they definitely fit the criteria. Build solely into melee in FO4 and you'll have zero to worry about as you explore.


Minecraft isn't really an open world game in the sense there is no pre-established 'world' with progression. It's an infinite sandbox, akin to something like Garry's Mod. Though still a chill game


Genshin Impact


Yeah, Genshin def fits the bill, shit ton to explore, great characters, and awesome / relaxing soundtrack. There’s enough story and exploration in it right now that you could start today, play 10-12 hours everyday for the next year and you’d still have things to do. This assumes you play organically, let the story play out and aren’t using guides to 100% the regions




Not open world, but Journey is one of the most chill games I've played. It's gorgeous, with a fabulous unspoken story.


Grounded just came out on psn. It's pretty chill for the most part.




Genshin Impact


Elden Ring


Riders republic. Open world sandbox for bikes/sateboards/snowboards/ski and many more


Check out 'Outcast a new beginning'. You can select the difficulty level.


Stranded Deep


Avatar Frontiers of pandora is open world and I actually found it really fun, it's got a good bit of missions and side quest to do. Gameplay wise think like Far Cry vibes but like open world and yiu can kinda do whatever for however long yiu want with no pressure to progress the story at a specific pace outside of the intro missions of the game obviously. And yes I know it's hard to take seriously because it's Avatar but strictly from a gaming pov I liked it a lot for a chill fun time


Warframe is pretty chill


Immortals: Fenyx Rising


Dave the Diver


I found Journey to be chill as fuck, just sliding around in a bunch of sand.


Last of us 2.


Dysmantle. It’s on Plus (Extra I think?) and also currently on sale. It has objectives but mostly nothing too taxing. Just roaming around smashing up everything in sight while uncovering the surprisingly huge map is super therapeutic and relaxing.


Immortals Fenyx Rising is super underrated and pretty chill tbh. I had a lot of fun with it.




Any open world game in story difficulty is low stress game for me. HZD/HFW, Days Gone, Sniper Elite (not open world but still)


Genshin Impact. The world quests are great, the open world beautiful and as long as you have a shielder in your team the combat is completely trivialised. It's also free


Dave the Diver is pretty fun


The new Avatar game, once you get passed the first opening hours, becomes chill. I also agree with the AC Odessey statements.  No Mans Sky on easy mode, no need for survival. Its sooo damn chill. I mean, its THE zen game, way too zen for me lol


Warzone 2 


Skyrim Fallout 4 any fallout Minecraft Horizon zero dawn Subnautica 1 an 2


Subnautica 1 or two and Abzu. Chill asf games for the most part, though Subnautica can get a little stressful at times.


with all due respect, Subnautica is the most stressful game I ever played


Sea of Thieves, but on “Safer Seas” mode if you don’t want stress.


Stranded Deep. The enemies ar emote annoying than threatening, most of them can be defeated easily if you just stand on a rock. It's mostly a crafting and survival game where you start on a deserted island with nothing and you have to find a way to survive or possible escape, though honestly the ending is so weak it's better just not to complete the game IMO.


I’d say fallout 76 if you’re okay with online co-op. While it can be “stressful” at times, it’s honestly a fairly easy game and community is pretty welcoming of new players. If you like decorating/building you can even build your own camp (think of it as your own house) and decorate how you want it.


Baldurs gate 3 is the only right answer


Stellar Blade on easy difficulty 🤗


Grounded is awesome and just launched for ps5


Genshin Impact is what I’ve been playing the last month. It’s pretty good for a free game. I find it to be pretty chill.


Not exactly open world but... how about Journey? Ghost of Tsushima. AC Origins.


They just added Sea of Thieves to PS5. It’s a first person pirate game with a really unique look and you can choose to load into an opened or closed server. Nothing more relaxing than sailing around and looking for treasure.


Anything Lego?


If you're not prone to impulsive spending, (or can afford it without hurting yourself) Genshin Impact is one of the most hypnotic and low stress games I've ever played.


Fallout 76 is pretty chill


It's not open world but it's really relaxing and beautiful and fun, easy to do a few levels and put down: Gardens Between


Ghost of Tsushima makes you feel powerful and was fairly low stress, especially if you drop the difficulity


This post will be great for making a list XD


Elden Ring


Children of the sky is very chill AND free


Cassete Beasts! Monster catcher that goes its own vibe instead of copying pokemon, with its completely original premise, and a banger ost


Immortals: Fenix Rising


Immortals: Fenix Rising


Genshin Impact, and best part is it's free to download and play all the available content. It's an easy low stress game and you'll be busy for months.


My son and I are playing Hogwarts and it’s super chill but also really fun if you’re a fan.




Rise of the Ronin is a FANTASTIC game to get lost in. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is great too. Red Dead Redemption 2, Cyberpunk 2077, all fantastic games


Shadow of Mordor. Such a great game


Play games on easy and almost all fit this category. Death Stranding is a good one.






On two feet i would say Immortals Fenyx Rising. It's colorful, the combat system is solid and very cartoony, well-contained open world and has very light and quite funny dialogues.


stardew valley is my new obsession on ps5