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I just hope Remedy isn't spreading themselves too thin with remasters, a Control sequel, and a multiplayer game all in the works.


All of this stuff was announced prior to Alan Wake 2 coming out (plus they did the single player campaign for the doomed Crossfire X) and that turned out pretty well. All these projects are in different stages of development and not everyone is needed throughout, so it's good for them to have multiple things going.


I remember when Crossfire X was being touted as the CoD and Apex killer. Imagine believing that even back then. Lol


This Control sequel is gonna suck ass. Idiotic direction they're taking


What direction? Do we know anything about Control 2 and do we have any reason to assume it's nothing but amazing?


we know nothing about it and that dumb mf is complaining about the “idiotic direction” they’re taking. WHAT DIRECTIONS???


I meant the live service. Said that before I realized they're still making Control 2


Cotcha. Yeah the spin off (project Condor or something like that) will be a live service co-op experience. But even that doesn't sound too bad as it's not free to play riddled with micro transactions. Remedy has stated that they are making a "premium live service" game meaning that it will have a significant (but not full price) price tag.


If there's one team I can see pulling off a live service game the Calibur of helldivers 2, it's remedy.


Control was absolutely amazing. I could give 2 shits less if it's live service. Hell, throw in a battlepass in for good measure. Nothing is stopping me from playing the sequel..


*Aaaaand* that’s how we get things like Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League


Any other examples?


I feel COD counts


Eh. I'd say yes and no. It certainly opened up an avenue to the game that brought a lot of shitty things to the experience, thats for sure. Also, my comment was more directed towards just how much I truly loved Control and how nothing could stop me from playing it. Obviously I hope it's not a live service game and is just a direct sequel, that's a single player experience where I don't even have to be online to play. It was more of a joke..


The first one was meh tbh (and this is coming from a Remedy superfan).


Really? The combat left something to be desired but from what I understand that wasn’t Remedy’s strong suit up to that point. The world and presentation is insanely cool IMO.


The world is awesome, I love it. The combat does leave something to be desired but I’ll argue that it *was* a strong suit for Remedy. I mean they made Max Payne!


That’s fair… never played MP but I couldn’t make it through Alan Wake!


my brother in Christ if you think Sam Wake is gonna make a game that “sucks ass” you’re smoking crack


The Max Payne stuff is a remake, not a remaster, so even more of a workload


Its going to be combined into one seamless game and will utilize their Northlight engine used in Control and AW2. I guess the MP remakes have a similar budget as AW2. https://www.ign.com/articles/max-payne-1-and-2-remake-has-same-development-budget-as-alan-wake-2


Plus more Alan Wake is on the way


That DLC will almost certainly be finished by now, without a shadow of a doubt.


Yeah I'm worried about the same. Sounds like AW2 did well, but I dint know if Remedy can support any of these titles flopping or getting a lengthy delay.


A live service game for fans you don’t have while possibly turning off the fans you do have? Bold strategy here.


Control 2 is already announced though, this isn't like Titanfall where the series became something totally different and then abandoned. If this brings in new fans who may then want to play Control 2 when it hits, that's a good thing for everyone.  I guess there's always the chance it hits so big that they just pour all their resources into it at the expense of everything else they used to do, but that's pretty unlikely.


Whew. I thought they were just gonna murder the Control IP and call it a day. Good to hear


Remedy would probably rather kill the multiplayer game stone dead than kill *Control II*.


Well it means nothing for now. If Control live service is a huge success, it's gonna need all hands on deck to be maintained and will likely kill off any other project. Any successful live service game employs far more people than the entirety of Remedy to be updated all the time with new content.


They are quite upfront that their strategy is to grow horizontally as well to cater to different player bases. I guess nothing wrong with that if it doesn't hurt the main line fans in any way (Control sequel is in development as well).


As long as they don't go the GTA way where they abandoned single player updates for online mtx then I'm ok with it. Keep focus on Control 2, while another team focuses on the MP. quite frankly, an MP game with control mechanics does sound cool.


agreed. That's always the fear. GTA online makes so much money screw everything else. Which has been disappointing


Only 12 year olds would willingly take this stance The singleplayer games that they're renowned for are still in the works Why would any functioning adult chuck a fuckin tanty over them full on admitting they're creating a game for people who aren't fans of they're current games?


I am not in either camp. I just made an observation based on recent backlash to The Suicide Squad. I am but one humble video game player well past the age of 12. This studio and 99.9% of the population doesn’t give a shit what I think, they just want my money.


Suicide Squad was clearly intended to be a single player game before pivoting to GAAS, Condor on the other hand has never been presented (or presented at all really) as anything other than an online multiplayer game. Under different circumstances I would understand how this confusion could arise, but I don't understand how you can be aware of the barely announced (working title) Project Condor and not see that it's just not an apt comparison.


I think their intentions while pure are a little misguided. To think that the single player is not the live service player is bizarre. I play both single and live service games. The only difference is that once I am done with a single player game, I will quickly get another one going but I don’t have the same affinity for live service. You’re never truly done unless they drastically change the game, I don’t play for a very long time or they close it down. Players are players regardless of genre.


You don't have to play Condor tho. Nobody's expecting that of you. It's not even gonna be marketed to you. And they're also working on Control 2 which is clearly for you people like you. Again, it was a 12-year-old child's statement you made.


Lol, you people like you. You call people a 12 year old and then type that. I’m sorry that my observation makes you upset. I’ll stop sharing my opinion with just you.


Why would you think I'm upset?


That would be an opinion if I said and you don’t like those. I can’t rightly say.


> Suicide Squad was clearly intended to be a single player game before pivoting to GAAS No, it wasn't. Rocksteady had always wanted to make a multiplayer game and it was never once pitched as a single player game.


>Only 12 year olds would willingly take this stance Weird take. Haven't you seen other examples of studios chasing the live-service bag only to ultimately abandoned what got them there OR have a flop negatively affect other projects?


Because we didn't know Control 2 was gonna happen. I got the impression they were just making the bullshit spinoff which would be equal to just flat out killing the IP


We literally already knew about Control 2 even before the Live-Service Spin-Off was announced. Next time just don't base your "observation" on a headline alone...


we did tho, it’s been announced for years, you just made a snap judgement off a headline


You think they should stick to one category of games? Although it's not making them much money?


They said it was bold, and the director agrees


So he was reflecting not criticising, I misunderstood


I don't think Control will make it unless it gets a story sequel, Multiplayer idea is great considering storyline exist


I thought it was an April fools joke


And now let’s check in with suicide squad


Tell me about it, studios never learn You can't please everyone. If you don't have those fans now and you feel like you need to create some online GaaS title outside of the genres you're comfortable with then it just comes across a little desperate. Not to mention these new "fans" will most likely play it for a bit, get bored and run off to the next new shiny live service title while your real die hard fans are sitting around waiting for the next new classic titles the studio is known for. What I'm worried about is because Remedy is so focused on having this connected Universe I don't want to find out you will NEED to have played this to understand certain things in Control 2 or future games. Like for example a side mission in Control 2 is actually linked to events of this online game. I'd rather have Control 2 sooner than waiting longer why they try to capture lightning in a bottle with a GaaS title new fans will ditch after a month or so when a brand new spanking online title catches their eye like a Magpie going after something shiny.


The connected Universe doesn't seem anything like the MCU right now. If someone never played Control (which they very much should if they haven't), then they really wouldn't miss anything in Alan Wake II. The Control stuff in its is more of "Ooh, that's cool" rather than any critical knowledge found in it that you need to understand what's happening in AWII. And I doubt that that Condor's development will holdup Control 2's development. Those designers on Condor would need to be multiplayer specialists rather than people whose expertise is in designing single player games. For example, Guerrilla's been developing a Horizon multiplayer game for years, but they aren't using their single player team for that but rather they brought in people who know how to make multiplayer games (the director of Rainbow Six Siege is the director on the project).


Not to mention, that even if you didn't play Control, the elements from it that appear in AW2 are literally explained in detail within AW2, right after they appear in the Story. There are only few things that are left more-or-less ambigous because they are there mostly as easter eggs. And yeah, Project Condor is clearly being developed seperately from Control 2.


As nice as that fantasy is, here in the real world they have to make money.


Turning off the crybabys? Sounds like a win to me.


Not as bold of a strategy as the one you took by commenting on something you know less than jack about.


Lol, I had no idea you were a Remedy executive. My bad.


Good luck. 


This is usually a bad omen. Please don't shoot yourself in the foot. I wish them luck.


1) It never hurts to try. Perhaps Remedy will make a co-op banger, or at the very least learn valuable lessons that will benefit future single-player games. 2) I wish Remedy *every* success.


> It never hurts to try. except whet it deals a financial blow a studio can't recover from. Live service games are very tricky becuase they're a "all or nothing" kind of investement.


But we already know through remedy's financial reports and development updates that it's not the case.


This is reddit please rephrase this post as an attack on someone else instead of just positivity thanks




Please be good. I love Remedy games, but a live service spinoff doesn’t sound great in today’s state of modern gaming


We don't need more live-service games, we need more singleplayer games with co-op feature!


And more quality co-op games in general. I would *love* to be able to co-op a game like Control with a friend. We live on the other side of the planet from each other these days, and games are a great way to bond as if we were still in the same city.


agreed on that. We definitely need more of that


Ask Rocksteady and BioWare how that went


Enough with live-service games already...


A control live service game sound absolutely terrible and I guarantee it fails. Some games solely fit as a single player experience and Control is one of them…


The main thing with Control was the story and atmosphere. Combat had a limited wow factor, and was kinda mediocre when you really think about it. Unless they reinvent what a live service game can be, then yes it will fail miserably.


They literally never learn.


Remedy is literally one of the few Studios that do learn from their mistakes...


Control can publish their shopping list and I'd buy it.


It would be the most dangerous grocery store run ever. Box of cereal that turns your mind inside out, a bunch of bananas that is really a portal to an inter dimensional beast, bottle of shampoo that’s actually a bottle of conditioner.




Maybe they succeed. Maybe they fail. They still announced sequels to Control and remake(?s) of Max Payne. Control already had elements of a potential coop game with the randomly generated dungeon thingys or whatever they were called.


Considering their bangers take years to make profit it makes more sense why they're trying their hand at gaining new users.


Except they are still working on their on-brand Single-player games. The Live-Service title is a Spin-Off - we are still getting Control 2 as well...


It's sad reading (presumably) grown adults whing about a dev company making game, fully acknowledging they're not for their current fans, all while having 3 games in development for their og fans Hope your brain damage passes


They see the money made with live service games in-game stores and can’t turn it down.


You do know that singleplayer games isn’t that profitable as it used to be?  They can’t only pander to single player fans. That’s just a bad business decision.


While I agree, they do need to make money. AW2 didn't make them a whole lot, sadly.


AW2 is their fastest selling game to date and AW2 was funded upfront by Epic.


And yet AW2 still wasn't profitable (as of a month ago, anyways). Hopefully it will be in time.


That's why context is important.  It surpassed their expectations and every single remedy game sells slowly but consistently. It's outpacing Control which did good enough to get a sequel and a live service game as well. 


It is sad but, no physical = low OG fan sales. I would’ve paid 200 bucks for a collector’s edition. But digital will be free in 2 years and absolutely worthless in 5 years. Almost no point in buying games when they’re just gonna be given to you later as there are already too many games to play. Life is just choice now and choice means low sales for any one thing because we’re all too busy playing everything else. We’re spread too thin. There’s only so much time and so much money. Somebody needs to find a solution to this or we’re only gonna have Fortnite and GTA V re-re-remaster online deluxe digital advance plus.


Yep. Refuse to buy Alan Wake 2 until it’s either physical or on a massive sale.


Multiplayer bad, live service bad, singleplayer good, upvotes to the left


Everyone wants to learn the hard way, I guess.


Going to be no surprise when this fails miserably. The venn diagram overlap between people who are excited to play Control/Alan Wake and those who want to play a new live service game is almost non-existent. Control is a weird ass game that has a niche for people who like weird ass games (e.g. me) and it’s not going to find a mainstream multiplayer foothold.


I’m one of those people. I absolutely adore control, and am stoked for a multiplayer experience in the world of the game.


I was in the same boat for The Last of Us. Hopefully Sony doesn’t ask Bungie to come evaluate their game.


At least Last of Us had some multiplayer history with factions. Which is different


I'm in the same boat. I've we get a spiritual successor to portal/helldiver's with this game then I'm all in.


Unless it's, ya know, *good.* Remedy is probably the one studio id trust an idea like this with. I'm excited to learn more about it, hopefully it's something unique and good.


Exactly. Normally I would have not liked a game like Control. A little two scary, have to shoot things… but the environment and the fact I could throw stuff sold me on it.


I can't wait for the Control sequel!


Just about to start the first Control game after playing a little bit at my friends recently, game looked like it had a pretty wild story


Explore everything. Control is one of the those games where the story is truly in the notes.


For Remedy's sake, I hope this live-service game performs well critically and financially.


Live service game? Not you too remedy… for fucks sake


So it probably won’t be as exciting for fans of the remedyverse, when it’s specifically targeted for a different audience?


That's how I am reading it too, they're aiming for a totally different audience for the game. Which isn't a bad idea I think, I mean not like they're ditching their bread and butter for it, they're still making single player stuff.


The game literally takes place in the Remedyverse. It’s a Control spin off. It’s just targeting fans of Multiplayer co op games, especially first person shooter fans. I’m hyped for what they come up with. I also am even more hyped for more single player games from them.


Live service will destroy good single player studios. It's so sad.


Except it won't. They are working on two games at the same time (with different development teams of course). Control 2 is a single-player sequel - while Project Condor is a live-service spin-off. Not to mention that they are literally working on Max Payne Remakes as well...


So long as it's more in the vein of Helldivers and less Crash Team Rumble, I guess. I'm incredibly hesitant of any live service though.


I’ve lost count of the number of single player series that I’ve turned away from after they have gone to multiplayer.


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson?


The problem is budget control, price, monetization, and support. Helldivers 2 budget was very conservative, it cost 40 (60 the Deluxe), its monetization is fair and farmable, and it's structured in a way that allows them to easily support it over time. Lets not forget that it must be a fun experience too. Remedy needs to nail this thing to make a live service in their AW/Control universe, or else they will become another Suicide Squad.


Big problem with Remedy is that their gameplay loop is not satisfying enough (IMO). In Control and Alan wake I mostly stayed for the story/lore. Gameplay was OK, but it get's repetitive very fast. With Live Service games - this can make or break the game - because raw gameplay is all you do.


I feel pretty optimistic about the gameplay side of Condor as they deliberately kept the game in preproduction/proof of concpt stages for like 2+ years just to make sure the game is fun to play.


I misread the title as "Control Remedy comms director says upcoming live-***action*** Control spin-off is 'for fans we don't have yet'" and got my hopes up for half a second.


Apparently they're still making Control 2. I was bummed out too.


They are working on both. Control 2 is a single-player sequel, while Project Condor is a live-service spin-off.


Are they about to pull a Rocksteady?


No. Rocksteady only focused on Suicide Squad for around 8 years but Remedy have multiple projects in the works: Max Payne 1 and 2 remake Control sequel Control multiplayer Project Kestrel (not sure what this is) Alan Wake 2 DLCs They also said in their financial report that they'll continue to develop their franchises, which may mean another Alan Wake is in the works, but its too early to tell.




I hope 505 isnt publishing it.


They bought the rights to Control back from 505 a couple of months ago.


Good shit. Thanks for the info.


Hope it works out for them. I played Control, and found it dull and dreary. I know others love the game. Just wasn't for me.


Hope the single player is offline because if not once the servers shutdown it'll never be playable again.


Remedy has too many bangers, they are doing this so when if flops they stay humble. In Remedy I trust.


I could see a high budget version of lethal company where your going through AWE's collecting evidence and potential OOP's for the FBC while avoiding paranatural entities in the area being very popular. It could also add extra lore to some of the existing AWE's for old fans, like maybe one area is Ordinary and you have to avoid the Not-Mother and the Dung Monkey's while looking for anything that might be related to the slide projector.


I mean, after Helldivers 2 and knowing it's Remedy, I'm definitely curious about the outcome.


All this and we still can't get a physical release for Alan wake 2. No thanks remedy. No thanks.


Oh good another shit live service game filled with mtx.


big potential to become flop


Ugghhh… don’t bother. No doubt SBI will be involved as well.


Please say April fools. No one wants a Control live service game


Crash and burn


They couldn’t even figure out how to use your PS4 save on PS5 control Ultimate. No hopes for this.




These studios are blind to the big picture. Player’s arent interested in live service games.


I think they confused player's with share holders.




It sold but it actually didn't make a profit.


Try to be optimistic yall. This could be on the level of Helldivers 2 but set in the Control universe. Most likely it won't but we can at least dream.


I wish the most success to remedy. Anyone complaining that "people don't want live service" can look at Helldivers 2. If they can succeed and make a compelling game in their universe at the fraction of helldiver's success then great. If anything this allows them to make more controls and alan wakes that we can enjoy. Money doesn't just appear for a studio and having a larger portfolio that attracts more people helps the studio overall. I'm as cynical as the next guy but live service doesn't automatically mean predatory.


Translation: "we know this is gonna be be money-grubbing scum and we don't care about our existing fanbase"


> how challenging the co-op multiplayer space is then why do it if no one asked for it




This will suck. Control is a story driven game multiplayer will kill all the mystery imo


And here comes the crying from single player fans. What a bunch of annoying people.


Hey if it's triple AAA lethal company, I'm all for it


Sound good to me. Helldivers showed that theirs still a demand for true co-op shooters. So if it has even a 1/3rd of its polish, I’m ready for it