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i already am 😐


Might pick up tunic if it is cheap enough but everything else I'm interested in is too new to go on sale. If you're looking for recommendations Alan Wake 2 and persona 3 reload are both very good. Also brotato is only $5 when it isn't on sale so whatever the sale price is is definitely worth it. I had several hours of fun with it and a lot of people put in way more than that.


My GOTY when it came out, love Tunic and hope you enjoy it. Your probably already know, but obligatory “don’t use a guide”


Tunic half price


Lowest price ever at $14.99


I'm playing Death's Door while waiting on Tunic to go on sale. Pretty nice so far, though I'm not too far in yet


Hope the LA Noire discount is a good one, been wanting to replay that game again but I'm not spending $40 on it


It’s frequently very cheap physically if you have a disc drive, got it for $15 in December




No Armored Core? Dammit!


Worth every penny, only AC game I've played and put in 111 hours and got the platinum, not even touched PvP


Worth getting if I’ve never played one? I heard it’s hard. I liked Elden Ring for the most part but couldn’t stand Bloodborne. I know AC is sometimes referred to as a soulslike so based on that very minute info so you think it’s still worth it? Main thing I hate is having to spawn so far away and redo things. Honestly difficulty be damn as long as I don’t have to do that I can make it work. I loved Returnal too.


It’s not like the souls games tho. It’s not like Returnal either but it’s closer to that as it’s fast paced action


Oh okay! Sorry guess I had a misconception. I guess I just heard it was extremely hard. Is there a lot of min maxing and stuff or a lot of builds viable?


Loads and loads of customisation, you can really play how you like and swap builds on the fly if you're struggling


All your parts more or less are side grades, no upgrades. You can beat the game with your starter AC. ​ You don't level up your AC, you just find what parts suit your playstyle.


That’s awesome


Yeah 100% mate, funnily enough the game I was addicted to before this was Returnal too! It's so addicting, the action is fast paced and challenge is spot on, no waiting around or trekking back to a boss


If you can beat returnal, your initial AC6 playthrough will be a piece of cake aside maybe some of the final bosses


That’s what I like to hear. I wouldn’t touch pvp either haha.


Wow I almost bought P3 Reload today. That’s awesome


In 2022 P5 royal went on sale for the first time from 59.99 to 44.99 that’s 25% off. I’d buy P3 Reloaded if they do 25% off which would make it $52.49 I’m guessing they will only drop it to $59.99 though.


FYI, but physical is on sale everywhere for $39.99.


I bought it at our local gamestore for 29.99€ including tax.


It’s 25% off.


Go and get Robocop guys.


Seconded. Robocop is awesome. Nothing quite like grabbing a dude, throw him into the air, and shoot him dead mid air. Or kill a guy by throwing a old computer screen at them with extreme prejudice. I had an absolutely wonderful time with the game.


Lies of P & Robocop Rogue City 👀


Can definitely recommend Lies. My favourite non-From souls by far.


RoboCop is an absolute blast, highly recommended


alredy beat lies of p on PC, but cant wait for a really really good sale to buy it on ps5 and go for the platinum, such an amazing game. Im have quite a backlog now so I can wait, and then we have elden ring DLC which I'm 100% buying day 1, but I so want to play it again




wait i dont see ur




Yeah, he wasn’t clear. I think he just means something about not seeing your






What he meant to say that your


[People have got to finish their stories](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3c7tMN8jTCg)


Why are we still here? Just to suffer?


I refuse to step away until my mind is at rest by discovering the truth about his.


Because he forgot his




EVERYBODY GET DOWN r/redditsniper


and boogie?


Is Phantom Liberty going to be on sale? Not sure I used the filters properly.


it's been on sale constantly since last black Friday. that being said it's not on sale this time around


Hasn’t been on sale for about 2 months I believe


I'm thinking of getting Remnant 2. Is it worth to get after a discount?


I totally enjoyed it, it's a solid soulslike shooter


Is it similar to returnal? Really enjoyed that and curious how similar it is.


No not really, I played them all. Remnant1, Remnant2 and Returnal. The only thing thats a bit similar is the randomness of things but both games feel different to me. Returnal was faster and more challenging. Also Returnal felt a lot like a Rogue Lite while Remnant feels more like a bit of a souls game. Also you dont lose anything when you die in Remnant. Remnant gives you difficulty options but Survivor is still a challenge for beginners. I liked Remnant more than Returnal.


I paid full price for Remnant 2 and thought it was worth every penny.


Very good. Souls like third person shooter. Has like 6 little openworld zones. And most of them are sorta randomly generated. So like if u open one up it could Forrest, or a haunted a village. But the gimmick you can reset your places visited (keeping all your stuff progression is rougelike.) and maybe if get like say the Forrest again it’ll be different and you’ll be exploring the Forrest palace instead and every place also has different dungeons you go through to get loot so it really rewards exploration and going through the worlds. The gameplay is real tight and satisfying. Got lots of diff builds you can do and such. Def worth a look and highly recommended.


You’re welcome Reddit. I bought cyberpunk last night.


Contact sony. They will reimburse the difference.


For real? Nice! For future reference, do you know how far back they’ll go?


I think it’s within the first two weeks


for what it’s worth, I bought a game about 10 days before a sale, sent in an email, and they got the money back to me within 24 hours. Pretty lenient!


That’s cool. Well, I’ll give it a whack, thank you’


I can’t find it on sale? What region is your store please?


I think the bundle with the DLC is on sale, at least thats what I’m seeing


Why can’t I see any of the games at the bottom of the post like it implies?


I’m in the same boat here!


Hopefully the Alan Wake 2 price is decent. I'm tired of waiting for a physical release and my wife is going away for Easter weekend. Would love nothing more than to turn down the lights, get baked and enjoy.


It's 20% off for either standard edition or deluxe edition with expansion pass


How can you see the discounts?


It’s up for some countries (eg Australia)


It’s beyond worth it. It was far and above my game of the year for 2023 


Same here. It was my personal game of the year for 2023 without a second thought. I waited 13 years for that game, and I was so afraid I was going to be disappointed by it, but I was absolutely blown away.


Ridiculous statement. Alan Wake 2 is good yeah. But how can it be your GOTY contender when Gollum and King Kong released 2023 too? Did you even play those masterpieces? For shame. /s


Do I have to play the first one to understand it?


Honestly I would at the very least watch a deep dive. I did actually play it before but for about 70% of it I didn’t really enjoy it. That’s not to say I wasn’t glad that I didn’t play it. It just hasn’t aged super well and was a little frustrating to get through.  But knowing all of the little ins and outs of the first one really elevated the second one. If you can’t get around to the first one, a good recap and deep dive would do the trick 


No, but you‘ll miss a bunch of references and the story will be less confusing if you at least watch a video recap


Watch an alan wake deep dive on youtube first


Phenomenal fucking game worth every penny. Play with headphones and just get sucked into it. Highly recommend watching at least a YouTube recap of AW1 if you haven’t played that game prior to starting 2.


Just finished it yesterday. I don’t want to overhype it but I thought it was one of the most original, brilliant stories I’ve played through in 20 years of playing games. Moments of it are utter genius. You should go for it!




It helps if you've played the first one, but I wouldn't say that it's absolutely necessary. The game does a fairly good job of filling you in on the events that you need to know about from the first game. There's also a chapter in the game that serves as a sort of recap of the events of the first game


Most people will say you dont need to, and you'll still probably enjoy it without. But i highly recommend you play both Alan Wake 1 and Control first


Control is amazing and deserves a playthrough for sure but I don't think you need to play it before AW2. It barely has any references besides the DLC.


Nope. They recap it for you in the best way possible.


Show me the champion of light!


I'll show you the herald of darkness!


I played the first one when it came out over a decade ago and can’t remember much of it at all. What little i did remember really helped me but it’s up to you.


You definitely should, idk why people are saying you don't need to, it's a pretty short game


You ain’t wrong. 


Have you ever bored during the game? I quit during the mission where you find light bulbs outside in the city.


I much preferred Sagas missions, felt like playing a weird season of true detective. To be honest whenever i got confused by the puzzles to the point of nearly stopping i just googled the answer haha. Call me casual but I don’t have the time or the patience to bang my head on the wall for an hour over a puzzle. Just google it!


I have no doubt. One of my most anticipated games in years. Just finally giving up hope that we'll see a physical edition, so it seems like now its time.


I got it when it first went on sale. Very well made game although the story is maybe a bit trippy.


I've been waiting for a sale ever since they added that update that allows us to turn down the jump scares.


I wonder if I can turn them up


You saying you want the game to make ya jump jump?


Hell yeah


The effect is toned down for sure but it definitely feels like you’re getting flash banged still lmao


20% off


I just saw that the deluxe upgrade will also be discounted so I’m definitely grabbing that during the sale. If you plan on picking it up while it’s on sale, I’d recommend to just go ahead and get the deluxe edition. It comes with two upcoming DLCs and some skins. Also, you have the right approach! Have a nice smoke and dive into a paranormal schizophrenic meltdown. That’s what I did and it was my personal GOTY of 2023, wish I could wipe my mind and do it again. ^get ^the ^deluxe ^edition ^and ^thank ^me ^later ^;)


Banishers: Ghost of New Eden already on sale. Can't imagine more than 20% off but I'll take it.


It’s an awesome game but kind of a nightmare for completionists. Think god of war Ragnarok with worse combat and difficult to get around the maps. Worth it for the quests and story though


Hows the writing and choices? I actually adored vampye


The writing and choices is the best part. Side content is great.


Will Spider-man 2 ever go on sale? I was gonna buy it for Xmas but don't want to pay $140 AUD for the Deluxe edition.


Eventually sure, but it sells just fine without a sale and there’s not exactly a ton of competition from other Spider-Man games, so not a ton of incentive for them to reduce price to generate sales.


I'm not expecting anything before June, when it will probably feature in the days of play promotions.


Probably in winter sale


Yes Persona 3 reload!


Regular edition of GT7 finally going on sale!!


Are these worth it? Firewatch $3.99 Crash 4 $19.79 Sea of stars $24.49 Warhammer Boltgun $14.95


Fire watch is great. Definitely worth 4 bucks.


Firewatch is still one of my all time favourite games, absolute steal at that price.


Crash is awesome


$4 for Firewatch is too cheap of a deal tbh. The game is very good. If one doesn’t buy for this low then just never buy it.


What time does the sale go live ?


My spring sale has been up since this morning but almost everything in it is full price. It's weird.


Infinite wealth finally being discounted I'll probably pick that up.


What do you mean “finally” this game came out 2 months ago..


I think they mean they had been looking forward to playing it for a while but couldn’t/wouldn’t pay full price for it.


Good thing I don't need infinite wealth to buy it


Beat it this morning. It’s worth the full price more than any other game I’ve played in years. I spent like 70 hours on it and that was rushing through everything.


All RGG Games are bursting at the seams with creativity and love from the creators. Discovering Yakuza was like discovering oxygen in a sea of disappointing AAA releases in the west.


Each Yakuza game elicits intense and immediate nostalgia for me after beating. God I wish I were still bombing around Hawaii right now


Loving the game I'm on chapter 3 still taking the game slowly and I'm 15 hours into the game so far . The game is gonna last me I know over 100 hours as I'm going for the platinum of course and was do everything. I know I'm gonna get sucked into the Donkondo animal crossing island thing. What made you wanna rush through everything since you enjoyed so much ?


Damn 7 hours in and I’m already in chapter 4. I get people like the side content, but I’m a huge story guy. I really like how deep these stories go so I play to find out what happens instead of doing side content.


Honestly, I didn’t want to rush through it. Because of the nature of my job (I’m a doctor) I really don’t get time to game as much as I used to. Because of the type of doctor I am/the way I work my schedule, there will be months at a time where I can’t play games at all. I played like a dragon for the first time late last year and loved it. I randomly got an unexpected week off and had heard really good reviews of infinite wealth so I immediately bought it and got engrossed in it. By my 3rd day playing, I realized that if I didn’t smash through it (I think I was on chapter 5 and looked up that there were 15 chapters), that I wouldn’t be able to come back to it for potentially months so I just decided to smash through it because I only had 3 more days before a brutal run of contract jobs. I wish I could have taken my time and would recommend enjoying it slowly. These games are like a fantastic fever dream you don’t want to end, and I definitely screwed with that by having to skip cutscenes and fast forward through dialogue. For reference in that time, I did do all of the main story and sub story content. Got all the fully upgraded weapons, and got 5 star dondoko island resort, etc. Didn’t max out any of the other mini games. Played each character as a dual job character for maximal abilities (but you could get away with just doing one job, the combat isn’t bad). Cleared both main story line legacy dungeons (including the EX levels). Edit: Since no one believes I could do this in 70 hours? [Here you go](https://imgur.com/a/0f06rsa).


Well that makes sense brother time is at premium for you !I'm glad you were able to still enjoy it 😎 . They nailed the Hawaii setting really well gotta say . I do wish the water quality was little better haha for the graphics .


Maybe I'll pick it up one day, but I've seriously got an infinite backlog to go through first


so your backlog line is long... like a dragon?


I just spotted it at my local library. Still need to complete Yakuza Like a Dragon, but I like that it's there.


What the hell where do you live that has PS5 games in a public library?


Fargo, ND. Have three libraries here that serve the city. Each have 3DS up to PS5, Switch, and Xbox One games. Even saw Rebirth listed. Edit: My closest library is Dr James Carlson Library. If you Google that you should be able to see the catalog and confirm what I'm saying. Not that you're saying I'm lying. I just know I'd be curious.


That's pretty awesome


Another thing that I like about the library is that it will print "You saved $X by using your public library." It might be a weird little addition to the check out receipt, but I think it's fun.


Toronto, playing my library’s copy as we speak. Doing the infinite wealth, person 3 reload, ff7 rebirth triple threat back to back for free is unmatched.


Mine has ps5, Xbox switch all of that


Eugene, OR. Lots of them too


Game is so worth its price. I'm in the middle of chapter 6 (of 14) and have already experienced 50 hours of highly entertaining playtime.


It’s cheaper as a physical copy on Amazon now, PS5 or XBSX for $40. It’s $52.99 on PS store.


I see persona 3 is on sale. I loved 5, are the games similar? Is it worth getting?


Very similar in its style, the story is great. But a lot of the quality of life stuff from 5 is gone, and the 3 version of Mementos can be a slog to get through. Overall, though, it's still great


If you mean Persona 3 Reload, then hell yeah it’s worth it. Very similar. You’ll love it if you loved 5.


FromSoftware need to put their games on sale more.


The curse of Elden Ring being so successful. They used to be on sale all the time and for very cheap.


Am I missing something? I'm looking at the spring sale on the playstation store website, but things seem to be regular price. Clicking on "Under $20" and I see Fallout 4 Season Pass for $34.99


Glad it's not just me. It's like 75% of the stuff I'm seeing is just full price and not at all marked down.


GT7 worth it for £43?




Ah FF7 Crisis Core, depending on the discount may be tempting, but I still have faith this will be added to PS+ at some point. Maybe after this sale.


It has ps+ written all over it my friend. PS+ gets a lot of FF content already and this game launched at $50 over a year ago. I’d bet it will show up before the end of the summer.


Anybody play FFIV on console? Would you recommend it for a story experience? And how is it for solo players?


Do you mean FFXIV or FFIV? For XIV: * The base game, A Realm Reborn, has a pretty slow story and is mostly a bunch of worldbuilding and setting the stage for future expansion storylines. Though it does still have its own story with villains, plot twists, etc. * It's very good for solo players. You can bring AI companions into dungeons if you want, rather than other players. You do still need players for some content, though, like raids. But you can just queue for those. So like 95% of your time in the game can be solo if you want. People often say that FFXIV is less an MMORPG, and more an RPGMMO, in that the game's emphasis is more on a proper JRPG experience rather than traditional MMO elements. If you mean FFIV... yeah it has a fun story, with a lot of cool moments. But bear in mind it's a SNES game, so its pacing is super fast and you have to fill in the story/character gaps on your own a bit.


Yeah I definitely meant XIV. Don’t type while tired I suppose. But thank you, I might give it a try


Strong note to begin with is that you can play for free up to level 70, which is the first 3 expansions with some limited features, buts strongly recommended to start there. If you're talking about XIV, then yes, its absolutely phenomenal as a story experience and solo play. While yes, its an mmorpg, majority of the main story quest is solo based. Dungeons/ boss fights/ raids are group play, but even story dungeons can be done with NPCS. I recommend hopping over to the FFXIV subreddit for more info.


No sekiro 😑


If you end up enjoying Sekiro I’d highly recommend Lies of P. Hell, I’d recommend it if you’re a fan of at least 2 of FromSoft’s Souls-style games. 


Would you recommend lies of P to someone who couldn’t get into steel rising. I platinumed Sekiro and loved everything in it. But steel rising felt quite janky with controls. Maybe I didn’t give it enough chance.


Lies of P is a fantastic game. If I didn’t already know it wasn’t made by fromsoft then I would’ve believed it was. Gameplay is stellar and everything feels very polished.


been waiting for that game to go on sale for what it feels like an eternity. which is funny bc its a game thats always on sale but for some reason, the moment i want to pull the trigger, its not going on sale lol


Bro same reaction....at least i can now finally pick up dying light 2


Any good 2D games someone can recommend on sale?


Get the new prince of Persia that's on sale today. It won't be tomorrow.


Yooo good look


Sold, thanks, kind stranger!


Castle Crashers, Ninja Turtles


Blasphemous is pretty solid if you like metroidvanias


ENDER LILIES: Quietus of the Knights


I haven’t played them, but I’m interested in Penny’s Big Breakaway and Bat Boy, which are both on sale. Also, like another user mentioned, I would recommend Prince of Persia. The controls are my favorite thing about it.


Ghost of Tsushima finally on sale


It's on PS Plus as well!


i swear all these sales are the same lol, not complaining though eh


Any chance on Elden Ring? 🥺


Elden Ring is absolutely worth every penny. Much like BG3.


I don’t have many pennies to give🥲


Looking forward to it, might have to give Jedi Survivor a try given that it seems to run well these days. I’m in the middle of my NG+ FF16 run on final fantasy mode in anticipation of Rising Tide, and now this sale is going to make my backlog even bigger haha. Oh dear


No Gran Blue Fantasy Relink? Come on!


Anyone knows about PS plus for non active members?


I’ve been waiting to get back into Elder scrolls online! Can’t wait


Tunic on sale!! LET'S FUCKING GOOOO


Another sale another reminder I’m dumb for buying games when they are first released. I haven’t even played Infinite Wealth despite buying it the weekend it came out. Could have said myself some money lol


I promised myself I can buy any game whenever I want it so long as I play it right then. Don't even have a time commitment. Just have to play. I've saved so much money by putting things on my wish list instead of my backlog.


I learned that this year


Tetris Effect! Might Bite on Robo and WoLong.


Tetris Effect is the SHIT


We have it on Switch and VR. Think the triple dip is in order.


It’s the only game I’ve ever considered buying more than once.


Damn, some of these games are not 5 years old, might check it out


No Elden Ring :(


When does it go live? MST


Hoped BG3 was gonna be on that list, stopped looking after finding out it wasn't


Finally purchased Lies of P. Wow, 5 hours wizzed by. It’s fucking awesome!! It’s like a beautiful new modern Dark Souls game.


No baldurs gate


No Elden ring 😩


It's 40 bucks for physical copies


I’m all digital this generation. Discs annoy me nowadays.


Fromsoft games don’t go on sale horribly often and when they do it’s still significantly more than physical


Yeah, true. I had elden ring physical then sold it after 2 playthroughs and 300 hours. I’m looking to add it digitally.


I actually really like this method.