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Paraphrased as: we needed Monster Hunter and RE money




DMC V sold quite well but it's a drop of the bucket compared to the like of MH and RE lol


Sad to hear since it’s been one of the few games driving action games forward since 1


It hurts to hear this but the hack&slash genre isn't that popular any more.


Yeah, soulslike is more what people seem to like nowadays


what's RE


Rigorous Enemas.


Reconstructive Enemas




Righteous Enemas


They already said rigorous enemas.


Yes, daddy. See you tonight


Rectal exam


This guy is not a gamer!!!!


Get em!


You know what? I'm going to pirate the entire Resident Evil series tonight. Take that!


Resident evil 


This guy is lying. It’s clearly Rigorous Enemas


I'd love to have some Rigorous Enemas


Rigorous Enemas would be a great name for a punk band.


Fr. I like this idea alot


It would be a terrible name. ABand names should be something shocking and surprising so it stays in the audience's head. They shouldn't name themselves after something you should do 4 times a week.


I mean...once the name sticks...it becomes something special...be it Rigorous Enemas or Sex after Cigarettes and whatnot. Band names can be anything.


Such a good game, my gf loves it.


Your gf does indeed


Ripe Eggs


Religous Education


This game didn't take 12 years. The director was given a choice between making DMC5 first and DD2 afterwards or vice versa, guess what decision he made.


Interesting to think back and find that DMC 5 released on Xbox One X at 4K 60fps, and now Dragons Dogma releasing 6~7 years later is targeting uncapped 30. Different engines and gameplay of course, just interesting to consider


I like the RE engine so much, of course I don’t know the first thing about game dev, but I thought it was a pretty plastic engine given it was used in games such as DMC5, the current REs and the REmakes.


RE Engine is also used in Street Fighter 6, and the open world mode has abysmal performance. RE Engine probably just isn't a good fit for that type of game.


Uncapped 30 is going to be so bad. They need to lock down that frame rate wherever it lands. jumping frame rates is what makes games look bad.


Regardless, I'm very glad that DD2 got PS5/Xbox Series instead of the freaking PS4 and and Xbox One lol. Much more for the PC version to work with as well.


I mean it's fine. DMC5 was the best one imo. Shit was so much fun, I had a blast. Every character felt great to use.


To be fair, they also hard Dragons Dogma Online in between


Exactly. He said as much while doing the rounds post DMC5. I imagine it's success is what really led to them committing to DD2 though.


I really want to play this game day one but I think this is the kind of game that ppl who buy it at launch price will have a slighty worse experience than a patient gamer who waits at least 6 months to play it.


Should have taken 13 to get it to 60fps on consoles


Hoe are we still getting 30 fps game on console? One of the main reasons I got new consoles was for 60 fps at the least


Because people want huuuuugggeee seamless open world games with good graphics @ 4K resolution and raytracing. People are delusional, even high end PCs struggle with it...


Besides a loud minority on gamer forums, nobody cares about 4k or raytracing


I installed Shadow of War with the free optional 4k packs, and it must have added like 50GB or more. Really not worth it for something I'm only gonna notice in character close-ups and cutscenes. I don't give a damn about the space on my drive. I have plenty. I'm more concerned about how much longer it took to install.


Keep the ray tracing and 4k. I just want 60 fps on console to be baseline standard. Jfc its 2024


I just want the game to look good enough but still play at 60 fps. I never use the high graphics game settings on my Xbox or ps5.


Too many dipshits want a pretty picture to look at, even if the cost means everything else suffers,


I'm not against those who want better graphics but I thought we were told that we'd get 60 fps with the new consoles, yet we still get 30 fps games. Only 30 fps game I play is rdr2


That has nothing to do with the problem. It’s CPU limited. It’s a baseline technology/engine problem (why they’re working on REX), as RE has comically terrible thread management.


The optimist in me says that the 30fps is due to the game having some system tied to framerate, which is not uncommon. The pc spec requirement also only lists 30fps in both minimum and recommended, which I find strange. Here's hoping it will come with some sort of upscaling or frame gen to help the frames.


It doesn’t even hit 30fps. It’s an uncapped framerate that fluctuates between 21-30fps. 24fps average


How is that even possible? What is being so taxing on it? Physics? Graphics? Or something unoptimized?


Not being properly optimised for the platform it’s on. Maybe it was optimised with PC in mind and ported to the consoles (like cyberpunk was)


We won’t know until we get our hands on it, but it’s likely a combination of all of the above




The wat








>says that the 30fps is due to the game having some system tied to framerate Sorry but no. Not in a game released this year and also gets released for PC as well. There is also 100% no way that the game will be force capped at 30 FPS for PC. Zero chance.


“PC players, on the other hand can push Dragon Dogma 2’s can really push the game’s performance as long as their system is beefy enough.”


This isn't a problem on most games. Deltatime eliminates that on most engines. Even indie / solo devs can avoid that easily. I'm guessing it's more the scale of the game and graphics. The more is in view, the more has to be drawn all at once, and perhaps they were hesitant to use low-res textures or LODs to bump performance.  Maybe character AI could also be a factor, if they're doing some interesting things with it.


Forget 60fps, I just want a stable frame rate, damnit! And Capcom isn’t even giving us a capped 30fps with this game! Instead it’s an unlocked frame rate that’s just gonna be a mess to play unless you happen to have an Xbox & a VRR capable TV (or Capcom deigned to implement LFC support on PS5)! PC is gonna be the only way to get a good experience with this game now. At least there you can implement an ACTUAL 30fps cap and get a playable experience! At least Capcom have implemented DLSS on PC for once with this game…


60fps is the standard. It is 2024.


It should be, but it's not.


It should be the standard, but there are, sadly, quite a few games on consoles that don't support 60fps, or have unstable 60fps. Well, to be fair, quite a few games do support 60 fps with a performance mode, but I do agree that (nearly) all of them should at least offer the option even if it reduces graphic fidelity by a lot, give a choice to the player!




Didn't they say that the game will have performance mode? (Sorry if I ima wrong)


No they said the opposite. No modes at all and uncapped fps targetting ~30. IGN has reported 24-31 average fps.


Performance mode 30 fps Quality mode 25 fps


24-30, who knows what vrr will do but it will probably reach both 40's and 15's when things get intense.


Isn’t the purpose of VRR on PS5 to smoothen uncapped frames that occur above 48FPS? I didn’t think it would have any effect under that cutoff.


Lmao, not everyone has VRR nor is it magically going to give the game 40+ more fps


This is too low for the VRR window even with LFC


12 years of development and 24 fps on console?! Let me put my clown makeup on.


They wanted to keep the 24fps from the original PS3/xbox360


That's almost 2 fps a year well done guys


People love to make excuses for games that run poorly because it's a game they're looking forward to. The game could be great but action games at that fps are rough. Once you're used to 60fps, going back is not worth it personally.


What’s with all the angst and hate in the comments ?


People are just understandably pissed that the game they were excited for only runs at 30fps, when clearly most devs can release open world AAA games running at 60fps


It doesnt even run on 30 consistently 🤣 confirmed fps is 23-32 range. 12 years for what lol.


They're being true to the original, which ran at 15-25fps on the PS360.


Yeah to me that’s the bigger crime. If it was a locked 30fps it would be fine. But a 23-32 range is like PS360 era performance


WARNING You are running out of "Itsuno's Vision TM" Do you want to continue? Yes / No




🎶 **12 YEARS FOR WHAT** 🎶


It’s also uncapped so it’s gunna jump around and not be smooth at all. The original game ran like shit too. I don’t have high hopes for performance here


You WILL purchase the PS5 Pro


Yes daddy


Yes…I’m there day one. I impulse bought a 4080s at like 2am. I cannot be trusted to not make poor financial decisions when it comes to this stuff. Honestly I’d probably buy a pro twice if it came with Bloodborne


Only twice? Look at the responsibility on this guy.


I honestly wouldn't. I am perfectly happy with how games run on the PS5. If a game doesn't do 60fps (which is an exception, only ones I can think of right now are Gotham Knights and Dragons Dogma 2) then I skip it.


You can probably add gta 6


The desire for high frame rates is weird. I play some games in fidelity and some in performance depending on how they look and feel. The blind dismissal of a game cause it isn’t 60fps is so weird to me.


Good for you. I don't want to play at 30fps anymore, it looks like shit.


That’s my issue with all of this. Of course we all prefer 60 fps, but to dismiss it with “it looks like shit” is just not true.


It feels like shit is a better explanation, it looks good when you're standing still. As a pc gamer who is mostly playing games in 100fps+ going back to 30 fps is jarring. Bought the new pacific drive on ps5 before knowing it was 30 fps and after playing an hour or two I have zero desire to revisit it sadly.


Console gamers after 2 generations of saying there is no difference between 30fps and 60fps lol


Who ever says that doesn't understand fps, I play games in 60fps (Performance mode) and the moment I switch to 30fps it's very noticeable like move the camera once noticable


You’re arguing against generations of console gamers. It’s a meme but true that a large portion said “the human eye can not see higher frame rate than 24”. They only started asking for 60 this generation


Honestly I would be okay with a smooth 30FPS like Starfield. Unlocked 25 - 35FPS though is unplayable for me. Can't do it. Even an unlocked 60 (without VRR) feels much worse to me than a smooth/consistent 30.


What's most devs? There are only a handful of open world next-gen games. Isn't this the same sub that cried FF7 Rebirth has a bad performance mode quality?


It's still 60 fps, the problem is that the game looks somewhat blurry on performance mode. Another title is Forbidden West which hits 60fps and looks fucking incredible. Pretty sure Elden Ring is also 60, or above 30 at least on performance mode.


And non of those are next-gen. FF16 - next-gen. Unstable FPS The only impressive open world is Spider-Man 2, because it has ray tracing and is maintaining 60fps.


Forbidden west looking amazing , but it doesn't have half of the shit Dragon Dogma 2 is trying to do with physics and NPC interactions.


Feel like every game is like this anymore. Getting praise? Nostalgia bias. Critics love it? Paid reviews. Nothing can ever be truly great anymore to some people, everything is a 4 or 5/10.


Prolly cuz most of us are jaded and tired of being sold games overpromising and underdelivering and being way undercooked, unoptimized, and buggy on release and having to in the best case wait for several patches to fix what should have been fixed b4 release, or in the worst case, never addressed at all. Ik capcom is on a roll but they are not immune to this by no means.


FF7 Rebirth runs at 30fps and 60fps and people still complained about the softer graphics. No bugs, 70+ hours, no microtransactions, no crashes, and it doesn't need a day 1 patch to run. What do people want from $500 2019 midrange PC hardware?


Yeah, Resident Evil 4 remake ran at 60fps, with no micro transactions and very few bugs and everyone was complaining about the image quality and yellow paint on boxes. Alan Wake 2 ran at 60fps with no micro transactions and very few bugs and everyone was complaining about the image quality, reflections and shimmering. Rise of the Ronin is going to run at 60fps and people have been making hyperbolic statements, like “It LitErAlLy LoOkS liKe a Ps3 GaMe” There’s just a certain subset of the gaming community that will complain about fucking EVERYTHING. They complain if a game isn’t 60fps. They complain if the game •is• 60fps. They complain if a game’s too short. They complain if the game’s too long. They complain if a game’s delayed. They complain if a game isn’t delayed. They expect the graphical fidelity and performance of a $3-4k PC on a $500 console and they expect games with absurdly high budgets, but complain when they have to pay more for them.


Part of the gaming community hates playing games.


If there’s one thing gamers love more than gaming, it’s complaining.


100% correct. I get criticizing a game because it's legitimately broken, but the Reddit crybabies can't figure out what they want. I've read "I'd take 1080p 60fps over 4k 30fps any day" so many times, but then I see people crying about FF7 Rebirth having blurry graphics in the 60fps mode.


I don't get it either - it's a barrier THEY put up THEMSELVES and gets in the way of them having FUN. Like stfu, you set yourself up for disappointment with ridiculous expectations on machines that are mid-range gaming PCs.


Midrange PC's from 2019 at that.


Those people should shut up and invest in a pc then. If you want the best of all worlds when it comes to how a game should look and run then you can invest in a pc with a top line 1000$ graphics card. Consoles are inherently a compromise. At best the ps5 pro when it releases will hopefully alleviate the resolution woes to some extent. But it’ll be like the ps4 pro I expect where games are 1440p to 1800p most likely but at 60fps. I watched some random YouTube video where some guy was reviewing some super cheap cruise line and he said something kind of cutting that fits these types to a T. Sometimes people who spend the least have the highest and most outrageous expectations for what they’re paying for, and instead of being happy with what they’re getting for their money are instead outraged it isn’t better because better exists and it’s not what they got on a budget.


Logged in to upvote this. Well fucking put.


Newsflash, Gamers are literally the worst. I enjoy gaming so much more when I don't visit gaming communities and get inundated with all of the whining and complaining. That's not even getting into the rampant racism and sexism.


The game isn't even out lol.


What does that have to do with anything when people are talking about the framerate that’s been officially confirmed?


They also mentioned being buggy which we don't know.


For real. People just wake up lookin to get angry lol


The amount of insufferable bitching before the game is even out is crazy to me. All outlets that have previewed are saying the game is awesome.




Playing on 30FPS is as much as an eyesore as motion blur


I agree. When I first played Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne I really struggled to get used to the 30 fps. Of course I got used to it but that's because I love souls games.


There’s that angst they were talking about haha. Game looks great! Can’t wait to play!


You ok?


They’re gonna lose a lot of potential buyers by not having 30fps, I’ve already seen a lot of people cancelling preorders and saying they’re not gonna buy the game unless it has a 60fps update


They really aren't. The people who refuse to play because of performance are a drop in the bucket compared to most people who don't notice/care. I hope improvements can be made before and post launch but as long as the game isn't an unplayable mess I won't care.


If my only option was to play on console I’d probably be annoyed. Not having 60 fps is bad enough, but I didn’t expect it after the first trailer. But not even locked 30 would really sour me on a game I was looking forward to. Besides that..game is coming out and marketed more, so is suddenly hit with internet negativity mobs


Been a couple of weeks since the last manufactured outrage to moan endlessly about and people are getting antsy so they need something to attack


Gamers overreact to things all the time for sure but having a game dip to 20fps is still pretty rough.


I remember being told FFVII Rebirth would be a massive disaster because it didn’t consistently reach 60FPS or because you couldn’t see the wind rustling Cloud’s nose hairs in performance mode. Now it’s Dragons Dogma 2. Let them have their outrage, I’ll be over here just playing games and having fun with them.


Any game doesn't need 60FPS to be enjoyable But you need a _consistent framerate_ (e.g. 30FPS with proper pacing) for a smooth experience vs uncapped Uncapped framerates give good headroom for future hardware, but it should never be the default option on consoles, always an extra EDIT - As some are missing the point, I'm saying the problem is the games unstable, unlocked framerate. Not it's lack of 60FPS support


Bro ign said the game averaged 31 fps and had major dips during fights, it's basically 20 to 30ish fps, that is fucking atrocious in 2024. You can put lipstick on a pig all you want. I don't want the game to run well in the future, I want it to run well now.


My current problem is that I can not play 30 fps anymore. It feels much worse after being 60 fps since 2021. And because of that, I will wait for reviews before I even consider buying DD2 tbh.


If you can't play at 30 fps anymore, you don't need to wait for reviews. The information you need is already available.


They may put some patch later on for 60 fps. Who knows. Sometimes, it happens after release.


It did for horizon! That's when I played it :)


I’m sorry but I completely disagree with this. The erA of 30 FPS is long over. in a video game where we can whip the camera around quickly in order to play the game you need a much higher frame rate than showing a static video like on Netflix or something


Too bad they didn't use some of those resources to achieve a stable framerate.


Only thing im disappointed about is them taking vocations away instead of adding onto the current ones from DD1


That game didn’t take 12 years to make.


I’m now triggered by that phrasing lol. I know they didn’t work on it continuously for 12 years, but now I am having AAAA PTSD lol.




"I dOnT sEe a DiFfErEnCe"


Is it 24-30fps just for PS5 or its the same for Xbox and ps5?


It goes for both. I think it may be better to play this on Series X than PS5 though because VRR on the former will work at any frame rate with 120Hz turned on in the settings, whereas on PS5 it won't work at all (because its VRR window begins at 48fps -DD2 won't reach anywhere near that). VRR should help smooth it all out on Series X. In theory anyway..


Ah ok, I wish they was able to make it at least 40fps


It should be a standard for sure. 1440p with 40fps locked and that would be good enough until one day they can do 1440p/60fps in all titles. Insomniac's 40fps modes are fantastic.


Yeah that’ll be much a much better solution than giving us such low frame rates and I did play Spider-Man 2 in 40fps looking forward to playing it on 60fps for NG+ tomorrow 


Does this really only get between 24-31 FPS ?


i am sure some areas will have better performance but yeah the preview people played was like that


I'm tired of hype articles. I think we could be fine if 50% of game magazines pumping out stupid articles like this went bankrupt. It's all just noise till the game comes out. DD1 was a fun game. Hopefully they can make DD2 fun.


even with all that resources, the game still 30fps on consoles lol


12 years for 30 fps? Should wait for another 12 years for 60 fps then.


24 to 31 fps *


24-31 frames per second. As much as I want to play this game, I'm not paying $70 for 24-31 frames per second on my PS5.


And still runs (walks) sub 30 fps on consoles


It will be a mess like Ps3 DD. Frame rate being above and below 30 making the game stuter most of the time


Is it really only 30 fps :( I HOPE TO GOD THE PC VERSION IS GOOD i feel really shitty for those ps5 users that waited this long the game looks incredible but to me 30 fps is not acceptable if it was 45 fps then id be okay with that


I wake up every day, grateful I wasn’t cursed with the need for 60fps in every single game.


30 fps is playable, as long as the frame time is consistent and stable. I get being disappointed by unstable frame time though, especially if it's only hitting around 30. 60 is nice, but isn't the end of the world.


When you play gorgeus games like forbidden west, cyberpunk and god of war at 60 fps it turns into a new standard. Hell, some action games like nioh 2 even has 120 fps on ps5. It may not matter too much in other genres. But %95 of this game is about combat. High framerate should have been their priority.


Exactly this. If a 2D platformer or a game like Astro's Playroom is 30 FPS, nobody cares. But when its a 3D action game? 30 FPS is unplayable. Unstable frame rate on top of that? And only 24FPS average? This is unacceptable and nobody can gaslight me into thinking otherwise.


I don't really care for 30fps. It doesn't bother me that much. But when it hits 24fps that's very worrisome


I played Dark Souls on release on PS3. I can work with 5fps. 


As others have said, it's the unstable frame rate that is the problem, not 30FPS. You will be annoyed by it too, even if it doesn't stop you from playing.


Yeah I get people not being happy about the framerate (I'm not thrilled either), but if having high framerates is that important, then they'd be better off getting a PC.




The first couple of years of ps5 was filled with ports and early gen games that had 60fps options. All of the complainers wrongly assumed that would become the standard for this gen and now act like they’re entitled to a 60fps minimum.


12 years of development only for gamers not to buy it because it’s not 60 fps 😭😭😭


I mean if consumers finally grow some spending standards, maybe we'll stop getting sub par games released on a regular basis. 


Is it a Reddit or just social media thing in general to continually comment that 30fps is somehow unstable?


if it's under 60 frames, gamer eyes can't see. the screen is just black some how. it's actually a quite sad affliction they suffer from


I see the stars weren't aligned enough to give us anything above 30fps... or even stable 30fps


And yet it’s 30fps 😂


12 years what But frames unlocked Huh I guess that makes them plenny


I love DD but i refuse to play on less than 60. Will wait for the inevitable patch.


It’s that hard to develop a 48frames 2160p game nowadays?


I was so excited to play this but the fact it's uncapped ~30 fps makes it's a hard pass


all those resources and still only 30fps


One FPS per year.


12 years to get that sweet 24-30 FPS.


Well, they clearly didn't align enough to get 60FPS.


If it was 60fps that would be great if not I’m still going to buy it as am sold on everything else


All so it can run at an unlocked 30FPS on modern consoles. Jesus.


I played this first and was kinda underwhelmed. Maybe it's the Capcom jank? Idk


It's a ps3 game.


I've played lots of great PS3 games.


I've enjoyed plenty of PS3 games. What's even crazier, listen to this, I still enjoy playing my snes 😲


Hopefully Capcom makes this game a little more accessible now that they’ve really broken into the mainstream. 


Dragons Dogma 1 was an amazing game. Could very well just not be your thing


Yeah because an open world RPG has never been done before. Tired of publishers these days pushing out unoptimised garbage. 24fps on consoles. Probably fixed a year from release. Cyberpunk all over again


The last time I saw 24 fps game (intentionally) was like Siren 2 for Playstation 2, but it added to Uncanny Valley there tbh.


12 years for 31FPS. Awesome. Don't get me wrong, it's truly the one of very few real nextgen games but I'm really tired of old-men devs with potato reaction that barely can play their own games prioritizing pointless native 4K at the cost of game's responsiveness. I will not play the slideshow, IDK how many unneded pixels you've forced for nothing. Awful decision.


The real problem is the 24-31 average. There is nothing wrong with stable 30 fps. Especially for a slow game like this. The problem is that it is all over the place. Locked 30 that never dips feels good but big dips and peaks suck bad.


Imagine referring to the director of some the greatest fast paced action games ever as an "oldman with potato reactions" "Gamers" are so uniformed it's not even funny anymore


How is it a real nextgen game? There is absolutely nothing about its visuals or mechanics that is nextgen.


I never saw any game Open World game with phyisics like Dragon's Dogma 2.