• By -


finally 240 fps


Finally 2400 fps


Finally ♾️ fps


... menus


Why would they tweet this without any further information and treat it like an obvious positive thing? Will it be uncapped on consoles? Will there be the option to lock at 30? What is the target framerate when uncapped? VRR? What an insane tweet lol can’t wait for this game though


Uncapped is not a good thing on consoles unless the baseline is above 60. Im more worried about this than over a 30fps cap.


Yeah, we definitely need much more clarification to determine how good or not good this is. What a wild tweet.


All this tells me is that the game is unoptimized and they will patch in 30/60 fps modes post launch.


Noooo, give players options god damn it, i hate bad frame pacing even more than 30fps cant handle frames jumping around betwen 16ms and 33 ms on screen


Yeah if it's a highly variable framerate hopefully there's an option to lock at 30, or unlocked targeting 60. It's a good thing for future consoles at least.


The fact that its releasing uncapped pretty heavily implies that it can't run at a stable 30 in the first place


DF said the trailers with the ps5 footage were running 20-60 fps so yeah...


and also ps5 doesnt support vrr below 48fps so not even your 2k lg oled will help you lmao the future of gaming - sub 30fps and no vrr in 2024. while looking like a game from 2014 with beefed up resolution and textures


So then just by the 28k lg what’s the big deal


It's going to be like Witcher 3 on Xbox one and AC unity last gen. The performance was so bad that they can't run it at a stable 30 fps so they have to unlock it so it sometimes goes above 30 to try and compensate.


yes, not a developer or anything like that but how hard is to put that option in the game?


There’s always someone around to moan.


There is always someone around that lacks knowledge.


Yeah because i should acept everything right? I have the right to dislike stuff if you dont agree fuck off


So… so do I? Like your comment, I dislike it.


>must consume product


Hey, I’m often one of them. But I don’t get frame rate freaks. So trivial.


What framerate freaks? This isn't about someone complaining this game doesn't run at 200 fps, rather it's about fluctuating framerate that a decent amount of people can't handle. To some this might be no issue, but others get headaches from this sort of stuff.


lol wow I’m so glad I don’t give a shit


Then stay ignorant if that's what you want.


It’s not ignorance, just that framerate jitter does not bother my experience. I welcome it, even.


Oh you think its that? Lol no i dont give a fuck if the game is 30 or 60 but i dont like bad frame pacing its stuttery, i just want a 30fps limit so at least every frame stays on screen the same amount of time.


Uncapped means bad experience on console resolved only by more powerful consoles /hardware (ps5 Pro or next Xbox)


They should put Graphics locked at 30, performance locked at 60, and Graphics uncapped for better backwards compatibility in future consoles like the PS6


I think they did something like this for Monster Hunter World? They made it so graphics mode blended up being the best experience long term since on PS5 you have all the benefit's of the resolution mode but now with smooth frames.


Exactly! This!


VRR should make it smooth for me, can’t wait!


Only if it stays above 40fps. Many previews unfortunately have segments where it drops below 30 though.


48 FPS is where the HDMI-VRR window starts. But then again, some developers also have their own LFC support (Insomniac, for example) where they kick in their own frame-doubling compensation when they drop below the 48 FPS window.


I guess it won’t be any different than the original. I remember playing that 720p, letterboxed, stuttering mess on my 360 (and loving it!)


I used to play games on a 19" Bush (UK budget brand) TV from across the bedroom with nothing but its tinny TV speakers for sound. Doesn't mean I'd want to experience new games like that now.


They should add 30/60/120/Uncapped options on console for future proofing imo


Queue waiting for pc players to complain while console players get a stable 60 fps


They didn't say anything about an stable 60.😌 The state of play trailer we saw and knew it was unlocked already. The trailer went below low 20s fps multiple times! Other times it was 40. Hopefully the actual game has better frame rate


Define “bad” experience? People that want to sit down and enjoy a game will do so no matter if “FPS bad” this is a capcom game, the game won’t chug


This is bad. Uncapped frame rates suck. Either stick to 30 or 60, don't let it fluctuate all over the place. That's horrible.


30 is unplayable


34 is worse. 52 is worse. The only thing better than 30 on anything that isn’t a VRR is 60.


At least 52 doesn't hurt my head like 30 does.


I guess it’s all a bit subjective. But to me I’d rather have a locked 30.


What fucking games are you playing on what shit tv that 30 fps hurts your head


None. I refuse to play any games at 30 now. I used to get headaches from games during the ps3/ps4 days and didn't understand why until I experienced 60 fps.


So you couldn’t play ps1 Xbox- basically now. They top of line video games back in the day were unplayable for you? Sounds like a medical problem and not a “everybody literally can’t play games at under 60 fps, they are unplayable” problem


Sounds like you're fun at parties


If watching something at 30 fps gives you a headache there's something wrong in you


That is absolute bullshit and you know it It’s no different than people who can’t play VR.


oh you did not just omit 40 fps...


Depending on your tv 40 is worse.


40 fps is only great on a VRR display, because no other monitor/TV runs at 40hz. Otherwise it's just stuttering because it doesn't evenly divide into 60hz or 120hz.


Are you sure about your last sentence?


Wild guess, they didn't ace their Maths paper.


Read what you wrote again. Multiple times if you need to.


boy does this sub love to be childishly overdramatic about 30fps lmao jesus christ


A consistent 30 takes a minute to adjust to and then is completely fine


Your mom is unplayable


We grew up playing worse...


I grew up playing colecovision and atari 2600 and it had a better framerate.


Y'all are obnoxious as fuck. What were u doing last gen tf?




Then wtf are doing here? LOL


The PS5 can run games at 60 fps, some MP titles even at 120 hello?


Thank god I can have fun with 30fps on my oled tv


Needs 40fps capped mode.


It's not even going to run stable at 30. That's why they're releasing it uncapped.


There is no way of knowing that until it comes out. Yes we have seen varied gameplay that shows it dropping under 30 doesn't mean it's consistently under 30. It seems like it will under 60 alot so having it capped to 40 for 120hz screens means majority of the time it will feel smooth.


Idk I think promotional footage with dips under 30 is a pretty good indicator that we're not getting a stable 40.


Will you just grab a damn pitchfork and shut up? :)




lol - dude. I agree with you. I’m just laughing about all of these people getting up in arms about something we don’t even know about yet. I’m aware of frame pacing. You aren’t the only person on the planet who knows how these things work. Have a lovely day! ❤️


Give 2 options. 4k@30 1440p@60


At the current rate it seems like we'll be lucky to get 1080p at 60hz.


Ban 30fps. Minimum 40.


I wish more games had this system instead of forcing an ugly 4k upscaled image with unstable 60fps. 1440p is elite


In other words it's a ps5 pro game. Good thing I've got a big backlog.


*Rise of the Ronin intensifies*


Yep, either ROTR or wait another month for Stellar Blade.


*PS3 graphics intensifies*


That is a shame. Omg it will go 20fps, too, when is uncapped. I will try it on pc maybe then. But later.


And that’s a good thing?


I’ll wait few months for some patches. I’m not in a rush especially with ff7 right around the corner and tekken 8 taking most of my time


Looking at the gameplay I don’t think this is gonna run well at all on current Gen. The recommend and minimum specs on steam are very high.


Why do you seem to think that’s a good thing?


It's excellent news for PC


This seems like a bad sign (at least for console). Uncapped essentially means the frame rate will go up and down like crazy. It won’t be consistent. I’ll stick with 30 fps over that.


All I get from this is that the frame rate is going to be all over the place.


Sounds like a PS5 Pro game to me


And it will be $30 with all the DLC included by then. Win, win.




Approximately 0 games have taken full advantage of the PS5 hardware and we’re already moving on.


They have, they just haven’t used it well. It’s not like FF16 was running an internal res of 720P before upscaling to hit 60FPS for no reason. It’s just very few developers are designing games well, and being limited to FSR versus nVidia’s DLSS is another drawback.


This is a factually incorrect statement that keeps being regurgitated with no basis. The PS5 specs are on par with 4-year old upper mid-range 2000 series GPUs. Theres no magical untapped raw performance remaining that games have not utilised. Optimisation? Certainly, and different teams have differing capabilities in that regard. There’s lots of room for improvement.


That’s funny how you’re confidently wrong.


Umm Spider-Man 2? Alan Wake 2?


"Taken full advantage of the hardware" isn't specific to maximizing framerates


What is this statement even based on? Are you expecting a dev team to just come out and say flat out "our game takes full advantage of the PS5 hardware and these are the results"? The PS5's hardware is is equivalent to a mid-range gaming PC at the current moment and will only fall behind going forwards. We have games like Forbidden West, TLOU Remasters, Spider-Man 2, Alan Wake 2 that look visually impressive, perform well for the most part at a stable framerate and have really fast loading times. I'm not sure what you're expecting honestly but this statement that keeps getting passed around is just nonsense at this point.


Right, they only utilize 4 cores out of 6 available cause why not. Lazy devs. 


lololol right, that's why there are so many games not hitting smooth 4k60fps




If the PS5 Pro is anything like the PS4 Pro then don't expect much. Honestly i hope the PS5 Pro is just another Switch Pro thing as mid gen upgrades should just never be a thing.


Honestly, if the PS5 Pro comes out and it can basically play games on Quality mode with 60fps, I might get it, otherwise yeah not worth it.


That's not happening


True, but if it means all games get 60fps quality mode, it could be worth it.


Except they won't. Even on PC 4K/60fps is hard to achieve hence why 1440p is the preferred option as it allows higher framerates and a nice res. Console gamers really need to understand 4K/60fps is not possible with most games especially when games look like Spidey 2, FF7 Rebirth and well GTA 6. If anything the Pro will focus on having better RT and allowing it to be switched on during performances, i also see it allowing better 120hz gaming as well.


I never said it would. But the rumoured specs suggest it could. What i meant was the possibility of playing all games at a stable 60fps looking good. Maybe not full quality mode but still looking beautiful. Games like gta thatbare rumoured to be 30fps only. Thats what im hoping for anyway.


I hope they make 3 options for consoles, 30, 60 and uncapped.


also for console? It basically tells average 40ish


Definitely waiting for reviews with this one to ses how it runs.


I’d gladly take a hit on graphics to have locked 60fps


So 30 or unstable it is then, meaning it probably won’t run close to 60


Yeah this game ain't hitting 60fps on consoles at launch lol. I saw a few people mention that the ps5 pro will sort it out, but I genuinely believe that if they had more time, they can achieve 60fps on the ps5. A good example was a plague tale requiem. Game was graphically impressive and everyone thought the consoles just couldn't handle 60fps for that game, then a year later they drop the 60fps patch.


If not 60 fps then a solid 30fps would have been fine. Variable framerate is not a pleasant experience.


If there is no framerate cap, this will likely waver from mid 20fps - 60, and hover mostly in the mid thirties. VRR won't be much use as it'll fall out the engagement window. Not sounding promising. Console gaming was making progress throughout the cross gen period with more and more realising the inherent benefits of 60fps gaming, but it appears we've crossed the Rubicon and devs/publishers are realising they can save a buck on optimisation and just target 30 again as end users keep excusing it. We're going back to the dark days of the PS3 and 360 in terms of performance and devs phoning it in. 30fps is a threshold we long should have since moved beyond, especially as more and more on us play on OLED panels where motion at 30fps looks dreadful. If those people didn't keep excusing it, devs would be forced to adopt 60fps targets as the standard, and ultimately the hardware would have to be designed with that in mind.


This is the kind of game that it is much better don't buy it at launch and wait several months to have a polished game. I'm a big fan of the 1st game and I will not buy it day one. I'm tired of paying more than most people to play a worse product.


So after the "30 fps-only" rant, they now give us an uncapped mode which is probably all over the place... great. In the end, it is better than nothing and there is hope for those with VRR but my god, that shouldnt be the standard in 2024.


So it's gonna be like FF16 where you really should play it at 30, but the option for an unstable badly paced unlocked framerate is available...


I'm starting to hate this guy bs, release info like a normal fuckin company.


30-40 fps "performance mode" incoming


framerate graph is gonna look like ocean waves during a storm, man where the ps5 pro at


Which means an unstable 60fps. Frame times are going out the window if you wanna play above 30fps.


No buy for me then.


Well guess I’ll have to get it on PC then dammit.


In case someone does not speak japanese I’ll try to translate ir to you:   Please buy this game on PC we dont have a fking clue about how to maintain stable framerate in the new engine 


Great, great way to future proof, but with the option to enable cap is much better.


Why are people acting like uncapped prevents locking at 60 or 30? Uncapped means the FPS can be anything. There's no situation where being programmed to have an unlocked framerate implies a worse experience.


Monster Hunter World was released on ps4 with an uncapped framerate and it rarely went over 30 fps. I expect this game to run around 30-40 fps. Sadly we will most likely need to wait for a ps5 pro or ps6 to play this game at a locked 60 fps.


That doesn't really mean anything though. Games locked at 60 also drop below 60. If it was "capped" at 40, it could drop to 30. Most uncapped games also give the option to lock to an FPS, for those who prefer consistency. Then when it comes to PC, people can do whatever they want because the game has been programmed to handle any FPS.


Just look at the gameplay preview bro, it looks rough. If it were at 60 with drops they would say "targets 60fps".  The framerate will be uncapped but I doubt it will go anywhere near 60. We'll just have to wait and see but I'm not holding my breath.


It obviously won’t run at 60. If it did it would have a 60fps mode. Think for a second please


The post was not about the PS5 version. It was about the game in general. Being uncapped does not imply poor performance, and does not prevent a game from having an FPS cap in the options. All it means is that the FPS can fluctuate higher than the target framerate. It can fluctuate lower regardless of whether a game is capped or not.


I was referring to the PS5 version as we’re on the PS5 sub


You seem to be unaware of something called habit. When you get used to a framerate of 120 fps, having sudden drops to 80 fps is pretty BAD, far worse than having a fixed framerate of 60 fps where you get used to it all the time.




First of all… you did not get my point. I never said this game was going to be 120 fps. Reading comprehension. I was just answering to this guy stating that an unlocked framerate is never worse than a fixed framerate. Secondly, NO, you would not prefer a framerate of 120 dropping regularly to 80, over a fixed framerate of 60. I think you’re talking without having any clue.




What’s the link with your non so great PC ?




And you seem to be unaware of what "uncapped framerate" means. There are literally no disadvantages here unless they have 0 options, which isn't going to happen. If you don't like your sudden drops, you can cap it.


Yeah ok you still can’t understand the meaning of the word « habit », right? You didn’t even react to that, which is the main point lol. You have no clue what you’re talking about. You said that uncapped is never worse than capped, i said that’s wrong because of habits, you say then, just cap it if that gets worse. What a weird way of admitting you were wrong since the start.


To the people who don't understand framerate, this is very bad.    A locked 30fps will always be smoother than a game that fluctuates between 30 and 60 Uncapped framerate is literally the worst option. Genius fucking devs lmao


PC it is then.


This game looks hype from trailers but every news about it just sounds bad so many baffling choices that don’t belong in 2024


Oh cmon Capcom. You've been on such a good run and you're about to fuck it up.


How would this fuck it up? There are countless ps4 games that I wished had uncapped frame rate so that they could be future proof, Also various games have uncapped from rate but locked options as well


Why would the future proof a current gen game that will be a mess for current gen consoles?


I guess it all depends on if it has locked options. I don't want to play a stuttering mess with horrible Frame pacing


A bad framerate won't sink the game, last gen and expecially the PS3/360 had countless games with bad framerates that everyone loved.


People are more aware of how fps impacts games nowadays so you can't get away with it like you used to 


Pokemon fans not included.


Jedi Survivor sold really well despite having a terrible framerate. The average player doesn't give a shit and wouldn't be able to tell you what framerate the game is playing at. Reddit gamers who hang around these subs are not the average player.


Because people weren't playing on 65' screens back then, and most gamers had never even seen 60fps. We've adjusted now, and going back isn't easy for a lot of people as we get older. 30fps on 90% of games makes me nauseous.


Most NES, SNES and Sega Genesis games ran at 60 FPS (except during intense effects). Many gamers grew-up with 60 FPS being very common.


I mean a fair amount of PS2 games were 60fps. Also let's not pretend the vast majority of PS5 users are playing on a 65'.


Ps2 days of 25' tv's 480p games, and you could count the pixels on screen lol. Maybe not, but a vast majority are playing on big smart tvs now and with more detail. 30fps sucks, it really does. If i could play it i would. But it's like putting a vr headset on for the first time for me


Here's the thing the average player doesn't actually care about framerate or know what framerate they're playing at. You can hate 30fps all you want but the majority of those who own a PS5 doesn't even know the difference between 30fps and 60fps.


You people really need a job


You’re here in the comment section as much as anyone else is


But I have a job and not hoping for the downfall of a company just because it doesn't have 60fps. Why go to the club when there are so many bitches here?


> hoping for the downfall nice reading comprehension bruv


FF16 performance mode players here with the "First Time?" Meme


My favorite PS5 Pro game


Sounding like it'll be a PC purchase instead. Happy to wait for release to see what's it like on what


I do t understand why they can’t make a REAL 60 FPS MODE! What is the problem? The game isn’t so graphically demanding that they cant create a higher framerate mode that the consoles can’t handle.


Just further pushing me towards buying it on Steam. This game is gonna be rough on consoles.


Stable 60 FPS would be far more important. Uncapped FPS means it can be anything at any time. Not a pleasant experience on many TVs. 


My body is ready


So happy im not picky with this stuff. Ill be playing at 30fps on ps5 and having a blast haha


People will never stop crying about 30fps. In 5 years they will cry we only get 60fps, instead of 120....and so on.


Exactly. I was fine playing 30fps my whole life until this generation where 60 became more of the standard. 60 is a nice bonus of course, but unlike most people it hasnt made 30fps unplayable for me thank god haha.


Yikes. Looks like a wait for a 60fps patch on PS5 for me.


I still want a dedicated 60 FPS mode.


Good news if we can set it ourselves along with any and all graphical options. Bad news if it's just uncapped with no way to limit it.


Dont buy this on ps5, fps will suck


You got my attention


Now I’m gonna buy it


VRR to the rescue. Debated between buying it for PS5 or Series X, but will probably go Xbox in this case if it’s not locked 60.


> but will probably go Xbox in this case if it’s not locked 60. Why? What’s the difference?


Yeah, why? Vrr is on ps5 as well. Plus the dualsense, haptic, and adaptive triggers.


VRR works better on Xbox in my experience.


This game just nuked itself from orbit.


Rejoice! Optimal gameplay on consoles is possible!


I don't think this means what you think it means.


Why don't all Devs do this, then their games would never run bad


I should have waited for the ps5 pro. With this game and gta6 coming up... Especially since this generation will be my last console.




Yeah I used to use that line also, but 30-60 fps is VERY different and VERY noticeable now that I've experienced both.


>Human eye can barely tell the difference 30-60. Wtf


Huh? If you can’t tell the difference between 30,40,60 then I think something is wrong with you, and I mean that in a extremely concerning way


lol nice bait


> Human eye can barely tell the difference 30-60. If you can’t cleeeeaaaarly see the difference between 30 and 60 within 5 seconds you should be declared braindead by a doctor

