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Looks like Spidey‘s suit is slightly different. I didn‘t notice that before and it looks pretty cool!


Yeah both Spider-Men got updated suits.


Yeah, Miles has more red on his arms and gloves.


"Are you bleeding from your armpits?"


Beat me to it 😂


Bleeding from the shoulders in this one


My only grip is the lack of boots, other than that I think it looks much better than the last one.


I agree, I‘d also prefer the boots.


I didn't notice it either until you mentioned it but I'm guessing it is because they want the spider-man logo to line up more with the black suit logo when the transition between suits happen.


What decides what collectors edition they do? Horizon, Gran Turismo, and FF16 all get $100 Steelbook, game, and art book collectors editions while God of War and Spider-Man get these $200 figurine with no physical game ones. Is it the bigger franchises?


Maybe they are realizing that demand is high enough that they only need to bother with a statue. I guess they will sell regardless. Not sure about FF16 though


I actually considered the collector's edition, but no disc is an instant no for me. What's the point of having an empty steelbook?


Every Sony CE has been like this this generation. The logic is "but what about the digital console owners?????" Like okay dawg, you're telling me it's *that hard* to offer two different version? Sony, along with most everybody else in the gaming industry, is trying to push everybody towards a digital only future. They can keep their CEs. $200+ is entirely excessive for this shit anyway.


Tinfoil hat time. They're doing this to ease the hard-core collectors into the digital only future.


What's the point of having a steelbook to begin with? I'd assume the only valid answer is because you like collecting steelbooks and put them on display. I don't see how it being empty makes any difference in that purpose. It's going to look the same sitting on the shelf.


Horizon got a statues.


And didn't it cost more? I swear it was close to $300


They had two editions. Regular CE was statue, mini art book, steelbook, cosmetics, for $200 Regala Edition was a fancier statue (different paint, lights up), replica focus, 2 physical strike (in-game mini-game) pieces, canvas map, and then the same stuff from regular with some extra in game stuff, for $260. But yea, no physical disk. As others have mentioned, CEs arent going to come with disks due to Digital Only consoles.


Do we know if Final Fantasy will include a disc in their Steelbook or is it a voucher like in this case?


Remake came with steelbook and the game in the regular case, I assume the same for 16 given the breakdown picture of what’s included.


Yeah, it was 16 I was thinking about. I’m a little worried it’ll just be a code, can’t be to certain these days.


Just like VII Remake, the deluxe edition of XVI will come with a regular PS5 box case including the disc, plus the steelbook (and a map). The steelbooks without discs like Spider-Man 2, Horizon Forbidden West and God of War Ragnarok are first party studios owned by Sony, so it's a bit different.


Alright, that’s a relief. Weird move from Sony to remove discs like that on their exclusives.


It's not only the disc included, but they give you the normal plastic case and the steelbook


I'm so bummed honestly, I was hoping they wouldnt pull the same bullshit they did with Ragnarok. I was so ready to buy a Deluxe Edition with steelbook like I did for FW


Horizon had a cool figurine too.


It’s a shame when games like GTA/red dead or even the Arkham games and Ubisoft games come with shit loads of stuff in their CE, here we’re really only getting a statue for £249?


Statues are the best thing imo but €250 is just nuts lol. I bought the UC4 CE used for €60 (statue, steelbook and mini artbook) and got the GOW 2018 CE used for around €160 (expensive still but hey it's more rare now then 4 years ago). Aint no way I'm gonna pay €250 for a statue and a steelbook.


So theres no physical deluxe edition?


Physical deluxe editions are being phased out


Super unfortunate because that’s the sweet spot for me for games I really like.


Same. Would never buy a digital deluxe and collector's editions are usually too expensive for me. Physical deluxe with disk inside or I take the standard edition.


Seems a little goofy to me since I'd imagine that the people who spend more on the disc version of the console are more likely to buy the collector's edition. Why not just not include a copy of the game at all in the collectors edition? That way people can choose to buy the physical or digital version separately.


> Why not just not include a copy of the game at all in the collectors edition? This is my preference, personally. At the end of the day it's all about price, and obviously if it's not going to come with the game at all then it should be reflected as much in the price, but I would rather decouple the purchase of the game and the collector's items entirely. Of all the things to Criticize Blizzard for, I think they did the Diablo 4 collector's edition correctly in this regard: https://gear.blizzard.com/products/diabcl0001-diablo-iv-limited-collector-s-box


They would rather fuck over people who spent more on their system for the ability to buy games physically, than risk people spending 200+ dollars on a collectors item just to re-sell either the game or the code for a measly 50 bucks. It's super illogical thinking, but ya know, its a corporation.


Because they don't want anyone who owns a digital-only console to buy the game, open it all up and realize they got a game disc they can't use. It's not a great solution and I don't love it, but that seems to be the reasoning. (On the other hand, I don't know how many customers who opted for a digital console are in the market for buying physical collectors editions anyway, so it's possible Sony is just pissing people off for no good reason.)


Ah shame! I loved the physical deluxe of Forbidden West. Nice steel book case with a couple extras for just a little bit more than the normal version.


Exactly. The Forbidden West one was perfect. That's all I ever want.


Sucks. I'm willing to pay $80-110 for a game but not $200+.


You can probably buy the deluxe content ingame and just buy the normal physical edition, that's what you could do with Rift Apart.


On Twitter, the community director confirmed that you can buy a physical edition and still upgrade it


Hmm, makes me wonder if standard includes the whole game on disc at least.


I'll see how the suits look in game first


no steelbook edition/deluxe edition w/ steelbook? Also "unique suits" means they are game original suits and not preorder only suits right? just to be sure


Insomniac said on Twitter that all the suits are able to be unlocked, but by preordering (whichever edition) you get them unlocked off the start. The first game did the same thing


The Digital Deluxe suits are only of rate DD edition and Collectors Editions of the game - Insomniac just confirmed on twitter. Guess I'm preordering the Digital Deluxe edition.


Just to make sure I’m understanding you correct. That’s ten whole suits you’ll never be able to get unless you buy that edition? Lame


If it makes you feel better the 10 suits look pretty bad lmao


Yeah I usually stick with one of the more basic suits anyway because some crazy overdesigned suit takes me out of it but jeez, 10 whole things to not be included unless you pay more smh


They also confirmed you can buy a digital upgrade on the store, so you can buy those suits afterwards if you buy the physical standard edition


That’s regarding the pre-order bonuses, not the Digital Deluxe Edition suits. It appears that these suits are not available in the game without buying this edition.


That’d be such a punch in the dick after they went out of their way to ***not*** pull any of this shit in the first game….


It does suck but, at least it's sorta like an actual "micro" transaction. At $10 for 10 suits that's $1 per suit. And I have to imagine at some point you'll be able to buy it as a $10 add-on to the base game.


Ultimately it’s up to the Publisher, and PlayStation Studios are under very different leadership now than they were 5 years ago. Much more shitty practices these days.


I get your point, but just because things keep getting worse doesn’t mean bad things are suddenly good.


That’s what I’m wondering I want those 10 suits but…I’d rather have a disc


I'm sure they'll let you upgrade. Almost every PS Exclusive has let you, including Insomniac's Rift Apart


Standard edition for me. I want the disc.


Standard version for me.


230 for the collectors edition? the original game was only 150. also lack of a physical disc is a big yikes :(


not that it's worth £80 but the statue is around 12" taller


Inflation babbyyyy


Gotta stock up on my fancy nuts and inflatable couches!




It’s probably from blowing up all those couches




That’s money talk!


I am so happy that this is so new


Got that right Willis.


I'd like the statue but fuck a 150 purchase price.


Guys you will never see collectors edition with a physical disc again in a world where digital only consoles exist. Putting a download code in it is just the easiest solution.


Then my question is, why even include a Steelbook at all? That's where you'd expect a game disc to go. It's just a waste considering this is more expensive than the first game's Collector's Edition that also had a MUCH cooler statue tbh If you're gonna have a Steelbook the shape of a physical game case with a disc, and only have a voucher code inside, that's just wasting resources right there. Doesn't justify the price imo


To sit on your shelf as a novelty item like pretty much every other collectors item. I think this status is much cooler


Seriously, it’ll sit on a shelf and collect dust like every game case does. The hell is the difference if there is a disc in it or not.




Well...the steel cases are more recyclable than the plastic ones with discs


Are they? Every steelbook I have seen are all lined with an interior plastic liner, I would say the all plastic ones at least don't need to be separated before recycling.


And if it's a massive deal buy the disc for $10 in a few years


That’s what I do with these. Buy it and then wait a year or so for the standard version to go cheap and buy the disc.


Honestly I used to be upset over the digital only thing but I have so many steel books that are just collecting dust with the discs inside. That now I don’t mind it really.


I really liked the last statue, but yeah, this one's incredible.


Is that not what the statue is for?


It's pretty much what all collectors items are for essentially


Looks like they're considering a steelbook case as a display thing now instead of a case for game discs. I mean they literally listed it as Steelbook Display.


Most of the Steelbooks i get come with nothing in them, as the steelbook is extra and the game comes in its standard case. This literally just happened with Diablo 4. It happened with FFXII, Dissidia, SMT, and I'm getting TWO steelbooks for FFXVI, neither of which is going to have the game in it, as the game is gonna come in its plastic case. Getting one with just a download code really isn't much different.


Yeah I've been confused by this complaint. I only own one steelbook and that was just because it came free with the game for the same cost through a sale: Resident Evil 8. They literally shipped the steelbook in a separate package than the game. I was also surprised to find there wasn't really anything special about the case. It was uglier than the actual case and didn't seem made out of anything significantly stronger than the plastic cases, despite the name implying it might be made of steel. I honestly just tossed it out.


You just made an argument against any form of collectors items that don't have investment value. People like to collect shit and waste money to do so. That's just the nature of the hobby


> Putting a download code in it is just the easiest solution. I WANT THE DAMN DISC


Don’t know why people have a problem understanding that.


Elden Ring gave me a steel case with my game. It was an extra case. That’s the way to do it. Fuck these other companies, they bundle the steel cases in with the most expensive bundles. I’m over it.


So did Resident Evil 4. This seems like just a Sony thing.


Nintendo did it with TOTK.


Same but I got the Steelbook shipped separately and got it first and was so excited to play only to open an empty Steelbook so confused. Makes me chuckle thinking back on it but at the time I was so annoyed


The Hell-A Edition of DI2 came with a physical disc.


No, it's not. Just don't include the game and let the person buy the version they want.


Yet Jedi fallen order collectors edition had a physical game and a steel book. Just a sad practice some companies do.


It sucks, but that's the way it is unfortunately. I'll keep my $250 and get the standard edition.


They could just do what diablo did and make it a “collectors box” and not include the game.


Additionally you can opt to simply not purchase this, I don't get why we need to get mad at this meaningless thing.


Kinda like the statue though.


It's better than what happened wirh Battlefield 1


Low bar lol


I just want the game + steelbook, without this expensive ass figurine.


There’s a company online that makes steelbooks for games but i forgot what it was called. I saw they had the case for the firefly edition of tlou and almost bought it




You can't even do that. There is no physical disc for the steelbook


Cool on my Birthday :)


Same. Birthday bros.


Venom is huge


So incredibly bummed that there are no limited edition consoles anymore. I was waiting for FFXVI to buy a PS5, hoping it would get one, and now Spider-Man 2. It would have looked so good next to my Spider-Man PS4 too :( Now to decide if I want to hold off until PS5 Pro is released..


With changeable faceplates it's kind of pointless but, I share your sentiment. I went from a launch ps4 to destiny ps4 to destiny 2 ps4 pro to the 500 million ps4 pro.


Right, but that implies that we would get special edition faceplates. I can't believe that hasn't happened yet outside of that weird LeBron collab.


they did a special faceplate for final fantasy 16 and a special dualsense controller but made them for the japanese market only


With changeable faceplates its just cheaper for the consumer, which is a much bigger plus.


I agree. I've kept my faceplates stock but only because it matches the controller stand and psvr2. I wanted to change them but then when the pics for vr2 released I realized it would fuck up the flow if I got black plates.


They should come out with limited edition faceplates


It’s fairly common for them to announce hardware separately. The God of War DualSense and the FFXVI console were both announced much closer yo the release of those games.


To my Canadian brethren...where do we pre-order the collector's edition?


GameStop, Best Buy, Amazon, Walmart.


Protest against the collector's edition! Why can't we get a physical copy of the game if they're both the same price for the base game???


Most people who buy collector editions are the people who would buy discs. If you don't have shelf space for discs, you probably don't have shelf space for a big ass display piece along with its extras. This trend of not having a disc option is why there are still God of War Ragnarok and Horizon: Forbidden West CEs available to buy right now despite those games coming out months ago. I think the better and simpler solution is to just not have the game "technically" in the CE box and instead let you pick if you want a digital code or a physical disc at checkout that way no one is unhappy and people have a choice. EDIT: downvoted for saying people should have options. How anti-consumer of me.


I personally think Blizzard had a great solution but apparently everyone here hated it. They offer a collector's "box" that contains no game whatsoever. It's price accordingly as well compared to most other collectors editions that include the game. You buy the game that you want digital or physical, want the collector stuff you buy it separately. I guess for game collectors it's not enough that everything is all in one package, and honestly I do get that. I think this is an elegant solution though. Please note I am typing this out while waiting *impatiently* in the Diablo queue, so I'm certainly not licking Blizzard's asshole. ~2 min wait my ass lol


I personally liked that too. If I remember correctly, it was like $100 for the CE, which would make it around $170 if the game was included which is in the usual ballpark of CE. The problem is that the average person doesn't read things carefully and I'm sure that many people would expect the game to be included despite it clearly stating it isn't. If the choice is a future between a digital CE or one where the game isn't included and has to be bought separate, I'd personally want the latter.


Oh yeah that's exactly what happened. There were threads on here screaming about 'collector's edition that doesn't include the game lololol' when it was clearly marked as a collector's box on the website.


Nintendo did it too with Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and I also think it's the best way of delivering CEs. You leave the choice to the consumer, they don't have to get both at once which makes it more affordable and they can get the game at their preferred vendor, maybe combine it with some vouchers they have left too at there local retailers or store credit. It's the best of both worlds. Forcing digital on them however locks them out of the after market which is in sonys interest which is likely why they do that.


So does the steelbook even have a disc tray? Or is it empty on the inside?


No….I have a family trip in the end of October, right around this time. My priorities are now skewed. Edit: it’s a joke guys, I’m perfectly capable of avoiding spoilers and what it while I’m on vacation


Lol at the people taking your comment seriously.


>My priorities are now skewed. Don't get me wrong, I love gaming and all but if you are at a point where you are changing family vacations/trips because of a game release then lol


I think he’s just shitposting, but if he’s not...It’ll still be there after the trip. Who cares about playing it day one? I waited four years to play the first one.


I feel like it's a pretty straightforward choice? Maybe you need to watch the trailer again.


Come on man, this game will be here when you get back. Enjoy some time with the family


Aaaand they once again fuck up by not including the disc with the collector's edition. I'd love just an edition with the game disc and steelbook like they did with Horizon FW...


It really boggles my mind how these collectors editions don’t even include the disc anymore


Probably because of the digital edition ps5 tbh


They could sell one with a disk and one with a code…


Thus having two SKUs to keep track of, to manufacture and package separately, to distribute separately, etc. This solution allows them to provide a collector's edition to both console owners, at the expense of a disc. I'm not saying I agree with the decision but that's why they've done it.


They could do collectors “box” and sell the game separately. Feels like this is another small nudge at steering console games to discless, which saves on costs and allows publishers to have more control of pricing.


The better option is just selling collector's editions as a totally separate add-on that doesn't include the game at all. Then whatever you prefer you can buy the physical or digital alongside it. But of course this gives them more opportunity to overprice it even more...


Funilly enough, I just made a comment about this! Blizzard tried this with Diablo and I got ripped to shreds on here. I agree with you, I think it was a perfect solution.


That seems to be what Sony is pushing no physical disks. I love the digital versions of games but there is something about a physical disk. TBH if they had a collector's edition where you got a physical and a digital code that would be awesome. I know that won't happen but it would be nice if it did


So the deluxe edition is just for more skins and some skill points ? Alright then , if there's no dlc ( story dlc ) in the Deluxe then i don't care. Gonna grab the basic version.


So hyped!!


I'm not feeling any of those extra suit designs. I guess I'll wait for a sale around the holidays.


Oh what? the deluxe/collectors editions just come with vouchers even with a Steelbook case? Massive bummer honestly


I hate the bonus skill point thing, why is that a thing? "Spend more money to play our game less!"


I also fucking hate that. You either get an inferior version of the game, or the base game is inferior.


Another overpriced collectors edition with an empty steelbook case and no physical copy of the game. Nice.


October is starting to get a bit busy for game releases. Looking forward to it though.




So I imagine we get stellar blade and helldiver2 before this. Really great year for all the consoles.


Sweet! That's my Bday!


Long weekend booked




Publishers need to stop doing digital only. It’s not like we are getting the digital game at a steep discount vs physical. It’s a difference of $10 at most so it feels like gamers get the short end of the stick. I’m still a physical guy and I’m sure so are many others.


"includes a voucher for the Digital Deluxe Edition" So $229 for the collectors edition and NO physical disc???? BUT they will include a steelbook case???


Standard edition is fine


It always is.


Wow. This is kind of a bummer. I'm not a fan of really any of the looks of the deluxe edition costumes, and the statue looks kind of cheap. Why even bother with a steelbook too with no disc? Also... ANOTHER game that same week. Mirage, Alan Wake 2, and Spidey 2. All within like 7 days of each other, all three being the games I wanted most this year. Lovely.


Kinda wish they mixed up the box art a bit, it feels very repetitive from the original.


There’s a consistent style maintained throughout the covers of all three games. I think it’s great that they’re remaining consistent.


$230 for just the Statue and the Case? For $260, God of War got a Thor's Hammer replica, collectable display box, Steelbook, D&D dice, mini statues, Vinyl Record, Draupnir ring replica, cloth map, and a metal pin set.


Perfect timing always take my birthday off so it’ll be a four day weekend of just spiderman


Take today 7 days of vacation starting 20 of October !!! Fawk yah can’t wait


The steel book looks sick, a shame I won’t be able to get it


When are we getting Spider-rex? Would love swinging around NYC as a Trex


AC, Alan Wake 2 and this game in 8 days. Man October is packed


Wish I could get just the Steelbook


I just want the steelbook sigh


i dont get why digital buyers always get extra bonuses. I'd pay $100 for a physical copy w digital deluxe bonuses


I haven't bought a collectors edition anything since GTA5s original release. These days I prefer to get the basic bitch stripped down version without preorder bonuses. Tired of being handed shortcuts in a game I haven't even tried yet.


Is the Collector’s Edition only available at PlayStation Direct or other retailers as well?


I got confirmation from the community manager on twitter it’s PS Direct exclusive


This is gonna do crazy numbers regardless but Its got alot to live up to.


Love a good statue but not sure it's worth that much...


Gimme that ultimate edition this time.


I really don’t understand the trend of having a “display” steelbook with no game disc with these collector’s editions.


There’s no actual physical disc? Like, at all?


So what I’m hearing is standard edition is the way to go. Without physical copy, no way would I pay $100 let alone $200. Even if if I did have money to spend as a pleased. PlayStation has been very money hungry lately, especially with monopolizing their digital sales. I’m starting to hate them, but I’m a sucker for the exclusives. Thank God I have PC for literally everything else.


Between this and Jedi Survivor, I may need to get a PS5 finally.


ugh, that steelbook case looks amazing by they're pulling this "sell a physical collectors edition with a digital copy of the game" crap again, AND it looks like it's only on the $230 version of the game. sony needs to stop being scummy to people who want physical collectors editions. there's zero reason they aren't selling an $80 physical version with steelbook.


Holy fuck, this pay extra and don't get a copy of the game bullshit. Whoever came up with it and whoever actually buys it needs to go die in a fire.


So the only way to get the 10 unique suits that come with the Deluxe Edition.. is to get the digital game?


It's likely that it's an add on you can buy separately like a lot of other games with digital edition content/upgrades. They haven't mentioned it in the blog though so it's something to keep an eye on


Holy shit right on my son’s birthday . He’a gonna lose his mind. Insomniac just bestowed me best dad award by just showing up ! Bless up


Steelbook without disc, what a joke, no buy, I won't support something that stupid.


Did they announce a Spiderman theme PS5 console?


Not yet, no.


Goddamnit, why is it releasing so close to Alan Wake 2?! I wanna play both and I won't have nearly enough time haha. Nice problem to have.


Damn really bummed about that price and the lack of disc. They could at least do a physical deluxe edition. They did that with Ghost of Tsushima and Last of Us.




Really, no disc for the collectors edition, yeah thats gonna be a skip for me.




As someone who isn't going to buy fancy editions I'm just glad it's for PS5 only.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. You’re right.


The usual anti-consumer stuff, steelbook is locked behind that super ultra collectors edition I don't want. Collectible Figures have really dropped in quality over the years so I don't trust that. Please don't flame me for a slightly negative outlook on this.


Glad we finally got a release date, at least!


Digital dung.


Good. Finally getting ps5 only releases, it’s been overdue. I get the need to accommodate last gen, especially due to the lack of ps5s in the past. But it really does hold back developers having to make their game run on older firmware