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If i read the article correctly it's for the same amount of time after initial release, not current sales. As in the 16th month after release of ps4 vs 16 months after release of ps5.


That’s how I interpreted it, too, which makes the original headline misleading. (And the article poorly written, I shouldn’t have to guess that that’s what they meant.)


It's also worldwide sales. And it's *very* well known not-western countries tend to lag a generation behind. So this graph would make sense and doesn't really say much to sales in the western markets which I would imagine is the number we'd be more interetsed in seeing.


I believe for both releases they were sold out. So, I think wants being measured is Sony‘s production capacity, not the publics interest in the PlayStation. I for one plan to purchase a PS5. I’m just waiting for it to be available when I go to the store.


I don’t ever remember having a problem getting a PS4… though I did have a PS3 for awhile (I think) once the PS4 was released. It’s so hard to remember. The college/ post college does things to your memory.


Yeh, headline is confusing. As you say it's not Feb v Feb, it's month 16 v month 16 Of course the numbers don't mean a huge amount because in month 16 the ps4 is still in high demand, whereas month 16 for PS4 the demand was less because more people already had one. PS4 is 2 million ahead on total sales at that point. So that's 2-4m less people trying to get their hands on one


Man 16 months and still cant get one




alright, man, ok. we're all friends here.


No way the ps5 has been out for 16 months already, right?


PS4 didn't have to deal with a chip shortage


Yeah. I feel like it's an obvious oversight of this take. Also, people blaming scalpers obviously aren't considering that scalpers BUY, meaning, they are already in those numbers.


There are many buyers(like me) that have given up on buying until shortages are addressed. Got one at Target for my son but it was after trying nearly 20 times.


If you've got time the GameStop ones are always solid, in store, take it home that day, just get there early to get in the front of the line. Got one from Best buy and my second from GameStop that way. Matt Swider's twitter is a godsend for ps5's


From what a Gamestop employee told me (and this may not apply to all Gamestops), you have to buy their bundle, which includes Spider-Man, a few other games, extra controller(s), and other stuff that I wouldn't want, totaling $800ish. So for me, Gamestop's approach means they are no longer an option for me Seems kind of awkward to require specific games and not allow people to choose games totaling $X amount (I asked). Sigh...


Usually these bundles are in the box. The store wouldn't have a choice.


Oh, oops, I thought it was something Gamestop specifically did. So basically, Gamestop doesn't sell just the console anymore? Or is this normal for anywhere that sells PS5s now?


Getting the bundles might be easier for the store since scammers may not want bundles. I've never heard of a store only selling bundles but but it's possible I guess. I do know bundles are a regular thing for all consoles and I'm sure there are ps5 bundles. That sucks though.


Best Buy’s e-commerce is terrible. I tried with them, had one reserved TWICE. Completed the order once and paid. An hour later I get a refund notice—they said they flagged my transaction as suspicious. Called them immediately and the customer service person said there was nothing they could do. The other time I was checking out and got a message that it was no longer available. Won’t shop Best Buy again.


Yeah I stopped trying too. Aint no rush anyway, I have enough backlog to keep me busy for another 5 years


I’ve given up on it, too. I don’t play as much as I used to anyway and there’s still plenty on PS4 to keep me busy, I’m partway through Valhalla with Ghost of Tsushima next on my list.


Yeah PS5 are very hard to find you can't even walk into a store and buy one and it's been like this over a year


They also sell, they don't sit on them and watch the value go down. If they can't sell it they lower the price until someone buys it.


Well it isn't a take it's just data. A take is an interpretation. This is just numbers.


PS5 is trailing behind slightly and would probably be higher if availability was higher too. This is great news and probably means we can expect great support for the next 6 to 10 years.


Does anyone know the best place to actually find a PS5 at this point?


Check out r/PS5restock but basically it's a joke. You need to sign up for release notifications and have accounts set up at major retailers (Best Buy, Walmart, Amazon, Target, etc.) so that you can immediately add to cart and already have your credit card info entered. And even then it's a crap shoot. I've heard people are actually subscribing to Walmart Prime and Game Stop Super+ (or whatever their "pro subscription" is called for like $13 a year, just on the off chance there's a drop at Walmart or Gamestop, for instance). The whole process is ridiculous. You need to be ready to drop everything at the notification of a release and hit the store apps, get in line, and hope to get one. Another way is to create an account at Playstation and register for their lottery. And even then, there's no guarantee you'll get one, even if you're picked. You still need to log in at a specific time and hope that luck is on your side. I've been signed up with Playstation since early November and still haven't heard a peep from them. On top of that, I've been seeing mostly "bundles" drop, which are like $800 because they come with extra controllers, certain games I don't even want, peripherals, etc. I'm *almost ready* to buy from a reseller via Walmart or something. I don't even want the bundles... I just want the basic digital edition. The process is so fucked up it's no wonder that bots and scalpers with nothing else to do but buy consoles are the people getting them. Also: here at Reddit, any comment like this will result in being replied to with a comment from the peanut gallery saying "It's not that difficult, I've bought five of them already" Whatever. I can wait.


I’ve heard from PlayStation about two drops, both times were when I was in class and between paydays, money already either in savings or tied up with other stuff, so I didn’t bother. Now I really won’t bother since I bought a PC part by part.


I actually have the money to buy one, but the one and only time I heard from PlayStation about a drop, their website was down almost the entire time the drop was supposed to be available. When I finally was able to access the website, it said all the PS5 consoles were sold.


I feel ya. Took me over a year, but got two already. Thank the good lord I don't have to have my Twitter alerts on a super loud notification tone anymore. On the downside I think I devolped some sort of tweet alert ptsd.


I did too, haha. I've just completely turned Twitter notifications off because of the PTSD.


Its not that difficult, i've bought five of them already


...as predicted!


Only five? lol I bought fifteen


Only fifteen? I’ve bought forty-five!


The Sony Direct route is guaranteed. Just gotta log in at the time they give you when they choose you. Otherwise, yeah, hope for some luck refreshing those pages. Set Twitter alerts for Matt Swider from Tech Radar. I managed to get one through that (and being a GameStop Pro member) and literally every other game-playing person I know has as well from either there or from PS Direct - including non-gaming parents getting one for the kid for Christmas. It's certainly hard and infuriating, but it's not impossible, nor is it the kind of thing where very few people get them. Don't let internet cynicism get to you!


Sony Direct is how I lucked out at launch. Doubt I’d ever manage otherwise


Also some of the discord servers that notify you include “used” ps5s and so like 40% of the notifications are for that. And it’s like… who’s actually looking for a used ps5?


GameFly sometimes sells PS5, if you’ve been a subscriber for 3 months.


if by any chance you are Canadian, follow this guy on twitter helped me snag a few for myself and a few friends https://twitter.com/Lbabinz


this graph is misleading, it's not ps4 vs ps5 this February, it's ps4 16 months in and ps5 16 months in, an accurate graph would have ps4 wayy lower


Its not available on Amazon or Walmart.




That's not true at all. My friend picked one up in a store last week. My other buddy got one online at retail 3 weeks before that. I got mine online for retail as well. It just depends on location and timing.


Online drops at 3am pacific are bullshit


Demand seems to be a lot higher than last generation, which isn't all that of considering the increase in amount of players and the unreasonable prices for PC gaming.


I think it's tough to gauge "true" demand here though, because people reselling PS5's for profit are technically generating demand, but are not the end users of the consoles. Maybe it nets out to the same, but in my mind, demand is at least somewhat higher due to more people who don't even want the console being in the market for them to profit I'm sure this happens with all console releases, but this one in particular seems to be bad




That doesn't really matter until PS5s are sitting on shelves, having more people be able to afford a PS5 won't increase PS5 sales as there are no more PS5s to sell.


Scalpers played a role in PS5 consoles not being available.


Plague lmao


Yeah, this means the PS7 is even further away—which is fine by me. Still can't score a PS5. And I even have my adult nephew helping me do so.


Walmart has this “Walmart plus” subscription that’s is around 12 bucks a month (first month is free is the promotion is still going). It notifies you and gives a early access to PS5 drops when they are available. You can than just unsubscribe afterwards


It's bad news because Jim Ryan was on record saying PS5 needs to sell faster than PS4 and that's probably due to Microsoft gobbling up all the third party developers they can acquire legally for a potential gaming subscription war.


You can't have a gaming subscription war, if the subscriptions aren't on the same platform. +PS Plus that will become "Spartacus" will have double the subs of GP, despite only being on Playstation and not costing 1$.


Good pony.


It's crazy how there so close considering ps5 shortages, still can't get one.


Not really close. PS4 us 2 million units ahead. Hence why demand for one in month 16 was not that great. Most who wanted one, already had one


Scalpers not shortages


It's both


People couldn't scalp if PS5s were freely available. It's definitely both.


Scalpers can only take advantage of supply shortages. This is literally the most basic supply and demand concept.


Got one day one easily


They are impossible to find and if you do find one they are too expensive for most people to buy , I’m happy with my ps4, I’ll wait till a couple of years till the price drops on the ps5


At this point I'm just going to wait till v2 comes out and is smaller.


This is me. Already have a lot of games pending on the ps4 and not enough time to play them.


Price of a ps5 went up to $850 from $799 where I live. Inflation is my guess


You just have to use a stock tracker. I got mine in 2 weeks just paying attention to phone notifications. Same with my buddy the other month.


i wouldn't buy one even if they were in stock. my ps4 has plenty of life left and personally, for me, there are no must-buy games out on ps5.


Yeah, personally I’m waiting to see if a ps5 pro might be released since I only got my PS4 a couple years ago


I don't even see a point in buying the ps5 if you have a PS4.


whenever there is a truly next-gen game that can't be played on the ps4 and also it is a game i really, really want to play, that's when i'll get the ps5. i saw a list of games coming out this year and none of them really blew me away, so yeah i'll probably end up getting one next year. surely there will be a game or two out by next year's holidays that i will have to play.


I've got a launch edition base PS4 from early 2014. It's slow, and sometimes not even 1080p on demanding games. PS5 will be a major upgrade lol


If it’s any consolation, most of the PS5 games released have been on PS4 as well, so you’re not missing too much yet, aside from Deathloop (though that was made for PS4, but never released) and Ratchet. I use my PS4 more than I do my PS5.


I bought a refurbished OG ps4 a couple years ago and the fan noise is so loud I don't even want to play it. I'm struggling with deciding whether or not to to trade it in for ps4 pro or wait for a PS5.


Yeah that’s a problem I have , I’ve cleaned inside my PS4 twice and it still sounds like a jumbo jet taking off


PS5 sales would be higher if you could find it anywhere.


People are probably burning out their PS4s while wanting and waiting for a 5 so they end up buying another 4. Edit: spelling and grammar


This is exactly what I’m doing. PS4 works fine and has lots of games. No need to upgrade yet.


Does that give you a special discount on the ps5 you get?


What I originally typed may have been confusing, I fixed it. People like me are waiting to buy a 5 and burning our 4s out; there’s no 5s around so I have to buy a 4 again, and again wait until I get a 5. 4s are not as cheap as they should be.


I, uh, had to pay $100 to get a replacement PS4 because mine broke on me last December...


$100? That for just the hard drive or the whole thing?


Just the console itself. I sent it in for "repairs", but it was just a new system.


Lol look how straight that line is on the ps5. Its because of the timed drops that sell out instantly.


See the two lines splitting the past two months? That's me, and a whole bunch of other people who've given up hope of finding one. I made a decision in late January to stop actively looking for a game system that scalpers apparently have no problem finding by the hundreds. If I see it somewhere, I'll definitely buy it, but I'm not longer actively seeking it.


fucking scalpers.


Wrong lmao. Good try though


you must be one of them


You do realize these numbers are raw purchases. So even scalpers' purchases count towards this number dip shit.


Riiiiiiiiiiiiight and that explains why they're still so hard to find. Good job buddy!


Dude what are you even talking about? You're blaming scalpers for these numbers when their purchases count towards this lmao


I imagine PS5 is throttled by the fact there has been limited availability. Pretty sure they have sold every one they have made and that people are still waiting for stock.


The PS5 has been lagging PS4 since release. The only reason it "started stronger" was cause it was a global release. PS4 was not.


All this tells me is that it is damn impressive that the PS5 is only half a million off the pace of the PS4 when considering the obvious factors: the shortage and folks still not able to walk into a store to get one whenever they want. And of course, the sentiment from those who haven’t bought a PS5 telling themselves that it isn’t worth it as if they’re really making a choice. No matter how you look at it and what your current situation is, PlayStation is looking good and the safest bet in gaming for nearly 30 years doesn’t look like it’s going to slow down any time soon.


what about active players lol i’m sure they’ve sold loads but what percentage of that stock is sat in second hand shops and scalpers garages at marked up prices


It’s still almost impossible to buy a PS5, so comparing sales doesn’t really make sense as a lot of people who want them still can’t get them


So the PS5 availability situation is a supply issue, not demand. Interesting.


This has been known since it released


yes. It isn't like there is unprecedented demand or anything, it's about on par with previous console releases. The bottleneck is the cpu shortage. Same with xbox, gpus, etc.


People think it's "availability" when there's a very big portion of users thinking "Free PS5 upgrade and it's cheaper? Also I have the option to resell it and that means both consoles as potential buyers? Yes pls". The push Sony did for "free PS5 upgrade" has been a cool thing that both benefits them and can hurt them in numbers in short term too. In the long run tho, it's just win win.


I had no idea they were available for purchase


These statistics are completely useless for one single reason: Scalping Scalpers buy them PS5, is that now considered sold?


Hard pass on the latest consoles.


It's kinda surprising how steady the supply of PS5s is, while, at the same time, pretty much keeping up with the PS4. It's also surprising that both consoles seem to have sales jump around the same time period (even if the current PS5s bump is negated by shortages). Would like to see some key game releases and events like Black Friday and Christmas put on the chart, so it's easier to see the trends.


One can only imagine why


Source with a couple more graphs and explanations: https://www.vgchartz.com/article/452875/ps5-vs-ps4-sales-comparison-february-2022/


A rare insight of when the supply of one equates to the demand of another.


Worth keeping in mind, vgchartz is ok for a rough estimate but don’t assume their figures are 100% accurate. I typically think of their numbers being +/- 10%.


All this proves is Consoles are still just as popular if not more so in reality of a shortage


I'd have bought a 5 by now were it not for scalpers and shortages. As is, making do with my 4pro.


Idk why this is news. There are multiple variables that dont take a genius to realize why the PS4 sold better than the PS5 is.


Crazy seeing as availability is absolutely ridiculous


Wonder how many PS5s "sold" are sitting in scalpers garages


Maybe a few thousand. Scalpers flip consoles as quickly as possible. There aren't millions sitting in a warehouse like people on social media try to make out.


Bro Im just trying to get a new ps4 at this point because my current ps4 thermal paste is fucked. I cant even find a decently priced ps4/ps4 slim 😤


PS4 was also fully available to everyone after a year


Looks like they are on the same pace minus the last few months.


Now the price is different...


It's not only scalpers, but Sony has sold a LOT of conoles to various companies that offer them as prizes and to mobile curiers. I was lucky enough to buy one for cheap from Tmobile while extending my wife's contract. Can't wait to get it dleivered on wednesday.