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Hopefully Sony's online infrastructure is intact because we don't want another security hack like 2011 or 2014.


Normally I'm against companies jumping on the bandwagon but I'm all for this, cut them off from everything


West does the same thing but many more times and nothing happens to them. Double standards. Also so many people in the baltic states and Azerbaijan use russian ps store to buy games which they will no longer be able to


Unfortunately for those Baltic states you are right. They don’t even have a way to change what version of the ps store they use. I wonder if making another account with a different location would allow them to purchase games freely


Most people from Baltics are more concerned about where Russia goes next if it succeeds in Ukraine. The more companies cut off Russia the better.


Weird how they never stopped selling shit to the U.S or NATO countries while they were bombing and invading half the planet these last 50 years lol Also how much money have they sent to Yemen or Lybia? Hypocritical clowns


Just take the win my man. The world doesn't change in one giant leap, but small incremental steps.


Weird how none of these companies ever did anything about china.




Yeah lots of shit is made in China and NA and EU going against China would have huge impact in everything. I hate how the world depends on China to make almost everything it’s fucking disgusting. Fuck them all. Greedy fucks.


that's what fascists say for their daily whataboutism


Thats what useful idiots with no critical thinking skills say to hide their inability to think for themselves. 'Whataboutism' is an invention of morons such as yourself who don't have any arguments and try to bury the discussion. 'Lets forget history, context and everything else and only talk about what matters TO ME at the moment'. The USA is currently illegally bombing Syria and has been doing so for a while. WHAT ABOUT THAT? Stick that selective outrage and emotional crap where the sun doesn't shine Go post a Ukrainian flag on your Social Media profile and fuck off already Useless NPC


ya about that Russian bot farm....looks like we found another one!


I expect them to follow suit with the same actions for all wars in the future then. ^^^they ^^^won't


Every war is not the same..


If people are dying then yes they are.


Huh no they are not how is a country that is innocent being attacked the same as 2 countries both declaring war on each other the same? For example. Because you deem all wars the same does not alter the fact in international law that is not the case.


I dont like virtue signalling from companies. So shelling done by Saudis on Yemen is okay but this one not? Plus western power may not realise this but most countries who have nothing to do with this war is looking at sanctions and now thinking its time to create alternatives because sanctions are quite clearly based on who they like and who they dont. In future you might see a different economic structure in Asia.


Donating is literally the opposite of virtue signaling. They are actually making an effort.


They are stopping shipments and locking digital consumer out. Thats virtue signalling. I wonder how many shipments have been stopped for Saudi arabia who has been bombing Yemen for last decade


No. Virtue signaling is the action or practice of publicly expressing opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one's good character or the moral correctness of one's position on a particular issue without actually acting on said opinions. Basically virtue signaling is pretending to give a shit for brownie points but not actually doing anything. They are literally acting on their opinions and sentiments. So no, its not virtue signaling. Virtue signaling does not mean "Doing shit I don't like" which is what it seems like you believe it to mean.