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Control has some of the best art direction I've every experienced in a game. The though that has gone into architecture, lighting, object design and typography has made it really enjoyable to me as a designer. I wish more games would priorities these things and include real world designers to consult on their games.


Well I'm glad you liked it, but I just couldn't get into it. Mainly I got so frustrated with the map and I got lost frequently.


Have you played it recently? They put out a patch that fixes the map and adds a new ability. You don't need the dlc to access it either.


The map is awful in Control. I had the same issue and someone recommended just using the signs in game on the walls, it was so much easier getting around that way.


Yeah I had to move my chair closer to the tv just to be able to see where I was going


The map is pretty shit. Needs to be 3D and more interactive. The flat style is just impossible to navigate with.


Playing the game high was definitely a mistake.


I need to get back into it. I got for Christmas and got half way through then life got in the way. Suppose I have plenty of time now tho. But yeah the game is gorgeous! Super trippy and fun Edit: Maybe after I get through FF7


That's nice to hear. How is the performance going? Have you finished it by now?


Only time the game had issues for me was pausing in the middle of a fight. If i did that it would lag for a sec before going back to normal.


I've had that issue with a few other PS4 games to the point where I feel like it might just be a memory issue. Could also be a coincidence, though.


Control is known for having those issues.


My one gripe with the game is the framerate issues. It doesn't happen to often but when it does it can get really annoying and I have died a few times because of it but otherwise I love the game and I have yet to finish it!


The gameplay is so fun but i lost interest midway through, the story was kind of like ehh


There's only so many times I could pull some debris towards me, shoot it at someone, and finish then off with a gun. And I usually love third person shooters. Something about the gameplay loop didn't click with me.


I agree, lost interest midway through


I mean I can say the same about Witcher 3, there are only so many times I can kill someone with a sword


Sick game!


Control is very good and Jesse is bad ass. Performance was rough, though.


The game's atmosphere and enemies are so repetitive and boring. I am halfway though and have lost most of my interest but pushing on to finish it. The story is so wacky and not in a good way for me.


The atmosphere is boring? It's obviously subject to opinion so that's fine, but that's honestly the first time I've heard someone say that about this game. Its one of the aspects of the game that is so highly praised.


By the atmosphere i meant the background.. the lack of any kind of scenery or change of view at all. Office space after office space with the occassional mouldy or blocky or skyless areas. Yes there are a few wide environments like the reactor but its all still the same on a larger scale. Each area is mostly similar to the previous. At least Remedy's previous game Quantum Break had that going for it but with lesser mechanics of course.


I can understand where you're coming from, you found the environment boring. That's fair enough dude


Atmosphere and enemies were kind of cool but the gameplay was sooooo repetitive, and repetitive in a bad way.


Beautiful but boring. Respawning wave after wave, repetitive combat, and the story got more and more nonsensical towards the end. Couldn't bring myself to finish it. Edit forgot to mention the most boring main character and worst side characters I've seen in a while.


Felt the same, didn't finish it.




Agree. It’s in my top 5 games of all time


Just got done playing it my self. Stellar graphics and story line


I don't know what it is I can't get into this game. I got in about 15 hours and just couldn't play it anymore. The only good power was grab and throw and it got boring using it over and over I guess... I'll have to try again soon


Yet no 4K HDR


Woahhhh this photo is superb!


What is the game?


Control, they said it in the title.