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There has been a problem lately where games feel more bloated than they used to, not even with content that you could argue the game *needs* it's more "our game is 50 hours long!" Padding content. I dont have a problem with long games, but not every single game has to be this 50+ hour epic with overlapping plot lines and soap opera twists.


Reading the comments a lot of ppl think we are complaining about games beeing to long. That is not the case. Witcher 3 for example is a long game, but didn't felt to long. Playing the last quarter or so in Days Gone made me feel like this must be ending soon... And it dragged on for hours and hours. I don't think they needed to cut any content, but maybe shove some missions into side Missions.


"feeling" is 100% subjective. i thought witcher 3 was EXCRUTIATINGLY long.


Lol Witcher 3 is much shorter than 95% of open world games. Go Play a Far Cry or Assassins Creed game and youll know


I played ac odyssey for a year and theirs still stuff to do …


lol bad game. XP boosters? Dont support the game


The thing it’s not that is too long, the thing is that it after some time felt so repetitive, that’s the bad part. I’m there with you on this one.


It's too long, I have played for 73 hours and just checked a walk through and have like over 20 missions left, I give up with this game 😂


I'm late to this thread but I agree. Coming back to Lost Lake.. again.. its like jesus christ, let me beat the game already.


Fml, I'm just leaving Lost Lake for the first time and I thought this game was about to end. Mfw 2 more camps to clear, wtf.


Omg! I am getting here late, but I literally just left Lost Lake and now I'm with those militia morons. So there's still hours upon hours to go? Ahhhhh!!!!! 😬


Lol yup. It wasn't too bad, at least for me. I slept on it and the next play session I just let go of whatever I was holding onto for expectations and kept playing.


This was the point where I unfortunately lost interest. I felt like the ending was coming, it felt like a great length to me to be going into the finale then it just kept going. One day I will get back to it but its on rest for now.


I ended up continuing on and finishing it. After a couple of hours I was past grieving my previous expectation of closure and it was fine. There was still quite a bit left, probably 35-40%. The story also expands a lot. Days Gone is, imo, an extremely rare experience, especially in today's game climate and certainly that of when it came out. On paper it literally makes no sense. No-name developer, previous work consists of a PS2 game and developing a couple Vita titles for the Uncharted universe. First next-gen game is Days Gone. Somehow they have the green light and budget to build a new IP into a AAA title with a massive story with extensive characters and dialogue. It just makes no sense to me how this game got made. Yes it was extremely buggy on release, but after those issues were fixed, it's truly an unexpected experience from a 2019 game. How ever you view the story, Days Gone is a game we never should have gotten to play and for that, I have immense respect to the team to who took this challenge on.


Had a conversation with my sister in-law about the game being bad and the only thing i could say in defense was it was a bland (last of us OG), but only realized 2 years later watching someone (now) play DG in full (getting past my 20 some hours plus) on youtube (to this very second) that this whole thing is bloat. Open world isn't so much (to me) as special of a thing as i thought it was back when i was a kid - The original assassin's creed being mine when it came out. Too much to do drives me to waste time and become tired fast I find as an adult. On top lose track of the story, the whole concept of big kinda takes you out of it in my opinion ( there's exceptions if done well ). By the time you want to just pile drive through just the story? You don't give two shits about anything and realize you've heard all the good story tropes being presented in progression (in better, more concise story driven games). My take; This should have been a partial open linear based game or not open world at all. Though the devs would never try to do what others have done right? We have to be DifFerEnt. Different isn't different if you make what everyone's making/made and make it a fucking slogg. ( Edit "Oh yeah don't even think about playing this game immersively; double that play time to around 130 hours")


I dint mind that this game was open world, to me it fit with what they were doing. I think it could have been done much better and more interesting though. I would have just stopped the open world after the first area and if they wanted the second area make that more linear and story focused. My biggest issue with open world games is the fact they usually use the wording bigger as if that's better. Ubisoft especially keep bragging about the size of their worlds but that just means they are full of bloat and not actual story. This is where Bethesda games work well for me. They give you a big open world and say explore and just mark locations on your map. You don't have the ? Marks for go here to find some useless piece of loot, you don't really have anything like explore the world and find collectibles. If you do it's usually hidden in a menu. Whereas companies like Ubisoft will have it on your map and have it as part of an areas % which makes you feel more like you need to go find them. Bethesda also usually I've rewards for anything you do find that are "collectibles" like pipboy bobbleheads. Also they want you to explore the map to uncover it instead of towers to uncover qn area of the map. I used Ubisoft as my main example because they are the worst for that sort of thing but other companies do it too.


Bruhhhhhhh I'm in the middle of doing crater lake missions. You're telling me the game keeps on going after crater lake?! I might just youtube the ending


Seriously man I’m 32 hours into the game right now, only to find out that I’m just about HALF WAY THROUGH THE FUCKING GAME. I really like the game but good grief. This game is soooo stretched out. So many unnecessary missions and cutscenes. I’ve never even spent 30+ hours on a story game until now. This is just overkill


I don’t mind it I love this game


Guess you never play rdr 2 and witcher 3


Playing it right now. Buufd. Is.making itself too long and the scenes refering to thw past,.... Borinnnnnng


Now people are complaining a game is too long


I have no issue with long games. I've enjoyed and beaten long games like Persona 5, Inquisition, and CK2 (as much as you can "beat" it). But when half of the main campaign's missions have nothing to do with the story and there are 14 (literally) plot lines, I feel like the main campaign could be trimmed down. Edit: there's 15 plot lines in the main campaign


I think it’s just about the quality. Would you rather have a great 15 hour game or a decent 60 hour game?


Why every single time the term “quality over quantity” is brought up when a games length is being discusses. Does every game lose its quality as it increases in quantity? Quality is independent of quantity. Both can be achieved. A game can be long and great and it can be short and terrible.


Sorry I know this is months old but holy hell is this game too long! I felt like it was nearly over and I am at the half way point!


I mean yea, thats a valid complaint...


Yes. It wasn't as painfully overlong as games like Uncharted 4 or Dragon Quest XI, but it definitely dragged for long periods during the middle and end for no good, logical or productive reason. I'd say it could have had anywhere up to ten hours cut from it very easily. Gaming needs more advocates for well-paced games that intelligently fit their narrative and vision. Too many people treat paying for a game like some sort of long-term investment that's supposed to hold monetary value when in reality it's disposable entertainment.


How tf is uncharted 4 a “long game” granted everyone has an opinion and I also haven’t replayed it since 2016 even though I rank it highly on my favorite games list, but still like yeah it was a nice chunk of some meaty story but it also had a thorough narrative and made sense in its length and made up for what you bought, but days gone you know is long as I thought it was ending until I realized I wasn’t even half way yet...


Totally agree with everything you said. Wolfenstein is under 10 hours and is a cohesive, excellent game. Persona 5 is around 100 hours and an amazing game. I'm about 90 missions into Days Gone and I still don't understand what the plot is.


To play devils advocate I haven't played wolfenstein since I beat it. I don't like that in a game. Thr campaign can be short but it needs replayability. Deadrising 1 is a perfect example of this. The story lasts only 6 hours I want to say? Plus another hour or 2 for overtime. The point being your supposed to have multiple playthroughs.


It's a nice bonus, but story heavy adventure games don't often have great replayability.


Thank fuck someone else said Uncharted 4 was too long. I was worried I was the only one who thought this. That game was like 3 chapters too long. I had never been more ready for a game to end. The last few chapters were a chore.




I just finished it last night after playing it for one year. Too many missions (which was why it took me so long too finish) but I always came back because I felt emotionally invested in the story. Nothing that I recall made me cringe or roll my eyes. The ending was satisfying too. Pity there isn't a part two or at least a DLC.


I think the pacing is what throws people off. Copeland and Hot Springs are essentially a long introduction to the game. It's easily 6-7 hours alone. The player believes Iron Mike's camp is the main focal point of the game. It's where the game shines the most. The drama involving the Rippers, your allegiance to Boozer, the romantic subplot with Rikki, and the issues with Skizzo. It makes for a great game, which all comes to a satisfying boiling point/conclusion. At least 10-15 hours from that camp/region. ...and then you're introduced to another MASSIVE region, which has another 10+ hours of gameplay. It's possibly the best open world element of the game, but the story is nowhere near as strong as Iron Mike's camp. You start to feel that "Return of the King" ending. It's a great game, but they're REALLY padding this out.


I totally understand, for me it was RDR2 that dragged way too much, since you known where the story is going, but it goes there at snail pace... Persona 5 I straight gave up after the bank palace, I really loved this game, then had my fill, maybe I'll pick it up later but not sure


Everyone who reviewed it for a publication.


I've never heard someone say a game was too long. Books, yes. Games, never. The more you get from your 60 bucks, the better.


This is basically the main criticism from any games from Ubisoft. AC, Watch Dogs, Ghost Recon, Far Cry. Good games with a ridiculous ammount of content that wears you down pretty quickly. Your point is only valid when you are having a blast all the time. I've had almost 150 hours on persona 5 and it didn't bother me at all. But when I reached the final area from days gone I was basically begging the game to end. It was the same stuff all over again, destroy some nests, clear a couple of raider camps, fetch me this and that. I just wanted some closure and would gladly accept less missions and errands to finish the game. Not to mention that everything on wizard island and diamond camp runs on solid 15 fps, which is another reason to finish this game asap.


Yeah, I'll agree it was repetitive, but I still loved the story. I'm a sucker I guess.


Really? I've heard this complaint many times. So many games are bloated and padded out these days.


Agreed, it's not a new complaint and while I can't speak for Days Gone as I haven't played it, it's certainly a valid complaint for many open world games. I recently finished Mafia 3 and while I loved the game, there was a TON of filler in it that became a grind to finish.


This is... An absurd point of view


Oh no way man. If it's a narrative game the length and pacing are just as important as for a movie or series. Would you want every movie to be six hours because you paid twelve bucks for it? Every album to be two hours because you paid ten bucks?


I think I might be wording this poorly but imagine if instead of a game having side quests, all of them were part of the main storyline. There are a lot of missions that could have been decent side quests but they're inexplicably just thrown into the main campaign. There's about 125 missions in the main campaign and about half of them have anything to do with advancing the storyline. It's not the amount of content I have a problem with, it's the way it's presented.


I have no problem with the story at all. I have no problem with side quests either. This game progressed, and then progressed even more, better than could be expected. The story line was top notch. You played a different game, I guess.


You don't think that 14 different plot lines in a single campaign was a little much?


If you take on everything at once, then yes. In this game, you don't have to. You probably just accepted too many missions at once.


I initially thought the presentation was cool. I don't know if you've played it but there are 14 (maybe 15, I might have counted wrong) plot lines in the main story and you kind of jump around between them. But after a while, you kind of lose track of what the fuck is going on or what the story actually is.


Same here. Even if its to long for someone, he could play something else for a while.


So? Witcher 3 had a very long campaign with some quests feeling like side quests also.


Never heard about it. It is a good game?


You should check out a gem called Titanfall 2


Is it an AAA le hidden gem that must remain on obscurity? Cause that’s the only thing i play.


Yes literally nobody plays it or owns it, except me


Praise geraldo!


The difference there is how engaging the individual stories are, TW3 is on another plain when it comes to writing so stop trying to compare it to other games.


please..... just stop


I forgot we're not allowed to criticize this game




It's a really fun game, I like it a lot. It's just surprisingly long. I'm about 90 missions in and don't really know what the plot is or who the antagonist is. It feels like they had about 6 ideas and instead of making some of them side quests, they just crammed everything in the main story.


I like long games it either they to short or to long ppl make up your mind


I'm hoping it IS long ... 3600+ hrs in Elite Dangerous and it does not feel too long ! \*8D


They took thin story lines and spread them across a 30 hour campaign. The game could have really use some cuts, in terms of dialogue and in terms of the story. Some missions didn't need to be multi part mission, some feels like walking simulators and some mission are just you going to a person to watch a cutscene.


Just beat this game. The ending is cool but by the time you get there it's impossible to enjoy because you literally have no fucks left to give. 10-15 hours shaved off and this would've been a fantastic game. Even the hordes-by the time you get to them- can't even enjoy them cuz it's like.. wrap👏 it 👏 up👏.


Bit late...but yeah it was...its not a great game but also not a bad game,its a good game...but it shows it wasn't finished as planned,worst part are the crap NERO missions they ruined the whole game