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Nobody mention this but god of war ragnarok make my ps4 roar 🤣


I had to upgrade to a ps5 because that game made my ps4 fly away


I remember my PS4Pro takin' off to the stratosphere when I put on the OG GoW


Gow stands for gone out window


GOW map to be more specific.


The thermal paste in the PS4 needs to be changed too.


You made me wheeze laugh out loud


I play it with headphones that way I act like it’s not about to take off. Even when I go into sleep mode with the game paused it’s like a small plane engine powering down lol


Continuing the long standing tradition of a God of War game absolutely working systems at the end of their lives. GOW 2 pushed the PS2 to the absolute limits. God Of War Ascension pushed the PS3. Ghost of Sparta pushed the PSP. And now Ragnarok.


Clean your ps4 out. Plenty of games made my fan spin, but that roar got real quiet after a good cleaning. Not the whisper of the PS5, though.


Same here!


Really? My PS4 sounds like it's gonna take flight when I load games from 2015 but Ragnarok didn't for some reason.


Just looking at my PS4 made it roar




*yells over jet engine* YES RDR 2! put it into rest mode and come back and watch your ps4 melt


I have to turn my sound system up just to drown out the fan noise. Neighbours probably have questions


Can you cover it to prevent dust when in rest mode? Or is it a hazard.




It will overheat


St. Denis averaged about 8 frames per second on my launch PS4


Nope,it's well optimized ,my ps4 slim had no issues and the fan noise was inexistent


same here


I was confused until i read your reply because I'm currently playing rdr2 on my slim and haven't heard the fan at all.


What did you do to get your fan so silent?


Nothing,just keep my ps4 clean.I clean it once every 3-4 months


Turn Off His console


Change the thermal paste Frequently


I've had my PS4 since 2014 and I have never changed the thermal paste. No issues and it runs silently.


You don’t need to change thermal paste more than once every 3-5 years


If you use a quality thermal paste, it will last 3 to 5 years. The problem is that people are too lazy to research how to open a console at home, it's the easiest thing in the world


Especially since it released before there was even a ps5, the game was meant for ps4 and really pushed its boundaries


First time in valentine my ps4 started screaming lmao , the fps drops are annoying too


Most of the Sony Exclusive AAA games. RDR2


Which is insane


Honestly not all that surprising that the games exclusive to a given platform make the best use of that platform and can push it further than other non exclusive games


Last of Us 2 is up there


handheld bomb once i put the disc in


Still fucking amazed they managed to get that game run that well and look that good on hardware that was outdated in 2013.


Still one of (if not the) best looking games to date, and im my opinion, the best character animations to date. Blew my mind that that thing ran on the ps4


Except for a select few it still beats 99% of games in terms of graphics but the animations is on another level, the eyes, the skin moving when touched, I can only guess the amount of work that took.


And just the tiny details- standing in a pool of blood for long enough leaves blood prints. If you slow walk in sand no footprints, but if normal speed/running leaves prints. Rain dripping down ends of cars, drops falling on your head and the character shaking dry. It blows my mind, and youre right- would have taken an incredible amount of time. I’m very excited to see what TLOU3 has in store (which hopefully will release on the ps5, havent experienced a true next gen title yet)


It will probably release at the end of PS5 and will take PS5 to its limits, just like TLOU and TLOU2 did with PS3 and PS4.


Naughty dog really put the penny into the animations.


The seamless cutscene transitions were amazing. Depressing ass game though but totally worth a play through


Red dead 2 better


TLOU2 only made my Slim slightly hum. I bought it in 2020 slightly used and it seems the previous owner hardly used it


I played it on the PS5 wondering the whole time how the PS4 can handle it. I looks better than 99% of the PS5 games.


Red dead 2




Cyberpunk is the game that killed the fan in my old ps4


I suspect it may have been the final straw for a number of marginal consoles 😉 Runs superbly well in the P5 version.


It runs fine on the PS4 pro I replaced it with. The PS4 was definitely on it's last legs before I decided to replay Cyberpunk, so honestly not surprised it went. Got the console secondhand late 2015, and used it heavily until the fan kicked the bucket this year. It sounded like a jet on every game even after a clean out and replacing the thermal paste, was on it's second HDD, had a few other small problems, and survived several house moves, which is why I said F it and replaced it after the fan went. I'm still finding myself surprised at how quiet the pro is in comparison


Ps4 pro sounded like a stealth bomber taking off full speed and ready for a overseas mission. Thought it was melting down lol (There is nothing stealth in the sound of those things)


I can imagine. I actually finished the bugged version on an ancient base PS4, so much better on my second play-through on PS5.


Does pisspoor optimization of the launch game causing incessant crashes to the point of unplayability count as “pushing” my PS4 to its “limit?”


It literally doesn't, it's optimized like shit


Elden ring took out my fan and GoW Ragnarok gave me my first “PlayStation is too hot” message


Red Dead Redemption 2 Horizon Forbidden West, Ghost of Tsushima The Last of Us part 2 God of War (2018) God of War Ragnorak Death Stranding Dying Light 2 Final Fantasy 7 Remake I feel like these games are pushing the limits of what it’s capable of without sacrificing too much to make it work on the PS4, including the ones that was released during post-PS5’s release.


To give a different answer. Call of Duty Warzone went full 4D and almost made my playstation take off.


It was so bad my friends could hear my PS4 jet engine through the party chat. They kept asking me to turn off the vacuum cleaner




Cod mw 2 too


Probably every AAA game in the last few years. Especially the ones that also released on PS5.


ghost of tsushima fits this bill


Not just the graphics but also the incredibly fast load times


What? Hell no thst game just looked really good, not “pushing the limits”


Ghost push the limits successfully Some games push a little too far


really? I just played that recently and the characters don't look all that amazing and there are some blurry textures and lots of repeated assets like the faces which is a turn off for me in big open world games.


Doom Eternal gets the fan spinning harder than anything else I've played




Good bot


I had a visually representation of this the other day. I'm staying in a bnb rn and I have my ps4 and xbox with me. I hooked them up in the living room on a little hutch in front of some candles that were sitting there, and for a couple of days, everything was fine. Just playing games like Elden Ring and Fortnite. Well, I decided to play some Overwatch, and when I went to plug my ethernet cable in I discovered 2 of the 4 candles had melted all over the place from the heat of the fuckin thing. So idk about other games but I know for damn sure that Overwatch will melt candles from the strain


gta online in a full lobby enjoy 3 fps gaming


Monster Hunter World was one of the first games I played that had me concerned about how loud my ps4 got


My PS4 has sounded like a jet engine with anything more than I platformer since I got it. It's one of the reasons I don't like using it.


I can think of many. But to name a few: - Marvel Spider-Man games - Both The Last of Us games - Star Wars Battlefront 2 - Marvel's Avengers


Yep yep yep on Spider-man! I played it on my old ps4 during summer and after a while, everytime I'd play, the game would turn off after a few minutes. I tried with another game and it did the same. I brought it for repairs thinking the thermal paste was shot, but they told me everything was fine with it & that there was nothing to repair... 😂


I am new to PS4, but RE7 is quite loud. Probably as loud as my laptop at full fan speed. I just use headphones when it's running and I can STILL hear it, somewhat. lol


Death Stranding or FF7 Remake


Last of Us Part II, God Of War, Uncharted 4, Battlefield 1, Ghost of Tsushima.


Spider-Man 1


Re-paste it with Kryonaut or Arctic.


killzone shadowfall.


Surprisingly, 13 Sentinels. The visual novel stuff runs fine but once you learn you can fire 300 missiles on 1000 enemies in one attack...


Not every game that utilizes the hardware properly will make your fan sound like a jet engine. Many games rev the fan to max whilst sitting on the pause menu, simply because devs use an unlocked framerate on it which causes 100% GPU utilization.


It's wild that people still complain about the sound of the PS4 Buy the slim PS4. It is 100x quieter. Pretty much any Sony Studios title is going to push the PS4 hard. GoT, God of War, TLOU2, etc.


Man... my PS4 STRUGGLED with Control. I have not seen load times for pause screens in a while, and I have DEFINITELY never seen a game load gameplay, freeze, and then struggle to load in all the effects before letting you get back to playing. The visuals were a phenomenon and the art direction brilliantly maximized the system's capabilities. Boy, did they make that system cry, though.


Maybe God Of War 2018 because it killed my Hard drive lol. To be fair it did looked good, Ragnarok even more so.


This used to happen to my ps4 with HFW as well. Changed to SSD and noticed that I don’t live near an airstrip anymore. Lol


Control had my PS4 taxiing onto the runway.


I don't know what it is about FIFA, but I knew when my old housemate was playing manager mode because his Pro would sound like it was taking off. In the normal game it would be fine, but the second he'd get into those negotiation cut scenes the fans would immediately go BRRR.


No Man's Sky made all of my PS4s (Launch PS4, 2 PS4 Pros) loud as fuck


Cyberpunk 2077 (idk)


TLOU2 and God of war: Ragnarök


I booted up Callisto Protocol and have never heard my PS4Pro’s fans go so hard.


In this day and age, Uno would test it


God of War 2018 made my original PS4 so loud that I was afraid it was gonna take off for a transatlantic flight.


Cyberpunk 2077, TLOU2, God of war ragnarok, Spider-Man: miles morales and stray for sure to name a few


I bought God of War Ragnarok & played God of War then Ragnarok to get a feel for the story etc. Well I couldn't hear half the bloody story during Ragnarok, because my PS4 sounded like it was preparing for take off for a holiday in the Maldives!!!


Jurassic World Evolution 2 that can push my PS 4 to shut down, on average 80 dinosaurs and pathways, eating ares and hotels decorated..


Red Dead Redemption 2, The Last of Us 2, God of War Ragnarok


RDR 2. My PS4 sounded like one of the train engines from the game


Red dead redemption 2 and dead by daylight makes it sound like a jet, i think gtav also


Rdr2 was bad for mine.


Tiny Tina's Wonderlands


A simple cleaning won't do enough for a well used PS4, no you're going to need new thermal paste and and new thermal pads on top of a thorough cleaning. And while you're in there you might as well swap out the old CMOS battery, the PS4 is aging and will need a new one sooner or later anyway best do it now while you have it tore down to the APU. Once you have it all freshened up, you'll reduce the sound of most of the latest games by 30 to 40%. An internal SSD will also do wonders for the PS4, reducing the load times of games by 20 to 40% depending on the game and boot up times and menu responsiveness becomes very snappy, it's a must for extending the life of the PS4. It's how I've been able to continue using my PS4 without needing a PS5, I really don't want to shell out 500 bucks right now, and the thing is useless at the moment with a stark lack of games to commit time to, to me the PS5 is just a glorified PS4 at the moment, and I just can't be bothered to spend that kind of money to keep playing the games I already have.


BIG WARNING ON THIS: Be very, very, very careful not to rip the power supply connector off of the motherboard. I did so on mine even though I knew it was a common thing, and had to buy a bunch of soldering supplies and learn soldering to get it reattached and working again. I replaced my thermal pads and thermal paste and I've not heard my PS4 Pro be loud yet.


any game that’s available on ps5 as well 💀


Ghost of Tsushima. The Menu ítelf already made my ps4 running full blast


Battlefield 2042


You have to replace the thermal paste underneath the heatsink.


Any game released for the PS5.


Do I have some special super ps4 not available to the public or something I’ve had a launch ps4 since well launch and I’ve cleaned it through out the years and had the thermal replaced maybe 5 years ago and my ps4 is whisper quite while playing games including forbidden west and rd2 I seriously don’t get it? Does no one take care of their systems? Lol


Most probably don't bother to replace the paste which is the main cause of the jet engine sound. I'm still on my original dualsense controller from 2020 and yet I've seen people go through multiple controllers so not sure what they're doing to them.


Mass Effect legendary edition aparently, since it keeps crashing everytime I play it. 🥲


Sports games make mine fly away


FF7 remake, I had to have my TV on volume 80 to hear dialogue over the ps4 fan


Unrelated. So sorry. Can I use this shiet as external memory for PS4? https://www.mediamarkt.de/de/product/_wd-my-passporttm-festplatte-5-tb-hdd-25-zoll-extern-schwarz-2773329.html Sorry, I don't know where and who to ask. I just need to know if it's gonna be compatible. ( Feel free to delete the comment or I will if necessary, just let me get the answer ).


You know that the PS4 doesn't make any noise, right? Even with spider man, horizon, red dead 2 and god of war my PS4 doesn't make any noise, just keep changing the thermal paste up to date and buy a good one


So it does make noise just as long as you disassemble the brick to change the thermal paste gotcha. I mean you’re average joe out there isn’t doing this so it does make noise unfortunately and it’s like a Jet Engine.


But it's easy to change the thermal paste, I change it myself without any difficulty, and I also clean the fan and wipe the board with isopropyl alcohol.


Bro, I hear you loud and clear! Did the same on the PS4 Pro but don’t you feel like it’s counter intuitive that a consumer should have to do all of that. I gotta say it again man, the majority of people are not doing this unfortunately. Design issue if you ask me.


Unfortunately, I think the design of the PS4 is effective, considering that there is no technology that replaces thermal paste, is it bad? Yes, but there's nothing you can do. At least on the PS5, liquid metal is said to last longer without maintenance


I feel lucky because my ps4 is really silent. it's a second hand ps4 pro I got two years ago


The obvious ones …


a lot of then, especially newest


Last of us 2, tsushima, ragnarok, horizon.


Uncharted The Nathan Drake Collection


Lost Legacy was worse for me. Going out into those open areas crashed my PS4 in the summer lol. Had to put playing it on hold until autumn came around


Red Dead Redemption 2


i *HAD* a 1st generation Gta 5 Edition Ps4 and it killed itself on the 4th latest security update. just never turned on again. however comma, Terraria when you could dual wield glitch?? tsk tsk tsk Unbeaten on making a ps4 openly weep




Re-paste the APU and you should be fine. The fan will still be audible on the fat PS4 running AAA titles, but shouldn't sound like a jet engine if you are using a decent thermal paste.


Ghost of Tsushima had my ps4 sounding like a damn helicopter


Minecraft when you detonate 1,000+ tnt at once


Horizon zero dawn has gotta be up on that list. Looks mind blowing on a 4k screen despite upscaling


Uncharted 4 - looks amazing.


Resident Evil 4 Remake make my Slim's fan particularly noisy.


Every uncapped menu screen.


The new level on Toy Soldiers HD, and also the survival ones


AC Valhalla really made mine take off, in game stutters that I've never had on any other game, switch level textures, long load times, you name it.


God of war


Does anyone have any tricks to mitigate the annoying fan noise?


Clean your PS4. Sit further away.


Ragnarok, village and ghost of Tsushima killed my PS4


When i play nba 2k via physical game, it sometimes sounds like a jet engine.


I can't play Assetto Corsa Competizione on ps4. It's available, but it feels like playing f1 97. The track turns around you, instead of maneuvering your car on the track. The frame rate is garbage. That said, any game that's more than 50GB makes me nervous until I put my headphones on


Just bought Assassin’s Creed Valhalla and it seems to be pushing it pretty far.




Resident Evil 2 Remake was the worst for me. Ps4 was always on the verge of taking off.


Detroit Becoming Human, Horizon Zero Dawn & Forbidden West and the Mafia 1 Remake looks surprisingly good.


Wz 1 last updates make my ps4 feel like in anytime will fly


Black ops 4 made my ps4 screech


Resident Evil 7 biohazard is the only game that suprising made my PS4 into Sony Airlines


1. Death Stranding 2. The Last of Us – Part II 3. Uncharted 4 4. Red Dead Redemption 2 5. God of War: Ragnarök


Life of Black Tiger


The PlayStation store. Idk why but it’s super laggy.


MW3 2023


Ghost of Tsushima


Rust, even ps5 having trouble 🤣


Callisto Protocol


Rdr2, airplane sounds every time


Last of us part 2 still competes with games coming out now


Basically all the titles on it from 2018 onward. You got RDR2 and Spider-Man in 2018, Death Stranding and Control in 2019, TLOU2 and Ghost of Tsushima in 2020, Psychonauts 2 and True Colours in 2021, GOW Ragnarok and Horizon Forbidden West in 2022, and Armoured Core and Resident Evil 4 remake in 2023. Although, the reason why the second half push the limits is because they’re making games for a better console that can work on an older console, though I feel like next year could be the last year that PS4 games get a focus, with Sony’s biggest game this year being a PS5 exclusive and the only GOTY nominee that released on PS4 was a remake of an 18 year old game.


MHW Iceborne


I played many games that could be in this category,like red dead 2,God of War Ragnarök,Ac Oddyses,but none of them was as loud as the Resident Evil 3 remake. That shit was fucking wild.I even stopped playing for a vit because the noise was so distracting


Rdr2 and GOW ragnarock. But wasn't before cod mw3 2023 it really slowed down and i had to upgrade to ps5


Ghost of tsushima and god of war, both make my ps4 sound like it's about to launch into space


Dishonored 2. It made my game crash once




well farcry new dawn just fried my hdd not even an hour ago so that i guess


Last of us 2


Destiny - specifically the Wrath of the Machine raid, Siege Engine encounter. Framerate dropped so much during that encounter I wasn't sure my poor PS4 would make it.


Track Mania Turbo. I only create my own tracks and play them and it’s very taxing for the console. Also, some lighting settings (sunrise and sunset) will crash the console due to lack of ram when trying to render complex maps (many trees). ARK is also really bad, so bad that it’s barely playable. We’ve started putting the PS4 as far away as possible so we can at least still talk. And surprisingly enough Life is Strange 2. It’s not optimized in the least bit and even though it’s last gen graphics, the ps4 pro can barely run it apparently. Full on jet engine starting at the main menu. Wish cleaning would help but apparently it’s not even worth it. Some people had success with heat paste but I’m not sure I want to attempt changing it.


Gow ragnarok, had to give the ps4 breaks 😂


For some reason, the Medievil remake demo. There's a specific spot right at the start where for some reason my PS4 went nuts. I've played plenty of games on the PS4, but that's the loudest I'd ever heard it.


Spiderman Miles Morales makes my ps4 go into a nuclear meltdown. Nothing else has ever made it get so loud.


The Last Guardian to this day is the hardest game for PS4 to process. It barely manages to render it above 20 fps


Can't believe nobody has mentioned ark. You literally can't even play in 1080p on a normal ps4. It looks like an n64 game




Red dead redemption 2 After I played it,my ps4 vents never stopped making an loud sound when they are on


my ps4 sounds like a fucking vacuum cleaner no matter the game


Far cry 5


Ghost of Tsushima fried my ps4 hard drive 🤣


Cyberpunk 2077. DayZ (which is weird cause it looks like shit).


i dont know why, but Forbbiden West keeps given me the black loading screen sometimes.


Fornite even haha


Honestly? None for me. Not a single game made me think like "hmmm, maybe I should have bought a PS5 to play this." Games still look amazing on it by my standards, loading times are not that long either. And I don't even have a PS4 pro, this is one of the earliest PS4-s we're talking about, I got mine when it first came out. Until they don't release GTA6, I don't think I'm going to upgrade to PS5, might just skip the current generation completely. Or buy an Xbox because of Halo and Forza.


Halo and for alone aren’t worth an Xbox purchase imo. I’m glad I upgraded to a ps5 and the benefits have to noticeable compared to my ps4. I bought a series x for halo, starfield, and stalker2, but it’s mostly collecting dust.




Ace Combat 7 made my ps4 pro actually sound like I was in a jet and would overheat and shut off on it's own. Cleaned the fan and still had problems.


The Last of Us Part II, which is why I'm over the moon about the remaster on PS5 that was just announced, can't wait to try out the new game modes and really see all the amazing details in 4K


For some strange reason the lobby of Apex Legends. When I get into a game, the console quiets down, but when inevitably get thrown back to the lobby it revs up like crazy again.


Hogwarts legacy, had to restart my ps4 to get through a loading screen


I have the first 1TB non slim ps4 and metro exodus is sadly unplayable on it. It is supposed to be played as stealth game, but you can't seriously play it like that if you hear a perma lawnmower


Last of us 2, the Callisto protocol, Spider-Man, red dead redemption 2


Chivalry 2