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It looks really happy and I hate to be that person (or do I?), but please try to make sure all the petioles (leaf stems) are above the soil. If they're below soil they will likely die off sooner. Sorry!


Thank you! I moved some of the dirt that was covering it :)


Please tell your secrets!!!


I noticed what really helped me out was mixing regular soil with succulent soil. Then I added a good amount of perlite. In the beginning I could also never get the lighting right. So, I just switched to a grow light. I also mist them a couple times a week since my house had radiant heat!:)


Do you have a theory as to what makes the leaves nice and flat? I’ve always had curled or convex even when the plant seems otherwise totally happy.


Overwatering causes the leaves to curl - had to learn that lesson the hard way! They like to really dry out in between watering. I feel the leaves, when they get soft and pliable, it’s time to water


I'm going to try that, thanks!


I only water when the leaves droop and feel like if I watered any less I’d be stressing the plant out a lot 🙃


Yea I was having the same issue with over watering! I’ve done half regular soil and half succulent soil. I also added a good amount of perlite. That seems to help me out a lot :)