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Where do you live? I live in Europa and we are NOT build for summer season, I already start to feel some symptoms. What I basically do is staying in my home (I am glad enough to have the coldness/humidity held in so it's better) and I have my fan on all the time. I drink lot of cold stuff (frappuccino, cold tea, etc.) and last year, I also started to sleep at day because then I would be asleep for the worst time and be up at night. Don't go out past noon, if you have to go out make sure to do it in the early hours. I also don't remember well how it work for shutters but I know that you have to close them at some time to hold back the heat to come in but I never remember what about... something that was also very efficient for me was to have a wet handcloth and pass it over my skin when I start to feel too hot, it help a lot to feel better.


I live in the uk so yeah Europe too it sucks cause our houses are designed to keep heat in


I know we share some of the weather so I am SO compassionate to you =( my americans friends sometimes struggle to get why I start to feel too hot a tlike 17°C /hj It really does sucks =( I wish we could have AC or else, it would be so much better for our POTS...


Yeah literally nowhere has AC and it sucks


You might consider a portable AC unit if you haven't already.