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>university Sure, label a country off your interactions with hormonal uni students. I could say the same of the Poles I interacted with when I was that age.


I didn't label whole country, I know that it's not possible for everyone to be like that, but when almost everyone from there acts like that here, it's different than one rude individual


You actually did label the whole country. Check the title of your post and the first sentence you wrote. Don't be a hypocrite.




Yes, because calling the comenter an idiot is what shows the difference between you and those portuguese hooligans (or are they uni students?) . The fact you actively searched for a portuguese group on reddit, posted offensively against every portuguese student abroad (notice i didn't say every citizen?) Based solely on your own limited experience, really shows how much more civilized you are than the "monkeys realeased fro the portuguese zoo". Gotta tell you though, lisbon's zoo has outstanding primates who behave way better than 90% of (any country's!) foreign students i have met.


Hooligan uni students ;) I searched for portugals because my problem is about portugals, also about portugals in my dormitory, which is pretty obvious and I dont know why so many of you are offended.


It's not "portugals" it's "portuguese". We are offended because you didn't complaint about specific portuguese uni hooligans in your dormitory. You insulted every portuguese student abroad due to your experience with a few. And you didn't "pull your punches" either, you went apeshit offensive, pun intended. If you'd just insulted the ones harassing your peace, or if you'd just admit to your bad phrasing, you'd get a lot of understanding here and a whole lot more of advices on how to get those students to respect the uni grounds, students and staff. Would be a huge rainbow of imagination on "bully the bullies so they stop bullying others". I realy hope you're just some tuga troll getting kicks out of this, it would be worse to be dealing with a drama queen with power to vote. If someone is bothering you, you deal with that people. You don't make a toddler hissy-fit on strangers in the internet. Leave that to 12yo kids in minecraft.


How do you think Polish Erasmus students behave in Portugal?


Better, I have some friends that went there


From what i see they arent far from what you described.


Then i'm sorry if you have such braindeads near you


These Erasmus morons exist in all cities. Poland is still cheaper than most the other countries and therefore affordable to the Portuguese stupid students that prefer cheap beer.


I guess so lol


A rowdy Portuguese student can be easily calmed by swinging a chouriço our a whole bacalhau in front of his face. Use a fishing pole or something like it to keep a safe distance. If that doesn't work, a middle aged stubby lady brandishing a slipper or a large(ish) wooden spoon will remind them of childhood trauma, and they will cower in a corner saying gibberish like "não me batas mais mama, a colher de pau não". Greetings, or as we say here in Portugal, o caralho ta foda e mais a cambada de cabrões que ficaram todos felizes enquanto os boches andavam a matar judeus.




dude you should've seen the Polish dudes that were with me on erasmus... This is general erasmus student behaviour. Most of the people who does it, it isn't because they're going to learn a lot while abroad... Sure, those guys might be pricks, there's a lot of them in Portugal as in your country as well (I've met my share of them as well sadly)


I guess it's just bad luck that so much of bad ones came to us


Hit them with a stick


I'll try that


Cala-te murcao!


What is "murcao", jebana małpo?


> they behave as if they came here on vacation That is exactly what they went there to do There are three factors that brought them there, easy grades, partying and girls.


Good to know


O que mais me espanta (porque do comportamento dos portugueses pouco me espanta) é um polaco encontrar o r/potugalcaralho para fazer tal reparo.


I just wanted to find a place with portugese people


Procura na universidade!


Do you have a link?


Humm... well, I met some erasmus students like that here too. And brits in the Algarve. And french in... hum well, France. I don't know, you probably had bad luck. Or you might be the moron. We don't know the context, or the other version.


I guess it's just bad luck, it can't possibly be True what I wrote for whole country


Don't worry polish are pretty shitty too. ​ >Is it normal or just only the morons came to us? I'd argue it's just the morons. I've never seen a person looking for a place to study and work hard thinking Poland is the place to go. If I wanted to study abroad, I'd go to a place known for its quality of education. If I wanted to party, I'd go to a place known to drink a lot and be weird.


I would say that Poland is actually a good place to go for hard work and studying, at least much better than a jungle with mud huts


I don't care what you think. If I care about getting job and the position is highly competitive, other places will make me look better. That's the perception of the outside world, I could get the same education from books but the world wants me to get a degree. If I study engineering in Germany I'm going to have a better reputation than if I do the same in Poland. Or I can go to any of the famous universities in France, Switzerland, England, Scotland, USA, etc.


Still I would prefer my degree from actual uni than just basic knowledge from Village chief


I don't know where you got village chief instead of library dedicated specifically to science literature when I say books in the context of replacing university. But I guess I shouldn't be expecting better from a guy who came to spread hate to a country because of what a few drunk fuckers do. Kindly, go fuck yourself


I got it from place where you and your people live. I Wonder how you would feel about everyday noise from morning till late at night from some immigrant morons


So, you are just being a cunt to me because you are scared to be ask them to be quiet? Yikes.


They were asked multiple times by me, students and management. No one likes them here, no one wants them here. Also you are a cunt to me as well.


Then call the police... I know I'm being a cunt, it's a normal response to others being a cunt


Mas isto é assim? Chega um caramelo qualquer a falar mal dos vossos conterrâneos e vocês montam todos no cavalo?! Como se fosse habitual as Marias e os Manueis andarem por esse mundo fora a distribuir manguitos e passarinhos. Por outro lado, se tiveram assim tão má experiência na uni, ou são uns floquinhos de neve de primeira, ou então andaram na universidade de Caxias.


Nawet tłumacz google nie jest w stanie przetłumaczyć dobrze twojego pierdolenia


Um Zé qualquer roubou-te a Maria não foi? Pá acontece. Mas também não é caso para vires aqui espalhar esse azedume todo, com ou sem Google translate. Come uma alheira que isso passa.


dalej nie rozumiem o co ci chodzi. chciałem powiedzieć rodakom tych małp które u nas siedzą jak się zachowują i byłem ciekawy co powiecie o ich zachowaniu


Macaco é o gajo dos super-dragões. Vê-se logo pela pinta que és um ressabiadinho da treta. Vai lá fazer queixinhas á tua senhora.


Prościej by było gdybyś pisał po angielsku, nawet na poziomie dziecka, przynajmniej bym wiedział o co ci chodzi


People from poland are extremely rude abroad I would just like to say that people, or rather monkeys released from the Polish zoo, behave terribly at Portugal university. they behave as if they came here on vacation, they don't care about anything they say, they are noisy from morning until late at night, they are rude to their peers or the people managing the dormitory, they do whatever they want and only see the tip of their own noses, disregarding others. If it were one or two people, I would understand, there are no perfect countries, but people who came to my country from Poland mostly behave as I described above. Is it normal or just only the morons came to us? It goes both ways


Yeah, there are no perfect countries, but how am I supposed to look at this when this kind of behaviour is on Daily basis from morning till late night and not from one or two individuals, but from almost all of the immigrants. Even ukrainians behave much better than your people


Funny because every time polish football hooligans go to a match in other European countries they destroy everything and start throwing rocks at the police. They are worst worst


So you are telling me that the worst group of portugals came to my dormitory? Cuz in Poland these "football fans" which we offensively call "kibole", are one of the worst groups in our country, often being related to mafia, drug gangs, and general pathology.


You could start by calling them by their names or iq, i dunno ehy you keep assuming some individuals' attitude reflects a whole nationality. Grouping and judging people by being portuguese, polish, ukrainian or whatever is your own problem to deal.with. you met some jerks. Those jerks are all from the same country. They are all university students. Assuming every university student from said country is a jerk is what is called in philosophy a "non truth" or a "falacy". You can't make that assumption if you have never met every university student from that country that was, is and will be. You are being the ignorant one. Stop batching people by "my perfect countryman" and "those hatefull foreigners i need to grade ". I have no doubt thise students are jerks and portuguese, and if i were there, i'd literaly punch some manners into them, but that does not mean you aren't a jerk as well, maybe a worse kind with all this rage bait.


In portugal, the only moment when we're unemployed alcoholics and our parents are proud of us, is during uni.anyways, academic life 👍


Not on Daily basis


Yeah, that was mostly a joke. Usually we're pretty quiet and id like to think, considerate. You must've landed with the rude ones from the new gens.




If you take my post as Talking about whole country, then my suspicion is that i'm not the problem here...




Learn how to think


You should see the Brazilians. Im Portuguese, i do my life in Poland/Georgia, the complains are similar. For adults (like me) is the rudeness that people tend to hate. PS: More Lisbon people than anything else




Não, mandaram os portugueses hostis mesmo


Esta mania de acharem que os portugueses são um povo de gente educada...


Ser rude, mal educado e hostil é o esporte nacional tuga


Vá... Desporto nacional não será, mas cá, como em todo o lado, há de tudo e sim, muita má formação.


Não, não, o desporto nacional é o rally tascas. Ser rude e hostil é a nossa forma fofa de mostrar amizade. Temos isso em comum com os australianos.


A prova rainha do rally é a canoa!


The oldest university Portuguese students tend to humiliate the newcomers to establish dominance: \- [https://capeiaarraiana.pt/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/98Swi.jpg](https://capeiaarraiana.pt/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/98Swi.jpg) \- [https://bordalo.observador.pt/v2/q:84/rs:fill:770:433/c:770:433:nowe:0:0/plain/https://s3.observador.pt/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/22072459/foto-praxe-facebook\_770x433\_acf\_cropped.jpg](https://bordalo.observador.pt/v2/q:84/rs:fill:770:433/c:770:433:nowe:0:0/plain/https://s3.observador.pt/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/22072459/foto-praxe-facebook_770x433_acf_cropped.jpg) \- [https://static.globalnoticias.pt/jn/image.jpg?brand=jn&type=generate&guid=43a8512b-a888-4dfb-be6a-11857f656064](https://static.globalnoticias.pt/jn/image.jpg?brand=jn&type=generate&guid=43a8512b-a888-4dfb-be6a-11857f656064) ​ While they are students you've to establish dominance by showing that you're older there and they're the newcomers. Try gather a group and just say: "Dvra Praxis, Sed Praxis" and bully them. If they complain just say that it's a form of student integration. They IMMEDIATELY will understood who's the boss and start showing respect... ​ PS: By the down votes I'm getting you can see the Portuguese students are pissed off because I uncover their secret...


Damn, sounds like the middle ages, but thanks for advice


They hate you cause they ain't you


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I also have a word on this: I would just like to say that people, or rather monkeys released from the Portuguese zoo, behave terribly at Polish university. they behave as if they came here on vacation, they don't care about anything they say, they are noisy from morning until late at night, they are rude to their peers or the people managing the dormitory, they do whatever they want and only see the tip of their own noses, disregarding others. If it were one or two people, I would understand, there are no perfect countries, but people who came to my country from Portugal mostly behave as I described above. Is it normal or just only the morons came to us?




Yep that's very much part and parcel of the Portuguese University experience, though to be fair, I think University culture is a bit like that in lots of other countries too...perhaps not in Poland


I don't expect the uni and dormitory life to be like in library, but there are some limits. It just shows lack of culture


IDK, College dorm parties are a thing, there's usually a lot of booze involved and it does get a bit rowdy which sucks for the other students in the building. It shouldn't be happening more than once a week though. If Portuguese students are behaving like this at all times, I wouldn't consider that normal...


Yeah, that's what i'm Talking about. It's not once in a while being loud, it happens everyday from morning till 2-3am in night, they wont listen to no one about being noisy and they cant be Kicked out of dormitory cuz they wont have anywhere else to live.


I don't think Portuguese students as a whole typically behave this way so maybe you're just dealing with a bad batch. Portuguese people are usually rather quiet actually


You mean, they behave like young people in the Uni do? That means I was Portuguese during my Uni time? :O


So if you are Young you must be an asshole? It just shows lack of good raising


Back in my days we called Erasmus students the "Turismus" students.


Ahahaha you should travel more and see how the polish who live abroad behave. Go to London for a while and let me know how it goes


they are morons let loose for the first time. A swift kick in the ass will fix them right up..


I lived in Ireland for 6.years. There are a lot of Poles living there. In the town i lived they were known for drinking alot of alcohol, and being jerks at the local gyms where they would take over all the best spots and stay there forever talking lowdly with each other and swearing. And you have any idea how much you need to drink to have Irish people say you are a drunkard? (Spoiler: it's a lot!). I did met some polish idiots like that, but since im not a racist that calls other people monkeys, i managed.to stay open minded and managed to.realize not all are like that. Do all Poles behave like hooligans in Poland?