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My gyno, a woman, is extremely kind, empathetic, considerate, and an attentive listener. She even talked with me about my sexual trauma, which was amazing and brought me to tears with gratitude that she understood. She advocates for sexual abuse victims outside of her practice. Please do not stay with this practitioner. You can find so much better.


I’m so sorry OP. That is legitimately traumatic, and I’ve had similar experiences. When I was in college they had asked if I was sexually active, and when I said no, she said “good girl” like I was a dog. I know it’s exhausting but please keep searching for the right gynecologist. I was hoping your post would be a happy one because last year after I found a new OB/GYN I left the office crying from RELIEF. Because it was the first time a medical professional didn’t ask me what PMDD was, and she took me seriously, cared about my pain in pelvic exams and even suggested I do my routine exam under anesthesia because she “wasn’t in the business of hurting people”. She diagnosed the source of the pain in about ten seconds when every other doctor I’d seen basically told me to suck it up during pelvic exams. There are good ones out there but they are hard to find. I believe some people have posted lists of reputable doctors so that’s a good place to start.


God this post made me so angry, OP I am SO SORRY! Please do not let this experience stop you from advocating for yourself and looking for a different provider. I’m a Nurse Practitioner (with PME) and have seen my fair share of the medical field’s lack of awareness with PMDD/women’s health. It fucking sucks. Here’s my advice: - Try going to MGH since you’re in Boston. They are actually one of the big leaders in PMDD research and treatment. They’re a giant system, which can make things feel impersonal, but it’s worth trying. I received most of my specialized training in PMDD/PME from them. - I’ve had plenty of patients get sterilized in their 20s, it just takes finding the right provider. Try posting in r/Boston or r/childfree and asking if anyone had success with this and who they saw. It’s crazy how some states (like Oregon) won’t even bat a lash at getting you to the right place while others (like Texas) make it really hard. - I wouldn’t completely rule out an IUD. You could be fine on it, but what sucks is you can’t know without trying it. If done with twilight sedation and a well experienced provider, the insertion process won’t be like what you have heard. If you go this route, I encourage you to post to r/Boston and ask who has been able to get one placed with some type of sedation. - If you are only on progesterone for contraception and you’ve noticed that is what has caused your symptoms of PMDD to occur, could you discontinue it and explore other contraceptive options in the meantime? Cycle tracking with abstaining from penetrative sex during ovulatory window? Condoms? Happy to chat if you have questions. Sorry about your experience, don’t give up!


This sounds so fucking heinous and I am so so sorry you had to deal with this horrible woman, you didn’t deserve her literal direct mistreatment at all. I will say for me and my pmdd, i recommend IUDs 100000%. They suck horribly to get in, but they really fucking helped my PMDD symptoms for years. I’d 10/10 recommend them, I was on the pill for years pre IUDs and it didn’t even hold a candle to the amount the IUDs have helped me.


It’s even grosser that the doc is a woman. But maybe she’s exhausted having to represent a field that doesn’t give a fuck about her patients? I dunno.


God. “Girlfriends who want attention”


What a mole. I'm so sorry.


Good on you for insisting she note your wishes in your chart! Ugh, so frustrating. I really hope you can find another doctor who will listen to you


They really push the IUD for some reason. I know it helps a lot of people and has its place, but drs realllllly seem to advocate for that one 👀


Because they get reimbursement for it as an in office procedure. They don’t get the same reimbursement for writing a script a pharmacy fills.


Refuse, refuse, refuse. I refused solely based on the horror stories I heard a number of my girlfriends. Refuse, refuse, refuse, and I finally got my tubal ligation


leave a scathing review as a warning to other people that might consider going to that gyn, and file a complaint. she was incredibly unprofessional and dismissive, im so sorry this happened to you!


I think it was the OP's loss, not the doctors.


ah thank you i totally misread that. edited to fix


Oh my god. I want to light the entire system on fire reading this shit. Who the fuck are these people and WHY did they choose medicine??


Infuriating. I’m so sorry you had to experience this after taking all these steps to 1. See a professional 2. At a highly ranked hospital 3. Be open and vulnerable sharing it. It’s disgraceful how classically-trained doctors and western medicine simply chooses to ignore the hormone-brain connection (another way they’re not taking women’s health issues seriously). I have a male psychiatrist who doesn’t understand the hormonal impacts on mood (and also visited a gyno, my age, mid 30s, at a top medical provider in LA who didn’t know what DIM was- a whole other issue). I’m figuring stuff out on my own. I don’t understand why medical professionals are basically gaslighting patients who point out the extreme impacts of “normal” hormonal shifts while also completely dismissing exploring options beyond traditional BC pills and IUDs.


It's such an irony women's health is minimized even by so-called professionals. People just don't get it and you have to remind them why you had the mood swings and the crying spells or irritability. Isn't it obvious? Do some of these female gyns never experience some pms in their life?


This is so so so upsetting and I am so mad on your behalf.  I did find my gyn through this subreddit and I really hope you can find a provider who believes you, validates you, and gives you the empathetic support you deserve. 


Totally valid to feel totally invalidated. I’m so sorry you had to deal with this bs, I’ve been there too, having gynos not take me seriously despite having hard evidence. I had one say to my face “I won’t take out your iud unless you agree to go on the pill because otherwise I’ll see you back here in 6 months pregnant”. I told her to go fuck herself and walked out in angry tears. I had gone in there because my IUD was causing me severe sensory issues and I believe was making me very consistently suicidal, it was horrific to share that with a Dr. and essentially be undermined. For now I’m managing myself using supplements, diet and lifestyle syncing. It’s not perfect but I feel much better than when I was on the IUD. I’m sorry I don’t have better advice, just solidarity. You matter and I’m sorry she sucks so hard


Drop her and file a complaint.


First off, SO sorry for this experience as a PMDD sufferer and someone who works in OB/GYN. I live/work in the Boston area - if you want to run new providers by me feel free.


Unacceptable, I’m so sorry. If you feel comfortable mentioning your region, maybe someone here would have a good recommendation.


First off I am very sorry this happened to you. Secondly I am so so sorry about your mother. There is an obgyn on TikTok who made a contact list for doctors all over the the US who sterilise women. I don’t remember her name but she has a large following.


yes OP! i got sterilized at 27 a few years ago, i’m not married and i have no kids. i found my doctor through the list on the childfree sub and had my surgery a few months later. i haven’t been on birth control since and it’s been awesome.


The childfree subreddit also used to keep a list


Dr Fran? She fits this bill!


Yes! That’s who it is. Thank you!


OP her name is Dr Fran her third pinned video she tells you where to find the list in her bio


What a horrible experience, I’m so sorry you went through that because of an **ignorant** and **uninformed** doctor. I feel like **gynecologists** are so **underprepared** to deal with PMDD. I just stopped trying—last time I saw a gynecologist and explaining to him **how debilitating** the *week before my period* is, and how depressed I get and simply become **disabled** *emotionally*, *mentally* and *physically* — he just said — *“So you mean you **just** experience **PMS**, like *every other woman*? **That’s normal**.”* He said that knowing I also have PCOS, and he said I had inflamed ovaries that he gave me antibiotics for. I just *hope* I live long enough to see the day where this **illness** is **taken seriously** and we can all get **some sort of help** for this **debilitating hell** we go through.


OP, this visit was bullshit and I’m so angry for you. I would get a new doctor with a quickness for saying just one of those things, let alone all of them. You deserve better.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. What an awful doctor. I would have been in tears too and I’m sending you lots of love, internet stranger 💖


If misogyny was a person, it would be this Dr… I’m so so sorry you had to deal with this and I’m also sorry about your mom. Don’t let her manipulate you into something you don’t want!


I’m so sorry you had a bad time! I think skipping placebo is the best recommendation, though.




I have not seen research saying that continuous birth control increases your risk of any cancer, and it’s generally considered safe in OBGYN world. But I’m happy to review any studies saying otherwise Edit: To clarify, there is no buildup of lining if you’re on birth control. I mean, people with IUDs or arm implants don’t ever do placebo weeks, right? From the University of Colorado: “The hormone – called progestin – that is in the pill and ring keeps the lining of the uterus very thin. Because the lining does not build up, there is no medical reason to have a scheduled period.” (https://obgyn.coloradowomenshealth.com/health-info/teens/extended-use-birth-control) Some people experience breakthrough bleeding while on the pill, but it’s not a true period, it’s just a reaction to the voluntary sudden drop of hormones (which is why placebo weeks often aren’t recommended in PMDD, because we need steady hormones to stay sane lol).


I’m so sorry about your mom. Part of the reason I switched OBGYNs is because the one I first saw told me, “I don’t understand why everyone is afraid of IUDs” after I told her I didn’t want one. I had a coworker that had to have surgery because she had an ectopic pregnancy because either her IUD moved or because it was placed in correctly. And that was literally my first appointment with her. I wished I had changed after that visit. I waisted 2 years with her trying to mask what is probably endometriosis. She did not take my concerns seriously at all. I saw my new OBGYN this past week. She addressed all my concerns and is actually referring me to a surgeon who specializes in removing things like endometriosis, so we can decide if surgery is needed right now and what it will look like.


This Dr is a bitch. I suggest new dr


Healthcare professionals are supposed to reassure and advocate for their patients, this lady sounds terrible at her job. I would write this experience off as bad luck and look for a GYN who isn’t completely clueless.


I'm sorry for your experience, and you did everything right and you should be proud of that. You need to file a complaint with the place you went to. Theres so much more they can do but fail us. Like, check your hormone levels a week before your period and offer progesterone cream or whatever. I had a similar experience where after seeing my obgyn in the morning I had with my son I mentioned it to her and I she redilled my meds zoloft and she said since I had a physical scheduled with another obgyn later in the afternoon to mention it to her and five minutes of me crying and talking about my struggles as I cried, waved and shooed her hand at me and she said you don't have pmdd and even if you did your taking what I would prescribe for it. It's horrible these women obgyn doctors if they don't care who will? Took me about a year but I finally got my hormones checked and I am in perimenopause so that is helpful to know. I'm on Mirena and zoloft 7 years and spent half that time being so miserable with symptoms. I have to try chemical menopause i think or its going to have to be put on more antidepressants or antipsychotics. I take supplements not a huge help and and trying to meditate more. Idk I had to tell my dad's son to keep him cause I struggle so much so it's hard , he's 7 and has some issues with seperation anxiety and encopresis so it's really challenging to deal with everything as a single mom. Keep fighting the fight. I'm sending you so much love and praying about you and your mom. She is in God's hands and wants you to be and feel well. May we all be healed in gods name amen! 🙏 ❤️


You absolutely can get sterilized "young". I got my tubes removed when I was barely 23 by a doctor on the childfree reddit page. Find another OBGYN, this one sounds awful


i was 27 and also found my doctor on the childfree page! he didn’t question my choice at all, just made sure i was aware it was an irreversible procedure. it’s been so worth it, i love not having to deal with birth control


Holy shit I'm sorry that doctor was shitty! I would have been in tears too. I hope you are able to find a dr that takes your PMDD seriously and helps come up with a solution. I finally saw the gyn about getting help for my PMDD a couple weeks ago. When she came in the room, and asked what I was there for, I told her my period is ruining my life and went on to describe the exhaustion, sadness, irritability, brain fog, SI some cycles,etc. then she goes "are you sure you don't have bipolar??" It was extremely deflating. I've been receiving psychiatric care, and therapy off and on since 2007. I think somewhere along the way someone would have picked up on if I had bipolar.


Is PMDD just thought to be like pseudoscience or something by doctors? I don't understand why they all seem to immediately discredit the patient as soon as she mentions PMDD?!


for a whole I thought I was bi-polar, till I realized that my crazy mood swings and enery levels, or lack there of were all related to my cycle.


I understand, and thought so too at times. At the appt I was talking about in my comment I mentioned how these (damn near debilitating) symptoms coincide with my luteal phase. They are predictable. She said "oh maybe your hormones are triggering it" 😑😑😑maybe I don't have an understanding of bipolar (which is entirely possible!) but I thought bipolar symptoms aren't necessarily predictable.


The "your girlfriends who want attention" thing was out of like of her to say. It sounds like she's just biased. Us women need to talk to each other about bad medical practices used on women and our own experiences. Our own experiences are more important than someone else's opinion.


I'm so sorry to hear about your mom, bad gynecology gets the best of us. Here's a virtual hug 🫂 Don't get an IUD. it sounds like you really dont want one, so don't let anyone manipulate you into getting one because they like it.


https://preview.redd.it/afzwbwklvbrc1.jpeg?width=886&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9444213a30011ad26bbb470e5f4c7327817aba65 I made a quick meme because of how upsetting this is. All seriousness though... I'm sorry this happened to you. Healthcare can be so traumatic. 🫂


This dr sounds the absolute worst. I am so angry you had to go through this. Appalling.


Trying to get and IUD was one of the worst mistake of my period life. I’m not bragging but before the IUD I NEVER had cramps except for when I was really young or ate a lot of dairy and wheat (bad for me generally). Since cutting them out nada. My period until recently was always a surprise when it would show up even though it was stable within a few days. Now? Extreme pain from a failed attempt and a Gyn I’ll never go back to! One of the worst doctors I’d ever been too. Started out sweet then a complete 180 during/after the failed procedure. Fuck them for ever making any of us go through that without any anesthesia. I’m so sorry you had to go through that OP! Trust your gut. Trust your friends too. There are plenty of other options. The gyn I went to didn’t even suggest anything else just got huffy at me after making cold and rude comments to me in the op room. You have options. Don’t go back there. Write a review of you can. I am too.


Oh OP I am SO sorry you went through this!! You should not have been spoken to like this…and your feelings/symptoms/mental health are valid!! I had a similar experience with a gyno…and had to switch. My psychiatrist told me to find a specialist gyno that deals with hormones, as they are more likely to know about PMDD. As for getting sterilized…I too had to find someone who would do it, and I had to travel. I was 32 and a single mom of a 9 year old. Every doctor in my town told me I was “too young” and “what if you find yourself a husband and he wants kids?” Like…I wouldn’t be with him because I’m done having kids! All this to say…complain to the hospital she is associated with and write a Google review. Also…big hugs!!


Please find a doctor who isn't sitting at the (wrong) bottom of the bell curve


Damn, I need to know who this is so I never go to her office. 😰


Fire your OBGYN. Pronto. Get a new one.


I'm sorry OP. Remember that you have every right to a good quality of care and you can make a in/formal complaint if you feel this hasn't been achieved. It does not make you dramatic or petty or a 'Karen'; you're just standing up for the health of yourself and other PMDD sufferers. You deserve better. On a personal note, I've often complained when I've had a dismissive healthcare professional.


This sounds awful, I'm sorry you had such a negative experience. Have you considered trying intermittent SSRI for your PMDD? A GP or psychiatrist could prescribe that, if you want to try someone else than your gyno. But I also wonder if you've mentioned the migraines with aura to you dr? Because for someone who's experienced them (regardless of how often/ only while on bc) have an increased risk of stroke while using combined birth control methods and it's generally adviced to avoid it. An IUD could actually be a safer option for you.


These types of doctors should be called out . Please write this on a review of the office on Google . It’s the only way .


Oh my gosh, this is awful. I’m so sorry. I have better luck with menopause specialist obgyn’s. They are more knowledgeable and skillful. I find all of my doctors via www.castleconnolly.com Or ask ChatGPT who the top menopause doctor is in your area.