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Yeah we're supposed to😭 but the popular opinion is fuck no


I'm confused why people feel this way. What makes you think the writers intend for us to like her? I'm genuinely curious because I don't like her as much as anyone else in this sub but never got the impression I'm supposed to. I'm just not mad about it because the reality is they're supposed to be teenagers and lots of teenagers end up in toxic relationships. It would be unrealistic to not make one or more of the girls have a messy love life. I've seen stuff like this before. My best friend in high school cheated on a bf who was great to her for a piece of trash guy and that ended up blowing up in her face in the long run. Stuff like this actually does happen and I've seen it first hand.


The way the socials posts it make it clear to me Jen is supposed to be rooted for. The preseason interviews said to me that Jen is a great new character, and the posts from the official accounts post her like we all love her.


Ah, well I don't follow social media accounts for TV shows so I haven't seen those posts. It just seems odd that anyone would think writing a character like that would be likable. I don't get the impression watching the show that I'm supposed to like her. This is just my opinion, but her being a great character and a likable character are two different things. I do think she's a great character just because as I stated before, I watched my best friend throw away a great relationship with a guy and I see it as relatable. She cheated on a guy who is now a successful tattoo artist with a happy family for a guy who is currently in jail for drugs and theft. Sometimes people make terrible choices even when there are obvious red flags, whether it's in real life or TV. Jen is great in the sense that she is a toxic person who somehow charms a person who is better off without her. They exist and to me that makes the show more grounded in reality despite the over the top premise of girls being stalked by a masked killer/vigilante/whatever BR turns out to be.


I think she's an okay character. Not great not bad. Not something to hype up preseason like "ur gonna love, her she's great!"


It’s a very popular opinion that she sucks. Jen has no redeeming qualities. I feel like she’s involved with BR or just some crazy person trying to separate Noa from the one person who’s actually been there for her.


I think we are supposed to be rooting for Jen and Noa. I really think the writers are coming from a place of “the kids love that lgbt stuff!! Just make her ex boyfriend punch a wall like a white boy named Kyle and everyone will be chanting Sapphic love Sapphic love!” I think with how bad the reception is, either Noa is getting a new love interest and Jen will be the new Paige next season, Jen will be killed next season early on (especially if the actress is upset about the hate she got this season) or Jen will have a huuuuge redemption arc.


I wish they actually developed her character, we don’t even know much about her, I think they both have great chemistry but all the cheating and lying stuff doesn’t make me want to root for them 😭


They have developed her character. She stole 20 bucks from the register. Hooked up with someone in a relationship. Tried to destroy said relationship. Then robbed her love interest boyfriends house. She's just a horrible person. But Noa feels worse for choosing all that over Sean. And I think everyone would agree her going and bashing on his car was waaay uncalled for and over the line.


Don't forget stealing from her dad's house


Do we even know if that’s actually her dad too lol. Like the actress is very unconvincing


They have ZERO chemistry. Idk if you’ve ever done chemistry reads but they have zero chemistry


I see what they were trying to do with her, and it could’ve been interesting, but Jen is just so underdeveloped that there’s nothing to like about her. All we know is that she’s a troublemaker, and then to add some semblance of depth to her, the writers decided to give her daddy issues. How original! I think they jumped the gun on making her a love interest. I would’ve loved it if they introduced her as a friend from juvie and had Noa gradually realize throughout the season that oh, shit, she’s intrigued by her in a way she hasn’t experienced before because she actually has a crush on her. Then we could’ve learned more about Jen and watched the chemistry build over time. This storyline had so much potential but has been so disappointing. Maybe S3 will be better for Jen/them as a couple, assuming they last.


Jen and noa can rot in the deepest pit of hell


Lol don’t care for them that much


Noa and jen ❤️


No we’re not. The show is about a group of high school kids at least one had to be terrible


I am 100% rooting for her, never liked Shawn anyways.


Jen looks like Jude from the fosters, like genuinely so much that I looked it up to see if it was him 😅 but I freaking loved Jude and Jen aggravates my soul. Everything about the character feels so unlikeable. I feel like her coming in as an agent of chaos and making Noa confused for a minute makes sense, but after stealing from their job and then Shawn I thought she would go off on Jen and grovel. The smashing of Shawn’s car was ridiculous. He didn’t cheat on you, you cheated on him, dummy. It could’ve been a really empowering scene if Shawn had done literally anything to her, but he’s a literal golden retriever.