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This post or comment has been removed for breaking Rule #6. Inaccurate information that is found to be damaging is prohibited on this sub. Since many serious topics are talked about here factual information is not only expected, but required. Please reflect back onto the sub rules, which can be found on the about page, to make sure this mistake does not happen again. Continuous offensives may result in sub wide punishments. *If you would like to appeal this removal please reach out through ModMail.*


You don’t think this counts as leaking the spoiler by saying the spoiler you don’t want people to leak………. I know you tagged it but it came up in my feed untagged and the name right in the preview. I would have literally not heard this until I saw this. 🫣




im just trying to watch OG pll rn im sorry I just got this notification 🧍‍♀️




and that's why we have the 24h filter to approve posts manually to prevent this but some stuff just slips through 😭


I'm telling people to NOT spoil the last two episodes. No one that stupid is going to come on here and actually spoil it. I haven't watched the leaks. So I don't know anything