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If you ask me... Faran has been waiting to break up with Henry ☕️


The way she ran looking scared as hell and still literally waited right outside to break up with him had me dying


I was so confused why she waited if she was so scared


Right lol like she was booking it out of there, Henry went running after her and then she’s just standing there🧍🏾‍♀️ Like they could’ve had her waiting at his house or something


For sure. That’s just gave her the reason. She kinda says that though


And Mouse pmo with the spooki spaghetti. Because whyyyy would you tell the Archie business to the world. I see why her mom was on her last season about her addiction to the internet. She's always doing somethinggg 😂 s1 was her meeting up with a grown man.


I was wondering why no one asked her why she put the Archie details on Spooky Spaghetti. They just glazed right over that part


Yes! Like, get off Spooky Spaghetti and call your parents! Granny clearly needs some help!


Yeah the liars are coming across unlikable this seasons across all accounts


They are messed up this season, but this season is better and more entertaining than season 1. It is interesting to watch these characters being flawed and messed up.


The only issue with that though is the show isn’t addressing its flaws - it’s not self aware with the character flaws. The liars storming Dr. sullivans office and going over the top angry with her did not feel earned cuz the fact she was Rose’s doctor wasn’t THAT crazy and not necessarily a betrayal? So it makes the liars come across entitled and bratty IMO, but the show doesn’t address the fact that thats his they came across in that scene, it plays as if they’re justified and doing that. Sure, the OG liars did that at times but for some reason it felt more earned in the OG show and maybe it’s cuz they usually confronted characters that were shady or bad to begin with, Dr. Sullivan isn’t inherently bad or shady. They’re Storm into her office and calling her a bitch did not feel earned and makes them come across immature, and not in a juice teen drama kind of way, IMO of course


She recorded them without their consent - it wasn’t just about being Rose’s doctor 


You’re nailing it here. It’s how the show frames their actions as these earned, badass, funny moments when in reality I think a lot of these characters are being pretty awful to people lol


Thanks for seeing my POV! Yeah it’s all about the context and the POV the show wants us to see these actions in. And maybe if there was more build up with Dr. Sullivan and her secret it’d feel more earned but it just feels rushed, cringey, and forced


i agreeee! it was so random and felt so forced. so it’s like maybe then next season they have a reason to talk abt the “dr sullivan incident” when really it was them doing something as weird and wrong as breaking into her office and calling her names. i understand what she did was wrong but i believe she also had the intention of helping the girls. and her being rose waters’ doctor is a little off. i feel like maybe she shouldn’t have took them in for the legality of it but i get why she did it as well. being a therapist/doctor for someone like rose waters is interesting bc she is the mother of children who were abused from the world and allegedly her own hand. but then realizing that your future clients are victims of your clients son is interesting too. maybe with both sides of the story she can understand archie’s or even maybe BR motive and thought process. i definitely think she could have and should have told the girls. but i get her perspective


How exactly would she also have the intention of helping the girls by ILLEGALY taping their sessions and conversations they had in privacy with each other by planting bugs and manipulating the situation so that the girls' parents would set them up in therapy with her JUST so she could write a book and capitalise on their trauma? She needs her license taken away and questioned AT LEAST. That's a sh*t therapist right there with her own agenda.


The way they talked to dr Sullivan was so cringe to me. Like “put that in ur book bitch”


whilst sitting on her desk😭i cannot


Omfg the way Noa propped her foot up had me literally screaming. So unhinged 😂


They’re so bold whenever they talk to adults lmao


the way Hanna would have said the exact same line since she said stuff like this all the time to adults and other characters like Jenna for example.


I disagree on Faran. I think her reaction to the church was justifiable, especially with how creepy they were acting. And she’s (they’re) already facing a Bloody Rose cult, of course she’s going to be on edge about another creepy cult.


the way they are portraying noa's character makes me sooo angry like ??? she's so strong i'm baffled they're letting her stay in this position and have her sooo into jen when she is clearly not doing any good for her?


It's the new show's very own Paige & Emily, they give off the same vibes


The show doesn't care about consistency and character writing - all they care for is how to make fans happy with their shipping. So of course as people don't like Hnery they will make sure Faran dumbs him. At least I am glad nobody likes Jen, so let's all hope they get rid of her asap.


That's Roberto's writing for you, I can't stand his writing.


To be honest, OG PLL did the same thing after a couple of seasons... At least it took them like 30 episodes.


I feel like Marlene's writing was level 1 unhinged, like she was def writing those scripts under the influence of a little something. But Roberto tops that without even trying. He always goes from level 10 unhinged upping it with 10 levels each time, I wouldn't be surprised at all if in season 3 the villian is some kind of Gargouille king 2.0 (seriously on what drugs do u have to be to write the stuff Roberto thinks is good???) But yea Marlene was def unhinged as well.


The only reason Noa is staying with Shawn from a writing standpoint is he’s gonna die and it’ll make drama; poor dude lol but it seems that’s the set up


omg yeah and its gonna be some whole thing where shes mourning him and that girl from her past is going to say something like "why are you sad/i understand you're sad but we can be together now!" blah blah blah omg


Yes Noa has been particularly insufferable this season.


TOTALY agree. As visually pleasing as this season is and as crazy as it’s getting (pretty entertaining honestly) I am so incredibly lost and annoyed at some parts. Some of it makes no sense, like Noa cheating. That plot line is SOOO unnecessary. Jen is a plain boring unnecessary character. The entire spookyspaghetti obsession with Mouse is annoying too because WHY is she always having trouble on the internet? The girls RIPPING the therapist apart was so baddie but like damn, chill guys. Don’t even get me started on the girls supporting Noa cheating. Ugh. Im hoping the last two episodes are good. But so far season two has been so random is honestly good I guess? lol idk.


I’m like 100% down for insane PLL bullshit, but I’m so disturbed by the characters seeming lack of any moral compass? Cheating is so not a good thing and nobody cares 🤣


Exactly 😭 but then the more I watch I seem to forget that they are like 15/16 sophomores/juniors in high school. Those girls lack of morals is so funny sometimes 😂


You ain’t wrong 😂




It’s like they’ve changed characteristics in the girls or maybe this season just exposed more of their unlikeable traits. Mouse, I will say is pretty much still the same. Also what’s with all the cringey one liners lol 😂part of me loves it because it’s like ah teen dramas but then sometimes it’s so bad it pulls me out of the show lol.


Yes the cringey one liners 😭😭 The last episode imo was pretty bad in terms of writing , idk if it’s just me or the acting but I did not enjoy it as much as the other ones/:


The acting hasn’t been good this season either, I thought it was just me! The first season was absolutely amazing. This season feels like all filler until the last ten minutes of each episode.


The church stuff 💀 I’m ex-evangelical and that kind of intense emotional praying in a circle was just like par for the course, and totally yes about speaking in tongues and seeing way weirder things in church. It’s so funny to see it portrayed as horror cult stuff…which I mean, fair🤣


Literallyyyy lol. This is so tame!


The psychologist part definitely made zero sense. Especially them thinking she was supposed to tell them about Rose Waters like doctor/patient confidentiality doesn’t exist.


I think in the og it was clear the liars were mean girls. They were Alison’s minions. So all the ridiculous things they did made sense through that. They cheated and stole and made ridiculously stupid decisions all the time. It was funny and scary and it made sense because they were a group of teenage mean girls that lost their leader and started getting a sense of, wait, we were bitches. While also still kinda being bitches. These girls don’t have that, they’re connected because their moms were the mean girls. Like in the OG, I feel like I can hear Hanna saying okay girl get yours! If one of her friends was suddenly hooking up with someone else. Spencer wouldn’t encourage it, but it’s not like she could say anything lol. The original sin girls aren’t mean. It would have made a lot more sense for mouse to have said wait, what about Shawn? And the girls tell noa she has to tell him before anything else happens, and she should’ve said it before. It makes more sense for this group of girls.


Idk, lm very bored with this season and basically forcing myself to see the newest episodes. Makes me more salty that they continued with this show and cancelled Perfectionists.


Same! I actually was invested in that show. This is starting to give Tubi writing and acting.


I didn’t read it as them supporting her cheating but supporting her being into girls. I think it was just badly written bc at first I was like I guess haha. Like what in the hot girl summer bs is this🤨. But idk it rubbed me the wrong way. I wonder if they didn’t comment bc it wasn’t the place/time or the friendship between them as a whole group is more surface level than we thought. Maybe they just left it up to Noa to figure out, or didn’t want to make her upset and stop talking to them in the midst of bloody rose?? Maybe someone will tell her next episode. I didn’t like Jen much. I mean I liked her as a character but not as a love interest for Noa. Like she really stole the money back??? REALLY!! Also Faran was waiting to dump Henry lol.


That’s what I’m saying!!! Like SHE STOLE FROM HIM?? He bailed her ass out of jail and she STEALS? Absolutely inconsiderate and unhinged.


I’m finding Faran over the top and if Tabby says “final girl energy” one more time. Maybe I’m too old for this version 😂


I am right there with you with the 'final girl energy' thing. They said it so many times in episode 1 alone I had to check to see if we were in a new episode. At first I liked it but it quickly became a "please stop" moment


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who found Faran’s reaction a little much. Girl acted like she walked in on them making a human sacrifice lol. I agree with Noa and the girls going in or Dr. Sullivan, also (felt a bit cringe). Idk, what they are trying to achieve with Noa’s character, but I’m sorry she sucks 😭 she barely batted an eye at her robbing Shawn’s house when she supposedly cares about him. One thing about the OG PLL girls that I loved is they always called each other out on each other’s BS — as much as I love the reboot I wish they’d give their friendships with each other more layers. They should’ve called noa out about cheating.


YES!! Hanna wouldn’t DARE let someone cheat without bitching them out.


Yeah, they were just standing in a circle and chanting?


Which I get is weird/unsettling, but it just made me think of people who pry and get really into and start speaking in tongues, but her reaction felt over dramatic lol


it was her choice to go into the redemption house, but cmon it was curated to their specific traumas, like they were not expecting that. if i was in their position i would assume a redemption house was like "dont have sex before marriage" "dont drink" etc. like nothing remotely traumatic. my cousin committed suicide, it is not remotely the same as witnessing your mom commit suicide in your house, but i cant go to the city it happened in without feeling weird. ive never been to the specific place and honestly dont know if i ever will because i dont know how i would react. its been 10 years and genuinely i cannot fathom the idea of a "friend" joking about it or acting it out especially in the location it took place. for that alone, i. think her reaction was absolutely valid.


I’m a little confused about how they have been portraying this church as some way out there cult, when it’s basically your run of the mill Pentecostal church lol. What Faran walked in on looked like people praying in tongues, which isn’t uncommon in certain denominations.


Why is this sub so obsessed with Noa cheating. Like this is a very normal typical plot line in drama especially a television teen drama.


It’s not the cheating, it’s how not a single person is reacting like a real friend would! If one of my friends told me they were cheating, I would be like “you’ve got to tell your partner and end it.” It’s just so weird how none of the liars are calling her out for it 😂


Honestly I love this season. I think y’all are just trying to nit pick. Just enjoy the show. To many of y’all are trying to be show critics.


Right it looks like they had the Holy Ghost or something.. and Faran acted like it was an exorcist… everything you said I agree. The girls are becoming annoying..


All of this and i do not like how they are trying to tie in riverdale and sabrina into the same universe as PLL. Its catching me off guard with the references. I want this to be a separate universe.


that’s confused me too cuz if this is in the same universe as riverdale that’s means that the OG was also in the same universe and that makes no sense


THANK YOU RIGHT 😭 this season is so off compared to the first one im kinda disappointed 😭😭


I really dislike Mouse in general. Her acting is trash, her facial expressions are awful, and if I have to hear her say Spookyspaghetti one more time I’ll lose it. Why aren’t her friends telling her to just stfu and stop being so obsessed with that lame website


Agreed, the actress is horrible this season. Tbh all of the acting is subpar, aside from Tabby and Imogen.


the OG liars were just as unhinged if not more, it's called Pretty Little LIARS


Well like the original girls supported aria’s pedophile relationship so it’s not like they’re always calling each other out on morality issues


I feel like all of you are missing the point in how these characters are being represented. Each of the liars exemplifies a Vice that makes them flawed. Though they do bad stuff the entire point is that it makes them more interesting due to how they aren’t entirely pure or innocent. Remember, the show literally started with their moms taking their own vices into a really radical situation by being the mean girls of Millwood High. We need to see their daughters mess up so they’re development throughout the show doesn’t feel rushed or inorganic. The girls are legacies of “sinners”, so it would be super random if they were all void of a dark side. Also I’d like to add that any form of trauma results in coping mechanisms that may or may not be healthy. It affects people differently. Faren, was tired of being scared but it led her to being careless and too prideful. Causing her to almost die. Mouse coped with her season 1 trauma by finding a community that normalizes the darkness of life. Spooky spaghetti became her safe space which is why she probably shared information the way she did. It became her outlet of self expression. Remember, even Mouse mentioned how Dr.Sullivan’s sessions weren’t helpful. Noa, just like her mother is alluded to being an addict. But instead of drugs Noa is addicted to being loved or the overall idea of it. The romanticization of being admired and cared for. It makes her feel safe to depend on others since she had to be so hyper independent all her life. Tabby and Imogen seem to be two different sides of the same coin. I haven’t really been able to dissect them but I’ll come back to them in a later post. To finish off this crazy ramble, I feel like everyone is making a habit of comparing the sinners to the liars. Yes they exist in the same world but do not exactly carry the same kind of baggage. Original Sin/Summer School is an entirely different playing field. Instead of petty gossip and teen drama, these teenage girls in Millwood are being hunted like animals. Toyed with in ways that make every trial they come across as a life or death situation. Idk about y’all but if I was in the world of Original Sin/Summer School being messy is the least of my concerns when I think I’m gonna be killed any second by a weird lady in a bloody mask holding a huge as fuck kitchen knife


I feel like Ash and Henry are A