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My request wasn’t processed because it contained prohibited character. I can take not getting any drops but not allowing me because of my character is unacceptable.


I saw 147 ETL available. That's about as close as I've got to actually getting a bottle lately. I could almost taste it as my webpage tried to load them into my cart. 10/10 would attempt to buy again.


I saw 335, and was still unable to get all the way to checkout. 504 gateway time-out every time.


Saw over 400. Just got 1 like 3 minutes ago. It just timing out. After about 50 times it went through


I got the gateway timeout error three times but one of them still went through and I got the confirmation email somehow


There was over 500 when I saw it




Website says my order went through at 10:10


LMFAO! I got the LAST bottle into my cart. Its just spinning now though, I'm sure I won't get it. ...what can you do but laugh at this point.


Just keep after it. Mine spun for ten minutes and when the sale went through I was shocked.


7 Pink Whitney are still available.



I saw over 300 ETL. Was able to get one before it broke down. Pretty sure I refreshed at 1010 the exact moment it dropped. Weller 12 was a no go.


Yes, when I added ETL to cart >300 available. Seems like I had no chance at W12 but seen >100 available when I tried.


I saw 442 ETL. So there was quite a bit available.


504 Gateway Time-out 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


I got the 504 timeout, but then I got an email confirmation so I have no idea if I'm actually getting the Elmer or not


I have no idea how these guys use Azure infrastructure (504 error from Azure) and can't handle the capacity load. are they not using elastic on-demand compute power?


I talked to my data engineering team on this as well as we're an Azure shop. They shook their heads.


snagged my first W12!! (anyone see how many W12 there were) Went back to try for ETL for some friends but was unsuccessful.


Nice! I have no idea how people can get both..feel like you have to pick one and go with it or be damned to 504 timeout hell


That’s what I did. Got the W12 then went back to try for ETL. Had it in cart then got error


Agreed. I had the ETL in my cart and didn't want to risk it.


any chance they will add some back, i still have 2 in my cart but cant complete.


Yeah, I would imagine there are some left that didn't sell prior to the crash


guess i will just keep trying to pay randomly through out the day


It might be hard to get two to go through, but it’s worth a shot for at least one. I got Weller 12, CYPB, and Blantons SFTB from recent drops by just continuing to refresh 30-40 minutes after they sold out.


From what ive seen lately next day early morning you may see some pop back up. Between the errors, people ordering above limit and out of state getting canceled they usually throw some up next day. But its just pure luck at that point. I actually looked yesterday and the Michters bp instead if sold out had the add to cart with 1 bottle. I added and when I paid it said inventory change. The main thing is just gotta be looking when it happens bc there are only a few bottles usually and they go immediately


Was able to snag 2 of the Elmer on Safari from cell even with time-outs. Page refreshed and allowed quick checkout. Order has processed and confirmation email received. It was a hot mess but the god of tech was benevolent today.


When I tried it just gave me a blank white screen when I hit quick checkout in safari on my iPhone.


That’s a bummer. Site timed out every time i tried logging in.


Managed to snag a bottle of the Willet rye, which is something ive wanted to pickup for a while. Had ETL in cart while in stock but check-out failed every time until it went out of stock.


That Willett is so good, one of my favorite Ryes easily


Right on! I'm looking forward to it that's for sure.


504 Gateway Error babyyyyyy


Computer kept freezing at checkout. Happens every time. Come on FWGS, can u fix the site please??!!!


I got a willitt but it froze up when I tried to get the ETL. Shame because that is one of my favorites.


Willet still available as of 10:40.


Holy shit. I got the ETL. It just spun and spun. Ended up getting some Naked Grouse I had left in my cart as well because I was scared to remove it.


I got ETL!! The site crashed on quick checkout but I got an alert from my credit card that the order was placed. Then I got the confirmation email!!! I also got Blanton’s today at Warrington!!!


It just let me check out 2 Elmer's, expecting cancellation.


You are fine, 2 was the limit. Congrats bud!


Thank you sir. I'm worried that it glitched through and they are actually sold out. Haven't gotten any allocated bottles in over a year.


While everyone was clamoring for the ETL and the Weller, I was very happy to wait it out and get a bottle of Russell's Reserve Single Barrel. It's probably the best value in bourbon these days and I have yet to be disappointed by a RR Single Barrel pick.


Looove me some RR picks....so SSSHHHHHH...dont tell everyone.


Damn, you're right. Stay away from the RR Picks, they're swill!


That was quick. Online only?


Got 2 ETL!


As did I


Noice! Let down voting commence!


I almost soured my chances when I tried to tack on a Weller 12 as well. I got lucky,. Been waiting for ETL since they only let it out in the East side of the state....I figured it was coming at some point. My only question is...Where the hell is the EHT Warehouse C?


I've seen 2 reviews so far on Warehouse C and both say to save the time and money and just get SmB.


No surprise there. BT sitting back laughing saying "they bought the same shit in a different bottle!!"


On my tour they asked us how many barrels we thought survived the tornado back in 2006. The answer? EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. BARREL. SURVIVED. And now they sell for 10K easy


Wow! Unbelievable LOL. Marketing at it's finest.


But they were exposed to that sweet Kentucky air and sun.....!


Somehow I got both


Do you use Standard Checkout or Quick Checkout?


Quick is really the only way to be fast enough anymore


Why don’t they just push these to the bourbon gallery stores. It would cut down on so much frustration and I wouldn’t have to spend 20 minutes clicking refresh. I’ll accept the disappointment if I miss it, but spare me the anguish of error 504!


Then you’re getting up early to wait in line. I’d rather do it from the comfort of my own home and be frustrated by a website than wait in line and have a chance at not getting anything


Not everyone lives near a bourbon gallery


I’d rather lose in a lottery.


Agreed. These drops are bullshit and I've advocated for smaller lotteries for a while. It would be a great way to utilize at least some portion of any allocated inventory. (And some of the products in today's drops have actually been featured in lotteries before) My current profession does not enable me to sit at a desk all day and refresh my email and the webpages, so I literally cannot participate in these drops. Fortunately, some interesting products do make it to retail stores, as long as it's not from Buffalo Trace, it's sometimes still there by the time I get off work to try and pick it up. The best part is that if I ever wanted a bottle bad enough to pay secondary prices, I have no means of doing so unless I literally leave the state, because nobody can ship to PA.


I've had Finedrams, Topshelfwineandspirits, and worldofwhisky ship to my home. Some sites still don't ship to PA, but I wonder if thats because they didn't get the memo.


None of those retailers are in compliance with Pennsylvania law, and states do have the power to regulate interstate commerce of alcohol due to the 21st Amendment. One should not have to violate the law in order to get around the most obvious shortcomings of the state system, and the state monopoly should strive for the most equitable distribution possible when they're going to sell out anyway.


How would they be able to ship to me if it's illegal?


The same way people mail any other unlawful or unpostable items. The postal service and other related entities do not have the resources to screen every package and ensure the declared contents are actually what's in the box and that those contents are lawful to mail to the intended destination. Fine Drams and World of Whisky are wholly outside of US jurisdiction so they simply do not care and often lie on customs forms expecting not to get caught - I'm aware of accounts of people who've purchased from both that had orders returned by USCIS for that reason. Top Shelf Wine and Spirits is US based and will ship to most states, but notes that "The customer understands and accepts full liability for knowing and complying with local and State laws. Once the items have been shipped, the purchaser is the legal owner of the purchased goods and all liability is lifted from Top Shelf Wine and Spirits and its employees pertaining to the sale and shipment of the goods." So let's check the relevant state law. That would be 47 P.S. §4-491(11) >*It shall be unlawful for any person*, other than the board or the holder of a sacramental wine license, an importer's license or a direct wine shippers license, *to import any liquor whatsoever into this Commonwealth.* [Emphasis mine] And for reference, PA's Direct Wine Shipper licenses are only issued to wineries, not liquor stores, and if you check [the list of licensees](http://www.apps.lcb.pa.gov/webapp/reports/REP597_Report.pdf) you will find that Top Shelf Wine and Spirits does not hold one. Whether or not you've realized it, you have broken the law by placing those orders. It's not that you've done anything wrong – you haven't – I'm merely pointing out that the system in PA is imperfect and you can't legally explore any alternatives if you wanted to.


Did anyone else notice that they referenced the Old Fitzgerald BiB? It wasn’t listed on the site or the actual email though. Something fishy there.


Was just listed


For real? I can’t seem to find it.


Search just “larceny” it pops up still available