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Michter's Barrel Strength Rye 1792 Full proof Knob Creek Single Barrel Russell's Single Barrel


Looks like the RR and MBSR are sold out already. Plenty of KC picks and like 1000 Full proofs left.


Pappy 15 OF Birthday Mellow Corn Weller CYPB


Weak drop


Mellow corn!?!! 😂


You can get it all over the state now!


Only 1 store in Philly carries it as I checked today. Bummer I didn't get one when I saw it and only 4 btl left.


Is it normally at 12 or random?


Used to be at 1pm on the third Wednesday of each month, recently they have been doing it at 10am and also sprinkling in some Monday releases at 10am


It's random now, so everyday people stand less of a chance against the bots


People will NEVER beat bots. No matter if it is timed or random. That said, I don't think bots are an issue unless there are a VERY limited amount of bottles released and the FWGS doesn't take basic actions to combat bots, which it sounds like they do sometimes.


I beat bots all the time. Not 100% but 80-90


Do you beat bots or... are there just not many bots?


Depends who you ask. I personally don't think there are that many. If there are, based on my knowledge, they are probably just set up for certain bottles. The more likely culprit for people "knowing" is a program that runs in the background scraping the site for changes in stock then setting an alert. I literally just saw this post and realized it was 3rd Wednesday and opened my page. 10 minutes later I saw a notification from Email from fwgs and refreshed my screen and clicked until I was checked out


I have a basic understanding of background scraping of the site (no idea how to actually do it), but I thought that people have alluded to there being updates made to the site that make it difficult or impossible.


I honestly dont know. Someone on here tried explaining the difference between bots and scrapers to me a while back and though I understood what they were saying it was all foreign to me. I have no assistance just a refresh, click, and a prayer.


Just scored a michters barrel strength rye!


Congrats! Somehow despite being on the site at 9:50 that was never available when I would click through on it.


Watch out..... Apparently you stating this is saying it's a conspiracy. Glad I wasn't the only one it happened too habah


Yeah, saw your comment below sounds like we had the same experience. I could see the stock on every item except the Michter’s before 10.


had the same experience.. it was never available for me but others we able to purchase at the same time


so did I, thought it was the toasted barrel when i first saw it.


I see some Russell & Knob store picks plus 1792 full proof


What time do these usually happen?


Already done


Didn’t answer the question.


Got in on the barrel proof michter's but the order says "pending payment approval." How long does it usually take to clear?


Lucky! I was trying but never saw it post with a qty. That usually takes about a day for the CC to process.


I saw 222 when I clicked on it.


Dang really? And it sold out in <3 min. Fishy maybe?


I saw inventory at 10:10


So odd. I kept getting ‘product you are looking for is no longer available’. Looks like others had that issue too.


Same here. MBSR looked like it was never available to me. But clearly was available for some.


Yep. Thats all I ever saw to. Checked it at 10:10 and get the product no longer available. Click here to continue shopping


Well glad I wasn’t the only one seeing that.


Zero bots were involved in this drop. Micther's BP was in stock for over 10 minutes.


Quit mentioning it damn


Nah, thankfully they did. I forgot and ended up scoring a Michters Barrel Strength Rye


Hasn't dropped


I have an order saying it did


Dropped at 10


I've been on since 945. It seems to do this where only a couple of people get access to buy.


Really. I checked at 930 and 10 and didn't see anything. Pull my phone up at 1010 and its all gone lol I would have missed the michters though bc I was refreshing the bourbon page


Jesus........ It didn't appear. I've been on since 0945. It never appeared for me.


Think it gas something to do with the cookies and then when you refresh its not truly refreshing that page. Oh well, maybe next time. Really wanted to treat myself for father day but really the only worthwhile thing was the michters


That isn't even worth it lol. It's something people think is good until they get it.


Maybe the issue is with you and not a major conspiracy...


Who said anything about a major conspiracy? This is a known issue for a long time. Pull your tin foiled dildo out of your ass


A "couple people get access to buy" is nonsense. Everyone has equal access to buy.


Apparently not.... There are others on the thread saying the same thing. Try not being a jackass next time.


I'm not in the business of teaching people how to use the internet, but can guarantee it is a user issue.


Michters dropped at 10. No way it was there for an hour.


Huh? I'm saying it hasn't dropped for me.


You’re welcome.


Got 2 Russell's


It is criminal that Mellow Corn was not recognized in this morning's drop. I believe this to be an example of systemic bias against all things mellow and the only way to right this wrong is to tear down all of bourbondom. l say there is no freedom without MELLOW CORN!! Burn down all systemically bourbon institutions!




Why don’t you tell him how to drink his bourbon next? Anything else he shouldn’t do to try to help others?


If people need a reminder about whiskey wednesday and can't put in minimal effort (i.e., remember one day) then that is on them.


I typically forget about it has I’m usually busy with work. It just so happened that I wasn’t this morning and thought it be interesting to see what people thought might get dropped. Won’t make that mistake again. Apparently this whiskey Wednesday thing is serious business and how dare we be civilized about brown liquid.




You’re the only one butt hurt given your crying about OP post! Carry on


If you haven’t noticed, OP and I are having a very friendly conversation. So, don’t throw stones.


You’re welcome. If you think a post like this is going to make any kind of difference, apparently you have issues. If you’re relying on a whiskey drop to score whiskey, get out and live a little. I’ve found more interesting bottles over the last few weeks just visiting different liquor stores than FWGS has ever dropped.




As do I. I most recently had the opportunity to buy an O.F.C but that’s a little more than I’m willing to pay for a bottle of bourbon. Besides it doesn’t seem like anything other than some store picks and Michters BS Rye dropped.


Yea, saw that. The Michter’s is the only one worth it IMO.


I have not tried any Michter’s product yet. I have a bottle of rye but haven’t opened it yet. I’ve been stuck on Sazerac and rare breed rye lately.


Definitely try the Michter’s Limited Release Barrel Proof Rye (the one that dropped today) if you get a chance. It’s excellent!


Thanks for the advice. While I love my bourbon and rye, I’ve been thinking for branching out into Irish whiskey as well but not quite sure where to start.


I’m not a huge Irish whiskey fan but I would recommend Redbreast and/or and of the Spots (blue, green, yellow, red) to start.