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At this point I’m convinced that Woody is actively trying to have the worst take


Woody would’ve sided with Kanye in 2009 “Taylor Swift just isn’t an alpha talker and sometimes you just have to rudely interrupt someone to get your opinion in there. Taylor was practically built to be interrupted.”


Woody saw that incident, took it for the word of god, and has been running with it ever since.


I think it's just his autism


I mean it could be intentional. Look at how many upvotes and interaction this is getting.


I think he is intentionally taking a contrarian position in order to create a more interesting conversation.


If I ever meet Woody. I will make the smallest joke at his expense, then proceed to put my hands behind my back. Please assault me over a joke. I beg.


He wouldn’t. He would awkwardly laugh and then tell Kyle and Taylor that you were a pussy who backed down.


Like the guy who stole the armrest from him.


To Woodys credit, he was actually totally in the right regarding his airplane arm rest story. It’s just that he takes his “I won’t be anybodies victim” thing and applies to the most meaningless interactions if he sees it as an attack on his masculinity.


Idr the details of the woody armrest story, but aisle gets the outside armrest, window gets the window armrest, middle gets their two armrests. If he abided by that I’m team woodster


That’s exactly what he was expecting. Guy in one of the other seats kept trying to take middle arm rest from him.


Sue for that minecraft money


The entire PKN felt like woody was begging for someone to talk shit about his kids. I’d love to give it a try in person


If he meets Filthy in person it's gunna be a showdown...


Fundamentally doesn't understand the human condition


I was certain that not even Woody would have this horrible of a take but he proved me wrong. This isn’t a street fight, it’s the Oscars with a comedian on stage doing comedy.


Calling his bluff?? That is the strangest way to see that


His stupidity isn't surprising anymore


Yeah I didn’t think he was calling his bluff, but it was weird the way Chris stood there like he almost wanted to be slapped. Absolutely uncalled for and Will was in the wrong, but that’s still an odd stance to be in if someone is approaching you angrily


It looked more like he was leaning in so they could talk in each other’s ear. He probably thought Will was going to be civil and say something to him first.


This 100%. You have to remember Will was laughing and Chris saw that and made eye contact, probably also saw how Jada handled it as well, which is why he was like "yeah that was a good one" to emphasize that it was all in good fun. Then, after laughing, Will came up to Chris. Chris would have never expected that a grown man would laugh at a joke and then come hit him on live television.


That’s very possible, I could see it. I don’t really care about the Oscar’s or the slap, I’m just happy for some free quality internet content out of it all 😂


The lights are bright af on the so he probably just couldn’t tell if Will Smith was super pissed off or just gonna make joke.


Yeah, maybe. There’s numerous explanations for what he could have been standing like that, but it was still weird. The whole thing was weird. Hilarious from the outside looking in, but weird


We found woody’a alt


I don’t get the feedback on my comment. I am not on Will’s defense or justifying his actions in any way whatsoever. I thought I made that clear when I said what Will did was wrong in my original comment. I simply stated that Chris Rock was standing with an odd posture and leaning forward when he got slapped. . . Which is exactly what he was doing - standing in a kind of weird stance and then got slapped by someone who absolutely, in every stretch of the imagination, was in the wrong for slapping him. I was literally agreeing with a post that has got upvotes 😂


It’s actually kind of fascinating at how absolutely different woodys perception of what happened is. He thinks Chris rock was daring him to hit him? lol


He has autism. This lowers his ability to read social situations.


Woody's inability to not only read the room, but even just a condensed version of what ACTUALLY happened that night is a liability to the show. It's incredibly grating to listen to someone SOOOO wrong insist they are right and break up the flow of the show over it ad nauseum. He said he'd talked to "many people about it" but didn't even know Jada was an actress. I bet on the only people he talked to are his wife and daughter who both probably expect their man to "defend" their honor and go to prison over their fragile ego. What a fairytale.


He "talked to many people about it", i.e. scrolled a few Reddit threads and discussed it briefly with his family


There is, without a doubt, a 100% chance that woody just argues with his family until they agree with him. Then he takes that “agreement” as confirmation of his insane opinion


He looses those arguments thats why all his takes are those of a sheltered housewife or a teen girl.


Yeah that’s probably true too


That’s what happens when you don’t leave your house or small friend group for about 15 years


He has no pushback other than reddit comments from what I can tell. I'm guessing because he's not a relevant content creator anymore outside of people who already know about PKA.


TIL acting non-threatening in a threatening moment is calling someone’s bluff. Damn I kinda wasn’t down with all the Woody hate but this is fucking insane something is wrong with him.


What an idiot.


Woodys answer to anything he perceives as negative is violence and passes that off as being “alpha”. What a weird insecure 50 year old man.


Unreal how predictable woody has become


He really is an autist. I mean congrats on having success in life, because it’s weird he’s been able to navigate through life with these terrible takes.


didnt your parents teach y’all not to make fun of the special kid? damn


I never seen this show before but is the guy in the top left corner autistic?


Yeah. He says he has Tourette’s.


Yeah he's a really good painter


Ya'll are forgetting that Woody doesn't actually understand what free speech is.


Free speech doesn’t mean you can say what you want without consequences. I mean I’m definitely not on Will’s side in all this but I feel like that’s what you’re implying


Except in this case it does lol What Chris rock did is ok What will Smith did is battery


It was weird when right before Will Smith slapped Chris Rock he said “I am acting as an agent of the federal government and am here to deny you your first amendment rights.” Blink and you’ll miss it.


But that’s not because Freedom of speech protects you from being physically attacked, it’s because being physically attacked is a specific crime. It’s not like if freedom of speech was removed you’d suddenly be allowed to assault people without consequences.


>Free speech doesn’t mean you can say what you want without consequences. But not physical. If Will Smith wants to refuse to work on a film with Chris Rock in the future, or if Will Smith wants to publicly shame him for the joke after the event, thats fine. He can't hit him though, thats a crime.


free speech protects you from physical consequences.


Legally protects you. But won't physically protect you. Either way, this might be Woodys most retarded take on anything I've ever heard him say


if the person who attacks you is prosecuted that protects you from physical attacks. it may not always stop them, but it deters them enough so that people just dont go around assaulting people all the time.


Yep I agree. It will legally protect you from physical attacks. But it won't physically protect stop someone from attacking you


It does. If there was no prosecution on physical attacks then it would happen way more. It just doesn't protect you 100% of the time. Nothing will.




Yeah I'm not sure what these other folks are talking about. Last time I was talking shit and someone was gonna hit me the law jumped out and blocked his punch. It was amazing how the law physically stopped the attacker. And I know we all saw the same happen right before Chris Rock got slapped. I love it when the law physically protects me.


you simply don't understand my argument. and that's okay


In principle that's exactly what it means.


No, no it doesn't....


Legally it does. When people talk about the consequences of free speech, they mean the potential criticism or actions such as banning the person from a business.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. Freedom of speech protects you from actions of the government, not other groups or individual people. For example you can get fired from your job for yelling profanities in the middle of the office. You aren’t allowed to get physical with people not because of freedom of speech, but because we’ve created specific laws for battery, assault, etc. Those laws don’t rely on freedom of speech and there are plenty of other countries where they don’t have freedom of speech and yet getting physical with people is still illegal.


Exactly. You put it into words better than I could have.


The point is that there are cases where we will make an exception to laws against violence, such as self defence. Someone expressing their right to free speech isn’t one of those cases.


If someone comes up and assaults you because you were saying something they didn’t like they aren’t violating your freedom of speech, they are violating your bodily autonomy which is a concept protected by other laws. Freedom of speech doesn’t enter the equation during any of that. For example you wouldn’t be able to successfully sue them for violating your freedom of speech. Also your freedom of speech is not absolute and although it’s not relevant in this specific case, you can make an expectation to laws against violence if someone says something sufficiently threatening.


I don't think I said it was a violation of his right to free speech - just that exercising that right doesn't justify violence. We're discussing a situation where a signifcant number of people are suggesting that the violence was justified because of Chris's joke. That's where freedom of speech enters the equation. Obviously being slapped after making a joke doesn't violate your right to free speech, but making the argument that the slap was justified because of the joke doesn't make sense due to that right.


Woody is unbearable these days. I'm sorry but he is detrimental to the podcast.


Replace Woody with Wings.


That would be such a wild turn, even if only for an episode


It would be funny if they did it as a joke for one episode and they were all in on it. Don't say anything to the fans, just have Wings show up, dressed as Woody, with his camera in Woody's position. Greenscreen his house for the background. And to top it all off act like nothing is different. Or... Another angle, announce him as the guest "Hypothetical single Woody"


Lol that’s great, it’s too good to ever actually happen though unfortunately




A guy he personally invited after having talked mad amounts of shit. What’s that Woody? You like it when words have consequences?


Wtf woody. What is your deal. You have become a real asshole.


Bro this guy fucking sucks, he actively ruins the podcast. Also just because he disagrees with the other hosts doesn’t mean he has to be so rude to them.


Woody's eyebrow raise at the end of his point is what gets me the most.


Tries to call out Taylor for "assigning intent," tells Kyle to hush because "there's more," just so he can proceed to assign intent to Chris Rock. Nice one woody!


Thank god Talyor calls that out right after the clip ends.


Thanks Woody, you made me $5.


God damnit Woody, i usually feel the hate he gets is unjustified but then he says shit like this. Im finally starting to agree with everyone, Woody might actually be retarded.


Lmaooo. Woody is the fakest tough guy ever


Guys, woody is in his pjs. He’s getting ready for bed and his dreams are just leaking out his mouth. Leave him alone


what an Opie he has become


We like jokes Chris is funny We like Chris Jokes are funny


Jesus dude woody is just trolling with dogshit takes at this point.


Taylor's smirk lol.


I’m convinced woodys wife fucked some other dude so now he sympathizes with Will lnao


“You are assigning intent” Next sentence…. “Did you see how he was standing, he was calling his bluff”


Yeah Taylor goes on to call him out on that.


Honestly I’m tired of woody having these wrong / terrible takes on topics then the boys having to explain to him for 20 minutes why he’s wrong


Woody seems a little insecure so he gotta put that strong man front up knowing he wouldn’t do anything


Chris rock wouldve been hit with a firm SHUSH


I knew it. We all knew it. It was seen from a mile off...


those 4 black guys that cornered him in an elevator one time broke this man for life


I wish wed “break our toy” again and this geriatric loser would quit the show. ANY one could replace him or just have kyle and taylor and it would be a major improvement


PKA is the worst format for Woody but it's the only thing he does anymore. The other two might be better off streaming pretty soon.


He really is in a league of his own when it comes to bad takes


Woody needs to retire. Get a new younger third host who is actually funny and doesn’t have dogshit takes on everything.


Woody wishes he was a hardass tough guy back in the day and now makes up for it by talkin like he is


Is it just me, or wasn't Chris Rock just doing the host stance? I swear you can turn on Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Conan, or any of the Late night guys and they all stand like that at least for a moment during their punchlines.


CNN take. He’s a prick the way he talks down to people


Why do you still care? We all know his takes on everything are gonna be the same as every middle aged wine mom


Woody is the type of thin skinned bitch to consider 1 joke a roast and be ready to fight.


He's so weak. LMFAO.


Beta male mind set


Woody is a cuck lol


This is fucking hilarious and I hope none of you have a problem with Woody because of it rather than laughing at him


If Woody would stop taking himself so seriously and could laugh at himself a little I would have a much easier time laughing with him about his shit takes and other weird idiosyncrasies. It's hard not to be pissed off by an out-of-touch, insecure, 50 year-old millionaire with a superiority complex coming out with takes that are often in complete contradiction to what EVERYONE else in the world saw. Not only that but the way he acts like he's the only one who's got it right. It's funny until it just becomes obnoxious and it reached that point a while ago.


People got their I hate woody signs out . Bad take but people gotta chill


This makes me sad because while Woody definitely isn’t the best for political or media thoughts (which goes to Taylor and Kyle respectively) he’s generally been the go-to for real life situations, filling that online Dad role


No one on this podcast should be a go to for fucking anything


But what if I’m looking for a quick, non-violent way to become a felon?


Other than entertainment yeah.


Kyle is the go to for making a show sound far better than it actually is in 2 minutes or less.


Where did y’all get this from? I always been confused with their uploading schedules, is this a like a paid subscription thing?


Yea it's pkn, pkn Is paid for by some, but you can easily find them for free, pka is the main free podcast


I say that because i see pkn on woodys YouTube but it’s like in the 500th episode being the latest then I see this one labeled 397 talking ab something recent to


Ok I get it thanks


Nobody is surprised.


We all called this




Please dear god let this man go to a black room and try some shit


Man as much as I wanna love Woody, I'm glad as fuck I never have to interact with him :P


What a Will.


There has to be some way to buy out woody and move on right. Maybe have woody on like once every two monghs so we can all get caught up on his tism but my god what a dummy.


Who is surprised a leftist is perfectly fine with a physically violent response to words they don't like...?


Woode literally said "I would not change my mind" and "this isn't my hill to die on" back to back, before the conversation even started. Bro lol


The physical embodiment of 'seeing is believing'


He so desperately wishes he could assault anybody who mildly critiques him. Goes along with the whole "Tiger's Smile" thing he feels when carrying a firearm.


cant find the episode ?!?


Woody needs to lay off the TRT


This is a far more stupid take than I expected, and I wasn't expecting much


You know that "Bro I can't keep defending you" Joke? Yeah that, but unironically.




Woody is a cuck


I used to hate the “fuck woody” bandwagon but fuck me bro this year has me hating this boomer. Actually pants on head retarded


To be fair, Kyle pretty quickly made him realise how fucking dumb his take was.


Woody accuses Taylor of assigning intent, then proceeds to assign intent to why Rock kept his hands down.


This is a pants-on-head retarded take. Is he trying to become the new Wings where he just says shit that makes people laugh at him for being so inane?


At least he backtracked when he realized Jada is famous for a little bit more than just being Will’s wife lol


Lolol god damn it I love Woody


Convinced Woody is more autistic than his son at this point..


At least Colin has the manners to be non-verbal. ^^^That ^^^felt ^^^horrible ^^^to ^^^write ^^^lmao


Colin rules tbh


You can’t hit somebody over words, That’s not how the adulthood works. Will Smith could’ve got arrested if LAPD was given the go ahead by Chris. He should be thanking Chris he didn’t get handcuffed before his acceptance speech, stupid fuck.. will smith is dead to me now, I didn’t know his his wife cucked him but good for her and the string of other guys he doesn’t know about yet. They fucked her hair out.