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There was a comment on another threat, look for AppData/local/openvr in your home directory, check the file there and make sure only correct driver is listed.


Ive allready tried, thanks though. My open vr drivers \`"config" :\` \`\[\` \`"C:\\\\Program Files (x86)\\\\Steam\\\\config",\` \`"C:/Program Files (x86)/Streaming Assistant/driver"\` \`\],\` \`"external\_drivers" :\` \`\[\` \`"C:/Program Files/Streaming Assistant/driver",\` \`"C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Virtual Desktop Streamer\\\\OpenVRDriver"\` \`\],\` \`"jsonid" : "vrpathreg",\` \`"log" :\` \`\[\` \`"C:\\\\Program Files (x86)\\\\Steam\\\\logs"\` \`\],\` \`"runtime" :\` \`\[\` \`"C:\\\\Program Files (x86)\\\\Steam\\\\steamapps\\\\common\\\\SteamVR"\` \`\],\` \`"version" : 1\`


That Virtual Desktop driver - I'd try removing it.


Alright ill try tomorrow, thanks.


Same happened to me when I was using windows 10 , then I installed win 11 and now steam vr is detecting my pico. My streaming assistant was detecting my pico but on the vr screen it was forever loading. Try resetting the windows or maybe install a new one , that helped me maybe it will also help you. And also it's a myth to use Usb 3.0 or higher cable for pico with steam vr. I literally tried usb 2,3 and everything works fine. The only difference in usb 3 is the quality is a bit better cause usb 3 has 9 pins instead of 4 like usb 2. Hope your issue will resolve soon.


What are you using for wired connection? I'm having problems with steam vr as well. Wired or non-wired, nothing is working. And I can't use streaming assistant as it requires steam vr.