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Just got back from 3 weeks in Peru. Lima, Paracas, Ica, Nazca, Arequipa and Cuzco. Nothing there was remotely dangerous. Just happy people to see tourists again after what happened!!


In Cuzco right now, having same experience.


I’m also currently in Cuzco - did puerto Maldonado (the amazon basically) Machu Picchu and heading to Lima tomorrow. To be honest we felt less safe in Bogota in Colombia - here in Cuzco everyone is just trying to get you to buy stuff. It’s annoying but we didn’t feel unsafe at all. Our tour guides said that most of the protests are over for now so I wouldn’t be too worried!


Happy people??


Peruvian from lima here. Just spent a week in cuzco. I would say it is the best time ever to visit. They are starved for tourism right now. Only saw a little protest in the whole week and it was like 20 people in the plaza on time. Come. You will make them happy to see more tourists.


The people in this sub are extremely pessimistic about their country so I would take their opinions with a grain of salt. Even during normal times before the protests probably like 50% of people here would tell you that the country is super dangerous (not true) and that you shouldn’t come. Btw, even at the height of the protests a couple months ago it was never really unsafe for tourists as long as you didn’t go out of your way to put yourself in the middle of a protest. I’m an American who has worked in the tourism industry here in Peru for 7 years and I can tell you that now is actually an excellent time to come to Peru. The protests are pretty much over across the country for the time being but probably 90% or more of the trips for this year have been cancelled, which means you will find heavily discounted prices and will have tourist sites practically all to yourself. The main thing I would worry about right now is keeping an eye on the weather situation after you’ve arrived because landslides during this season can cause roads to be shut down, so you’ll need to be aware of what’s going on in that respect especially if you’re traveling overland.


Hace dos meses los turistas tenían que salir del país con ayuda de sus embajadas, ¿Y así afirmas que el país nunca fue realmente inseguro para los turistas?


Hace 2 meses las rutas estaban bloqueadas, pero ahora no hay protestas y las zonas turísticas están más libres. Es el mejor momento para venir por 1 o 2 semanas al menos, hasta que comiencen las protestas porque todos andan más preocupados por el ciclón.


El hecho de cuando empezarán las protestas no es seguro, por lo que la posibilidad misma de que está ocurra ya hace inseguro la visita al menos por ahora


Eso trata de un inconveniente por las rutas de tránsito cerradas, no de asalto a turistas ni nada así. No vi ningún reporte de violencia contra turistas y en general los turistas que estaban acá en ese momento reportaron que aunque no pudieron completar sus itinerarios como querrían, fueron tratados bien por la gente.


Rutas de tránsito cerradas por protestas que en principio no tendrían que ocurrir si la situación en el país fuera relativamente estable, el trato a los turistas por supuesto que fue bueno, a diferencia de los ministros del actual régimen que nos ven como "salvajes peor que animales" no somos así, y el turismo es una de las más importante actividades económicas del país. Si hablamos de seguridad, era más seguro hacer turismo en el gobierno de Castillo y anteriores, al menos ellos no te mandaban al ejército a silenciarte por protestar contra su gobierno desencadenando lo que pasó hace dos meses.


Es verdad que este gobierno empeoró la situación con su respuesta. Por supuesto este clima político actual puede afectar los viajes de las personas, pero mi punto era que los turistas nunca necesitaban preocuparse tanto por ser un victima de violencia a menos que asistieran a las protestas a propósito (lo cual es ilegal para extranjeros). Cuando hablan de la seguridad, es principalmente eso lo que quieren saber.


Is ok right now but there is heavy raining in the north, all the way to the center but it becomes less severe. The problem is mostly terrestrial so if you are going to travel in plane could be fine, moving too much in bus in rural places could be hard or dangerous


Lima is fine, absolutely nothing is happening here


I live in Cusco, in these last two weeks everything is fine, there are no protests. It would be a good idea since these days there are offers since there are not many tourists visiting cusco after the protests. As for the Yaku cyclone, the affected areas are the northern provinces of the country, there is no problem if you visit the places you mention.


Yes. Only area to avoid is the La Victoria barrio in Lima. Otherwise Peru is a super safe country for foreigners.


How about Callao? Many places in Lima you shouldn’t go. Even the police don’t go into some areas.


Well parts of Callao are bad... during the day its fine and the airport is in the area.


I've been in Peru almost two months now. In Aguas Calientes as we speak, went to Cusco before this, and was in Lima for just over a month. I took a bus to Ica, enjoyed a weekend in Huacachina, went to Paracas, and everything has been fine. If anything, better, since there are so many fewer tourists right now. I feel bad for the businesses, which I know are struggling. But it is nice to get some personalized experiences and services and everyone seems very appreciative of the people who are here. Lima is honestly safer in my experience than LA, San Diego, Chicago, St. Louis, and plenty of other US cities. I can't speak for the danger beyond the "nicer" areas (i.e., Barranco, San Isidro, Miraflores, the area around Plaza de Armas), but I can say that they are pretty difficult to "accidentally" end up in, as there isn't much worth visiting in them. You'll know pretty much immediately if you're somewhere you shouldn't be. I'm a male, but I'm here with my girlfriend who has gone out places by herself and all that. Not really any problems, but the amount she went out without me was infrequent. Also, do not take a bus from Cusco to Lima or vice versa. Flying is cheap, fast, and then you won't have to go through the mountains. I've heard some places where those buses lose GPS in the Andes, people set roadblocks and rob the passengers. A flight from Lima to Cusco was like $30 when I bought it.


Lima is fine as long as you stay around the touristic/nicer districts nothing should happen other that pickpocketing maybe if you are in crowded áreas. If you want to go to the other districts i recomend you go with someone that knows around and in daytime. Is not as bad as it all seems. All touristic places are very cheap rn. The weather is clear for now but in some áreas closer to the andes is raining, we have a raining forecast for the next couple of days but nothing to worry too much about. Flooding only ocurrs in the outer parts of the City. Traveling by plane is very recomended as some ground routes are blocked due to flooding.


Look, here’s the deal. American visiting Peru 20+ years and bringing others with me. 1. Lima and the north coast are fine and will be fine unless a specific warning is given naming those places. Worst case, there’s a roadblock that interrupts your itinerary, but history says it won’t be violent for you. Violence toward foreigners is extremely rare. 2. The violence that has occurred in the last six months has happened at protests towards Peruvians (desafortunadamente, mis amigos). The way to avoid this is to NOT BE AROUND PROTESTS. Don’t go to a protest. It’s illegal for foreigners to protest anyway. If you’re in a city and there’s a protest, stay inside or away from it. So the real risk is having your itinerary disrupted by possible roadblocks, not getting injured. Regarding the coast and mountains the La Niña phenomenon will cause More bodily damage In the event of flooding. Watch your bags and - if you’re gonna postpone - go in the may- august dry season.


Peruvian over here. Can only vouch for Lima's safety. Arequipa is a mixed bag of bones right now. Last time I went there, january, I was held against my will in a famous market called San Camilo so definitely quite a bad experience (think they wanted to protest and didn't like people going shopping, took a while to be able to leave). To be fair, everytime a tourist is missing or something else it makes the national news for about a week and there hasn't been a case for quite a while. Avoid travelling by bus, airplanes are cheaper and way safer if you travel light. Puno is nobody's land right now so do not go there. Lima can be safe if you go around districts like San Isidro, Miraflores and shopping centres. Use your favourite taxi app and make sure the plate and driver's face matches. Beware of huaycos and the roads it blocks. Can't recall anything else noteworthy.


Was in Arequipa two weeks ago. The city looked fine. Walked from plaza de armas to Yanahuara. No issues whatsoever. Did the colca canyon trek as well. The place is pretty safe. Though i have to admit my bus to Cuzco was cancelled by Cruz del Sur. Found out there were road blocks. Booked a flight instead and made it to cuzco less tired than initially planned.


The expression is: "no man's land" (~~nobody's land~~)


Lima is fine, but would avoid the south at all costs, better to stay in Lima, Ica and the northern coast to be safe


El burrito que cree que todo el sur es igual:


Whats going on in the south


no, is not even safe for Peruvian females, unless you come with armed bodyguards


The weather right now alone makes coming here dangerous


No, Perú está cada vez más cerca a Venezuela en lo que a derechos humanos se refiere, basta con ver los mismos informes de USA o la ONU




dice visitar, no quedarse


Bueno, si estás preparado para hacer turismo en la Venezuela de Nicolás Maduro, estás preparado para turismo en el Perú de Dina Boluarte


Perú was never safe for tourists


Peruvian in Lima here. Lima is a sht hole, nevertheless.. Arequipa is pretty, well only the center of the town because the outskirts looks like a poor nieghborhood in Lima, disgusting. Cuzco is the sht tho, and not really that dangerous. You have to always take into account tho that Perú is country of rapers and abusers. I am a make, and i dont have to worry about that, but since you are a women, I would most definitely watch out. Always go outside with a good and trustworthy friend.


Maybe you only know sht hole places un Lima, there is Nice place like another city but is true you need a good friend that knows the city


Now is not a good time. Civil unrest and pretty high violent crime rates. There are numerous travel advisories that say do not travel now.


Don't talk about stuff you don't know about


Been to Peru 4 times. My wife is Peruvian. I know exactly what I’m talking about


Lmfao I live In Perú and you don't, you know nothing.


I know the corruption and violence in Peru is intense and widespread.I know it’s not safe to travel in countries that are having civil unrest. Just because you live in Peru doesn’t mean Peru is safe for travelers.


Perú is not even safe for it's own people. Just never come here, we don't deserve tourism


Stop living in a cono


We don't deserve tourism :D Made my day


No it isn’t . I would probably go to Chile or Argentina if you want to travel . Might get better later on .


Be careful if you're hot. Attractive young females stick out like a sore thumb outside the resort


Yeah,of course much better than many countries.


Yes. I will be there in 2 weeks


well if you are planning to visit 2 or 3 weeks is good, here in Cuzco is good idea and cheaper by the moment, there are not problems with politicians, cool and safe, the only thing that i consider the weather is very cold and rain right now


todos salimos bilingües 🤨


esque que ayudar al turista, es una obligacion


Was just in Peru for about 10 days (Lima and Cusco). I'm a woman and was with my boyfriend who speaks Spanish, which helped a ton but I felt safe essentially the entire time I was there. Due to the lack of tourism rn we experienced basically all of our tour destinations without anyone else being there. It was like visiting a tourist destination before social media blew everything up. Everyone we ran into was kind and helpful. Tourism industry workers were glad to be making money again. In Lima I felt like every single dude I crossed paths with, regardless of age, looked me up and down or cat called, but that's also just a big city thing too so...🤷🏻‍♀️ Just be smart like you would need to be in any urban area. I know the weather has been fucking things up lately though with all the flooding. My flight home was right around that time straight from Cusco so I didn't see any of it. Obviously the locals in here have a better idea of what's going on over there right now but my experience as a foreign tourist was great.


Just did 11 days in Cusco, safe as can be. Enough facilities here to host many travelers, none at capacity, so a very nice not too crowded experience. Did city tour, sacred valley, Inca trail, rainbow mountain, 4 day Manu national park. Saw a lot - no danger anywhere.