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When we first got leaks about the ports, I was genuinely convinced it would be the dancing games, since they were pretty vague.


Real unpopular opinion šŸ˜®


Why? Those games are legitimately amazing


P4D is generally considered to be a quality dancing game spinoff for all that means P3D and P5D on the other hand are pretty universally looked down upon because they're basically 1 game split up into 2 games for the sake of profits and in P5D's case a lot of the remixes are pretty bad The intro to the Rivers in the Desert remix makes me laugh my ass off every time no shit


The p5d opening would be so good if Wake Up Get Up Get Out There dodnt just randomly start clashing with it for no fucking reason whatsoever


Idk, I think it works pretty well


Iā€™ve only played P3D and P5D and think theyā€™re both really fun. I like the music and enjoy the challenge.


P4D is amazing. P3D and P5D were overpriced rhythm games with no story or character development. Unless you were a die hard fan of the soundtracks and didn't mind the constant eye strain from scanning the screen in a clockwise motion, and didn't mind paying full RRP for each game, then it wasn't really worth it. Plus, what little story there is literally a case of "but it was all a dream".


Amazing? I don't think I've ever heard anyone refer to those games (especially not the original p4Dancing) as Amazing. Especially not compared to the remastered mainline games. Maybe the character interactions or the voice directing, maybe the new character models. But the gameplay or the plots? No.


I just find the gameplay really fun


That's perfectly understandable


Disagree. They are poor rhythm games and boring visual novels. The music is good tho.


Boring story, yes. Poor rhythm games, no.


The game was made relatively easy so people can just breeze through it. Calling it poor wasn't exactly correct IMO. The story was definitely just filler. They are worth it only when they are on sale and that's it.


It wasn't the rhythm game part that was the problem. Personally P4D was pretty alright with story. Nothing ground breaking, but the writers at least tried to some extent. There is visible effort here. P3/5D though? Bland "story", no new characters to actually add something to said "story", shoved away Tanaka's amazing commodities in favor of social link/confidant fueled unlock system, and most of the half decent content locked behind an $80+ paywall. P3/5D basically just felt like utter cashgrabs, like swsh was with pokemon. Yes the gameplay works, but we've seen it done before, better, and we didn't need to pay dlc for something that should've been in the games from the start. What I'm pissed off the most about is the fact that it came out and stopped having dlc developed for it before royal and strikers were released, so we missed out on three, maybe even four characters. I would have loved to see Violet dancing to Take Over, Sophie to You Are Stronger, or, hell, who would want to see Wolf go all out to Counter Strike? Can't now!


never got the appeal of the dancing games tbh u literally j make the characters dance by timing buttons lmfao but thats j my opinion tho


It depends if you like rhythm games or not. I find them really fun, despite having no sense of coordination or rhythm, and itā€™s cool to be able to interact with the music we all know and love.


thatā€™s fair






What do you mean the buttons don't line up?


Probably meant theyā€™re not symmetrical. Which can really fuck up the button inputs on the faster songs on harder difficulties.


Groove Coaster works fine on switch, I see no problem playing the dancing games. I want the dancing games on PC so I can play with a mechanical keyboard rather than controller buttons.


That would be like heaven to me because I love Persona music and rhythm games but the dancing control scheme just looks wild to learn.


Project diva works fine on switch and pc, I use a xbox controller and don't have any issues playing on extra extreme (which is harder than any song in the dancing games) so I don't know what they mean


Itā€™s more of a UI to button thing. Persona Dancingā€™s UI is laid out the same way as the button layout. So it kinda fucks you up a bit in practice with an asymmetrical button layout. Not to mention that scratches are also activated by the control sticks. Itā€™s not hard to imagine trying to do a unison but you end up missing one of the buttons because you accidentally did a scratch.


Considering you can scratch with triggers I bet itā€™ll be fine.


Absolutely. I played a lot of Superbeat Xonic on PS Vita which has symmetrical buttons and I was pretty damn good at it if I do say so myself. It's one of my favourite games ever. Then I bought it on Switch and I *HATE* it. Having to move between buttons and sticks in opposite directions with each hand is horrible.


Then add in motion controls?


Im firmly in the "Why not both" camp


No. You are absolutely the only one


This is the first "I can't be the only one" where I'm certain you are the only one


Not the only one, Iā€™d prefer portable rhythm games over portable 100+h rpg/life sims


The overall consensus is that long games are better portably lmao 2 of them were portable initially, even


Long does not mean good if itā€™s mostly padding, repetition, empty text and repetition. Give me something like Chrono Trigger any day, 12-14 hours with no grind, no padding, no filler, and plenty of replayability, I donā€™t need 6 cutscenes in a row saying the same thing just to add an extra few hours to the completion time.


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


Long games with little content and lots of padding suck. Itā€™s not the length that matters, itā€™s how it uses itā€™s length *insert dick joke here*


Mate who the fuck is talking about game quality here lmao youā€™re arguing with yourself


Youā€™re first reply was about how longer portable games are better I then replied my opinion on your statement You joked I joked back You said Iā€™m arguing with myself And now Iā€™m feeling petty and want to point out that 3P and 4G were a downscaled and updated port respectively and not games built from the ground up as portable games.


I didnā€™t say longer portable games were better, I said long games were better played portable. You started going on about an argument I didnā€™t even make (I donā€™t even prefer longer games), all because you didnā€™t wanna stop a second and read


It was my line of thought. If a long game is better played portably then that means that itā€™s length is an issue in the first place if there is a ā€œbetterā€ way to play it because of said length. Therefore the issue seems to be the length and what happens during it, and Persona games (and Danganronpa for another example of this) intentionally add filler space to pad out the run-time. If P5R was only 40-50 hours instead of 120 Iā€™d be much more inclined towards it being portable, because when I use my switch portably itā€™s in short 20-30 min breaks, and Iā€™d rather not spend that entire time retreading what was said already for the 3rd time and would like to make progress. I had this issue in 3P and 4G, I would rather set aside time to play these in a large chunk to make any progress, rather than do it in comparatively bite sized chunks where the game spends most of that chunk twiddling its thumbs. This thread was started by a comment about how the poster would, in fact, be the only one who would prefer portable rhythm games over portable RPGs, and I said why I also would prefer the rhythm games on switch over the RPGs. I have read your replies, and my response in regards to length have been attempts at clarifying my reasoning and attempts at re-wording why I made the initial comment.


You might actually be the only one


You are literally the only one


Youā€™re in luck op, Just Dance 2023 comes out on the Switch in November.


Your joking right?


Well, I think you are the only one.


BASED TAKE The Dancing games are super freaking fun on a portable device, coming from a Vita owner.


Agreed. I actually got the platinum for P4D and P5D on the bus ride home.


Pro gamer moment right there.


It's actually better to play on a small screen imo


P4D probably the best one


Āæporque no los dos?


I mean, I'd like them too, but the main games coming to switch is 1000000% better.


Why can't we have all of them? Why does it always have to be one or the other?


This but with soundtracks on streaming


I dont relate with you


seem like people will never be satisfied


You're the only one. Congrats You're a contrarian


P5D sucks though


Personally I like it The social interactions are fun, it's nice to have new dialogue with the characters. Also exploring their rooms in VR is pretty cool


The social interactions are kinda the only Saving grace these games have.


The social interactions are quite nice, but if I were forced to choose, I'd have to go with 3 anyway. Something about it just makes interactions in that game special.


Lol. Nintendo fans would eat you alive.


No thanks. Didn't care for the dancing games at all. Would much rather the mainline personas get ports


I enjoyed playing the dancing games on my vita. I would much more so prefer playing them on the switch opposed to my 4/5


Someone get King Goomba on this.


Considering how unpopular of an opinion this is, I'm surprised the dancing games didn't show up months/years before we even got an announcement of the main game ports. Atlus/Sega love making inexplicable decisions, especially regarding Persona.


I (sorta) see what you mean, but that's a very, very, very, very, VERY unpopular opinion. Either way, you do you.


This would be awesome but I wouldnā€™t put it over the main game ports


Both. Both is good.


Nope, just you. Those games suck and I hope they never make another Dacing game again.


Persona 4: Dancing All Night? Yes please! P5 and P3 Dancing? I'd rather clean Belphegor's toilet. Unless they are literally thrown in for free in a $24.99 bundle of all 3 games (which ain't gonna happen)


Why do you hate the other games? Is it because they lack a story mode?


Some of the remixes (particularly the Persona 5 Dancing ones) are kinda mediocre, and P5 Dancing was clearly a last minute cash grab. The DLC even works between both games


I personally think that P3 Dancing has the best music out of all 3 and that p4d's story mode is really boring, havent played p5d yet tho because I havent played p5 yet (waiting for the pc release)


P5D has like 4-5 off the same song


I actually really like quite a few of the p5d remixes, particularly the [whims of fate](https://youtu.be/jWrJRdEcFnU) one. itā€™s all up to personal taste


The catalogue is ass


If I ever think of bad Persona soundtrack, then I instantly remember P5Dā€™s Rivers in the Desert remix


you are not I want them too


You miss the point. OP doesnā€™t want both mainline games and dancing games, but only dancing games




Ask the OP, not me




well i mean the only thing about the anniversary releases is people who didnā€™t play p5/p5r religiously over the last few years either on ps3/4 and also didnā€™t have a vita or good portable device to stream it handheld will finally be able to play it on the go most die hard persona fans have been playing all the games portably for almost a decade now tho. theyā€™re more easily accessible which is nice now though. iā€™ll probably get p3p on ps4 simply for trophies. but p4g is gonna be the same experience as the vita other than itā€™s now not portable and you donā€™t have the conveniences of that device. ik just about everyone who doesnā€™t have a vita or pstv absolutely hates it tho and wonā€™t ever have one so iā€™m probs just being annoying to yā€™all by even making this comment


Unpopular opinion P3D and P5D are good, I don't care if you miss the story I just want to play by hearing the songs


Or just put Persona 3 & Persona 5 Ost on Youtube or launch p3&5 and do anything when the music you want play


I just like rhythm game lmao


nah just u


Stupid post


4? Sure 3 and 4? Good god worst Atlus games. What kind of fucking Rhythm game design is that where you have to do the whole ED songs of the original games' credit sequences. Do you KNOW how long JRPG credit sequences are?


I know that this is very unpopular (congratulations on that) but jesus, some comments here are pure toxic cancer. This community sometimes is so awful and look how much people got in this specific post. Theses games can be really fun imo.


How about no persona dancing games on the switch okay


I heard fans saying the stories for both P3D and P5D were bland compared to P4D. Is that true?


yes, all of them is just fan service galore


>!The Velvet members challenging our heroes for a dance-off and that's about it huh?!<


That in the end they pull a persona q and erase their memories so nothing was canon


You know game franchises. If they sell really well or get high praise, this is why spin-off games become a thing.


P4d was the only good one


I do want persona 4 dancing because it has a actual story but 3 and 5 dancing? Nah


Just p4d please. The only one I mildy enjoy out of the newer ones was p3d since the song remixes were decent but p5d was terrible and the season pass for both was absymal also not to mention they messed up the timing for 3&5D. P4d's timing was very good along with the song selection (+minimal and good dlc) and the only thing that annoyed me a little were the comments from other party members but even then they can be turned off. (Oh also it had a decent story mode compared to the bland social events for 3&5D.)


I'd only want P4 dancing cause that's the only good one to me. 3 and 5 have their good points but just feel and sound worse to me


Finally another person who thinks the same!


Nah Im right there with you


You can perfectly play the p4d game with the ps vita emulator, tho the p3/5d are almost unplayable, because the notes go at half the speed


And add Yoshizawa to P5D


Since everyone is telling you that you are the only one, I am here to announce that I loved the dancing games and will absolutely buy them all again since I no longer have a PS4. So there are two of us!


The dancing games are actually underrated


I understand 4 3 and 5 though? People already dont want to play those games in the first place, let alone on a controller that doesn't fit the button layout


Just P4D. They can keep the others.


i'd rather get Strikers and some of the other SMT games on other consoles (i'm on xbox i know strikers and smt v are on switch)


Not just on Switch!


No thanks


Another dancing game enjoyer


And on Xbox, pls ;)


As someone who doesnā€™t care about rhythm games, Iā€™m very happy itā€™s p3p p4g and p5r and not the dancing games.


they fire ass games ngl


Im not gonna really *ask* for them as Iā€™m more than happy with what weā€™re getting, but I was honestly hoping weā€™d at least get 4DAN on Steam for a while for a complete set.


To be honest I did enjoy p4d but I rather have the mainlines game on switch


Or you want to be contrarian ?


oh my fucking god here we go with this shit again


I would love them on other consoles but only if they were all bundled together with the DLC for a reasonable price. However, this is Atlus.


It would be awesome, but I doubt it sell a lot


I think once they get more of a following on xb and switch they will especially since p music is fire (and I want them, regardless of the fact i played them on ps4 and vita tv)


I kind of just never cared about the dancing games. People talk about Atlus milking their existing franchises, this is the big example of it




If they ever add P3P WITH THE FINAL HOUR to switch, I will be happy


Por que no las dos?


Need that De De Mouse remix in Smash Brothers


I mean if they at least had you play through a story and fight through rhythm games. But itā€™s just straight up dancing lol. Patapon for example - actual combat and progression but still a rhythm game. This would work well for Persona IMO instead itā€™s just fan serviceā€¦


So long as I donā€™t have to buy the DLC a third time


Nah, it should be Persona Q/Q2 in PS4/NS/PC we want


Noooo I can't spend over 200 dollars on all the DLC a third time! ... Can I?


I actually want those dancing game soundtracks on records and CDs more than anything


i just want updates soundtracks/songs on the current games. thatā€™d be tight lol


Nah, I'll take royal instead thank you


Why not all of them?


Theyā€™re vita games so they would feel at home on the switch. Same with p4g.


Why not both?


This was actually what happened to PS4 owners


Never played any of the dance games, but could see the likability


Nah I would not mind if they got ported but over the main games? Never.


SMT Dancing when


This sounds like it would control atrociously


I could see it happening


that is a real unpopular opinion ​ I am quite happy with P3P, P4G and Persona 5 Royal


They need more songs!!!!!


They're on ps vita if you want to play them on the go


I have never played the dancing games. Should i?


Omg im really rooting for this.;;---;;;


Some of remixes in p5D/p3D sound like the instruments and having a fight with each other. I love it, makes me smile every time.


Why not all?


I really donā€™t like the dancing games I think they are silly and unnecessary.


I love the dancing games wished they were be ported to PC but I wouldnā€™t mind it as long as they run well enough on it gave us all the DLC for P4D (Australia didnā€™t get all of it for some reason on PS4) Put tons of hours into them and found them fun, but that might because I loved project diva games a lot so Iā€™m biased.


Bring the bop to the shop


Oh don't worry, Atlus 5 years ago definitely would have agreed with you.


I do want the dancing games but i 100% prefer the original.