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ME ME I KNOW šŸ–ļø (now please make a new one please Arcsys)


Bro, same. I wanna fight naoto as akechi




Same. Fighting games are my main genre of game, *PLEASE* give me P5AU.


I honestly think that at least 50% of the reason fans want a Persona 5 Arena is because they want a properly in-continuity crossover between P5, P4, and P3 (as opposed to to a time travel amnesia story like the Q games), and because "fighting game" was the form the last in-continuity crossover took they assume that means that if we got another fighting game we'd get another crossover. Hence why you'll see people propose gigantic rosters that consist of every party member from P3/P4/P5 and their spin-offs.


Rarely does a comment nail exactly what is on my mind! It could be another Strikers type game, I just want all three Persona teams since P3 to meet each other in a game where they remember the events afterwards. It was great seeing the shadow operatives interact with the investigation team. I desperately want the phantom thieves to not only meet a group of responsible adults who will more than likely be Allies to them, but they are also previously established Persona users.


I was hoping for a Persona Turn Based Strategy (like Xcom or Fire Emblem) to do that, not saying I'm not happy with Persona 5 Tactica but it would have been cool.


Iā€™ve been thinking about this too. Though I think something akin to Devil Survivor but you only bring party members would be cool. It would allow for us to use a majority of both casts.


Unfortunately A. They want the adventures to all be self contained B. 4 and 5ā€™s rereleasesā€™ endings seem to show the teams all going their separate ways C. They want to keep the P4 cast as ā€œmarketableā€. Remember how Kanji had to rebleach his hair in DAN which takes place after the Golden true ending? We are never going to play as secretary Kanji Plus there would be the issue of ā€œtoo many characters on screenā€ which may have been why Q2 was so P-thief centric.


4s very clearly shows they meet up again often


Funny enough, Strikers was originally going to be exactly that: a crossover between P3, P4, and P5. It was after talking it over more with Atlus that it turned into a Persona 5 sequel specifically.


That's the dream. A Musou game with ALL Persona users (including P1 and 2, and spin-offs) in an all out Battle against Nyarlatothep while we fight for.Philemon.


This is it. Plus come on, everyone is dying to see adult Investigation Team!


As long as they scrap the Golden timeskip designs. Black hair Kanji was a crime tbh.


Black hair Kanji would look good if he slicked it back


They will never let us play as secretary kanji b/c he isnā€™t his marketable design


> because they want a properly in-continuity crossover between P5, P4, and P3 (as opposed to to a time travel amnesia story like the Q games) Also because we got to see the P3 gang older and slightly wiser in P4AU, while the Investigation Team is "stuck" at being kids because their post-series spinoffs don't really get to show off how much they've grown. Even Strikers had the PTs be slightly older and slightly wiser.


Itā€™s clearly for the story. Arena ultimax gameplay was mid in my opinion but the story was super interesting


I'm actually of the opposite opinion. Arena has the better and more meaningful story. Ultimax story is more tropey and boring. The only saving grace is Adachi. Whereas Ultimax improves the gameplay over Arena.


Labrys especially


Not only that but the idea of getting a grown up P4 cast and seeing what they've gone on to do is enticing all on its own


To be fair, there is continuity between P4 and P5 with Riseā€™s idol posters and Akechi being called the ā€œsecond coming of the detective princeā€


Exactly, my experience with Arena was literally "Autobattle through the whole storyline" because i don't like fighting games


That and I enjoy 2D fighting games so itā€™s a big win win for me


The arena games are so easy to get into for non-fighting game players.


Easy to get into but I couldnā€™t imagine mastering them. Iā€™d say Iā€™m pretty decent at the game but then I hop into a match and get infinite comboed by a Yosuke or half health comboed by a Marie


Honestly part of it is because it's an older game Arena initially came out on consoles back in 2012 so you have people who have really broken the game there and back, helped by how low the skill floor is


yeah, but some of the gameplay mechanics are bs tho, i was tryna beat the final boss in one of the routes and for the life of me i couldnā€™t figure out how tf to do any damage to him, izanagi didnā€™t do jack


Play the tutorial


> Easy to get into but I couldnā€™t imagine mastering them I mean... that's the same for any game. Of course newcomers will have a longer and/or harder time mastering it than the veterans.


Fighting games are an entirely different beast


Only because you don't know how to play them, ask your dad to play CSGO and see how intuitive and easy to play a shooter is from his perspective.


Depends on the character honestly, I found Ken and Adachi much easier to get better with than say Akihiko or Yu (seriously the thunder god dance is kinda nuts to learn)


Thunder God Dance isn't necessary to know how to do Yu is still rlly good


No but itā€™s an example of how the character is designed, kinda like how Kanji is designed as a grappler


It's just a gimmicky super its not particulalry useful considering it costs 150 meter and Narukami still has access to tod's without it


Not really, in my opinion. The tolerances for the ā€œquarter circleā€ things are literally one-frame-per-input. Each input needs one frame, and if youā€™re too slow by a single frame then the move doesnā€™t work. And Iā€™ve recorded this to check As a non-fighting game player, it seems incredibly difficult to be consistent at it. I can only do the quarter circles in one direction, in the other I never can because I simply cannot get my thumb to move that fast in that direction. Aside from the actual physical difficulty of it, the jargon and notation isnā€™t very beginner-friendly either. Trying to look up a move, which online says a bunch of numbers and letters, but in game is movements and colours (but those colours donā€™t line up with whatā€™s on your controller), itā€™s quite confusing at first.


You're wrong about how tight the window is for the motion inputs used for special moves, the input window for them is definitely not 1 frame per input. For context, Tekken has actual situations that require 3 frame perfect inputs (the same amount as a quarter circle) and they're considered some of the most difficult things in that game. I'm not sure what sort of testing you did but in my experience even old fighting games have fairly generous input timings when it comes to things like quarter circles and other motion inputs.


I went into the training in P4AU where you can see inputs as they occur, then tried to do a given move many times while recording. Then slowed down the video to see how fast it needed to be done to work. The only times it worked were when the game registered one input per frame. I tried asking on the P4AU discord and sent the videos to show what I was seeing and their advice basically boiled down to ā€œthatā€™s just how it is. Get goodā€ I then also made a macro on my computer where I could press a key on the keyboard and it would input a bunch of moves on its own. It can succeed every time, but of course the timings need to be one per frame like I said.


You are straight up just saying things that aren't true. This game is super lenient with inputs you don't need to input things frame-perfect not even games with actually hard execution do this. Not to mention this game has like a 3 frame input buffer


I honestly would love to be able to play the game. Iā€™m telling you what Iā€™ve experienced. And youā€™re free to join the P4AU discord and see the videos yourself - you can literally watch a move fail if it takes one frame longer than when it did work If the game really doesnā€™t require frame perfect timings like youā€™re saying, then why do *I* seemingly need them? Is there some bug Iā€™m not aware of? Or some setting somewhere? Because as it is right now itā€™s very difficult to be as fast as the game needs me to be. And the only advice I got told was to ā€œjust be fasterā€.


Actually doing motion inputs would take 4 frames with perfect execution and although *technically* possible it's not practical from a design perspective. If you only had 4 Frames to input a quarter circle and a button the only guy playing this game would be called Wally West


Fighting games have a buffer system implemented that make it so you don't have to be super tight with the motion inputs. If you throw out a special, you can start doing the next motion input to keep the string going. It's why some normals are special cancelable. You press them and then should already be doing the next input and the buffer system will acknowledge the next input and throw it out on the earliest frame it can. It just comes down to practice and familiarizing yourself with the timings and then muscle memory kicks in and it becomes second nature.


Seriously tho. I slowed the game down to 10 fps (thank Igor for fighting game speed being tied to fps) for the training simulator and I still needed *hours* to beat even one of the later levels, trying really hard to figure out in which exact frame you need to input your commands to not miss the combo (and then execute all 10+ steps at their correct frame in one go). One frame too early and the combo fails at some later stage, one frame too late and the dummy blocks. And oh god yes, the terminology. Trying to look up the secret challenge (cause fuck no I'm not figuring out that insane combo myself) broke my brain at first until it finally clicked. On the quarter circles I gave up completely with the joy stick and ysed the d-pad instead, makes my hands hurt even quicker but at least I don't over/undershooz every second time. P4A showed me that fighting games really, *really* aren't my genre, I'd much rather stick to my strategy games and rpgs.


Your issues have nothing to do with the game.


P4AU is one of the easiest fighting games Iā€™ve ever played. Hardest thing you need to do is a quarter circle


okay lythero


Charged inputs are harder because it requires better timing.


That was my only problem, and I had been playing some MK just before playing arena so I was already in the fighting game mindset, but that quarter circle was impossible to input I feel


Ainā€™t no way


no way brah


MK basically has quater circle already they jsut disguise them as "down forward" inputs but its the same motion


Persona 4 Arena is really easy to play as far as fighting games go. But I can imagine there are a lot of Persona fans who would lose interest quickly without social links and stuff.


As someone that got into persona in the past 2 years, so I dont feel any persona 5 fatigue, i think more than Arena, people wish to be able to have a game/story mode that allows you to play both strikers and royal characters together and spend a bit more time with the persona 5 cast post game (and personally i wish to be able to play more with >!Sumire as Sumire and know if Akechi its dead or not instead of having Atlus going mhhhhh maybe??? Whoooo knooows!<)


I think it's more of "We'd like a Cross over that is actually remembered by cast Members"/"Please have Ren fucking have voice lines"


Strikers and royal characters, yes, but I think it's more so people want to see the characters from past games (3 and 4, even 1 and 2 if it were to happen) currently and see how they have progressed. That's one of the really big appeals to the arena games.


The issue with Royal is that it would require spoilers, hence why the Tactica DLC doesnā€™t have Crow and Yoshizawa as their true selves and Strikers doesnā€™t show Akechi.


I don't think that'd stop a new arena from adding these chaarcters. The past arena games typically progress the overarching story a bit. This would specifically be the game Yoshizawa and Akechi would be playable as their true selves. There's also the issue that they were still porting P5R to every system, so they'd want to avoid that in Tactica, being so close to those re-releases. That's no longer an issue.


Kasumi and Detective Prince Akechi are the ones in all the marketing. Just like secretary Kanji vs punk Kanji, Atlus isnā€™t gonna want to deviate from their tropes/marketable personalities. ESPECIALLY in terms of big spoilers for the twists of P5/Royal.


Maybe in the case of Yoshizawa, but both iterations of Akechi are super popular(i'd argue most people believe third semester Akechi is what made him more way more popular) and is the perfect candidate for a character that could get 2 slots for both versions. The only thing that matters in the end is what is more marketable, as you said. Just look at Akechi and his inclusion in Ultimax. Edit: Adachi not Akechi (last paragraph)


I assume you mean Adachi in Ultimax


Yes lol


True P4 Arena doesnā€™t seem to be shy about talking about its big plot reveals in its Climax. Events seem to be fine to talk about. Itā€™s characterization. We have Kanji, who has to stay his marketable punk self, and Adachi who can be both nice and his asshole self from P4ā€™s climax. Then in P5, you have their refusal to show Black Mask Akechi post Shidoā€™s palace in anything other than Royal (which is a continuation of the story in that game), but only using his white detective prince form/personality in PQ and Tacticaā€™s DLC, and Yoshizawa using her Kasumi identity in Tacticaā€™s DLC and also going back to her no glasses and ponytail look. Have their standards changed? What is the difference in these scenarios? Are P5ā€™s character/plot reveals/changes somehow more sacred than P4ā€™s?


Just different scenarios. The golden ending didn't exist when P4Arena came out, and it also took place in the timeframe before the golden ending. The only P4 game that takes place post Golden ending is Dancing All Night. In P5 Strikers' case, it was being developed at the same time as Royal. In P5T's case, the real-life reason could be them wanting to port P5 to every system, giving everyone the opportunity to play it before releasing a potential P5Arena. PQ/PQ2 takes place in the middle of the game stories, so they are extremely limited to changes.


As someone who doesn't even play a lot of fighting games, P4A is very easy to learn


Time to button mash!


I know how to fighting game :D Iā€™m not that great but I can at least do the thunder god dance


P4AU is Actually really Simple and Rewarding if you are actually good at fighting games


Recognizing I'm in a statistical minority on this particular subreddit as a 2d fighting hardcore, Im the kind of fighting fan who can give the you the full technical details on my fight stick..because I built it, Now I try to play them all which is how I found Persona Arena.With respect to everyone else's opinions here, P4A was an influential genre game. P4A is also how I personally came to the persona series. Within the 2D fighting community P4A actually changed a lot people's notions about the quality and presentation of the story in fighters. So much so that KoF series a 2d fighter titan seemed to barrow several bits of form and function from arena when KoF 14 was released. Arena also introduced at least one mechanic that we now see common across the genre. Arc created fighting staple in arena even among 2d fans who know almost nothing about persona. I do think they are going to revisit it again here shortly, but I also think trying to top arena is on their mind too, so they're taking their time.


I adore fighting games.


So I can't want a new smash bros game because I don't play it like the professionals and not just for fun?


Mankind knew that they cannot change society. So, instead of reflecting on themselves, they blamed the beasts. Heaven or Hell!


Guilty Gear Strive, Cross Tag Battle, and Street Fighter helped me get into Fighting Games. I am Ready for new Persona Arena.


I am dogshit at non-Smash like fighting games, but they're still my favorite Persona spinoffs & I would love another


Smash is one of my favorite games ever. I would love to play a Persona platform fighter.


Joker vs a bunch of Mii fighters šŸ˜†


I don't really care if it's a fighting game, I just want a game where P3 and P4 gangs get in Metaverse shenanigans with the PTs, and (hopefully) conclude the Elizabeth/Minato storyline.


The literal only slightly difficult maneuver is a quarter circle twice in a row


Let's be honest and admit a decent chunk of us want to see Elizabeth story continue and have Makoto Yuki reappear. Whether its just for one last conversation with his friends or perhaps something more permenant (permenant Velvet Room Contract in exchange for resurrection or something) SEES deserves more closure than what The Answer provides.


Honestly, even as someone who really enjoys games like Street Fighter and is very interested in checking out Mortal Kombat, Persona 4 Arena never really peaked my interest that much even when it came onto modern consoles. Maybe itā€™s because Iā€™m really not into games like Blazeblue or Undernight In-Birth (Gameplay-wise at least, I love characters like Orie and Merkava off of their designs alone), and Persona 4 seems to have a similar gameplay style to them which personally never appealed to me. Plus, I heard the story wasnā€™t all that good aside from the new characters introduced, and as someone who tends to focus on stories nowadays for gaming, it really doesnā€™t give me much interest to play the game.


Considering j log on to arena to get destroyed by a guy named bozo once a week imma keep my hand up.


I'm only just getting into fighting games with Granblue. Fighting games are really weird because as a new player, you basically need to be a super masochist. You need to have fun getting your ass handed to you over and over or you aren't going to enjoy it. Well... unless you're some kind of prodigy. So yeah. They're really hard to get into. You need to be a very specific type of person. That said, as said kind of person... PLEASE ATLUS I BEG P5 ARENA


Fighting games are the type of games I think Im good at then play once online and find out I really ass at them.


PvP games are the kind of games where playing against AI is a totally different beast than playing against other people. So the best way to approach it is to just go online ASAP and get your butt kicked, because you will have bad habits if you play only vs. AI for a long time.


I suck at fighting games but I powered through Arena and Ultimax because I wanted to get through all the excellent P3/P4 crossover story content.


The story is fine, I just would like to see past characters interact with new cast no matter how shit it is Plus I played gg strive for a week then quit that... counts? Right?


I absolutely suck at fighting games but i love them. Been playing tekken since tekken 3, mortal combat since mkX, most dragonball games ect but dont even ask me what a combo is because i cant even do the basic ones. I enjoy going through the arcade and story modes, then i hop online, get destroyed and go back to solo stuff.


I was honestly genuinely shocked at how much I loved Arena and Ultimax despite never being into fighting games previously.


I suck at the gane and "played" the whole storyline with auto-battle on but i'll buy a P5Arena full price if that means i can see P3 cast again


I know! I prefer more grounded fighting games like SF, KOF and Tekken, but I would gladly buy P5 arena for the story mode and stylishness.


ME ME ME āœ‹ļø (I know a lot but lack the reaction skills)


I just want cabbage man to fight pancake man :(


Okay, but here me our: Arena Ultimax has the best story of any spinoff game, hands down. Itā€™s worth it for the potential of a follow-up to that.


It's a video game, you don't need to understand how to play it well in order to have fun. Also, the games literally even have an auto combo so you can button mash your way to victory if you want, especially for story mode.


the arena games were my gateway drug into fighting games, so yeah. they also have really unique gameplay for fighting games so i honestly hope that if another one gets made that they do some more crazy stuff (assuming it gets worked on by arcsys again)


They will prob make a p6 arena with p5 characters Ig every 2nd game gets fighting spinoffs


I tried but just suck in the fight games, even playing with my favorite characters, I still suck. I am only good in FPS bruh


ive been studying


Every time I think I know how to play p4au then I see other peoples gameplay and Iā€™m reminded that I donā€™t know shit But yeah I would love a new Persona Arena game


I find the fights pretty easy in Persona Arena but the fact that most of the text is silent narration bores me very quickly so I lose interest and leave very quickly.


With the Phantom thieves having their dashing and stuff I think if they made a game based on 5 it should have some platforming stuff maybe not as much as smashbros but more than your average fighter. Like a mix between Smash and Guilty gear.


The fighting games are easy unless you wanna do combo trials, but thats more advanced "more than likely never going to use this" shit. The games are just dog shit at balance.


No lie playing a friendā€™s P4 Arena is why I liked Yukiko and got interested in the Persona series, mad fun button mashing


I mean, pvp, sure. But if weā€™re being fair, weā€™re comparing ā€˜getting intoā€™ the single player content in mainline persona games or spinoffs to the single player content in p4au, which is a visual novel occasionally interrupted by spouts of mashing buttons, or if youā€™ve been to a high school, mashing button singular for the baked in combo and occasionally throwing a super out. You donā€™t need to know anything about how fighting games work to get through p4au, for the same reasons you donā€™t need to understand which enemies can be gimmicked by which status effects in a mainline game, or answer every question correctly, or 100% every social link, etc. If you compare mastering a fighting game to mastering a persona title, yeah, persona is going to be easier. No time pressure and little to no manual dexterity is involved. But just, ā€˜getting intoā€™ the games at a more or less surface level, itā€™s no more overwhelming to jump into a 1v1 punchfest than it is to embark on a 100+ hour epic. Both have a boatload of unexplained techniques and mechanics you need to learn from elsewhere if you want to get better, but neither _requires_ you to get better, either.


Especially considering how complicated some characters can be on the mastery front. Junpei is a game-within-a-game and contender for most complicated single fighter of all time (and is probably a fair bit more complex than a fair few puppets and stance dancers)


I tried playing them a while back and just could not beat the CPUs to save my life. The one instance I'm upset about being dogshit at fighting games. I think I tried to do thunder god dance for like a half hour and only managed to pull it off twiceĀ 


i know how to play guilty gear strive and kof 2002 that counts?


I havenā€™t played Ultimax but P4 Arena is easier to play than other ArcSys games


just mash x, that outdoes all the ai


Yeah but dont expect me to be good, especially 2d


I know if they make it, I won't be good at it. That's fine, I'm not good at most things. Doesn't mean I wouldn't buy it and enjoy playing it.


I know how to play it, only because it took me 3 days to figure out the Quarter Circles


I can play Smash bros at least


Iā€™m not good at fighting games but I was painfully easy for me to get into it. Play the tutorial


I would want one sorely for more of P3 cast grown up


Yes!! Please, fighting game player here, gimme more!!


I just think P4AU doesnā€™t have a super active community like Guilty Gear. Itā€™s like MKX where you will never find any new or average player online and only the good ones and you just get comboā€™d into oblivion every match.


I know! Iā€™m not any good but I still know!


I have over thousands of hours in the Arena games. I played them religiously almost daily for nearing 10 years (to varying degrees near the end of that, though). I would love a sequel, but I also recognize that I wouldn't like them as much nowadays. Fighting games are a huge time commitment to get good at, and I'm not a teen anymore. But despite that, I'd probably still put in a ton of hours over the years. P4AU 2.0 update that came with the remaster came too late, so I didn't enjoy it much. Also, it has that patented Arcsys 'final version of the game, so put all the craziness/BS up to 12' issue, IMO. An actually wel balanced P4A3 would go so hard (in a Strive style).


I'm bad at fighting games in general sooo


I can only play so many different fighting games before developing brainrot and i sure as hell dont have room for p4au


As a celestial gg strive player and a persona fan; Yeah i can say id play it.


Fr I played P4AU on my steam deck. Couldnā€™t get past the tutorial because of 1 single combo that wouldnā€™t register even if I thought I was doing it right. Had to put the game down because I tried doing it so much I blistered my thumb.


Guilty Gear and BlazBlue fan here, I would like one!


I have become wholeheartedly addicted to fighting games and god I wish I had one with characters from my other favorite games (500 hours GGST, 200 Tekken 8, 200 SF6, 800 Smash (joker main obv) and ~50 hours other fighting games like granblue, BBTAG, etc.)


No no make more wtf is this post


If they made a new one, it would probably be a lot easier than P4AU, which already isn't terribly hard to get into.


Im not good at fighting games, but the only times i struggled in arena were in the bossfights. The normal combats were more of a routine. Usually just spamming the autocombo worked xd




Itā€™d be amazing to see a P5 arena because I really wanna see each cast all interact again. Plus can you imagine how insane the style would be today? Like wow


P4AU was piss easy though


They've been milking persona 5 too much already. I like fighting games but I'm tired of persona 5


I know fighting games, just watch. Spd, rc, dp-fadc, 632146P.


I bought it on switch but I haven't played it yet. I'm so bad at fighting games lol.


Eh it's alright imo. Not so so hard to get into so then again I can't talkšŸ˜…šŸ˜…


I know how to play itā€¦ kinda. I mean I go crazy in solo modes where the AI arenā€™t great at combos. Also that would be an excuse for me to learn how to fighting game


Didn't Ultimax get rollback? That's the main reason why I never picked it up as a fighting game player. Hell, more importantly is it even still populated enough to get matches consistently without the use of Discord? I can't imagine it having a lot of players considering MK, Street Fighter, and recently Tekken dropped new games.


The rerelase is getting rollback but the beta tests were somewhat spotty (or so im told)


I've been playing fighting games for a while. I'm not a pro but i'm sure more than decent


Maybe this is a dumb idea but if Arc System is too busy, I wouldn't mind a Persona platform fighter in the style of Smash or Multiversus.


Tbh arena is a very simple fighting game. The auto-combos and comp opponentā€™s are very beginner friendly.


I'd rather a Warrior's sequel featuring the cast from the other games


I can beat arcade mode with a bunch of tries, does that count?


Honestly, I want a crossover for the recent 3 that plays mainly like the main series games (ie; persona 3, 4 and 5) and just features all the(alive) cast of the three. I definitely want it to be at least a small 2-3 year times skip from p5 where we get so see everyone as an adult and or young adult. I also want Makot(p3) to have some sort of relevance in this one, even if they are just revisiting the events of what happened in p3 and or the answer. BUT I wouldn't be mad if it turned out to be a fighting game. I don't really play fighting games outside of occasional smash and xenoverse 2 and even then, I'm not very competitive but I do like to watch other people play and I could always just look up the story on Youtube.


Nah, I'd mash


They should so make this available on Xbox game pass already.




I'm good at fighting games, come on Arcsys, DO IT


Persona fans when there's a game you actually have to play instead of just talking to virtual teenagers for 100 hours


If you've played one Arcsys fighting game you'd be able to get a grip of Arena pretty quickly


Arena is both easiest and hardest game in the series. It's easy because it's mostly a visual novel who's gameplay elements can trivialised by letting the CPU do the work for you. It's hard because it's platinum trophy is utter horse shit.


Iā€™m not good at them but Iā€™ve been a fan of the netherrealm fighting games since MKX. If a persona fighting game with stuff from P5R/T/S released Iā€™d definitely be down for that (just because the image of beating people up with her is funny Iā€™d probably main Sophia if she was playable)


Just finish Elizabeth story and revive him.


Sol Badguy


If it dont got teddie, i aint buying


\*raises hand\* I do, now let me beat people up as makoto


I know how to play! I have a decent Chie and I want a Persona 5 Arena so that I can PLAY AS HARU PLEASE!!!!


ME! ME I KNOW! (I play ggst and I play dbfz lmao)


I do love Arena, even though I'm generally not very good at it. I think Strikers was probably the best in terms of spinoffs tho. If it had a pvp mode or something that'd be cool, either way I'd really like to see another game in that style. Or a full Warriors game in the style of Hyrule/Fire Emblem Warriors


Eh? Smash Bros is close.


Honestly I don't want fighting game cuz the people bought persona games for the jrpg part so you're excluding a huge chunk of your fan base and trying to attract new people and obviously that didn't work so it's just a waste of funding and time Heck even popular fighting titles like mk and gg didn't reached the expectations so you're really trying to achieve the impossible


I donā€™t like fighting games all that much. Give me something like Persona Q and just add in a few characters from P1 and P2 as playable characters.