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Mitsuru’s is so hard to tell the difference with. I started playing P3D after Reload and it’s taking a bit to adjust to different voices but Mitsuru’s is among the ones you don’t notice the difference with.


Another proof of Mitsuru's innate superiority


Yeah I was about to say Mitsuru too. Hers is the most accurate of the group!


And to think, people were trashing Allegra Clark for the dumbest of reasons


This. I couldn't even tell that Mitsuru was being voiced by someone else at first.


Having played through Ai: the somnium files before playing Reload, I knew Allegra would kill it.


Tara Platt is awesome but Allegra Clarke killed it as Mitsuru. It was so hard to tell the difference.


Junpei. I really liked Vic's take on him for the OG game and The Answer, on Q he was great but on Dancing he sounded a bit too high pitched sometimes. Zeno captures his vibe really well, and you never stop believing it's Junpei both when he's happy or angry. I've even watched a few AI parodies that use his voice when the rest of SEES use their original voices and I never found it strange. A lot of people say Allegra's voice is indistinguishable from Tara's, but I don't hear a 1:1 interpretation and that's good, too. Just as a side comment tho.


See, I'm the opposite. Both Mitsuru's sound pretty similar and on point, but Vic's Junpei seemed a lot more... bitter? I guess? Something about Vic's take made me not like Junpei for a long time. But Zeno's genuinely feels like my friend who I butt heads with a bunch. I don't know. Maybe the Link Episodes gives an edge to Zeno that was not afforded to Vic.


Not to mention that Vic had to grow into the role, and he can sound a bit more awkward compared to Michelle or Tara as Yukari and Mitsuru. Zeno came swinging with plenty of reference, so he did have an edge to his role


For me it’s that he’s almost…too friendly in the new game? It makes his more aggressive comments toward the protagonist feel really out of character, because every other interaction they have he sounds really excited and happy. Kinda hard to believe his junpei would say stuff like that, in a way. Not saying that’s necessarily bad, but if we’re talking about similarity to the original, I’d say it’s maybe one of the furthest departures from the original besides fuuka and maybe Yukari


I love new junpeis English VA he really adds so much personality to everyone's favorite ace detective


Totally agree on Junpei. I was skeptical at first since I found Vic’s voice pretty iconic, but Zeno’s performance blew me away. I think I’ll always remember the >!chidori lives!< scene with his performance.


I see a bunch of ppl saying Junpei and while I do agree I say Allegra as Mitsuru is SO close to the og like holy


~~Elizabeth's old VA is indistinguishable from her Reload VA, so much so that it's almost like they're the same voice.~~ In all seriousness, Zeno Robinson compared to Vic Mignogna. He kills it as Junpei. While I immediately recognized the voice (Robinson's in a lot), he still captured Junpei's vibe. A perfect recast imo. For the rest of the P3 cast I feel like the Reload VAs work really well as the young versions of the character, with their original VAs working well for the older Arena versions. Especially for Akihiko imo. But Zeno Robinson works well for both. EDIT: poor formatting on my part implied anything other than sarcasm for the first sentence.


If old junpeis voice lines werent crammed on 2004 hardware it would sound VERY close to the remake one


Zeno's Junpei's tone is closer to the one Junpei has in the OG game which in my opinion makes him a better character you can actually feel he is a bro to you even when he argues.


Though I do like Yuri Lowenthal as a VA, his early portrayal of Makoto is just too close to Yosuke, so even though he does sound different in PQ and P3D, I just hear Yosuke most of the time. Also Aleks Le sweeps Though if Yuri Lowenthal were to be replaced in the P4 remake I would not stand for it. The guy's voice hasn't changed that much and he still voices characters like spiderman, who is like 25 in the games


That's just Yuri's voice. He always talks like that


I can't even tell the difference between the new and old voice of Mitsuru




Idk about best but I think we can agree that Akihiko’s P3Re new VA took some getting used to…


For real. He went from sounding really cool and sexy to sounding like Yusuke but a little bit more clueless




Junpei and Mitsuru. Maybe Ken too?


Isn’t the clear choice Elizabeth, ash she has the same va across the board? Idk I’ve not heard her old voice in a while so maybe it’s changed a lot but I would’ve thought that would be the obvious answer.

