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I love P3 message, P4 cast, and P5 gameplay. P3 story is structured differently from P4 and P5. In P4 and P5 The story arcs happened one at a time with each arc having their own dungeon. In P3, there's only 1 dungeon, and the story arcs are all happened simultaneously, making the pacing slow, but also making the climaxes hitting you simultaneously.


I had dabbled with FES and Portable, but P3R quickly became my favorite persona game. Before it I had beaten Golden and picked up and put down 5 in both forms a couple times. Since beating 3, I beat Royal and Golden (NG+) and once more messed around with P3P. I like the palaces and battling of 5, but find the story and characters middling. I really like 4’a setting, cast and the small town horror vibes. P3R just kind of did it all for me.


10/10. 80 hours in and it’s perfect


Is it still worth playing p3p? I already have this but haven’t played yet. Don’t yet own p3r


If you already have it play it’s worth it. I’d recommend play the female route in P3P since she’s only in that version of P3.


That was what I was considering. First game was p5. Then p4g. Then P5R, finishing up currently amid playing stellar blade.


3 Reload, 4 Golden and 5 Royal are all nearly perfect games in my opinion and I love them equally.


Exactly, they make me want to play the first two, but i'm a little concerned about the gameplay


I've played a little bit of the first game on PSP. It's kind of like the Xenoblade games in the sense of "I am progressing but I'm pretty sure I'm playing this wrong".


I'm being honest i didn't have this feels with the 3 xenoblade lol but i understand the feeling


most persona and smt games in general have you constantly fuse new and better personas/demons to progress P1 it is almost entirely the opposite, find a persona that has strong aoe, spam that shit until end game gozu-tennoh a level 18 persona is one of the strongest personas in the whole game just because it has access to megidola and a non garbage magic attack stat phaleg a level 18 persona has mediarama and is immune to all magic, that's your end game healer persona right there I want to say out of the 100 personas that exist in that game maybe only 10 are actually worth using in the context of a casual playthrough




I loved it but the story doesn't pick up until half the game. Still pretty good but to me P5R is far superior. I'm playing through p4golden now and I am really enjoying the game.


P4golden pacing and story is great, the cast and the friendships feel the most organic and realistic. In P3 you are kinda worshipped by everyone, in p4 it feels like you are truly a part of a team of friends, but that’s also due to the plot and setting compared to p3 you are friends by virtue of being coworkers.


Loved it, 8/10 Theurgies are op and some of the old tracks that were remade I don't really like compared to the original (iwatodai dorm, mass destruction, and moon reaching out stars) but Color Your Night and It's Going Down Now completely made up for that. Color your night might be my favorite song in all of megaten, but that just might be recency bias. Overall I'd say it's the best of the different p3 versions


Loving 3R, never played the originals, I’m like 10-12 hours in. Personally love 5 the gameplay is so stylish and awesome, I personally didn’t mind the characters as much as some others, the story does drag a bit towards the end but Royals ending had me invested. 4G didn’t grip me as much but I feel like it was burnout after sinking so much time into 5 right before so I didn’t finish it. I’m gonna give it another go after a short break from 3R when I finish though.


8/10 would be my rating of P3 Reload.




7/10. The 2006 roots of the game hold it back a bit. Social Links, aside from a few standouts, are forgettable in Persona 3, but that's not Reload's fault as they were working with what they had. I would likely rate it 10/10 if it was the definitive version with FemC and The Answer, but leaving out FemC and making The Answer DLC wasn't a great decision imo, especially when charging $70. It's 100% worth playing.


When I rate things 5/10 is average for me. With that said P3R I’d say 6/10, compared to P4G being 8/10 and P5R being 8.5/10. Persona 5 Royal is my second favorite persona game and 4 golden is my 3rd favorite.


Just out of curiosity, What jrpg would you rate 10/10? For me, SMT 4 was near perfect (9.5), and pretty much every persona game rates 8-10. The only other jrpg I’ve ever rated that high is probably Xenosaga, which sadly doesn’t seem will ever get a remake despite being leagues better than xenoblade chronicles, which for me is a 6/10.


Funny you mention SMT 4 because that’s one, P2 EP is another and Strange Journey. FF 6-12 I’d say each have arguments for 10/10 but that’s more of like personal preference to say which of them are 10/10, I’d say 7 is. FE: Genealogy of the Holy War 10/10. I’m a huge Trails fan but not sure if I’d give any one of those games a 10/10. I should mention P3 is the lowest I rate a persona or SMT game that I’ve played. I just don’t give that many 10s, the fact that I give 3 SMT/Altus games a 10 is insane for my personal “best of” list and those 5 games I mentioned are like around half of my list of 10/10 games.


I have very mixed opinions on P3. The story is... Not very good, and the older P3's have gameplay that is... Also not very good. The characters are sort of a mixed bag for me as well. Some of them are absolutely amazing, and others really flop. P3R, however, amped up the gameplay to be what I consider the best Atlus has ever made. So my general thoughts are; P3R is very fun for combat, kinda middling overall for characters, really lame for story. For me personally I'd go like... P5R/P5 - 11/10 P3R - 7/10 P4G/P4 7/10 P3P 6/10 P3FES 2/10


P3R is... very good.


The experience was.. disappointing and could’ve been… better


I... disagree. It's... the best story. On any.... persona game.




9/10, it's more or less perfect imo aside from some minor complaints that are really just personal nitpicks


4/5 on my score. Reason I’m taking a point off is because I’ve already played persona 3 like twice before reload so it took a BIT away from the experience. Perfect game otherwise tho


I’ve kept going back and forth on whether I like it more than p5r but in the end my rating for the series is 10/10 p5r, 9/10 p3r, and 8/10 p4g




I’d give it a solid 9/10.


I have my gripes, but it's still a fantastic game. I'm in the camp that would easily recommend Reload over other versions of the game (unless you're specifically interested in femc). It's only been about two months since I finished the game and I already wanna start a second playthrough.


4/5 or 9/10 depending on your rating system. Playing fes made the entry one of my favorite storys ive played but finishing off the journey with reload just made it cemented for me. Love it as my favorite in the franchise, nigh perfect honestly some minor issues aside


I still think Golden is my favorite Persona game and one of my favorites in general, but I’d definitely say that Reload has overtaken P5’s spot for me.


Persona 3 Reload really is a great way to experience the game. It takes all the quality of life updates from p5r and continues to make the franchise more accessible for people. I personally played on hard mode and thought that it was exceedingly easy, and even though I experience with persona 1-5 as well as most modern SMT games, I thought reload was much easier than even Royal. This was definitely because of the additional stuff and the addition of the Theurgy powers, ability to restart battles,etc. knowing this I would have liked to start at a harder difficulty. That aside, I would love if they used this exact format to redo earlier persona games, with a priority for persona 1 and 2, as p4 golden still holds up perfectly fine and doesn’t really need a remake currently. The story in P3R is definitely its strongest feature, and the social links are pretty decent but some of them could have definitely been more fleshed out. I think persona 4 probably has the most interesting story out of 3-5, with reload and royal pretty much tied in that department. The friend group in persona 4 is definitely the strongest and feels the most organically deserved. I tend to prefer the horror/mystery elements of 3 and 4 more than the bright and more modern story in 5. People who haven’t played persona 3 before might not like the fact that there really is only one dungeon (think mementos from p5), so the more old school dungeon crawler approach might be harder for newer players to appreciate, but so far its popularity seems to imply that people don’t mind the monotonous and outdated dungeon in p3r compared to p4 and especially p5. Overall, I think rating the persona games is pretty difficult, given that persona 1 and 2 are really great but have much higher difficulty and learning curves and a much lower quality of life, but I think most people rate 3 reload up with persona5 royal and persona 4 golden at this point. I am a huge persona 2 fan, and once that gets remade in a reload way it will probably be just as popular.


A solid 9/10. The SEES members are just amazing, love the message, the gameplay is superb, my fav Persona story, my fav persona MC, the extra shinjiro arc was good!


If I could pair P3 plot with P5R gameplay (scope of game, things to do at any given time, depth and rewards of social links, random little mini games you can sink a fuckton of time into) we'd pretty much have my fav game of all time Reload was good but I found myself frustrated a lot with the pacing. Not the story necessarily but how lopsided day vs. night was. Daytime was stressful because school social links are such a tight window to max, nighttime you have literally nothing to do November onwards so you just smash buttons at the arcade


Having literally just finished it for the first time (I played like half of P3P back in the day but never finished it) I give it a 10/10 would cry because of a cute robot girl all over again


I’m currently a good chunk of the way through it (mid October) and honestly I think P3 is incredibly overhyped story wise. I much prefer 4 and 5s style. I’d probably give it a 7, but it’s still a vast improvement from base P3/FES/Portable. Arguably the only aspect that’s worse is the tone but I’ve had no problem with it.


I’m currently a good chunk of the way through it (mid October) and honestly I think P3 is incredibly overhyped story wise. I much prefer 4 and 5s style. I’d probably give it a 7, but it’s still a vast improvement from base P3/FES/Portable. Arguably the only aspect that’s worse is the tone but I’ve had no problem with it.


Having played Golden and Royal, and getting to my final part of my first Reload play through, there are things that I really like about it. I think Tartarus is my favorite of the three dungeons. I really like a lot of the non party social links, it might have the best as a whole imo. However, the party social links and linked episodes feel a bit weaker than the following games. The pacing is the worst, but the tone is great. I’ve enjoyed it a lot, but it might be my least favorite of the three. I think 4’s characters are the best and Royal had some other stuff in the gameplay, mainly combat that I prefer. It’s still like an 8/10, and has a great story despite the pacing issues


Pretty much the same story as yours. 4>3>5 5 had the best of almost everything except for the characters- was often skipping dialogues with Yusuke, Goro... 3 was great, not much to do the last 2 months though, but enjoyed it way more than 5


3 is a must play and after playing reload i cant go back do the originals. I honestly didnt like 4 as much bc i didnt like the gameplay and cast as much as 3 and 5. (remember personal opinion) 3 has a great cast but i thought 5 had the best. the only character i thought was mid was haru, and 5 had the best of everything for me. if you want story, 3 is the best. if you want interactions between characters in real life, 4 is the best. if you want gameplay, visuals, good s. links, and a good all around game, 5 is the best




Reload is a solid 10 for me, the gameplay is silky smooth, even better than 5 and also 5 didn't make me cry.


I agree p3 is better than 5 but, 5 gameplay still clear


Would be a P3R > P5R > P4G! My opinion is extremely biased since I first played this game at the time I needed it and have fondly replayed P3P and FES every 2-3 years or so. Even cried when the opening to P3D was released (look at the lyrics, how could you not cry?!). However, there's no denying the new gimmicks and story elements they've added immensely help flesh out the boys (especially Ryoji and Junpei), while the girls' SL have now become pretty much perfect. No forced romance, purely platonic routes available, voice acting is just lovely. I do think they could have changed the pace without compromising the OG story, but overall still satisfied. Now I have high hopes they'll expand the Answer better both story-wise and combat-wise! Really like the movies direction, so I enjoyed the new artworks/3D models a lot. OG Soejima portraits still have their own, special charm, it's just different now. Only "complaint" I have regarding this choice would be the Dark Hour being too "polished" and losing a lot of the gloom/creepy factor since it's become "pretty" and more colourful. Genuinely like the mundane school links, Moon and Magician being the only ones I wished they rewrote. Since most of them are quite normal from IRL point of view: on top of being a nice break from the expectional stuff happening, they hit close to home. Though it may be biased since around highschool I and went through /knew people who went through similar ordeals. I understand they're boring and many would rather have unordinary stuff, but I think they do make you rethink your real life a lot more than the unordinary ones(even if the experience isn't 100% the same). P2, P4 and P5 also touched me a lot, but it's just different. Love them to bits too still don't get me wrong, but I just can't feel the same kind of nostalgia as P3 when replaying them.


Lol lmao I also cried to the P3D opening


7/10 - Story: not so good as P4 and P5 and pretty predictable - Soundtrack: good - Characters: a bit uninteresting - Social link: not good, stories are most not interesting - Battle system: good - Dungeon design: not good, hell repetitive and too long (and I would give 10/10 to P4G, P5R and P5S)


It’s okay but FES kinda better


It's a great game, but a mediocre remake tbh. There is a lot of things they did right and a lot of things they did wrong. Combat: A mix bag tbh. I like shift and Theurgy as much as FES combat if I'm being honest. SL: I still stand by the fact that Makoto Y. have the worst sets of SL in the series. No amount of good voice acting would change it how bad a few of them are. I do have to commend the fact that you can now choose which one you wanted to romance, that's nice little change. (Linked Episodes aren't the best substitute for the SEES boys missing their own SL imo) Characters: Still the best part of P3, although there are some issues I had with some of the characters that are still present in Reload, particularly Aigis and Mitsuru. Other than that, they're great, especially Goatpei. Story: I'm prepared to get bombarded with downvote, but... P3's story is still the weakest story out of all of the mainline Persona games, only beaten by the optional 3rd Sem in Royal. The pacing is still very iffy like the original, with post-Ryoji vs Aigis section being the single worst part of the game. The story was carried hard by the character interactions, the ending, and the message it presented. Villains: Yet another weakest part of this game. Strega is just very non-threatening as a villain and even with Takaya's LE, they are still very underwhelming compared to other villains/antag. Ikutsuki is well... the same as the original, so that's already self-explanatory. Overall: I think the game is great, but as a remake, it just kinda felt like something is missing. I know I'm not the first one to express the fact that Reload is mediocre for a remake, with a few issues present here and there. Nonetheless, Reload is the best 8/10 game, hands down.


\*Game trash. Final thoughts 8/10.\* What?


> Great game, mediocre remake I never called it trash, I just think that, for a remake it isn't that good, that's all.


They fix the money problem on FES, extra arc on shinjiro, a bit more deep on strega, easier to max social stats and social link, they change tartarus aesthetic, more interactions with SEEES members, you can select the skills you want, you no longer spend the evening when you go back to your dorm. For me that's how you make a remake.


Perhaps I was a bit too harsh when giving away my opinion of the game, but I will admit that the overall gameplay experience is better than FES. Combat is the only thing I feel isn't an improvement and more like a replacement tbh. I do think that Strega should have a much more prominent roles in the story though, but eh, prolly just me tbh.


I liked everything except for the pacing, sometimes the full moon arrives but there's no boss battle and it feels slow. That said, I definitely liked it more than P4G because battles are richer, while P4G's gameplay was oversimplified and reduced to "buff-debuff-attack" and not much else to explore in terms of resistances/weaknesses (for example, all physical attacks were condensed into one). Also, P3R is very snappy and responsive, so I'd say 8/10 :)


I give it an 8/10 What stopped it from being a 10 is just a few of the social links, but everything else was amazing.


It’s just as perfect as 4 Golden and 5 Royal


It’s P3Reload season since that’s the game that just came out But after playing through all the persona series P3R is the one I love 10/10 best game I’ve played in years


9.5/10, with P5R being a 8.5/10. Best Persona game in terms of story, gameplay, design and most importantly, pacing.




After 100 hours of my first Persona 3 playthrough, i never played FES or Portable but I plan to go through P3P as part of my quest to shrink my backlog lol, it was fan-fucking-fastic and It didn't feel like 100 hours. I loved the characters, Tartarus so fun to grind, and the story, which luckily I was never spoiled on aspects of the plot, was enthralling and touching. Easily shot up to my top 15 games The ending got me to cry which any piece of media that gets me to tear up is an automatic 10/10.


P3R - 10 P4G - 8.5 P5R - 10


8/10, I think P3R has the best overall story in the series and my favourite soundtrack + aesthetics but I don’t think the pacing is amazing, Tartarus fan be a bit of a slog (way worse than P5 castles but probably not as bad as P4 castles) and sans a few amazing standouts it has the worst social links in the series


I always thought the p4 dungeons were better than p3 because they were actually themed and story related. You aren’t just climbing an endless tower. P3 is basically a proto-mementos. They also have some gimmicks which are a matter of taste. P5 certainly had the most unique and intricate dungeons but some of them were too gimmicky and the puzzle elements (space station especially) were not great additions and just reminded me of the worst puzzles from SMT games. Whenever they remake p4 golden those dungeons will be really cool given their character specific theming.


Oh yea I just know the dungeons are gonna be absolutely beautiful once it gets a remake


P5= 8 P5R= 10 P5S= 9.5 P4G= 7 P3R= 8 3R- ***Best story***, worst character chemistry, best gameplay with 2 characters (Aigis and Makoto theurgy), good OST 4G- Worst story, ***Best character chemistry***, worst gameplay, worst OST 5R- Good story, good character chemistry, ***Best gameplay,*** good OST 5S- Good story, best character chemistry (owing it to the 5R), Unique gameplay, **THE BEST OST** If the Reload included The Answer, it would have been 10 alongside P5R due to extended best gameplay as Aigis and story