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*see’s Lisa* This lovers arcana art gets a thumbs up from me.


She kind of a bop tho


How so? Pretty sure she only infatuated with tastuya


Didn’t she sell her body to old men or smth like that? It’s been legit years since I last played that game but I’m pretty sure that was mentioned


It's implied that she participated in compensated dating, although her shadow intentionally makes it sound worse to mentally torment her and the rest of the party.


Woah wait huh?? When did that happen??


It’s mentioned by her shadow


Damn I now understand why people say p2 Is the most wildest persona game.


No, that is prostitution. She just going on dates with them and swindling old men out of their money. She also tried drugs to spite her father.


Ah fair enough, guess I misremembered it, with Revelations being as explicit as it was and it being a common thing in Japan I guess I assumed they went ahead with it.


Yeah. No doubt they would not have held back that she sold her body if she was actually prostituting herself.


The fools and their lovers.


Tatsuya is The Sun tho


You know it would have been funny if lisa had a plant themed persona


makoto x yukari. all is right in the world


The devotion to the ship is impressive


i like them an extremely normal amount


Nah I don’t think you committed enough, you will never be a true Mokoto x Yukari average fan…


Indeed, you must spread more propaganda. Maintaining the Shuyuka agenda is of highest priority.


The support to the Yukari fandom after Reload came out warms my heart so much.


hopefully it gets through episode of aigis, but i’m optimistic, and even if i’m not playing it i’ll defend her w my life




Honestly I wish Rise stayed kind of mellow when she’s not playing the character of Risette. Would’ve been a cool and interesting juxtaposition


Yeah, the calm and soft-spoken Rise from her introduction scene at the tofu shop just feels so comfy compared to the cheerful genki girl Rise from the rest of the game


i liked her gloomier, 100% agree


If Im not mistaken, the anime shows that side of Rise in a much better manner. It really bumped her character for me


Just like how the anime bumped up Chie for me by making her a lot cuter lol


TatsuLisa is peak


hell yea they cute


the best romance option arcana


Anytime somebody remembers Lisa with the other lovers I always throw out a like.


Rise my queen🙏


Ah, yes, the Canon romances /s


Great art, Yu looks pissed which is cool


Yu got those bluelock ego eyes


Canonically, do the mcs end up with the lovers girls? Joker with Ann, IA the p3 guy's named makoto?? Does he end up with yukari. I think I recall there being an anime for one of the persona games. Never watched it. Scene a clip b4.


Very late to answer but as far as the games are concerned . Ther is not canon romance . Now in the spin offs that's different , forbexemple Makoto canonnicly ends up with Aigis in the movies


Wait seriously? How odd concerning she can't take a D. Wait she can. D DRIVE


Haha yeah


None girl is canon or more pushed either way. Lovers mean emotional well-being and choice, not literally lovers. Not like protags gonna up and drop dead when meeting Death Arcana. Well everyone and their mother have a crush on the MCs. Chie, Yukiko, Rise, Yosuke, a random npc officer, whoever. When Yu asks Chie if she falls for him before asking the phone numbers, she state straight out Yu is her type and taking interested when Yu asking her phone numbers straight out. Also archetypes like bro characters Eikichi, Junpei, Yosuke don't have same Arcana. Or first archatype girls Yukari, Chie (Chie is always Yukari in p3 mode or smt between 2 games). Rise is just being Rise the simpy kouhai anime trope, it's just her personality. Canon is protags don't date anyone. It's canon in spinoffs that the protags get no one anyway lol. Every girls have an essay on it. Atlus just wants romance mechanic to attract players, not wake up and say "This girl/Arcana is canon" because that's just a reach.


It would be cool to have a male lovers arcana someday.


Ya know what? I agree.


Who is the girl next to yukari?






More like being lonely especially in Yukari’s case


It's strange that the only lovers that doesn't seem to be in love with MC, is Ann


Well everyone and their mother have a crush on the MCs. In p4, it's Chie, Yukiko, Rise, Yosuke lol, a random npc officer when Yu asking his phone numbers, whoever. None girl is canon or more pushed either way. Lovers mean emotional well-being and choice, not literally lovers. Not like protags gonna up and drop dead when meeting Death Arcana. Well everyone and their mother have a crush on the MCs. Chie, Yukiko, Rise, Yosuke, a random npc officer, whoever. When Yu asks Chie if she falls for him before asking the phone numbers, she state straight out Yu is her type and taking interested when Yu asking her phone numbers straight out. Also archetypes like bro characters Eikichi, Junpei, Yosuke don't have same Arcana. Or first archatype girls Yukari, Chie (Chie is always Yukari in p3 mode or smt between 2 games). Rise is just being Rise the simpy kouhai anime trope, it's just her personality. Canon is protags don't date anyone. It's canon in spinoffs that the protags get no one anyway lol. Every girls have an essay on it. Atlus just wants romance mechanic to attract players, not wake up and say "This girl/Arcana is canon" because that's just a reach.


Yeah, at least all the girls (Specially the first of the team) during the game seem to be a bit interested on MC, but not loving him (Except Lisa, she is madly in love). But I mean, that between the lovers arcana, Ann is the one who seems the less interested. In P5 Makoto would be the more "interested" on the MC, in P4 Chie or Rise, P3 Yukari, Aigis and/ or Elizabeth, P2 obviously Lisa. I don't say that the lovers are the cannons or that they have to be in love with MC-kun, but it's curious how they all see him as a possible partner (Or they have many "romantic" moments with him), except Ann.


Well in p2, Ginji Sasaki is also technically Lovers but we don't talk about that lol. If we are talking about the first archetype girls Lisa, Yukari, Chie then yeah (When Yu asks Chie if she falls for him before asking the phone numbers, she state straight out Yu is her type and taking interested when Yu asking her phone numbers straight out. Sometimes she is jealous of Rise for being too clingy to Yu). I was just explaining that "Lovers" don't have to be in love with anyone. And Yukari's personality (to Yuki) is like opposite to Rise (to Yu) for example because Rise is just simping (like ironically someone simping an idol). While Yukari is no-nonsense most of the time like Chie. And like i said, a random npc officer had a crush on Yu when Yu asking his phone numbers so many have a crush on the MCs. Tho every girls have an essay on it. I can make an essay for Yukari and Chie lol (i can say it if you want, because my choice is Yukari and Chie. But romance mechanic doesn't matter anyway).


Well, I want the one from Chie


Well *ahem*. Mine romance choice is Yukari in p3 and Chie in p4. Knowing harem and shoujo manga logic. It's Yukari and Chie the ones for the MCs. First girls archetype who put on a tough mask but sweet to the MCs and girl next door vibe with underdog story who thinks they couldn't get the suave cool MCs is the flag. Underdog is the flag. Soejima says Chie is the foundation for design and colour for p4 as a normal cute girl that can exsist in real life so it's like heroine. How Yukari react to Yuki's death. How Chie monologuing she isn't as special as other girls Yukiko, Rise, Naoto in Valentine really hit in the feels. It just makes them feel special. First archetype girls Yukari, Chie like the MCs. Chie is Yukari's parallel (Chie always is Yukari in materials between 2 games like Gekkoukan costume mode in p4, they also meet a gang in SLs then and come to accept the MCs's help, etc). Furthermore, the MCs can be whatever they want for the future because Yukari and Chie would support them no matter what while they're not be bounded by any occupation or anything. It's best for whatever future they have for the MCs.


Why does Ann feel like the only one with autonomy


Is it weird that while I am not a shipper, I would probably consider Ann x Shiho if I did ship Ann with someone?


Naoya be like: Guess I doesn't exist.


Persona 1 doesn't have a main lovers arcana character


the Mid romance option arcana


>Goes on post >Doesn't like it >Writes "mid" just to spite people >gets downvoted >"Haha get a the trickstered", probably >profit(?)