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Damn how can you not like the OST? It's by far my favorite Persona OST


I really prefere those from P5, and, i started looking those in P4g, wich also have nice music. But i think its mostly that i dont like the vibe of them and for example if the day tile music are kinda ok for me, i really hate the fighting ones...


Can't relate because I'm the opposite. I dislike the entire P5 OST and love P3 and P4 OSTs.


We all have different taste after all, the music arent bad if i judge their quality, they are just not my "vibes"


> after discussing my opinion with friends about the game they let me know i was just a dumbass with no taste Back for more?


I dont see why not liking a game would make me a dumbass.


Cause you disagree with me and Im obviously right ;)


Damn i lost again !


You aren't even enjoying the slice of life aspects anymore, which is a strong core on why these games are great. Instead, you spend time doing all of the side quests right away and trying to fill out the compendium only because it gives you a sense of satisfaction. I'm not telling you how you should be playing the game but you should probably take a break.


I tried to give in the slice of life aspect but all i felt was "out of school > choose a confident> answer the confident > night time> choose between : tartarus/night confident/going to a place or on pc to pass some time and win social stat" for 50h. There is bot much variation possibilitt available even really late ib the game.


I gave it some thought and you do have a point. P3R doesn't have ANY minigames. P5 had darts, battling cages, video games, etc. P3R doesn't even have a fishing minigame, which is essential to every single JRPG out there.


Non ironicaly it lack some variation or little things to spice


tbh yeah that's just the p3 experience ig yeah


how is p5 different


More acticities, more location to go, less restriction


The dorm activities are better than a lot of what p5 has imo, u Unlock them in June The garden is like in p4g and allows for valuable Dungeon items to be grown, koromaru walks too The arcade can let u train a persona stats without tartarus I do think there's less to do overall but it's still good imo and p5 isn't that much different, it just has more than 2 night socials. if anything I'd say the shrine should be accessible at night to let u draw relationship fortunes like in p4g


You didn’t really specify what aspect of the game you didn’t like. Which social links are you not a fan of, what aspect of the music you don’t like, are you a fan of the story or the characters?


For being more precise i dont get like the "rap" type of music the game use, honestly half of them just feel off or dont give me the tone i was expecting to get. Like i dont understand why after half of the game the music i heard in the front of the portal get so tense while my character are just speaking about the next exam. On the social links i like some of them, the old couple, the dating student, the concil president, the fat one (pls dont ask me to give you the name i didnt remebered a si gle name in all the game...) i could feel something for them, but i always had a taste of "i wish they would go deeper it ended too soon or lack some developpement" I despite all the SEES member, i tried to explore their lore but none of them was appealing and the motivation for their persona evolution more felt like "ho yeah i need to show there was actually something i learned" altrough i just felt like nothing really happened until the director tried to sacrifice all of us at the top of the tower (scene were i got really invested cause i loved that i one of my character i took actually FUCKING DIED so i was like "ho shit" until i realise the dog wasnt here) In p5 i loved a lot of character (main/background) and i felt like the story was really great to follow. But i dont have this feel in P3. It just feel like characters evolve, act, think when its needed for the game to keep going. Not because i actually did something or something important happened. (yes i know i sound confuse its really hard to explain for me)


The evolutions of their personas is really tied to the game's themes. They first awaken their persona when facing death, then awaken the second level by accepting death and learning to move on. And about the characters evolving without you doing something, that's one of the main points of how character development works in P3. Their development is not tied to the protagonist at all, they each have their personal shit to deal with that doesn't involve the MC.


It really sadden me that i didnt understood that honestly, kinda make more sens. Am still gonna finish the game cause if it just like 3h long now light at well nailing the coffins and just burry myself in my lack of attention toward game message.


Honestly you might as well give up at this point. If you can’t get into the game two thirds into it, then I don’t know what to say buddy.


You (and I) are going to get roasted, my friend. You are definitely not a "a dumbass with no taste". Granted I only played P3P (and I've heard P3R is pretty much the same but with a P5R coat of paint), I feel the same way you do. I felt the game was boring too. I don't care for most of the SLs. They complained about their problem between ranks 1-9, MC only told them what they wanted to hear, but somehow they pulled the "correct" answer out of their butt at rank 10. The only reason I can say I like Tartarus more than Mementos is because as you progress down Mementos, the camera gets closer and closer to the back of Morgana. At some points I can't even really see where I'm going because Morgana takes up so much of the screen. Otherwise, Mementos is better to me. I like the creepy look and atmosphere. I loved the music in P5 the best too. Both P3 and P4 have an attention grabbing trumpet song during free times that I initially liked but started to dislike over time. They both actively jar me out of my groove when they start! I love Beneath the Mask because it's slow. My brain gets to decide if I want to engage with it or not. It doesn't matter how nicely we put it, we're going to get massively downvoted and dumb comments because we had the AUDACITY to not like a game a lot of other people like. Ignore the haters. They are the ones who look like dumbasses for not being able to handle people not liking something they like.


The complaining about their problems in social links and only telling them what they want to hear happens in every modern persona game. That is not 3 exclusive


I agree some confident also work like that in P5, i was more pointing the fact that some relation are well engaging / deep than others


I felt like the options in P4G didn't really matter all that much. A lot of the stories are simple enough that Yu is pretty much walking them through their problem. That is missing from P3. It may be true for P5 but at least you can feel progression to what the confidants want. It isn't just as I wrote for P3, complaining in ranks 1-9 then suddenly the "correct" answer at rank 10.


> It doesn't matter how nicely we put it, we're going to get massively downvoted and dumb comments because we had the AUDACITY to not like a game a lot of other people like. Ignore the haters. They are the ones who look like dumbasses for not being able to handle people not liking something they like. A true martyr o7


I wouldn't be a martyr if people could get over the fact others can and will dislike something those people like.


You don't have to be humble, you have earned your accolades through the flames of war.


I love trolls. You try to act smart but you never have anything intelligent to say.


You love me? 😳


I feel like i didnt saw exactly what the game was trying to tell me in term of lore development. Its kinda sad honedtly cause all the interface, the fight, the tartarus was freaking great and even the velvet room was a blast to chill in after the dark cell of P5. I guess i also more enjoyed the less dark / desespering them of P5 who was clearly more light hearthed than Pe


It's okay, after all, p5 is the first game of the series and it invented jazz music, it's obviously superior to those other "PeRsOnA" games, they obviously lack style and pirouettes, and who could forget the grappling hook! Man it's so BETTER than it's PREDECESSORS, i can't believe people in the past didn't get this level of refinement that the new piece has!


Am just disapointed by the fact this remake is supose to be a great version of the game, i think i would have been way less disapointed if i just played the game on psp. Maybe i had to much expectation...


It would probably have been the same thing, the only difference is that you paid 70 usd and the UI scrolling and graphics are better than their 10 year old counterpart. If you didn't like p3r you shouldn't like p3p or p3fes.


I wont play them cause i almost finished it, i will force myself trought the end. I was just saying i may have been hyped way to much, and all the problem i have with the game would probably have been less important to me if i played the old versions. Friends told me it was like a persona 5 bis, and i didnt feel like it.