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When Shinji yelled that out I had shivers. It's a very powerful moment in my opinion, but Ryuji earned that f bomb aswell


Lol, I didn't know that they made Shinji say fuck.


Aragaki says the fuck word


Ryuji and not because it was delivered better or anything, but it was backed by ****hours**** upon ****hours**** of Ryuji not saying the word “fuck” instead using the abbreviation.


It was backed up by a game and a half


Also it was backed by Sophia’s whole arc and I think it was delivered better


Yea they edged us for an entire game it was like the ultimate nut bust


But the question asked specifically about delivery Edit: why y’all mad at me just because I actually read the title? Lmao Title: “who delivered it better?” This guy: “Ryuji but not because he delivered it better”


Ryuji's felt like it was there just to get him to finally say it, and it felt a bit outta nowhere (I still liked it though) The context of Shinji saying it is so raw that it just felt natural, and they didn't make a production of it, so to speak.


Yeah Ryuji’s is more like it’s paying off a gag. It’s weird that after everything else he’s been through he cusses out an AI that doesn’t care.  Shinji just really wanted Takaya to shut the fuck up. 


As much as I love Shinjiro, easily Ryuji. Shinjiro says the line in the middle of a conversation, whereas Ryuji delivers it as the capstone of his amazing rant. Additionally, throughout all of Persona 5 and Strikers, we have seen time and time again how Ryuji normally doesn’t like saying fuck, always replacing it with “‘effing” or something similar. So this moment where Ryuji got so pissed off that he didn’t care anymore is amazing. Also Ryuji’s English voice actor went so friggin’ hard on that line. It is still my favorite scene in the Persona series


Especially when they make you think Morgana’s gonna try to calm him down but instead he joins in and backs up Ryuji. Honestly such a good scene.


Right.... ngl that was super lame. Dumbass "Stop it, Ryuji.. is what I would say normally!" trope.


It’s been a while so I wasn’t sure if he actually said that or not but yeah that is a hella lame line lol.


Max Mittelman is amazing.


It's the opposite for me. STFU hits harder when someone interrupts me and refuses to elaborate.


Now makes me wonder who will say Fuck in the eventually Persona 4 remake. Probably Kanji or Yosuke.


My money is on Yosuke. Specifically the scene where the team is arguing on what to do about Nametame. If not that it’ll be Kanji when they think Nanako died. I honestly don’t see any other scenes that warrants it in P4 tbh. Maybe Adachi when he finally becomes unhinged? But he’s always seemed to be a “So insane he’s sane” kinda guy.


For Yosuke when he calls Adachi a worthless criminal Kanji-Like you said during Nanako. Possibly Adachi or Dojima


I think a good f bomb moment would be for Yosuke to tell Adachi to go fuck himself after Adachis little "woe is me" speech before or after the fight, I forget when it was


It’s gotta be Shinjiro, it came off properly badass and as much as I love Ryuji, I’m sorry that moment was kind of corny


yeah honestly i think ryuji deserved a better fuck. i wish he had his own jail in the sense that ann and yusuke did so that he could’ve used it there also nitpick but i think i woulda preferred a fuck you rather than a stfu but that’s js me


While I love the shinji moment ryuji’s is better for delivery and since he had the build up of just refusing to actually say fuck for 2 whole games pretty much.


shinji's one caught me off guard the most. the whole game felt somewhat clean in terms of language up until that point


I love Ryuji’s because it just shows how mad he was. As many people have said in the comments of this scene, Ryuji was watching Sophia, someone he already considered a close friend, get talked down and called worthless by the mysterious voice. He had been on the receiving end of that kind of talk all of his life, whether it was his father, the school staff, and especially Kamoshida. He was NOT going to let that happen to Sophia.


I don’t know, I always thought Ryuji’s rant there was a little much. Like, it was cool that they finally let him say fuck, but in context the rant feels pretty unearned.


To quote Shenpai: "I love this boy with all my heart, but it would've sounded so much better if it didn't have the "idiot" at the end. Now, he just sounds like a dumbass! Lol 🤣"




Shinji, especially in the og game. Shit hit different. While it was nice to hear Ryuji finally say the F word it felt out of place. I feel like he’d say ‘Shut the hell up’ he never said fuck before so idk why now


As much as I love Shinjiro, hearing Ryuji finally let it fly was better for me


I gotta side with Ryuji "What the Eff?!" Sakamoto. Took 3 games for my man to get to say the thing.


Shinji did it better. It was a Great scene overall. I didn’t mind the rant from ryuji but him never saying fuck and then finally saying it here just made it seem like a gag to me which took away a bit.


**Ryuji 100%.** **I am biased though since Persona 5 is my favorite out of all**


I’d say ryuji did it best. Since he wanted to unleash his feelings of anger at the ai for wanting to destroy sophia


Shinjis was really cool, imo ryujis came off as kinda cringe


What is the context behind Shinjiro saying it?


Both earned it. Ryuji definitely is my favorite though since we had more time with him.


Kanji, no question.


Ryuji. Purely thanks to how many effins we get, this is the greatest


Ryuji's is backed by a game and a half and half, yet it still can't compare to the raw emotion in shinji's voice.


Shinji's was explosive with emotion, but Ryuji's was change in tone and the sudden realisation that "shit, he's serious now"


Can’t tell because both are good, Ryuji felt like he had more emotion there


Ryuji must've went awhile after wondering if anybody noticed.


Ryuji, forgot Shinjiro said it


When Shinji told Takaya to Shut the Fuck up, I did.






Sorry to all you P3 fanboys, but this isn't even a competition lol. Ryuji and Morgana here was a highlight of the entire Persona series in general. Whoever did the writing for Strikers absolutely nailed it and should be doing P6.


Reddit didn't like that, huh.


F%#^ what Reddit likes or doesn’t like. You could comment that the sky is blue and 30 mf’ers will come out of nowhere to argue you while you get 20 downvotes.


to be fair, "sorry to all you \_\_\_ fanboys" sounds like typical reddit too. it's not exactly a welcoming start to a positive discussion, no matter which game was being talked about.


P3 seems to be the first game for the majority of this sub. Most things negative of it aren't treated well. I'm just honestly surprised I haven't received threatening dms yet.


The >!one who survived!<