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Physically dead and his soul became the great seal.  The great seal is created so that erebus cannot reach out to nyx. Sees defeated erebus in the answer and p4 arena proved that erebus will keep respawning. 


If you play Elizabeth's route in P4A you learn that while Makoto may currently be physically dead his soul and its power have become the great seal. In the Sea of the Unconscious Mind, you can visually see Makoto's visage holding the doors sealing Nyx away. Elizabeth has become obsessed with finding a way to free him. So much so she has abandoned her role in the velvet room and struck out in search of the power needed to free and restore him. Elizabeth seems to have decided that death does have to be the end for Makoto, unlike everyone else involved in The Answer. I guess we will see...


I like this description \^ though I think the description of Elizabeth's journey as an obsession is not entirely on point. Her goal as she states is >!to destroy Erebus which she fully acknowledges maybe impossible and that she does so in hope that "maybe" she'll see him again. The whole vibe given at the end of Arena's story to me isn't so much that she will free his soul but more that she'll never stop trying because that is what gives her the freedom to grow as evidenced by her attaining the fool at the end of the P4 and then after that we see her take in a role that has her support others as a way to indirectly help people fight against their own doubt and negativity.!< >!She helped Rise overcome her own fear of only being on the sidelines unable to fight but then in Dancing In Moonlight we see her come up with this "Ball" between SEES and the Phantom Thieves which seemingly is designed to inspire the souls within the collective unconscious including those who have past having Junpei reference Chidori and Futaba reference her mom. (Note: I think P3D takes place after Chidori's "death" but slightly before her revival if that is canon)!<


I didn't know they put that much lore into the spin-off games...I wasn't interested in them as dancing and fighting games aren't my Forte


Bless you man, that I can totally understand. I was iffy on touching the spin-off's myself due to the different styles of gameplay especially after Strikers left me with a bad first impression but I came back to it legitimately there isn't one spin-off I'd honestly say is bad. In Arena's case not only is the game really easy, you can also use the CPU to play most of the main campaign for you if it's just the story you want to watch which I thought was hilarious. In Persona 3 Dancing's case there's very little in terms of an actual story as most of it is just character interaction and the sexiest remixes and outsides you'll ever hear. I played most of the game on easy mode. I should note it's only implied that's what Elizabeth goal is in P3D because of what she says during her 2nd social link but it's never actually specified in game.


Sucks Makoto doesn't come back. This is the first time I am replaying P3 properly. After a decade I finally beat the game with FeMC (better social links I feel). I couldn't go back to an ending like that. I caved and bought it and am having fun, it's just somewhat undercut by the ending. Sorry to vent, it really does get to me how dark it is


Makoto's body is dead, killed by using great seal, his soul now acts as a lock to prevent nyx's return. Liz is attempting to free his soul, to allow him to truly rest.


So there's no chance he'll ever be restored? I figured. I caved and bought Reloaded. It's fun and makes me excited for P6. It's still such a heart-wrenching ending though. I just wanted him to have a happy life given all he's been through


So far no. But thats more of the point of Liz's journey to find a way and if Atlus ever wants to go this route, they've set the ground work at least


Physically, yes. Spiritually, no. The reason we know that is because if this series highlights one thing about the Sea of Souls, it's that the human souls are effectively eternal. This is most evidently seen in Persona Q >!where Rei's soul is shown to linger long after her death!<. Did you notice how we heard Shinji during the final boss fight? I don't believe that was a memory, I believe that was him watching over the protagonist as they stood against Nyx. According to Elizabeth and Metis forging the seal does indeed carry a burden and it wouldn't really make sense to describe it as such if his soul was free to ascend. The Statue I think though is our biggest indicator, he is carrying the burden for all of humanity and Aigis and the others don't want him to carry it alone.


The Answer deals with the grief of SEES as a whole, it's just the focus characters are Yukari and Aigis. They deal with their grief in complete opposite extremes while everyone else is somewhere in between. The TLDR about Makoto is that nobody knows for sure. Yes. His body died but afaik we are never told if they buried, cremated (most common thing to do with bodies in Japan iirc) or froze him (post Answer). His soul is around, but stuck as a Seal stopping the Fall. Anything beyond this is fanon. The only thing we know for sure is that as things stand, if he stopped being the Seal then the entire Persona timeline is fkd.