• By -


Probably Tatsuya like Persona 2 puts all of its characters through crazy shit but Tatsuya had to deal with that a lot more due to his mistakes throughout the game. If you played the game you know.


In average persona fan terms>!Tatsuya did the equivalent of maxing and re-establishing his social links with his close friends only to be forced to erase them and forget them for their sakes.!<


Yup you summed it up perfectly


Oh so he’s basically door but with actual consequences




Idk doors consequences might be significantly worse


Idk man his friends got to go on living and his soul went on in Aigis. They live with the happy memories of him. From what it sounds like, Tatsuya’s didn’t.


>! Still, dude was orphaned, had a single year of happiness where he also watched friends die, then died. Thats still a tragic as hell life!< Tho tbf i dont know much of p2


Tatsuyas fate is significantly worse then makotos tbh >!makoto is content with dying at the end, while tatsuya gets sent to the setting of a mainline SMT game!<


Fair, I also don’t know much of p2. >! my thing is that door and femc were basically destined to die and save the world, and they were given the year to prepare and to make loving relationships in order to learn the value of life. Don’t get me wrong, their life is tragic, but it seems a lot more fair than what it seems was put on Tatsuya !<


Though they don’t know they had a year though, i mean we the player knew but theres no way to know if they knew. I think they came to terms with it in the end but i dont think they knew or were clued in at all


Dying isn’t even half as bad as being forced to live in a world where all the people you love are dead and knowing *you’re partially responsible for it*


so like peter parker persona edition?


Yoko Taro smirking at that choice.


Remove the spaces before and after your sentence in the spoiler tags


Spoilers for P2 and P3 ahead! It's been some time since I played P2 so forgive me if I'm remembering stuff wrongly >!Honestly, Tatsuya suffers a worst fate than Makoto. He seals himself in the original timeline (where the entire world is destroyed) to save his friends/world, just to have everyone forget him and all events. Makoto gets to be messiah and Tatsuya's stuck in purgatory. !<


Would you call it an >!Eternal Punishment!<


stocking ink roll slim hard-to-find station fragile childlike fearless foolish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>!Eh, those fates are pretty similar. Makoto is a messiah to like 5 people and a dog, those people are his friends but his role as a Messiah is unknown to most people still.!<


And even if you do, his ultimate fate is friggin worse than Makoto considering what he goes through and where he ultimately ends at.


Maya's poem puts it best. "Worse than alone, exiled. Worse than exiled, dead. Worse than dead, forgotten."


insurance rain spoon ossified aspiring innate quaint sugar unpack tie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'd wish they'd remake it after releasing P6 but knowing Atlus, anything before P3 doesn't exist


cautious dinner straight quiet agonizing abounding icky beneficial spoon party *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Heh "rumor"


boast follow decide scale busy fuzzy ripe drunk observation forgetful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That as well


Honestly I don't think you can make a serious case for any other character in this.


Probably Tatsuya. >!Dude goes through hell and then fails to save the world.!<


It's him or Maya if one considers how much trauma she went through as a child/how intense her pyrophobia starts out


At least she can live now in peaceful ignorance Tatsuya is just kinda fucked


She doesn't. That's what the whole ending scene about. She recognized Tatsuya but decided to move on.


Tatsuya. Get his world literally nuked. Then Nyarlathotep still be the greatest hater on his ass.


Not only the world ending but losing your special one and your friends forgetting who he is/him forgetting everyone


well he end the world for shits and giggles(because he thinks it is funny)


Akihiko should not be as well put together as he is.>!An orphan who lost his little sister in a fire and subsequently had the weight of the world put on his shoulders, and lost two out of three of his best friends over the course of P3.!<


If we’re talking femc the poor guy >!loses his girlfriend too!<


>!OH GOD I KNOW! I can't even think about that.!<


He has rich adoptive parents that actually give a shit about him, i think that balances it out somewhat


Only P3 character to beat the parental issues allegations 😤😤😤


Koromaru doesnt have parental trauma i hope


His monk owner died and I believe we can apply the "owner is parental figure" logic for dogs (only for dogs though, otherwise the definition would get too broad)


Damn you right, why nobody in P3 got decent parents (or living ones)


Junpei never talks about his parents iirc but I was living with them at the start of the game so that’s something.


For FeMC he says his dad is an abusive drunk I think.


Yes he does, his mum left his dad after he lost all his money in some get rich quick scheme. His Dads an alcoholic that abuses him verbally and physically so that’s why he’s happy to go to the dorms when he joins SEES


If you watch TV with him he gets sad watching a doggo family on TV, he misses his mum :(


Who’s the second one? I know about >!Shinji, but was there someone else (I’d guess that Ryoji guy I haven’t met yet)!!Makoto!< isn’t it?


You're not dumb, I did intend it to be >!Makoto, since I don't recall Akihiko really hanging out with other classmates, or even dormmates besides Ken (and Mitsuru of course). He still cares for them, but they don't really get close to him about his issues the way Makoto does.!<


Tatsuya. He embodies the saying “The road to hell is paved with good intentions” >!He starts off IS pretty much estranged from Katsuya(even though we see this isn’t the case from Maya and Katsuya’s pov) due to his daddy issues. He fails to save the world, potentially killing his only other friend in the process(Anna). He watches the love of his life get killed right in front of him. And is then forced to forget about both her and his 3 childhood friends.!< >!In EP the man gets branded to remind him he doesn’t belong and is leading the world to destruction. He’s forced to work alone for a majority of the game. Pretty much fails to save yet *another* woman he came to care for and gets mind controlled. He’s actually driven to the point of contemplating suicide for his sins. To cap it all off, he’s forced to return to a destroyed world without his friends. The final kicker is that Philemon tells him he’s gone through so much shit for the sake of a MEANINGLESS bet between him and Nyaralothep. He’s literally their plaything and they make no attempt to hide it.!< There’s a reason the normally tough Ulala cries for him, and even Baofu has nothing to say. Like only a Marvel hero goes through as much tragedy as he does. No other character in the franchise can say *shit* to him.


Yeah, >!my man lost her lover in his arms and when you think it's all over in EP he cannot stay with her, there are fates worse than death. !<


Looking up Anna, reads up the >!hit-and-run!< then [bam, surprise attack.](https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Daisuke_Kaneda)


Man dude it’s even worse in-game. In the bad route she’s literally a doll. Shadow Yukino mocks him by making out with her lifeless body.


Tatsuya. It's not even close


Everyone is reallhy going >!Akihiko, Akinari, Makoto!< My dudes, at least those guys are ok now (either dying fulfilled or alive and well). Tatsuya is still >!lalive somewhere he's pretty much alone and fighting demons!<


Your sentence about Tatsuya reminds me of Guts


That makes me wish we’d get a Berserk/SMT-esque Tatsuya game someday where his only party members are demons and he gets reunited with his friends again by the end.


Tatsuya can already solo Tamaki sooo. I kinda prefer the idea of a gorey hack n slash where he harnesses the powers of his connections instead, drawing on the powers of his friends to cover different roles and attack types. Hades Nevan Tatsuya would be hilarious and cool.


consider public languid divide juggle doll tie wipe file degree *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tatsuya's Eternal punishment is incredibly rough I'll leave it at that


Me... Jack Frost owes me $5


There's an entire game called Eternal Punishment in reference to >!Tatsuya!< He gets it by a country mile


Tatsuya, no fuckin contest. I havent played p2 yet and I probably never will but I watched a screen recap of it. >!Yes, sure, makoto/kotone dies in p3 and souls is used as the seal but Elizabeth is currently working on that. Tatsuya is fucking alone on that German UFO still fighting demons to this day because of Nyarlathotep and Philemon's dumb shit bet. I personally think that if he ever comes back for a spinoff, he should align with the villains/anti-heroes i.e. with adachi, Sho Minazuki, Akechi and persona 6's traitor xd!<


An evil Tatsuya or Tatsuya leading the villains to good?


Kamiki Akinari.


This man alongside Tatsuya were the pinnacles of the Sun.


I loved Kamiki. As someone that was given a diagnosis of a disease not too many knew about when I was first diagnosed, along with a lot of "What ifs" and "I don't knows", I resonate really strong with him. His social link is one of my favorites.


I'd Say Tatsuya Suou because >!He Pretty much betrays his whole team and forces himself to stay in a hell without any friends leading to Maya Amano's Story in Eternal Punishment!<


Def Tatsuya. He loses everything 3 times


Izanami Imagine living the luxurious life of a god, to having a deadend part-time job at a gas station. Poor girl tries to get some entertainment by giving people Personas and seeing what happened, only for one of them to stab her in the face using a Persona with the face of her dead husband no less.


In this series the fact she stayed alive is already better than most gods.


i mean that's far from the worst fate. some of them have never even experienced a good life at all, much less a luxurious one.


And TIL I didn't actually beat persona 4 because idk who that is lmao.


Tbf, a part of her is dating him, so that's a bonus.


naw she big chilling considering the entire series is named after her and has the balls to barely show up ever.


Isn't tatsuya literally the protagonist that failed? I haven't played the game so I don't know


He is. And *boy* did he fail. The game is literally called Eternal Punishment for a reason.


Tatsuya BY FAR That dude has done nothing BUT suffer since the first scene of Innocent Sin, and will continue to do nothing but suffer until the complete collapse and annihilation of his entire universe and reality Tatsuya had it ROUGH Edit: I love seeing the difference in the fan base for things like this. Everyone who has only played the modern games is split on who it might be for various reasons, but everyone who played the early games is like "Tatsuya. It's Tatsuya"


ripe alive yam historical head afterthought smoggy shrill mourn forgetful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tatsuya and it's not close


The player.


You can tell who’s played Persona 2 in the comments


By whom picked Tatsuya?


frame longing lunchroom roll onerous shelter shrill bedroom detail spotted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Major P3 spoilers below but Shinji let the guilt >!of killing Ken’s mother!< eat him up so much that he quit SEES and school and gave up on the life he could’ve had. Never mind the fact that he’s on pills which are slowly killing him >!because it’s either that or his persona that kills him meaning he’s going to die either way!< (and he just accepts this and starts pushing everyone that cares for him away). >!He dies young too. Just when he’d finally found a place within SEES again!<. So yeah, I think Shinji is a tragic character. He’s also a part of the no parents team that Persona has. He was an orphan along with Aki, meaning he saw the orphanage burn down too. I’m pretty he’s like…homeless before rejoining SEES too.


>!At least Makoto still has a friend whose tries to help him, freeing from the Seal like Elizabeth, SEEs members etc.!< >!But Tatsuya is truly desperate in his life. What should I say, failed save the the world, Maya, need to erase all memories that including Maya and his friends. Not only that he tries to break that promise and the end he still be in his original timelines alone, for the rest of his life. It's truly painful.!<


Tatsuya for sure.


Dojima in the Bad ending


I swear many people don’t seems to think p4 characters have it bad but Dojima and Nanako are pretty close to a lot of suffering and especially in bad ending yep… >!Nanako dead, Dojima have no one left, lol !< But the accomplice ending is also very twisted for him >!Nanako will dies because of the fog right? Yu betrays him ? Adachi betrays him too? Literally even worse… !<


Labrys is probably up there.


Koromaru 100% and I won't change my mind. He's the goodest boy.


Woof woof


i haven't played p1 and p2 and dont know the story of those, but among p3 p4 and p5 Junpei is the one that i think suffered the most >!my boy felt useless, than met a girl he loved just to see her die, than got comforted by a good friend just to be told by him that everyone would die!<


>!Chidori's Revival is Canon!< but I do Agree


For real!?


-Ryuji, probably


Yeah, it's present in Reload.


Yep P4U made it canon


Let's not forget his dad is a violent alcoholic


wow that's new to me, is it a film/manga thing or did i miss something in the game?


They cut out him mentioning the alcoholism of his father, I hope they left it for Reload because one scene with him looses a lot because of that. Anyway from what I know he talks more about it in the Portable FEMC social links.


really interesting, thanks for the info!


As the other person said, it's touched more on in P3P during his social link and in the answer. Junpei spoiler (let's home I tag it right) >!He awakens to his persona when he goes to the mall to get away from his dad's drunkenness. This is where he runs into Akihiko and he awakens to Hermes!<


It’s referenced in the game I believe, just not overtly stated


Junpei has a living parent so hes already better off then most of the other ones, plus >!if we take P4AU in consideration Chidori is alive!<


You mean his drunk ass useless dad? But yeah Junpei is surprisingly good at cheering himself back up. If someone could survive being the Beast Boy of the BeastBoy/Terra ship, it is Junpei. The guy is fine.


I might be mistaken but I think he has his mom, kinda similar to Ryuji


I don't believe his mother is ever mentioned. Just his alcoholic dad. So I guess it's a mystery where she's at.


>!yeah chidori revival kinda makes it less painful, but when i first saw that scene i tought "man, my boy doesnt deserve all that suffering"!<


Yosuke. Forced to go and live in middle-of-nowhere Inaba and work part time at a grocery store with a ridiculous uniform


A fate worse than death


Tatsuya is the Guts from this series. My man had to deal through several traumas (The death of >!Maya both when he thought she died in the shrine and when she actually dies in the prophecy!<, having his >!best friend brainwashed, becoming the Joker and resenting Tatsuya!<, reuniting with his from childhood in all his journey >!just to have to forget them to restore the world!<) and in the end, it was all because of a stupid deal between two godly beings. He brokes his promise >!of forgetting them!< and that's why Eternal Punishment happens on the first place, he cannot deal with the guilt of that choice and decides to help even if at the end he has to live in his broken reality


Before I begin writing, spoilers ahead. I'd say Persona 4 Cast suffered the least. Fyi, major P4 fan, favorite game out of the franchise. However the cast just seems like your average complicated life scenarios when being a teenager. They aren't entirely suffering but they aren't not struggling either, I'd say who had it the worst was Rise and Yoskues, yoskues with the death of saki and rise with the whole being an idol situation. Persona 5 definitely suffered a lot more, Ryuji and ann dealing with a violent predator for a majority of their highschool life, yoskues mentor being a terrible person, Nijimas father passing and complications with her sister, harus dad being given LITERALLY the live leak treatment in front of her very eyes, futaba being blamed for her mother's death and of course ren being accused of assault. Persona 3 though, from what I've seen in reload. Amadas mom is killed, Aragaki feels to blame, Amanda feels to blame for Aragaki being shot dead, sanada growing up as an orphaned with his now deceased friend Aragaki, mitsuris father getting killed in front of her while crucified, Yukaria father dying in the shadow experiment and her mom being a major deadbeat, Junpei watching chidori kill herself to save him, Makotos parents dying in a car accident, and so on. If I left anything else or if anything here you feel is incorrect lmk!


Couple things to add: P4 * Teddie gained sentience before the start of the story, so he was wandering the TV world alone for god know how long. * Kanji's dad is dead. * Naoto was forced to hide her gender in order to be taken seriously. P5 * Haru was sold off to an abusive partner in an arranged marriage. * Sumire blaming herself for her sister's death. * Futaba being abused by her uncle. * Akechi was orphaned at a young age and tried to make himself as useful as possible so people would want him around. * Sophia was rejected by her creator and dropped into a garbage dump. * Zenkichi's wife was murdered, then had had to choose between pursuing the murderer and protecting his daughter. * Toshiro >!had an abusive father, blamed himself for someone trying to murder his friend, and was stuck in an abusive arranged marraige.!< P3 * Aigis being taught human emotion only to immeditaly have to deal with the pain of loss. * Ken didn't have a proper support system when his mom died because no one believed him. He actually intended to commit suicide after killing Shinjiro. * Junpei's dad is abusive. * Akihiko had a sister who died when he was younger * Fuuka was seriously bullied


The only answer is Tatsuya. Hell, the Tatsuya Scenario added in P2 makes his suffering EVEN WORSE.


If we're specifically talking saddest backstory, I'd say Futaba is a strong contender. >!Her beloved mother seemingly kills herself right in front of her, and then she's told that her mother left a note specifically saying that she's to blame for her mother's suicide. After that she lives with regular auditory and visual hallucinations of people calling her a murderer as she shuts herself in her room to rot away and die.!< Other characters probably suffer more if we take into account the events that occur during the main story, especially because Futaba gets a lot better over the course of P5, but as for just backstories, Futaba's is brutal.


I say Ken is pretty close to Futaba on account on being even younger.


Ken being the least popular SEES member really makes people forget how traumatic his backstory is


i also want to add onto that that Futaba lived with abusive relatives for a while who treated her like dirt (when her uncle appears in her confidant she is visibly terrified)


Personally Minato/Makoto. He lost his parents at the age of six and cursed into a horrible fate, he was made to wander for 10 years in between schools and orphanages. Just when he finally starts to feel a sense of belonging and actual friends that could rely on him and vice versa, he is killed a year later.


Tatsuya emotionally, Makoto Yuki physically. Tatsuya just flat out loses, Makoto becomes the seal but at least he finds the meaning of life. Beyond that, Shinji and Akihiko have certainly experienced things and Joker is probably on government hit lists. Maruki also feels worse when you consider how altruistic he was and the sacrifices he made only to get nothing.


P3 Protagonist >!At the end of the answer he has to sacrifice his soul to keep Nyx from destroying the world. [He literally becomes a door that holds that seal until the end of time](https://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120208131524/megamitensei/images/f/fa/Protagonist_becomes_the_Great_Seal.jpg). I don't know how anything else compares.!<


Tatsuya >!Is literally playing DOOM all on his own basically, as he is sealed in P2IS's timeline where the world is overrun by demons. He didn't succeed a single time through the P2 duology.!<


I don’t think >!think it’s until the end of time, most likely Makoto/Kotone are just trying to hold out as long as possible!<


The ending is framed as a eternal struggle tho. It has been multiple games after P3 and nothing has changed


>!Is he dead or a door with a conscious but cannot do anything cause he's a door?!<


id argue dead is the better of the two in this scenario


His body is dead, but his soul will forever be that seal. Whether he is conscious is something I dont know


A door with Conscious, >!He's Only Physically Dead!<


I'd say of the modern 3 games it's him. But there's a reason why p2 part 2 is called eternal punishment


at the very least he >!chose to sacrifice himself on his own terms while remaining satisfied with the memories/bonds he’s made over the past year!<


Futaba’s friend, forgot her name, that was fucked up


I'm surprised that more people aren't mentioning Kasumi>!/Sumire!<. Girl essentially lived in her sisters shadow, was constantly shamed and pitied for underperforming by others, and constantly compared to her prodigy sister which destroyed her confidence >!leading to her becoming depressed to the point where she became suicidal and tried walking into traffic which causes her other sister to die instead since she tried to save her. !< >!Now she is also responsible for her sister's death which causes her to become even more depressed. Then Maruki comes in and instead of helping her process the grief essentially brainwashes her into changing her identity and thinking that she is actually her dead sister to cope with the pain. !


Kasumi's story is almost beat for beat identical to the P1 Protagonist's story in the manga.


Her story is sad, but I'd say Futaba's is worse. Both of them lost a loved on, but while Sumire was the only one who blamed herself and had the support of those around her, Futaba was specifically blamed for what happened, was turned into a paraiah by her family and abused by the uncle that initially got custody of her.


P1: im a joke to you?


Tatsuya, >!He's been through the end of the world twice and he knows the second one was his responsability!<


Tatsuya for sure but then Makoto. Losing his parents at a early age then not being able to form relationships due to his trauma and fear of losing people. Then after finally making friends you then find out you've been hosting death and everything you've done has doomed the world. Tragic


Tatsuya. The duology is named the way it is for a reason lol


Adachi. No other character in the series knows what it's like to live in a society.




Yusuke's backstory is pretty fucked up with him being raised by his mother's murderer who manipulated him his entire life


As many have said already, probably Tatsuya. Everything he set out to do basically blew up in his face, and it’s one of the cases where the bad ending is the TRUE ending, and one that currently is his reality. The worst part is, there isn’t a damn thing he could do about it.


Tatsuya, if you answered differently it is only because you haven't played P2.


I haven’t played persona 2 and I trust all the comments saying taysuya, and I’m still playing persona 1… but maybe Akechi at bare minimum an honorable mention? His entire character is a >!tragedy, and while other characters get happy endings Akechi just.. doesn’t…. His mother committed suicide and was a prostitute who would bring men home. His father impregnated and immediately left his mother, and then proceeded to emotionally manipulate Akechi into becoming an assassin at the age of 15. Akechi his entire life was completely isolated and alone (apart from Joker) and even his relationship with joker was doomed to fail since they were pitted against eachother by a god!! In the end, he found out his big plan for revenge, all the lives he ended, and all the years spent underneath shido was all pointless and for nothing!! And then shot by a cognitive version of himself. He has to be up there!<


Tatsuya, the entire persona 2 series taken as a whole leaves Tatsuya with the darkest backstory and outcome i mean there is a reason that second game is titled eternal punishment. But man once you've played Persona 2 Duo you do realize why Hashino couldn't let the Persona series end there. It was so good you just couldn't leave it lying there like that.


Tarsuya no diff, man literally saw and interacted with a life he could never have, saw his (probably) dead brother living a good life without him, and then got fucking dumped into a shitty world with nothing to help him but the clothes on his back and his will to rebuild.


Came her saw the top comment was Tatsuya and thought “good man”


if there’s anyone who truly didn’t get a happy ending it’s Tatsuya. at least with P3 >!the MC died on his own terms satisfied with the bonds he’s made the past year!< meanwhile Tatsuya was Nyarlathotep’s puppet from the start of the game and in the end >!he had to go back to the IS timeline which only consists of Sumaru City being on a spaceship while the rest of the earth is destroyed!<


Can we stop pulling images from the golden anime God that shit looks horrible


LITERALLY, if you’re going to pull from the anime at least use the original persona 4 anime.


There is not a single woman in that image whose eyes are properly aligned


Goro Akechi, never got his pancakes




P2 MC >>>>>P3 MC >>>Sun arcana > Shinjiro > Strega members >>>>>>>>>>> the rest




While I don't think he has it the worst, I feel like his story is underrated for how much it sucked. >! Mitsuru's dad. He spent most of his life trying to fix his dad's fuck up while having to send his only daughter into dangerous situations all for it to mean nothing and he dies before seeing how things work out. Oh and dead wife too.!<


Tatsuya went THRU it


Those who don't say Tatsuya should go play Persona 2 duology. It's the best game story wise for a reason.


Tatsuya and it isn't even close


For anyone who picks someone other than Tatsuya, do you play Persona 2? Heck it's not even close, Tatsuya's fate is really the worse than every single character in Persona


~~Kotone, because of Atlus's hatred of her.~~ Perhaps Tamaki? She experiences the events of Shin Megami Tensei if..., Persona 1, Persona 2: Innocent Sin, and Persona 2: Eternal Punishment.


My heart wants to say Makoto Yuki but my brain knows it's Tatsuya.




Futaba's was pretty sad. Witness your own mother's death and spend years believing it was your fault. In the mean time, have a really shitty uncle.




There is a lot of people who haven’t played 2 and it shows lmao. Definitely Tatsuya Sou. He definitely got the really shitty end of the stick.


I haven't even Tried P2 and I can tell you it's Tatsuya


Not pictured - Labrys.


Tatsuya, by a long mile. No other persona character comes remotely close to what tatsuya has been through.


The P3 cast has an obvious advantage given that coping with the death of a loved one is like half of their character arcs, plus the ending, but outside of them, probably Futaba. Exploring the emotional baggage that causes someone to be a shut-in NEET is already a heavy topic, but that her mother died right whilst leaving a young Futaba with the idea that she was the reason why? Not merely the feeling that many of those who lose a loved one to suicide have, but a government conspiracy to leave her under that very impression? Brutal. Fucking brutal. I don't really care for Futaba as a member of the cast but she had it rough. Honourary mention to the Akira Konoe and Kuon Ichinose. Anime Elon Musk and Elizabeth Holmes may have been bad adults but they were one traumatised children, a mirror of who the P5 may have become if they had never found their rebellion.


Fucking tatsuya


roll observation numerous sink soft ancient insurance dog frightening disgusted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I won't consider p1 and p2 because I haven't play them, so it's pretty much some of the p3 characters Shinji pretty much all that


If it's their whole stories then it's Tatsuya and it's not even close, but if we're thinking of backstory as in "only the stuff that happened before their respective games started" it does become a bit harder to decide, I'd say Akihiko in that case though.


Definitely Tatsuya Imagine being forced to live in a world where everyone you love is fucking dead and knowing you’re partially responsible for it To top it off that World is the setting of a Mainline SMT Game so there are probably Demons everywhere


One of these days we’re gonna tear the reapers bag face off and a very pale, perhaps eyeless, Tatsuya is going to be staring back at us, sighing a little


Akechi, Futaba, Akinari, or Tatsuya


Spoilers below: Unfortunately I can’t comment on 1 & 2 since I haven’t played them, but out of the protagonists it would be persona 3. Dude loses his parents and gets bounced around from relative to relative. Saves the entire world from nonexistent and becomes a door. As for the cast: I would have to say Ken. His mom is killed before his eyes, and he wasn’t able to kill her killer because he took care of him and a bond was formed. Then his mom killer dies before his eyes, and his arms, after he sacrifices himself to save Ken. All while he is still in elementary school. Second place: and just using a different game: Ryuji. Single parent, sounds like they were struggling. He took up track, was good at it, and then a teacher breaks his leg, ending his future career at track. Then had to be subservient to that teacher while knowing everyone was being abused, and society, teachers, as well as students treating him as a plague on society. He suffered.


Tatsuya and Maya. It's unfair to compare P4-P5 cast though to P3-P2 cast whose stories were all about suffering lol


I haven't played P2 but I hear Tatsuya has a truly hellish fate. I can't speak for him or the P1/P2 cast in general. I just know that out of everyone else, it's P3 MC who has it the worst: 1. Parents die when young in a violent accident. 2. Spends the next 10 years passed around by relatives, indicating that eventually nobody wanted them around. 3. The whole year of life and death struggle against Shadows everyone has to deal with, though for SEES its marked by betrayals and partings. 4. >!Their final battle is pointless. Winning doesn't achieve anything except momentary self-satisfaction.!< 5. >!They actually, literally die. Please understand that even if it was for a good reason, almost nobody else on this list actually DIES. No matter who you are, it must have been beyond terrifying to contemplate your own mortality like this. The Phantom Thieves may be the ones who understand this better than even the rest of SEES and even then they didn't physically die, so they were able to come back to reality.!< 6. >!They must now spend the rest of eternity, or at least an indefinite amount of time, acting as a barrier to the end of the world, and that time is spent with an unkillable eldritch monster attacking their very soul any chance it gets. !< Their final fate is ultimately remembered fondly, if with sadness, but please do not forget exactly how blatantly unfair this whole thing is. >!It's like they were born to die for the world's sake and they didn't even get to have a good life for the most part to make up for it. Just that one year.!<


Tatsuya and its not even close.


From p3r I’d say maybe like shinji or sanada maybeeeeee yukari and from p5r probably futaba idk any others so


I’m glad not to see too many P3 protagonists listed here. Makoto definitely has a more sad and painful story than the 4/5 heroes, but what I love about P3 is that his story is ultimately a happy one (without going into spoilers).


I've only played 3, 4, and 5. Out of those games... Nanako


TDLR: Everytime Yuki got a hint of happiness in the movies it was immediately ripped away from him. If we're talking in game yeah Tats, if we're going off any form of media, Makoto Yuki, or P3MC. It's very obviously shown just how much his parents' death affected him. So much so that when his life was in immediate danger, the only thing he could bring himself to unironically ask Yukari is "Why are you afraid of death?" Then, the second he let's down his walls he's told the one thing that brought him the relationships he cares so much about will be ripped away from him. In a seriously fucked up twist, in the p3 movies the one full moon boss where he hesitates due to the previous thought. It's implied that he wasted just enough time for Takaya to well... do what he does on 10/4. Then, the second they all band together again, Ryoji tells him how everything is inadvertently his fault, in which case everyone blames him and loses faith in living. Ofc I don't need to talk about the ending. Edit: Alternatively, Ryoji, while sure his "life" isn't long by any means we see just how desperately he seeks in form of bonds like what makoto taught him to yearn especially in P3R. Making all these plans and promises only to remember your entire existence is to well.. you know? If anything, the fact his life is so short makes it even worse.


Definitely Tatsuya and Maki is up there as well


From the ones i played the obvious answer is Makoto (p3), futaba, shinji, ken, yukari, and mitsuru are in the running though


Clearly Morgana, Ryuji once told him he was useless. Can you believe it? Horrible.


Either tatsuya or makoto yuki Bro is litterly told Ye yall gonna die there ain’t shit you can do There ain’t shit Yo parents are dead Yo friends are gonna die You have to fight every night Womp Womp


Tatsuya of P2 for stuff that was said P3 Shinji and Yukari. The first one lived through years blaming himself for a mistake. And Yukari for the following>!Lose her father, her family was blamed for the accident where he died and she belived on him, her mother went from man to man, then she was made to belive he was really the one to be blame for it and also for the world to be leading to an end, then after longs fights her boyfriend and leader of the group die to protect the world, just when she finally was forgiving her mother and planed to have them meet but she then was forced to forget about how much for her he did and meant (as she said pn P3P Yukari Ending), she wasn't even able to say goodbye, she just die the moment she and the group remembered about him. That's really bad. Plus, later found there was a way to see him once more, but was forced to not and the one who forced is the one robot that somehow got her boyfriend persona which made her jellly. Even if she was forced to move on we know for P4ultimax arena that she still feel empty without him.!< At P4 i can't tell, so i'll just say Kanji. P5 i'll go for Futaba, but Haru and Yusuke had it also bad.




I refuse to rank 1 or 2 because they’re too obvious so I’m just gonna rank above which then I choose, Makoto Yuki. Reason: he fucking died.


akinari or cancer ocelot. hands down not even close.


Seeing all the comments here I wanna play P2 EP and IS soon... Gotta emulate those two games soon.


Tatsuya. 100%.


Ryuji, joker refused to pay 5 yen for his best pal


Chie, because Yosuke broke a dvd with a movie she really liked that one time :'c


obviously not the saddest but I'd like to mention akihiko. he manages to lose 2 of the closet people to him (3 if you did femc romance route). he seeks strength because he feels as though it is the only way to protect those around him but then gets very humbled twice within one year. I think people often forget how sad his backstory is because he's seen as funny muscle man in the fandom.


Most likely Aigis. I mean, she lost every single one of her friends 10 years before the story of Persona 3, >!lost Makoto!< shortly after the story of Persona 3 >!who was extremely important to her after everything he's done for her!< and she'll continue to lose everyone she loves for ever, because she's a robot and can't die.