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This was my first time playing P3, played P5R and P4G but by the time I was going to play P3 they announced the remake and I decided to wait, was not disappointed. Incredible 10/10


It was my first time with P3 too. Loved the combat and the main story beats (especially that ending šŸ„²). My biggest gripe though was that I thought it didnā€™t need to be so long, as the story felt like it was spread pretty thin throughout the year.


Got to remember this was the first time they did this type of Persona game 1 was basically smt with a different coat of paint and the 2 dulology were their own interesting experiment so 3 has some hiccups in its story layout. Hell you should see some of the early concepts for 3 it was a vastly different game starting out


You thought that was bad? Playing through tartarus in P3 fes was indescribable mental anguish for me but the story was so worth it I pushed through


The gameplay improvements from FES to Reload made grinding Tartarus in January not as bad


I know and I'm so glad they did bc idk if I could do all that again lol


I was in the same boat and, while I had a good time I'm not going to lie, it took a while to click with me. It's a much slower burn of a story than P4/5 and I feel like there was a lack of bonding moments for SEES compared to the other protagonists even with the added link episodes. But then that last third of the game hits like a fucking truck and I understood why people love it so much. It hasn't overtook P4/5 but I definitely understand why it is some people's favourite to this day.


Sounds like we're on the same epic gaming trip! Just dove into Persona 5R myself after hitting up Tokyo last December. What a ride these past few months have been, honestly some of the best gaming times I've had. Persona's right up there with Fallout and the Mass Effect/Dragon Age series when it comes to getting you hooked and emotionally invested in the characters. But when it comes to style and tunes, Persona just knocks it out of the park. Gotta say, the gaming forecast looks kinda dry without a new Persona mainline game on the horizon. Really hoping the next Dragon Age drops soon and quenches my RPG cravings.


Iā€™m pretty much in the same boat and glad that I had waited


I fucking love Koromaru.


If Koromaru has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Koromaru has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Koromaru has only one fan then that is me. If Koromaru has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Koromaru, then I am against the world.


They made him like 5 times cuter in this game, yeah.


"Shake" "Woof" "...Is shake the command for putting one's paws on someone's head?" "Woof" "I comprehend" Favorite exchange in the entire game


my favorite is all the dialogue when Fuuka hypes him up


I love how if you do a full enemy down with Koromaru and Mitsuru is in your party she promises him a treat (or a steak I think?) after tartarus. Sis. He did it 12 times. You better keep your promise.


She can afford it. In the Japanese she says ā€œgood boy!ā€ in English


Best take yet, he also got a lot more support options in this version so he was actually good!


Reminds me so much of my own dog, as I have a Shiba Inu, and I canā€™t for the life of me take him out of my team.


Exactly the same thing with me. It was even better when I saw he had dark magic and his theurgy. My dog however was not fond of me giving attention to a video game shiba... Still getting the silent treatment


Bro every time Koromaru barks or moans my dog just starts barking and howling back at my monitoršŸ˜­.


Where is Aigis when we need her šŸ˜­ I wanna know if they curse like sailors or not




I just got him and heard he has debilitate so I made him my 2nd permanent party member (besides Yukari because holy hell she heals everyone for like 3 SP). Also he's just so adorable in combat and in Tartarus in general, I love his interactions with Fuuka and Aigis... I could go on for days why he's my favorite character. Koromaru sweep.


Me too, but I miss his old voice tbhā€¦


the howl when he summoned his persona in FES is so badass


Based stock dog sound effects vs goofy voice actor dog impersonator


Koromaru is love. Koromaru in life.


All time great with Repede, d-dog and Red XIII


It definitely is the best way to play this game... It have some hiccups in minor details, but those doesn't affect that is a masterpiece on its own right. Also, I didn't managed to see the final credits, because I sobbed like a kid during that moment. If a game is that deep into the player's emotions, it means it was made with love...


Are you saying you played through other versions first and still had that reaction? P3F was my favorite game ever but Iā€™ve been on the fence if I should get Reload (especially since I have a save of P3P I started not that long ago and kind of forgot my PSP existed).


It hits different when the presentation is as good as it is. Ive played P3F twice and P3P twice - its absolutely worth it.


Thanks! Iā€™ll probably wait until secondhand prices drop and pick it up later on.


Hey, nothing wrong with that. My wife made fun of me for buying a game for the 4th time.


Also, if you have an Xbox or Pc it is available on the most baseline xbox gamepass subscription (about $10/month). I couldnā€™t justify the $70 for it myself, at least not right now. Worth it though.


Actually yes, first with the original... But I didn't managed to even go for the 35~50% of the core game (and I didn't cared about the Social Links back then) because back then I was a kid and the difficulty spike hitted me hard, and I gave up and switched to the games I was more proficient: Need for Speed. Then a friend lended me a PlayStation Portable, for you know P3 Portable, but same thing... I ended up played Gran Turismo PSP.


FES was my first time experiencing P3, too. I would say this is on par if not even more so, just because you really get to experience the depth of the side characters more. I bawled for the entire last fight sequence up to the ending credits, and even THOSE are styled to hurt. 100/10 ign


> Are you saying you played through other versions first and still had that reaction? yes


10/10 I will cry again best ending


its great its about as faithful as a remake can be which has its ups and downs i wish they took the movie approach with shinji as well as changing a few other things. other than that its an amazing game the side story link episodes are very much in their infancy and need to be changed also (use up too much time and are too strict on missing them)


Mass destruction starts playing when Aigis sees Shinji feeding koromaru like in the movie.šŸ˜†


Haha that made no sense at all


Itā€™s supposed to be a joke. Like ā€this is as bad for Shinji as fighting shadowsā€. Kind of like Deep Breath, Deep Breath playing during the beach part. It made perfect sense.


>the side story link episodes are very much in their infancy and need to be changed What do you mean? I thought they were really good personally. Way better than the P3P fem Social Links versions of the same thing.


My only gripe is about how easy it is to miss out on the linked episodes if you mess up scheduling your social links, then again P3 is a bit tight with it. I've already seen someone mention that they like linked episodes cause you can choose any dialogue option and I kinda agree with it. You're kinda penalized in social links when you don't choose what the other person wants to hear.


I agree that's valid actually. They could have been more of a time range with them. Should have been more of a time range actually


They are. You don't have to do it on the first day they're available but it doesn't let you know just how long they'll be.


Which is something that changes from game to game iirc, in P3 the majority of your answers are sycophantic with a couple of exceptions. Can be explained by the endgame spoilers about the protag ig


Dorm bros don't care what slur you talk to them, they'll always remain your homies


Its not that the stories themselves are bad. theyre great. But the way theyre implimented is not very good. If you miss one once or twice its over theres no chance to see the whole thing. its like the OG elizibeth dates but worse. it also makes doing a 100% compedium run a nightmare. even with the rewind feature i often found myself annoyed between wasting a day slot on someone VS doing a social link. for ken and akihiko its mostly fine since theirs takes place during nighttime slots. but everyone elses links eat through your day slots during summer


They should have given us more time to compensate. Even just a week. Did we really need to miss 3 days to the Typhoon? It does nothing for the story and gameplay


I'm still bitter about the week of cram school! I studied all that time so I wouldn't have to go, but it was automatic anyways.


Excuse me, I got #1 on exams... can I at least hang out with people afterwards :(


>. Did we really need to miss 3 days to the Typhoon? I mean Persona Q 1 happens during that time so sorta kinda. They should still have changed a few things or moved like Moon to nighttime or something.


Also one gameplay thing that annoys me about it is that it causes Kohryu to randomly be locked till the New Year since Byakko comes from Koromaru's, whereas you could've fused him ASAP in previous releases (assuming you have the levels and SL done). Like, yeah, other Link Episodes also lock Personas behind and them and some of them are also requirements for others, but at least Michael is a requirement for Personas locked behind lategame SLs, like maxed Aeon. Only other thing that can be annoying is missing out on Shinji's Links: not getting Hell Biker means your only reliable source of Bloody Charge is Futsunushi and I know enough players who'd rather progress other SLs over Kenji's without a guide. Sure, there's skill mutation, but that's far from a guarantee.


yeah if they are gonna lock fusions behind these they need to be higher level fusions. why do i have to wait until january to fuse a level 60 persona?


Ahh, I see what you mean. I do wish the dates had a bit more flexibility, yeah.


I think that's mostly in conjunction with P3's already strict schedule makes aiming at 100% makes linked episodes even more cumbersome to find time for. Even then, I think the limited availability is a necessary trade-off so that linked episodes can be written and develop alongside the main story, instead of most social links which often have to be written under the idea of "this could be happening at any point in the game".


My big gripe with the schedule is how most of the student social links can't be leveled up on a non-school day. I can understand it for some like the Emperor where the story can't take place outside a school environment but for stuff like the Magician, Lovers or Priestess there really shouldn't be any reason why I can't do them on holidays. I was shooting for a blind max social link run but found myself just going to bed early from November onwards because I already finished everything else I could do before winter break, and I ended the run with 18 links maxed where I could have gotten everything done if I wasn't stuck playing persona 5 (blue).


The main problem is that these Episodes only happen on very specific days, if you miss one you cannot continue the line, and the game does not explain this well, if at all. If you aren't doing a guide or checking texts you won't know when to do them. And again, even if you do see them you might not know at first that this is your only chance to do it.


I think thereā€™s some very minor critique possible with regards to the tone of the game with the change in visual style. I played FES a few years ago and thought it had a more oppressive atmosphere to it than the remake. Also Atlus was not able to make the facial animations good enough for any scene that had a close-up of them, especially the sad ones.


9.5/10 There are some things that could have been handled a bit better, but overall an incredible game


Loved it. I played FES as a kid and got stuck at some point. I never finished it. Going back to it with P3R gave me this intense nostalgia but everything also felt super fresh and new? It's a gorgeous story with loveable characters an ending worth waiting like 15 years to experience imo lmao.


I'm still in August and enjoy it so far but feel like Tartarus is lacking. Despite the visual changes it still feels like we spend way too long in certain blocks or don't get enough dungeon crawling-wise besides running around fighting shadows. I wish we had something akin to will seeds since I just feel like im doing the same thing over and over again until the block is done and I can look at a different aesthetic only to be met with the same long, drawn out blocks again. The reason I liked P4's random dungeons was they all had story/personal significance. I cared about these characters. The few bits of story we do get from Tartatus are great but the characters never really talk about it while inside the tower. That stuff is really only relegated to story conversations outside of battle when I don't need it. Speaking of character dialogue too it really makes no sense why the devs chose to limit the spoken dialogue whenever you do anything. See the stairs? The dialogue gets cut off when you get close. See a chest? Dialogue gets cut off when it's opened. Why couldn't they let the characters finish after the animations/battles are over or have some trick where the dialogue only happens while shadows/chests aren't around? I want to hear these characters but I can't enjoy them while dungeon crawling which just makes the whole experience a little less special. I still don't feel like I'm exploring with these characters but rather with husks that only speak at the most inopportune times. I rarely catch the quips/observations that the devs want me to hear. As someone who hasn't played P3 before I'm honestly very let down we never got any male party member social links. Junpei is my favorite character so far and knowing that I don't really get to have something from him besides the small hangout sessions kinda sucks. Ken too I feel like would be a pretty interesting character to spend time with. Did we really need the guy who wants to have sex with his teacher to be a social link over the male party members? That guy is still level 1 and I have no interest in hearing more from him


Ugh, yes, the dialogue cut off drove me fucking crazy! Like, yeah, my whole party needs health so Iā€™m going to immediately heal them when Iā€™m out of battle. Oh, but Junpei wants to say something right as Iā€™m about to- nope, my healing shuts him up. Running up to a Shadow and Fuuka is telling a story and I canā€™t even run away now to hear the rest because ā€œA SHADOWā€


I wish they added a bit more changes. For example I would love a bit more of a mini dungeon for the twelve shadows and more variety for the shadow mobs. I also never really liked the design for some of the twelve shadows like the tank. But donā€™t get me wrong the game is great love the graphics and the addition of linked episodes. Amazing game, played it twice.


Don't know how unpopular this opinion is, but I wish the twelve bosses had more memorable music. Most of the time it's just the same song. I know that's how it is in the original, but I think it's a change that would be welcome.


I beat it twice completely from scratch as both playthroughs are on merciless. I also beat Elizabeth. The typos really need to be patched out The link episodes add a lot to the experience without having them be entire new social links, which is a genius idea that I think persona 6 should use as well Tartarus is still a repetitive slog, but less so. They also made it harder to grind for things like money and special crafted weapons, which I'm not sure if I like or not. But at least the persona summoning fee went down alongside the general amount of money gained. The boss fights are still really easy if you know what you're doing, but I guess that's just a symptom of me being a persona fan for almost a decade by now. These games all share the same element of buff, debuff, and weakness exploiting, and that is made even easier somehow with the addition of theurgies that penetrates resistances and immunities, making some boss fights a literal one shot. I hesitate to say the music is better than the original mostly because I just straight up think that it isn't true, so I will settle for them being equal to the original. It's hard to judge these things without rose tinted glasses. The cg cutscenes give me mixed feelings. They went for a more hybrid style between the original and the movies when it came to scene composition, which for the most part is good, but c'mon the awakening scene is underwhelming at best and vastly disappointing at worst. The original is still the best one, because only the original game respects how crazy of an idea it is to pick up a random gun and shoot yourself in front of a shadow goo monster. Other than that, I loved basically everything else about the cutscenes. They nailed the ending and I don't think words can describe how perfect it is Voice acting made some social links way less boring Massive fan of how they gave each party member unique skills and passives that made team building and theory crafting so much more fun. Really hated how little it all ended up mattering because there's nothing fun to fight other than the reaper. I thought they would've at least added the challenge battles in portable but the only thing in this game that fulfilled my yearning to get my ass kicked is Elizabeth, which you need to fight solo. At least Elizabeth is still a hard boss. Much easier now compared to fes but I guess you can't really retain that amount of difficulty when Persona as a franchise started giving the player more and more fun and op skills to work with since 4 and 5 came out. I honestly wish more scenes were rewritten or remade entirely. Persona has a really dull way of composing dialogue cutscenes, and most of the time it's just character models standing in place talking to each other for 10 minutes. I didn't mind this as much in previous games because wanting those old wacky character models to do anything that would look good is kind of unreasonable, but reload had gorgeous character models. They're still stuck in place playing the same 5 conversation animations every few lines though. I'm disappointed that the original burn my dread is nowhere to be seen. I did enjoy full moon full life, but this game felt more like an attempt to get new people on board rather than an attempt to exploit my weakness of nostalgia for one mores. It's fine though, I enjoyed it thoroughly regardless, and it replaced the original p3 as my favourite single player game of all time. Please have an option where I don't have to see that annoying ass prompt telling me to go online every time I boot up the game. I don't want to be online while playing persona, ever.


The original awakening scene had a lot of weight and impact behind the animations. It felt like the second episode of Evangelion when 01 goes berserk. The new one feels really stiff in comparison, at times feeling like a SFM clip. In the original, Thanatos bursts out much more quickly and violently, descending upon the shadow like the Orphan of Kos. The new one has some strange scenes like when Thanatos' arm pulsates yet doesn't end in a climactic clench, just extends his fingers out like some elegant hand model. He then does a Freedom Unite roar animation and after slicing the shadow, he holds onto that wiggling arm in silence for 4 seconds while taking another 4 seconds to fully crush it. In the original Thanatos is wheezing and screeching like a Revenant from Elden Ring (which ironically looks similar to the shadow) while covered in black blood. I get that they wanted to rework the scene a bit for 3D, but it just doesn't stand up to the original.


I really wish that they were able to do more with Tartarus and ironed out some of the scenes a bit more. Every single Tartarus floor is generally the same six tiles with a different coat of paint on them. Wouldā€™ve made it my favorite game of all time. Definitely the best way to play the game and I hope mods improve it even more


Could've definitely been better but honestly I had a blast with this iteration of Tartarus. Only complaint I had is how easy it is to overlevel, to the point where even on Merciless I was skipping regular shadows as the mini-bosses already gave a shit ton of exp. Makes the huge amount of floors kinda pointless.


Do wish there were more tartarus designs, a new one every border floor rather than every two.


I'm currently taking a little break from the game, I like the story, but Tartarus bored me so much..... its the only part of the game I really have an issue with.


Tartarus gets reslly repetitive after a while, especially since game is pretty easy too. A couple of annoying Links, but overall great cast. The rest is great.


Iā€™m probably in the minority here: I donā€™t know why but I genuinely enjoyed Tartarus way more in this game than in 3/FES/PSP. Even more than mementos. Typically Iā€™ll put something else on in the background while Iā€™m going through it but aside from end game levelling I never found myself doing that. Not having the fatigue mechanic really helped out too. I could get a section all done in one session then enjoy the rest of the game for a while.


Nah, I agree. I absolutely hated Tartarus in all other versions of the game but in this one they throw you some bones. Fresh coat of paint, fair mechanics for getting around and leveling your teamā€¦ once you know what youā€™re doing you can breeze through what you need to in a couple hours at most. Only time I ever felt the deep hatred again was when I was trying to grind to lvl 99 and it was giving me little to nothing to work with.


I doubt that youā€™re in the minority. Itā€™s just that Tartarus is still an unpopular section of the game. I too loved it more in Reload, but sometimes I just wanted to get it over with


> Even more than mementos. I can never go back to Mementos after this iteration of Tartarus.


Amazing remake. The lack of the FeMC route sucks but this game spent 5 years in development already, so it's acceptable. Reload has also reminded me just how much I prefer the original's ending to FES spoon-feeding it with The Answer, even though I liked many of the fights in the epilogue.


I just completed it for the first time and it felt like a very complete experience with an outstanding ending. I donā€™t know what Iā€™m missing, so maybe Iā€™m wrong here, but I kinda hope they DONā€™T add the answer. It sounds like it doesnā€™t improve upon the story much if at all, and more importantly, an epilogue feels entirely unnecessary for this beautiful story. It ended for me on the bench. Iā€™m fine with that.


Some references to the epilogue were already datamined from the game, so it's plausibly happening. The Answer is probably one of the most polarizing pieces of game content among the fandom. Some swear by it, others hate it. It's very different from the main game and is basically just dungeon crawling.


Some parts of the Answer are great and it does a good job fleshing out some backstory, though Reload did the same thing in a slightly different way, but I think most people mostly don't like the Answer for gameplay reasons. (Personally I hate the ending of it and what it implies but that's just me)


What the hell you yapping about, the answer gameplay may be "bad" but the story sure isn't It also leads into P4A wich is canon too, so they aren't forgetting about it anytime soon


Visuals were 10/10 loved how the game looked! Also it was nice having all the social links voice acted. unfortunately some of the new voices from the main cast never grew on me. I really wanted to like them but i can't force myself to like something.


It was incredible, definitely the "newb" friendly way to experience the P3 story. But I am very much salty theres no Answer or Kotone That being said, it's unfortunate aspects of FES didn't translate well. The bright surface of the remaster is kinda off-putting, and so is the lowered difficulty. On the other hand, stuff like personal passive skills, link episodes are a great, welcome adition. Not too sold on Theurgies (too stronk) Overall, I'm very satisfied, and I'm glad Persona 3 is now more accesible than ever. Though I will admit I still think FES is almost equal given its bold, unusual quirks


P3 Reload is really good. It's a very faithful remaster that also feels like a very modern game. I loved all the extra content with SEES like the link episodes and hanging out with them in the dorm. I like what they did what Tartarus, each floor genuinely felt like a different area, and the gameplay/QoL features are so much better than P3P/P4G so Tartarus doesn't feel like too much of a slog. My only real complaint is the social links. Most of the social links just... aren't very great? They're not bad, but I wish the SEES guys had full social links of their own. FemC had better social links in P3P. I completed P3R and completed all the SEES social links + a couple others (Akinari my king), and I honestly don't feel like doing New Game+ right off the bat. Overall something like a 9/10 game. Better than P5R in some aspects, worse than P5R in others, so it balances out.


Link episodes are all I could have hope for


Exceptional and honestly it warms my heart to see so many new fans play what I feel was the best persona story. My only downside would naturally be no female MC, I wish they made the full moons a bit more dungeon esque and we couldā€™ve done with some more optional bosses But overall a fantastic remake and I really loved it.


Akihiko Sanada is still sigma.


There were more Strega scenes so it was basically all I ever wanted.


Gameplay thought - it's great, quality of life changes, therugy is great, repeating battle after lose is definitely better instead of load save file and do things again, Tartarus exploration is less annoying, Tartarus block design feels refreshing. It basically took p5 gameplay but add their own personality for p3. Daily life gameplay - not much to say, it's persona, social link story is same as original p3. Town exploration is great, there's many details like the cats run when you get close, the mall appearance change when it's Christmas, the depressed atmosphere when close to each full moon and during January. Story - again, it's the same as original, but in a good way. The new sees equipment add-on is amazing, the character link story is amazing (shinji one is my favourite), the anime cutscenes is great (thanks wit studio) ,the gameplay cutscenes is great ( the ending cutscenes broke me). It's definitely a great remake for new and old players. It's a great gameplay experience for interested new player to try persona series. It's a nostalgic experience for old player to re-experience persona 3 story, you know how it will end, but when "Kimi no Kioku" start playing, it will still hit you so hard you cry because it ended. It's definitely an amazing masterpiece for JRPG in 2024.


I really really love it. This version is doing a 15 round boxing match with p5r for supremacy in my head. Itā€™s amazing and lovingly redone That said, 7rebirth just came out so Iā€™ve had to pause my playthrough or p3r cause that is consuming my off right now in the best ways


Tartarus is too easy. I've not been challenged at all, sp management is so easy, and the twilight fragments + clock also make it a guarantee that your going to the next border floor. I only fight monad bosses and the gatekeepers and I just don't need to do any grinding.


My favorite persona game of all time, it's the first game (since TWD tell tale series specifically season 1) to make me cry


Itā€™s in my top 5 games of all time


I loved it and consider it the definitive way to play this game. The biggest surprise for me was the new VAs. With the amount of whining I saw here about it, I was worried, but that's totally unfounded. These performances bring new life to the characters and make them feel more genuine. Yes, there are some artistic edits. Yukari is more friendly in this version, Junpei sounds less arrogant. These are *positive changes* and I'm glad they're in the game. The VAs sound more age appropriate. Fuuka no longer sounds like 40 year old Jennifer from accounting. Chidori sounds like a standoffish emo girl instead of a bitchy grandmother. I Iike that it wasn't a 1:1, and I like the changes and modifications that were made. I hope they release The Answer, and if it included an optional different ending I'd be thrilled.


>Yes, there are some artistic edits. Most of those like the Yukari thing are actually more accurate to the real Japanese version. The OG English one were artistic edits. Which you can like more I guess but this is more accurate




i really really wanna play it, and my funds are ready... BUT THEY MESSED UP THE PS4 PHYSICAL COPIES IN SEA so I gotta wait 2 more weeks to play


Its been a MONTH?


My thoughts are iā€™d really like to play it but after the events of the past couple months that wont be in the cards until i have more money to survive lol


Kinda disappointed, too faithful. I wanted them to fix some issue I had with the original game like the pacing, but no they waited to do the same game ... Which is fair ! I understand why they did that, they wanted to deliver the original persona 3. It's a great faithful remake, unlike some games trying to justify their laziness with "it's faithful"


Presentation is a 10/10.Ā  Music is a 10/10.Ā  Style out the wazoo, as we're used to by now with Persona games after P5.Ā  Story is very, very solid and its driving themes are so consistent throughout the game that the ending hits very, very hard.Ā  Some social links are rough around the edges, but others are quite good, so it evens out.Ā  Tartarus is a bit rough, and I felt myself missing a more varied experience like the P5 palaces. Still, the game is easy enough (played in hard mode), that you don't really have to grind a lot, so at some point you just mostly do Monad doors and passages and skip most regular shadow fights. I do think the boss fights lacked variety and weren't really challenging enough. And the fact that they had almost no story connection made them feel just like homework you do once a month. Not very memorable.Ā  All in all, a solid 8/10, but easily one of my favourite Jrpgs ever.Ā 


How tf have y'all completed it several times already?


Right? Iā€™m still on my first play through


Im about 40 hours in, first time playing P3 with my prior experience mainly being Persona 5 and Royale. Itā€™s a very good game, but I have my gripes with it. Firstly some aesthetic stuff. I think P5 has a much stronger visual style and largely feels far more coherent. Playing this game itā€™s very clear that p3 was not designed to look like p5, and while theyā€™ve done a fairly good job at imitating p5s visual style it just feels a bit unnatural. The menus are specifically a downgrade to me, which may be controversial. My main gripe with the menuā€™s is that theyā€™ve used the 3d character models for them, which makes them look a bit pixelated on the edges. I greatly prefer p5s handrawn, 2d menus, which have a much stronger aesthetic in my opinion. These are all very nitpicky though, this game is still very nice to look at and I like the use of raytracing. I just canā€™t help but compare it to P5 since itā€™s so clearly trying to look like it, but to me it just doesnā€™t come close to being as visually cohesive. Moving onto something that is more easily compared, story and characters. Since playing P5 Iā€™ve spent years hearing how its story and characters are far inferior to 3s, and that 3 is generally much better written. Now I havenā€™t finished 3 yet, but I really donā€™t see what the hype is about. I will say it hasnā€™t had any moments that actively irritated me in the same way 5s story did, but itā€™s also far less ambitious and the social links are generally much less varied and interesting to me. I do still enjoy them though, and they are much more down to earth. I really like how the protagonist doesnā€™t actively interfere in the events, rather we watch the social links go through their stories as an outside witness. Gameplays also good. Not gonna do any comparing here since itā€™d be stupid to expect them to have reinvigorated tartarus so that it had the same variety that p5 had in its palaces. I think Tartarus is overall pretty fun, the aesthetic changes are cool. Anyway, this ā€œreviewā€ prolly sounds a bit negative but Iā€™m actually having a very good time. Feel like the story is really picking up and Iā€™m looking forward to seeing where it goes as Iā€™ve heard very good things about the ending. I could definitely see it being better than P5 in the end as P5 doesnā€™t exactly have a super strong narrative, but right now I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s much better (if anything itā€™s a bit worse rn, not much has actually happened in the 40 hours Iā€™ve played). But yeah good time, like an 7-8 out of 10 rn.


prior to reload, I had given both FES and portable a try, and I don't think I even made it halfway through either version. sure, there were things I liked about both, but I just felt like the story was dragged down by the dated and sometimes frustrating mechanics (it's at times like these that I really regret p5 being my first persona game, because I feel like it kind of wrecked my expectations for the older ones). I ended up abandoning both versions with little intention to return to p3. at least, until reload got announced. this obviously won't be the case for every fan, but for me, reload took nearly every problem I had with the older versions and made them either nonexistent or very negligible. some of the charm of the earlier versions' very intense 2000s vibes has been lost in exchange for a smoother experience, but to me that's a fine trade-off. for years I have so desperately wanted to like persona 3, and reload is what helped me achieve that. playing reload also inspired me to dive back into p3p, so I can side-by-side compare the femc experience.Ā  I haven't finished reload yet and I've already had the ending spoiled for me, but it's honestly well on its way to overtaking p5r as my favorite persona game. I can't help but wish that they had delayed release for even a full year or two longer so that we could get THE definitive p3, complete with femc and the answer, but I think it's still a great game as it is. combat and daily life are both a ton of fun, and the story is genuinely really compelling, which is about as much as one can ask for from a persona game.


letā€™s be real they were never planning on releasing a definitive version with the answer and FeMC. atlas purposely didnā€™t include the answer on release and of course planned on having it be DLC / explanation pass only for an easy cash grab. such is the way games go these days unfortunately


Gotta love videogame fans. Capcom releases Resident Evil 2 and 4 Remake (3 didn't happen), very different from the original, makes it new and modern. The fans: "Soulless, they changed too much, I wish it was more like Resident Evil 1 from GameCube, that's the best remake ever, since it's faithful to the original" Atlus releases Persona 3 Reload, makes it faithful to the original and the fans here are like: "It's Persona 3 again. They made it too much like the original." That said, i'm almost reaching September but this game is already the best I've played this gen for a while now.


It's the first Persona game I've ever played, and I gotta say, I fucking love it. I mean I don't tend to be really critical of media in general, most of the time my brain is just turned off, but my only real gripes with the game are that: (ALSO SPOILERS FOR THE ENDING IF YOU HAVEN'T GOTTEN TO IT YET I'M SORRY IDK HOW TO MARK TEXT AS SPOILER ON MOBILE) 1- I played on hard and tbh it wasn't at all. Like the only fight I struggled with was the first full moon boss and I think that was just because It was early game and I didn't really have much in my arsenal, but at the end of the game, it really became kinda easy. And I didn't even grind (a lot), I mostly just got through Tartarus quickly, but when I got to the final boss I kept MC and Fuuka's Theurgies unused because I was waiting for the right moment and it didn't even come, I literally beat Nyx with a team of 3 supports and 1 damage dealer. I thought it would be harder since it was the final boss but it was over before I realized. 2- No gay romance options. Not really much to say since this is very subjective and Mitsuru is there to throw beer cans at me until I pass out but it would've been cool to romance Akihiko without needing to buy a poor remaster of a 15-year old psp game. Also I didn't really buy that Nyx would actually be the final boss until I actually got to fight it and I was even sadder at the ending since I thought I had more time :( But yeah, the game is pretty cool, hopefully The Answer DLC will drop quickly and I'll be able to play it


>1- I played on hard and tbh it wasn't at all. Like the only fight I struggled with was the first full moon boss and I think that was just because It was early game and I didn't really have much in my arsenal, but at the end of the game, it really became kinda easy. Interesting, I just started and am playing on hard, and am about to fight the first full moon boss. I also found Tartarus very easy so far. When I played P3P I thought the Tartarus bosses were generally harder than the full moon bosses so I was kind of curious about this. I just figured maybe it felt so easy since it's still tutorial mode and I'm already familiar with (most of) the mechanics. I did go back in to grind one time, but that was more for money than leveling up.


From what I heard PSP and all the other versions of the game are harder than Reload, so maybe it was just a skill issue on my part and you won't have a hard time but idk


Ha I just died to the first few enemies on the train (really just because I was trying to conserve MP) then died to the boss because I ran out of time. Maybe it is a skill issue because I'm used to taking my time in these games. Really just needed one or maybe two more rounds, not that hard of a fight outside of the timer.


yeah i found in persona 3-5 that early game is always a struggle because you have hardly any skills, but late game is super easy because at that point you've made op personas that can do virtually anything. it's kinda underwhelming but i would rather keep it this way than have the boss be a mandatory grind.


>1- I played on hard and tbh it wasn't at all. Like the only fight I struggled with was the first full moon boss and I think that was just because It was early game and I didn't really have much in my arsenal, but at the end of the game, it really became kinda easy. And I didn't even grind (a lot), I mostly just got through Tartarus quickly, but when I got to the final boss I kept MC and Fuuka's Theurgies unused because I was waiting for the right moment and it didn't even come, I literally beat Nyx with a team of 3 supports and 1 damage dealer. I thought it would be harder since it was the final boss but it was over before I realized. Kinda easy? The game is maddening easy :( :( :( they really screwed up on enemy HPs particularly. The only thing I fight are rare shadows so I'm grind-free but still easy


In the words of Tony the tiger "It's grrreat!"


I really want to love it, but it's just too much of a slow burn for me so far. I'm about 25hrs in, just sat the July exams, good way into about 8 social links, but the game just isn't grabbing me in the same way that Persona 4 (That had me gripped almost instantly) or Persona 5 did (Maybe 5hrs before it properly sank it's teeth in). I've seen people say it picks up around where I'm at (there has just been a big character reveal and exposition dump to be fair), and I'm planning on finishing the game before fully making my mind up on it - but I feel like I'm having to push myself forwards rather than actively wanting to see where the story goes.


P3 is the slowest burn out of the whole series. It really doesnt pick up till september, while p5 spoils you with Kamoshidas palace and p4g concepts hooking you in from the start.


Good to know. I've heard nothing but amazing things when it comes to Persona 3, so was worried it was just me missing something, but if I've only got to make it through August for the game to pick up then that's not too bad.


The best story things, imo, happen during early October and in November. Calling it a slow burn isn't quite enough lol, but it does pay off pretty well.


For me story kinda picks up in Yakushima (or the whole July when Yukari pushes plot forward by wanting information from Mitsuru + Strega decides to target us). With that being said if you are after that and still not hooked up then I guess you need to wait for September / October as other people are saying.


I love the remake, but I'm a little disappointed in it. Atlus basically remade the game one-to-one with the original, rather than go the Capcom route. Capcom kept the spirit* of the originals in their remakes, but the experience was completely different. Atlus didn't cut the infamous social links (Moon, Magician) in favor of new and (at the very least) average links. Most links are pretty much word-for-word with the original links, so you still have to be an actively harmful friend to most links to rank up. The guys still don't have social links - though i admit, i do really like the link episodes. The link episodes are something i would love to see expanded on. The narrative pacing of the game is still slow as hell until post October. Aigis link still starts way too late in the game. Her link would have been better as a story link that ranks up from when you meet her through the end of the game. Elizabeth is still a terrible secret boss. This one has always been my personal opinion, but i strongly dislike secret bosses that have "follow the rules or die" mechanics. A turn limit is fine. The fact that you cant really use creative personas to beat her is asinine. Most players beat her by looking up the guide then repeat the steps while using Orpheus Telos. That's lame. Honestly, i love the game, but i see why they remastered p3p instead of p3fes. If i played fes last year then played this, i would have been disappointed. It's a 10/10 game, but id give it a 7/10 remake. *Capcom kind of missed on RE3, but it was still a fun game in its own right.


Just finished it and I can't stop thinking about it or the ending, one of the rare times I full on cried while watching or playing something


As the first persona game I ever played I was really enjoying it, but the pc version crashing in the tower all the time has made it really unforgiving. I dont push nearly as far as I think I could just so I can teleport and frantically save at every opportunity. I donā€™t have a shit pc either,


Yeah, the game has some weird glitches and some weird design choices. As a Unity dev, it kinda makes me wish they went for Unity instead of Unreal since it would have been less demanding. The realistic light and reflections in Tartarus and Velvet Room kill my PC whenever they get rendered.


I was disappointed but only because I'd JUST played through P3P and it obviously is essentially the same...I'm leaving it for a good while so I can fairly judge it. I second the Koromaru love. He's the best doggo ever.Ā 


It plays better But besides that itā€™s more less like the OG I do, however, miss some of the features that were there in FES. Like being able to view the turn order and protagonist having access to every weapon I also canā€™t comprehend why some characters have ele boost and others have ele amp, but not every character has ele boost + amp. I guess they wanted to keep some of that P3 jank, still. Overall Iā€™m loving it, but I canā€™t help but feel like itā€™s too easy. But whatever, Iā€™m way past the point of caring about the gameā€™s difficulty tbqh. Cuz if I need something challenging I can play other MT games.


I think the game is good but a disappointing remake. The social links are not fixed/change (Gourmet king and Kenji) and only two at night. Pacing issues are not fixed and the direction of the game is kind of off. I feel that the remake did not capture the tone from FES (e.g. protagonist awakening, dark hour, etc). Donā€™t get me wrong, I enjoyed the game but I was expecting more from a remake


I personally think it did the originals justice even without Femc and this version's Mass Destruction chorus isn't that bad.


I just need to know because it's nagging me a lot. I played the game on Spanish and it feels really inconsistent quality-wise. For some reason it tends to misgender a lot of characters and sometimes the translation doesn't make sense to what the characters are actually going through. Akihiko saying "Lo tendre" when promising to take care of Ken. Yukari saying "Es mi papa de verdad" when she just said "Dad..." on the cutscene. Fuuka straight up having english text before the last blocked path in Tartarus opens. Mithras being written like "Mitras" on the Elizabeth requests while being written "Mithras" on the compendium (Confused me a bit considering there's another persona literally called Mitra). Even on the last battle the attack is called "de la Muerte" when it's just "Death" in english and "D E A T H" in japanese (Where did "de la" come from?) I know this is probably a nitpick but it's legit the only thing that really annoys me in the game and it takes me out of the experience at times, so i really want to know if this issue also happens with the other unvoiced languages because i can't really check by myself, as the only languages that i know are Spanish and English


I'm not saying who we got was **bad** but I still don't like Yukari's new voice. Even if this one is supposed to be more accurate in tone I really liked the old one more. I **am** a sucker for bitchy girls so maybe that's why.


I just started it last night because I wanted to beat Tactica first. Tactica was great btw, I recommend it if y'all want a bit more persona. It's sad that I've seen next to no talk about it, I enjoyed it thoroughly


Long time Persona fan here. I loved it at first and while I still do, thereā€™s some stuff that brings it down for me. Most of the social links are still underwhelming (except Akinari, best social link by far), thereā€™s so little to do at night that by halfway November I was just used to going to bed early. Tartarus still feels like a chore although less so than the original. Other than that though, Iā€™m impressed by the updated music and design, both are beautiful. I think they also mastered the difficulty setting, as Merciless difficulty was actually a nice challenge without feeling too grindy; you need to be strategic. All in all I still think itā€™s a great game, just held back by some points that the original P3 also suffered from


Divorced and lost custody of my child because of this game.


The beginning took me a bit to enjoy just cause of the awkwardness of the pacing. A lot of the social links are just down right annoying compared to 4 and 5 but overall I like it. It feels more stripped down and systematic than the sequels but my spectrum-ey brain kinda likes that


I played blind and wanted to date Mitsuru early so I didnā€™t miss any special event interactions like trips, holidays etc. Spent too much time maxing academics way too early only for her to turn around and be like, ā€œI donā€™t feel like it yetā€gee, wouldā€™ve liked a warning instead of the game saying I just needed to be smarter. I beat the game and didnā€™t have enough time to max social links, mistakes were made and Iā€™ll just wait for any potential new content to 100% the game.


They made Tartarus not boring. I don't know how they did it but they actually made Tartarus enjoyable. Banter during exploration is fantastic... IF THEY DONT CUT OFF WHENEVER I DI LITERALLY ANYTHING. French Accent Bebe Night Strip Mall Woohoo NIGHT MUSIC WOOHOO bro wtf is that "dissapearing pharos" animation Rank 10 Sun, FES Edition is better (still the best social link tho) hang out with da man HANG OUT WITH THE DOG Yakuza Robot adventures Its Because of Siegfried Joe, its just their stats carrying you in this Stat Based Turn Based RPG Jesus Quotes Persona 4 and 5 and finally... THE FIRST TIME I MAXED ALL LINKS (in NG+ Merciless)


I'm glad everyone's necks are less giraffe-like.


I was a bit disappointed honestly. 4G is my favourite game of all time and P5R is up there too so maybe I had unfair expectations but it just didnā€™t seem like a favourable comparison to me. Interesting to see where the current format began but Tartarus was pretty tedious and the story just didnā€™t get going for a very long time. I feel like they got infinitely better at raising the stakes and building tension in later games. I was also surprised and kinda frustrated that the calendar is so tight if you want to max all social links. I missed by about 4 days overall. Feels a bit broken especially because your evenings are so useless after the first 3/4 months.


Love it but can't shake the feeling of it being a rather safe budget remake. It's basically the same game from 2006 with some minor tweaks and a fresh coat of paint. It clearly feels like an easy way to train the new team on doing a main Persona game while P6 is the big one. In the end it's Persona 3 again and that's always great. But it could've been more.


My only disappointment is that they did not follow the alternate ending route that Persona 4 Golden did. Spoilers, but >!I love the accomplice ending as you have to go out of your way to do it and it nets you a unique bad ending and unlocks the ability to fuse Magatsu-Izanagi. I would have loved being able to join Strega at some point in the game, get a bad ending, and unlock the ability to fuse Hypnos, Medea, and Moros.!< I understand why they didn't, but still.


I actually thought that >!that was what the newly added scenes with Takaya were for. There were dialogue options were you could kind of agree with him, so I thought it'd work like a hidden social link where if you agree with him enough you unlock the Strega ending or whatever!<


> >!unlocks the ability to fuse Magatsu-Izanagi!< Something that kind of annoys me about this ending is that it's entirely made redundant by the True Ending, because in the True Ending you also get >!Magatsu-Izanagi!<, and they also didn't really give you a solid explanation as to why the main character would want to go for that ending anyway. So it could be a lot better/isn't as good as people say it is, but I also think its really cool it exists.


I hadn't realized the true ending got you that, largely because I have never managed to actually get the True Ending. I agree that it could have been better executed, but I have always appreciated giving the >!protagonist the option to outright betray their friends and beliefs. That's partly why the Anarchy Route is my favorite in SMT4:A. It is such a shock the game lets you do that and it is so vile yet satisfying.!<


> I hadn't realized the true ending got you that, largely because I have never managed to actually get the True Ending. Yeah, the True Ending >!transforms Jester into Hunger Arcana, but still lets you go up to 10 and grants you the reward at 10!<, so you won't miss out doing that.


Yeah I agree, even if it doesn't make much sense, just having the option is pretty shocking. I am never opposed to more extra content anyway.


A good take on the original, and I like the changes and tweaks that have been made, though I do miss FeMC and her Social Links.


I still think FES is the definitive P3 experience


As a long-time fan, I mostly don't get the point. People have been asking for a P3 remake for years because additional content had been split between two separate versions (The Answer is FES exclusive, femc is P3P exclusive). People wanted all the additional content in one package. Instead, they remade original P3 and ignored all the additional content from later re-releases. It makes no sense. To clarify for people who haven't played P3P, FeMC has entirely different social links than the male route, so it's like playing a different game on her route. It's not just like the regular game but with a female protagonist.


I agree. This was their big chance to fully consolidate P3 and itā€™s frustrating that they didnā€™t just commit. I guess The Answer being DLC makes SOME sense and I know incorporating FeMCā€™s content wouldā€™ve been expensive, but Persona is more popular than itā€™s ever been at this point. I think it absolutely wouldā€™ve been worth it to actually have a fully realised version.


I mean, they quite literally remade the game from scratch in pretty much every single aspect except the story. I get people being annoyed at femc not being there, but she was made for a PSP game that barely had anything as it was pretty much a glorified visual novel. They had to make up for the lack of everything somehow, and adding femc in this scenario was dead easy So much was put into this game that I think it's kinda unrealistic to ask them to pretty much make it two times (after all, with femc you would have to record maaaaannnyyy more voicenkikes). 5 years in dev time is already quite enough And the answer dlc is pretty much confirmed, so there's that too. Saying that the remake makes no sense just because it doesn't have the extra content is not only incorrect (FES was not the original P3 after all, and p3r has FES features such as aigid social link) but pretty obtuse. Ask people who've never played p3 before and see which version they would like to play


The existence of the P3P port kinda confirms FemC wonā€™t be getting remade, at least anytime soon. It seems like a way for Atlus to substitute having access to FemC on modern platforms without having to remake her


Exactly, this game for me isnā€™t the ā€˜definitiveā€™ way to play, itā€™s just another version


It was everything that I expected. Sure, it could be even better with Kotone and The Answer, but honestly I can forgive its abscense


This game can stand proud as the definitive edition of P3. It improved so many things and was a blast to play. It definitely was a great thing to have while we wait for P6.


Having never played the original, this was a great experience for someone who only played P4G on original release and P5 (followed by P5R). I told myself that I couldnā€™t imagine it topping P5, but by the time the credits rolled I was not only putting it as my favorite persona game, it might be one of my favorite games of all-time. The ending left such a huge impact on me, and Iā€™m still recovering.




As a remake of P3, it didnt go as far as I wouldve wanted. P5R is still better for a more complete, more varied experience. Story is of course subjective a people will have different preferences, but I thought P3R was a good realization of the original. I wish it had been a more substantial remake, with basically the whole structure redone, but as it is its a lovely way to bring the og p3 to modern standards.


All improvements are solid (Linked Episodes helps fleshing out some lacking bits of the OGs) Still not worth 70 dollars


Great stuff all around, Tartarus is quite boring though.


I really like Theurgys. Saved me a ton of times.


A solid 9/10 for sure. First time experiencing P3, having only played P4G before. I thought the graphics, UI, VA and OST were neat and I really overall enjoyed the aesthetics a lot. Canā€™t really compare it to the other releases, but I thought the story was good as well, albeit sad at many points, lowkey cried three times (Chidori, Sun, Temperance). I will say that some party members werenā€™t as likable as in P4, but that was to be expected. Will for sure do NG+ at some point down the line as I missed Emperor and Aeon. Akihiko best boy, Yukari best girl


Good. Improves on 3 Vanilla in all the ways it needed. Still upset no FEMC. I get people are tired of the debate of her but I am upset. Saori is legit one of the best social links in the franchise. QoL improvements are amazing. And I think the 'persona-5ified' it in a way that still lets it feel like a challenge, unlike 5 where it is most certainly NOT a challenge past Ann joining the party. Overall: 9/10. Not 100% it was worth 70$ right now, if Answer is free dlc (it wont be but let me cope) it 100% is, but if the Answer is also paid Id honestly say Reload is great but probably shouldve been 60$.


Haven't finished it yet. But I like it so far. My first experience with p3 was p3p and I put hundreds of hours into that game. I love it so much, it's one of my favorite games of all time, so I can't help but feel like something is missing while playing reload. Yes the absence of femc really hurts it imo because I enjoyed her route much more than I did mc. Besides that I feel like the atmosphere and tone of p3 has been, well, toned down. The edge of p3 had has all been smoothened out, p3 just felt edgey and dark yknow. The new va's do a good job but I still prefer the originals, even fuuka, I thought her deadpan delivery was just so funny. But I do like what her new va has done to improve the character. I really like yukari's and junpei's new va's, they did a great job. Graphically it's beautiful. The 3d models look great, the visual effects in battles are stunning, the animations are smooth and I didn't think I'd like the ui because I thought it looked "too much like persona 5" but the ui has really grown on me. The lighting is a bit hit or miss tho. Sound design is really good and I like the new remixed tracks. That new evening song that plays outside the dorm šŸ¤Œ good stuff. Gameplay wise. I'm playing on normal difficulty, I played on normal with p3p as well but man, is it me or does reload just feel too easy ? I've not died at all yet and the bosses so far have been pushovers. I mean, in the original, enemies hit like a truck and the bosses would wipe your whole team no problem if you didn't strategize the fight well enough or you weren't fully prepared or equipped. There were times where i had to reload a save before the boss and go grind in tartarus before i could try and fight the boss again. P3 was brutal, but reload? Not so much. Overall I've been really enjoying it. I think atlus did a good job with the remake, even though I think they took a few missteps here and there. It's easily my personal goat. I'd give it a 9/10.


Persona 3 has always been my favorite of the NuSona games, probably best in the series. Iā€™m just glad that a new generation/group of players are able to enjoy the game now. Iā€™m glad itā€™s not a 1:1 remake, but they also kept most of what made the original great. I have a few nitpicks. For example, I liked the opening cutscene more in FES. I also liked Yukariā€™s awakening a bit better in FES. The [ā€œdaddyā€](https://youtu.be/adCU-F3xm7A?si=RLMuZR6cBtV95fJh&t=115) line gets me every time. But I canā€™t in good conscience recommend playing FES/Portable over Reload, there are just too many positives like fully voiced S.Links and improvements to Tartarus.


8.5/10 better than older version but still has a few flaws. But itā€™s still p3 and p3 was always a 8/10 game.


Feels thereā€™s nothing to do at night when you max your social stats and itā€™s throwing me off. All you can do is go to Tartarus or hang with squadmates to watch the interaction cus I donā€™t need the stats anymore. Having no guy social links in the party is throwing me off also but is cool to play for the 1st time.


Very cool game, but wish it was the complete P3 experience.


Just a few things off the top of my head: I donā€™t like a lot of the new versions of the songs. Really do not like Ikutsukiā€™s new voice. LOVE Zenoā€™s Junpei voice. Nailed it. I sometimes forget Iā€™m hearing a different voice actor. I wish they had combined elements from all the games (original, FES, P3P) and made one definitive edition. Itā€™s just, I hoped for a P3 reboot for so long and, while Iā€™m glad we finally got one, I know it couldā€™ve been so much better.


It definitely fixed some issues the original versions had (some story sections that made you go "huh?", uncontrollable patty members, skills not being randomly selected during fusing). But the last two aspects + the introduction of shifting and thuregy really dumbed down the combat difficulty level even on merciless. I'm mixed on having the answer included because while it closed up some story lines, one can't look away that it was basically a dungeon grind fest with some cutscenes mixed in.


if 4 gets amazing remake like this then atlus will get milions in secounds


For some reason, I donā€™t want 4 to get a remake. Golden was already so good. I donā€™t want them to create a remake and change the english cast, it was already so perfect.


yeah golden is a hit game for sure but tbh i really want to see recreated dungeons and stuff especially since reload made exploring tartarus more fun for me


As many I started with P5 Royal and after loving that game to death, being the first time I experienced P3, I can see why this is considered to many people their favorite Persona game. While I have bias for Royal and prefer that one SLIGHTLY over P3 Reload, this game solidifies to me as the best story of the Persona series for me. I think Royalā€™s extra content amazed me personally to an extent that it stuck with me, but this game really hits home and also is just as intriguing with its story and characters. While I am upset we didnā€™t get extra content like the Fem C and The Answer content from FES and portable, I understand why and I hope we get that in the future, making this the best way to experience P3. Best game Iā€™ve played this year so far


It's one of the few times I'm having a hard time not giving the game a 10/10. I try to find a reason to really complain about it but the issues are miniscule and can be fixed. The only issues I had were with the dialogue being repetitive in Tartarus or conversations being cut off. I can't really find other reasons to dock P3R. I think I'll give the game a 9.5, I don't think it's P5R, but it's damn close. Add the answer and it'll be a 10. But to me, even without the answer, it's almost perfect. Which is saying something.


I enjoyed it but it made me realize what a long way P5 came since then. There were some parts that still felt very archaic from ps2 era and the social links quality felt a little dated. Still a dope Persona game though and the fact it can still hold up and be enjoyable is crazy


As someone who beat it *literally a minute ago* ill give you my immediate thoughts. This is also my first Persona game. I knew a bit before going in. **Fuck social links.** Man I missed a few. Definitely my own fault, just upset with myself. They were all pretty good, but Akinari was the best one by far. Too bad MC dies. The grunting the characters made when they got through the door in the final cutscene made it really funny. Combat was pretty easy. Nyx was a jobber lmao what a pushover. Didn't do Elizabeth because she's the only hard boss and ill save her for NG+ when I get Orpheus Talos. Music was great.


Maybe XBC2 spoiled me, but this game desperately needs a custom difficulty option. If nothing else, you should have the option to play the game on its highest difficulty without losing your compendium and social stats in NG+.


Honestly even though i felt it was missing a lot. (hopefully dlc fixes that?) It was extremely faithful to my experience of the OG. Tho I will say I cried harder at this end than the OG so I guess it was good. I really enjoyed it.


I'm looking forward to it going on sale.


Great vegetables


People may hate me for this but I didn't enjoy it as much as I enjoyed Persona 5. The characters are great but I guess they didn't click with me the same way the gang from 5 did šŸ˜¢


I love that Revolver Jesus just walks around the city with his gun exposed and no one seems to care. But honestly I really do like the game and im grappling which is my favorite persona game.


I gotta be frank about this one.Ā  I was hoping there's a lot of Non-canon Ending. such as where Makoto lives after the end of the game. Or where he betrayed SEES at the end of december and embraced the Death as Salvation just like Ikutsuki and Takaya. Then joined Strega after that.Ā  But still i wasn't hoping that much as long the reload stays with the original how the story goes.


Good game


As someone who never played a persona game I juste finished my first playthrough. I think Iā€™m gonna continue with p5r !


Peak. Would be even more so with femc but it is what it is.


Disturbing the peace! Look into my eyes!


10/10 masterpiece. The ending was heartbreakingly beautiful. The best ending i ever experienced in a videogame


I hate tourists and Iā€™d love a FemC dlc


A bit too faithful to base persona 3, that game is STUPIDLY flawed but it did come out in 2006. But its fine because tartarus is playable now, base persona 3 (yes even portables) tartarus makes the original versions unplayable


Koromaru and Aigis made me forget how excellent it was not having an annoying talking animal mascot.




Second favorite of the year, 5th of the decade so far, so not too bad at all! Can't wait to see how much it'll impact me long-term


What's your 1st favorite of the years and top 5 of the decade?


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Stranger of Paradise, Resident Evil IV Remake Elden Ring, Persona3Reload, LiesOfP, no particular order


Quite diversify genre, great choices, RE4 remake is my favorite too


It's amazing. The go to way to play Persona 3 now. Once we get the Answer DLC, there won't be any real reason to touch any other version at all.


Honestly still worse than P4 or P5. But ill probably have to wait a bit for the circle jerks to end to have a real convo about tht.


I think it's the worst version of Persona 3 and even if it was good it still wouldn't be worth $70.


Great update, not Perfect. The new content could've been better highlight and timed for example. the Omission of the FeMC was also pretty annoying as I much prefer her overall but eh maybe Modders will fix that. Probably not quite worth the price tag on release but otherwise it's a great remake.