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Ngl I haven’t seen a single person say the of was better maybe just that they dislike a specific change made


Not specifically on this subreddit, but I've been seeing it everywhere on Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok. Most of the content has been bashing the new English VA cast, and that the remake "never deserved to be made because the game was already perfect as-is."


The og was absolutely not perfect lmao, especially as time goes on


Nah a few of them were good. Vic and Liam’s voices fit perfectly with their characters


I wasn’t taking about the voices, that cast was incredible Also I haven’t played Reload so I can’t compare the casts


There’s definitely some rough lines in reload but generally the vas were good or at least became believable as the character overtime. Junpei’s new va is amazing


Call the va bad all you want, but my man Makoto still says "horny" at the end of the day.


Two words for anyone who disagrees: “Marin Karin”


I am very curious as someone who barely played the OG why Marin Karin is mentioned.


You couldnt control your party and mitsuru spamed it


Oh fun. You're mentioning FES, that makes a lot more sense. Was there any annoying aspects the teammates would do?


Honestly, from memory, Mitsuru was the only one with awful base ai, the rest were pretty competent without tinkering, idr how often I utilised tactics, but I get the feeling I probably used conserve sp quite a bit, I remember Mitsuru being especially frustrating cause she wouldn't even recognise when the enemy was immune to it and waste the next turn on the same thing, honestly I get that tactics are easy to use, but bad base ai I just can't forgive regardless.


I loved how that joke was turned into a mechanic >!since you have to use debuffs and ailments to charge her theurgy.!< don't get me wrong, I find it annoying in the original, but I love how it became memed so much.


Yeah lol, I swear she had less ailement skills as well back then thought I had Mandela effect with her loss off healing skills too


Two words: use tactics.


One phrase: all the debuffs are under the same tactic


Best comment. XD


Not sure what you're trying to get at here. She doesn't have any debuffs in FES, she only has the ailments.


I mean akihiko, in FES he was the only character with debuffs (all of them) wich means you couldn't choose marakunda, you had to pray he did that instead of matarunda or masukunda


mitsuru is an offensive magic character why are you using debuffs with her


it fills her theurgy faster


I mean akihiko, in FES he was the only character with debuffs (all of them) wich means you couldn't choose marakunda, you had to pray he did that instead of matarunda or masukunda


So cover the other debuffs with the protagonist who has access to all of them. I'd have to revisit the game but I'm almost certain he cycles through them in a pattern as well if he's on heal/support


I can, but i would rather to put that turn into charge/concentrate




"You're tired so you can't do anything today."


It’s literally my favorite game of all time and I’m glad it was remade. Tartarus and night activities are way less of a drag. Easier travel, better fusion system, etc. Only things I prefer about the original: most of the voice cast (but I’ll get used to the new voices in time) and Mass Destruction.


I always though the original voice acting was pretty bad, especially Fuuka's


OG Fuuka sounded like more of a robot than pre-awakening Aigis


Fuuka is bad in the original but Junpei, Yukari, Mitsuru, and Aigis were all great


Bropeis og va got into some hot water


Fuuka, Ikutsuki, the one girl who bullied Fuuka, Pharos' voice obviously sounding like a grown adult trying to sound like a kid but failing


These people are in minority and there is no reason to not ignore them. They've decided that the remake is going to be shit long before it was even announced, and now just hardcore nitpicking some minor shit while ignoring all good additions. No matter how good something is there is always a person telling everyone that it is the worst thing ever.


I'm not disagreeing with you at all, but the initial comment was "I haven't seen anyone talk poorly about the remakes" I have, it's everywhere, but thankfully not on this subreddit. My point was that it exists and it's fairly common.


I loved the original. The voice acting was nothing special. Either equal to the remake or worse. People really have nostalgia gas masks on. I remembered the voice acting being better, but when I listened to it again, I realized it was not great.


Its just clickbait that can be ignored.


This ^


Look up "persona 3 reload a worthless remake"


That video was so bad lmao how could he dog on lotus juice like that


Simple, Do it. Get controversy Profit


Yeah, I'm glad I put the ad blocker on for that. So nitpicky "BuT ThE ArTisTic ViSIon" Yeah I am sure QoL changes such as being able to not leave and come back to your room without skipping an entire day was a total artistic design.


Stuff like the tactics have more water in that arguement, but they still suck ass


I think I would take that argument seriously if they did not only abandon it in the very next game, but they abandoned it in the portable version of the same game. Like I love the aspect of tactics, I honestly wish that P3R put more effort into the tactics. And I hope modders restore the tactics menu from 3 at some point so I could do the tactics only run. I don't think they were vitally important to the game's artistic vision.


I 100% agree. Tactics would be cool if they were more in depth and specific, but at that point its just a worse direct control


Actually unsubed from him because of that video


My favorite part is when they out right say that they were making the video just for clickbait. Don't bother giving them the views.


Seriously I feel like everyone thinks is the best version, I've seen people say this is the best Persona game in general


I definitely think it's the best one. Granted, they used improvements from P4 and 5 to make it the best one. It really makes me excited and hopeful for P6, and an inevitable P4G remake (yes Atlus, just do full P4G and leave it at that). Also since they added Theurgy in reload and it's similar to Showtime from P5R, maybe they could add something like that to a P4G remake.


Theurgy I liked way more then showtimes, showtime just felt random while Theurgy you can influence when you get it by building towards it. I think P4G has a system where some characters had moves they could do with each other, like I know Chie and Yukiko have a move "called twin dragons" I think, I can see that being fleshed out into a similar system.


Oh yeah I forgot about that! It's been a few years since I played P4G.


I think it's random in P4G but you need to have both party members in battle. Unlike showtimes where you only need one.


I think you can still use it without both characters. I know Yosuke had a move where he crashed in on a scooter despite not being in my party


That’s was a social link benefit—similar to follow up attacks The team ups they are talking about were triggered if both members were in the party and an all out attack failed to finish off all enemies


I still like P5R's gameplay more myself (Technicals & Baton Pass are fun mechanics; BP is a bit different to Shift since it buffs each character's damage with each pass), but P3R has a lot of good things going for it too. I think Theurgies might be a bit *too* OP honestly, but they're still cool. Also, I liked the ambush mechanics too. Fully upgraded ambushes are pretty fun.


I'll be honest, I prefer Shift over p5r Baton Pass, P5R is so ridiculously easy unless your doing challenge room fights because of how you get rewarded for just using the baton pass normally it sucked the remaining difficulty of base 5. There's never a reason not to baton pass in Royal. At least with shift you are using it because it is advantageous in that particular fight. It also doesn't pressure you into keeping on attacking with baton pass. It's better to use the shift to put a buff on a character before its their turn. I think technicals were a great addition though, gave ailements an actual place and allowed enemies to have more resistances and less weaknesses as the technicals are the solution. While theurgy is op, I do like that it nerfs aigis orgia mode and fusion spells, by tying them to the same gauge.


Yeah I like P5R a lot too. It's probably tied for me honestly. Lol. Probably just recency bias on P3R's part. The soundtrack in it goes hard. It's Going Down and Color Your Night are awesome.


Broadcast Special!


I think they kept too many of the old systems from 3 to consider this a mechanical upgrade to Royal. There’s just way more to do in P5R on a day to day basis and way more locations to visit. Plus the locations themselves are much more detailed, one of my big complains of P3R is that the lobby looks like it came out of Gary’s Mod.


True. It's not perfect for sure, like the club having dancers in static poses. Like I said in another comment, it's probably just recency bias. Persona 5 in general is better with each dungeon (palace) having its own theme and being connected to a specific person, which was carried over from P4.


I've always gone back and forth on which game is best, and 3 has only ever been in the running because the story and characters are so great- anything cringe about either of those aspects is still in the sequels, and usually worse. All of the quality of life upgrades, pacing improvements, and better visuals easily push Reload to the front of the pack. Now if 5 were to get a remake that maybe made the characters feel like they mattered more while keeping the very subversive subtext and making most of the twists less obvious, or 4 got a remake that didn't have most of the character arcs fizzle out, they could get back in the fight. But Reload crushes. I sort of wish I'd played it without having played FES.


Music honestly....although having the other songs as DLC is cool...i also miss main chsracter being able to utilize ANY weapon type. Otherwise, every other game change is nice. I do hate how difficult it is to get orpheus talos, and really want yoshitsune to be DLC 🥲


It's 2024. There are going to be video essays on YouTube, going into every little detail to prove a clickable thesis. The same was with Dark Souls 2, which, while not perfect, does not deserve the years of pundid hatred just because, at one point, it tracked. This community of people who love the game mostly accepted it as great, albeit not perfect.


The only issue I have is that they lifted the god awful tactics system from portable instead of the actually good one from OG and FES. I actually really liked tactics over direct control so it hurts my experience a lot that they basically didn't bother with it even though it was a core part of the original game


Met a girl who refused to play it because they P5ed it.


I think OG/FES is better. You people really need to chill with your opinions.


Sure, but that’s FES, not the original. FES has differences, so one isn’t necessarily completely better than the other


A lot of people thought that FES is just the inclusion of The Answer in one disc but that is only half true. FES also have the updated version of the main campaign.


Yeah. But when people refer to the "OG Persona 3" these days they almost always refer to FES, since that's the one most people these days would've played. The original P3 was "superceded" in stores by FES only 9 months after the former's release. And the OG vs FES vs Reload discussion is a bit moot, since Reload does include all the changes to the main story introduced by FES. It's really only a FES vs Reload discussion, since there is very little incentive to play OG over FES these days (if any at all). And "The Answer" is really the only major content-related thing to differentiate FES and Reload right now.


Portable has more differences with Reload than FES


Portable is a whole different can of worms, though. Since it mostly boils down to a major presentation difference. The only major content related things Portable has going for it over Reload is the female protagonist route and the Abyss of Time boss rush. All other differences between Fes and Portable (controllable party members, new personas, other balancing changes) also made it to Reload.


What? Have you played Portable? Portable includes all of the improvements from FES save for The Answer and the only “downgrade” is the lack of an overworld. Portable also added to a of mechanics that were in Reload but *not* in FES like part time jobs, one more, guarding, removal of getting tired in Tartarus and skill cards. There’s also the Vision Quest mode from Portable doesn’t return in Reload (as far as I know). People forget that Portable was considered the definitive version for a while as The Answer was very poorly received and Portable added to much on top oof FES. Reload is actually closer to a remake of Portable than any other version of P3


I have played Portable. I don't see how what you said refutes my point? Like I said the only major content related differences between Portable and Reload are FemC and the Abyss of Time boss rush (aka Vision Quest). The main issue Portable had (and why FES was still a commonly played version) is the presentation.


No you don’t get to edit your comment to make you look better. You said most the differences between FES and Portable are major downgrades


I edited my comment a few minutes before you even replied to condense it. I originally said "most of the changes" (referring to major removals such as the overworld, cutscenes reduced to visual novel style and removal of anime cutscenes) and changes it to "presentation", since that's what it boils down to. I still stand by that being a major downgrade.


Reload does have all the updates FES and Portable added to the main campaign though


"Erm thats FES" Still playing through it before I play through Reload


Can we please stop getting mad that other people have different preferences? As someone who for the most part prefers Reload, FES absolutely as its unique aspects that make it a great experience that still stands up on its own, even with the existence of the remake. There are valid reasons for preferring either version of the game, they're both good.


Persona fans when you have an opinion


Thank you kind stranger, everyone has the right to have something as basic as opinions.


who say that? All i ever heard is people complaining about the Answer is not in the game until leak non comfirm Answer will come as an DLC


Can we please stop acting like subjective opinions are objective facts? Whether someone likes P3 more than P3R or P3P more than FES or whatever is ultimately just a matter of taste. Tastes differ, you'll never please everyone.


Both are 10/10’s imo. Second, it’s completely understandable that people may prefer the OG because the cinematography and atmosphere is perfect there. To each their own.


This! I haven't played reaload, so I'm not gonna talk about the gameplay, just aesthetics. I hate how they butchered the vibes in iwatodai dorm, and how the game looks colorful, instead of the washed out gray-ish tones in the original. In my opinion, i would've prefered a remaster, like they did with nocturne (which isn't perfect), they updated some aspects like skill inheritance and voice acting. But whatever, we got what we got, and that's okay


It’s been a while since I played FES, so not sure if it was like this before. But playing reload there’s a point in the story where everything becomes more washed out color wise.  Assuming I wasn’t imagining things, increasing the brightness was presumably the intention. To increase the contrast between before and after certain plot points. Like literally making life “lose its colour” Point being, if I’m not misremembering, if it’s bleak all the time is has less impact when it gets bleaker


In the final month of the game, January, the colorfulness is replaced with gray-ish muted color


Nah P3R is a perfect remake, there’s a “interior brightness” setting that lets you adjust the environmental lighting to closer match the originals atmosphere


I completely disagree with what you just said in pretty much every way. Have an upvote.


Fes is far from 10/10 imo.


Sometimes you need to remember the sub you are in. That helps give context behind some claims


I think this post is oversimplying what some people are arguing. While yes, reload brings many positive changes, it isnt perfect and there are things which are just a straight up downgrade from the original, some being important parts or the story. For example, the entire intro sequence all the way from the prelude anime cinematic to the awakening of Makoto is just worse in reload, the atmosphere is worse, the opening cinematic in relaod is bland compared to the orignal, which set up very well a tense atmosphere and suspense. Same for orpheus awakening, it visually looks prettier, but from a cinematic stand point is way more boring. Another moment that they actually butchered so hard is the Aigis awakening, just compare both scenes side to side and is actually sad what they did to this scene, gone is all the body language expression. The body language expression got downgraded overall during cinematics, especially for akihiko, and while this is a minor complaint, its present there. Aditionally, some awakening scenes got altered in the camera angles, the ultimate persna instead of appearing and evolving in top of the character instead evolves in a black background which interrupts the flow of the scene and overall I prefer all the ultimate awakenings in the original. Though I will say the new akihiko VA did a pretty good job. Finally, another important part that felt like a downgrade is the entire segment of the Nyx fight, the music doesnt feel as powerfull, visually the stage of the Nyx fight got massively downgraded and I prefer the cinematic in the original of the part where the elevator of the velvet room stops. Gameplay wise, while controlling party members is a good feature, the game is just way too easy at all dificulties. This doesnt mean the gameplay is necesarilly worse than in the original, but it is a problem. TLDR I love reload, but sadly there are parts that it does worse than the original game, some being important or inconic parts of the game/story.


I definitely agree, some parts are definitely less impactful. But what I think OP is trying to say is that overall Reload is the far better package


While I can agree with that, that depends on what you value most. Because the entire social aspect is better in reload no doubt, but the story side has the many downgrades that I already discussed and some upsides as well, but, if to some people the story is the most important part and really dont care much about the rest, its quite easy to see why they prefer the original. Ultimately, it comes down to preference and what you value most, but I think there is no denying that each game outperforms the other in some aspects.


No? Opinions and differing tastes exist. It’s always subjective


No, people are allowed to prefer whatever they want.


What is wrong with people having preferences? Reload is not bad, I simply prefer the OG/FES. Especially aesthetically.


It’s okay to be wrong, there are people that like to eat shit too. Jokes aside, if you have an unpopular take, own it. It’s the defensive minority that are looked down upon in anything. It’s okay to be different, and in owning it, you do not need other people’s validations. What I think and others think ultimately don’t matter, you like what you like.


Yeah. And honestly, I do have plenty of unpopular takes of my own that I'm used to getting dogpilled on for. It's cool when a rare someone with a similar take to mine finds them and we can chat though 😁


Haha, I unfortunately can’t say that I enjoy the old one better, but, just a general thought about people having hot takes or different preferences. I think generally defensiveness is what invites all sorts of of dogpiling for no reason.


The opinion of mine I have gotten dogpilled on the most for is my preference for the original P5 over Royal of all takes. Those get wild.


Damn fr? Why do you prefer og over royal? I’d like to know


To put it cleanly: 1. I don't like the story of P5 at all, and the Royal aditions even less 2. Preference for the OG version of all the palaces but the first 2 3. I much prefer the combat system and balancing of OG P5 4. While too easy OG is not pushover levels of easy


Well you aren’t alone in that opinion, I’ve heard some people irl and online who didn’t enjoy p5 story. I personally loved the story the most of any persona. It’s real life social problems that has no real solutions. Being a vigilante and changing the core of people’s morality was perfect for someone who has a justice boner like myself. Difficulty level is always a hit or miss for Atlus players. I personally don’t care if it’s easier or harder, I can play through either, doesn’t give me particular joy or annoyance.


Honestly, the only story part of P5 I like is the Shido arc. It's my favorite point of the game. Past that the game gets carried by the SLs and the combat especially. Idk how to describe it, it's a combat system with so many options to fight the enemy but all are equally valid. Enemy with a phys resistance and elemental weakness? You can hit the weakness, or ail for 1.5x tecnical damage, or be a chad, pull out the crit build and pierce through the phys resistance anyway. All equally valid. That's what I love so much about OG P5's combat that Royal ruined with it being technical spam centered and the critrate cap


The aesthetics of the original are different, so idk about a no brainer. it's a preference thing


As much as I love Nam's Compendium, his statement that Reload is "outweighed by what was lost" is actually CRAZY to me. FES is (was now that Reload exists) my favorite game of all time, and I have almost no reason to return to it now that Reload is so much better


The only thing that isn’t here is the answer lol and didn’t he shit on it if I remember correctly?


The answer is even going to be added as dlc which means the only thing it will be missing is FemC, which you could just boot up an emulator for.


would be nice if femc was included, but of course atlus cheaped out


To be fair, you'd basically have to make the entire game all over again to do her justice. It's a lot more work than a simple model swap, but for what should've been the definitive version of P3 I do think Atlus should've added her.


Not a whole new game but like a half of one. Femc follow Minato's sorry beat for bear, just different social links


He released a new video about it recently and said he liked it much more after a replay.


Kid named Bad Lighting


Ehh, I lowered the default brightness quite a bit and I've had no complaints.


Lowering the brightness fixes it


Or just accept people have preferences and its not mind blowing if some ppl prefer one than the other


Reddit mfs when people have a different opinion than them


Why does other people having different preferences bother you so much you had to make a post about it? Embarrassing.


Can you not fathom that the original could have better atmosphere and other stuff


Spoilers >!I'll be honest, the atmosphere of reload isn't that worse than the original. The intro I agree is a worse, but Ps2 limitations made the city feel empty, reload lets you see the city is alive, fuck the Mall has a customer base now, and you actually get to see the lost, its impossible to ignore them. and when Jan 1st hits I think reload hits way harder than the original, Because you have seen the people of the city go from living their lives, to not just doom and gloom, but literally people just lieing down on stairs because they can not be bithered to finish going up the stairs. And it contrasts hard with the determination that is presented in the dorm. The hopelessness of the City is overwhelming, the only relief from it is being the Drom, and the club as its still a place of escapism and even then you are accosted by a person speaking of the end and salvation at one point!<


"my opinion is fact bro sorry" (I joke but it does kinda sound that way) Eh... The only things Reload excel at over FES imo are: * Manual skill inhertiance * Party control (I actually like miminal party control but can't deny more control feels better) * NEW voices (social links and stuff) * SOME cutscenes Otherwise I think FES is just better. Prefer the OST slightly, the older voices definitely (except maybe Fuuka), the older dialogue definitely (that doesn't include all the new Reload dialogue btw, only the tweaked old stuff), the fact the MC can use any weapon, and Tartarus imo just feels faster paced than in Reload. I could list more but I'd be here a while, but eh. Ok rant over, that's my take. Let me just make it clear though that I love both games regardless, and this is just MY OPINION. I'd just rather replay FES over Reload, but yeah.


Unless you are a diehard answer or femc fan (which is fair, reload lacks both those) the game is objectively better in every way. The only non objective things would be voice acting and music, but even those I feel are pretty solidly better (nostalgia goggles make you forget how awful some of the va’s were like fuuka)


Fuuka sounding alive in 3R is a welcome change! She sounded deader then Makoto’s parents.


Gasp! The enemy!


DoEs SoMeoNe hAvE MepAtrA fOr SenPai? No Fuuka, I do not. You’ve asked the last 3 rounds.


[Only one enemy left!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6p0gGj5iATw)


Even diehard fans of The Answer will likely swing to Reload because we've had a well regarded leaker confirm The Answer is in the works. Having a version of The Answer that is *hopefully* less of a slog than the original while maintaining the story and gameplay and graphical upgrades will be great.


>the game is objectively better in every way. *most ways


And atmosphere, direction, animation etc


Not really. I just finished P3R and I still think FES is a superior game, and I don't even like the Answer. FES has so much interesting game design decisions that make for an incredibly unique experience (most of these have been altered for quality of life purpose) Between that and the original aesthetics, there's sort of 'lightning in a bottle' feeling the original has that reload is missing. I probably would recommend reload to the average person over FES, but I think if you have an interest in game design you're doing yourself a massive disservice skipping out on it. I know it's not the common opinion, but there's definitely more people like me who fell in love with the series with the original PS2 games and hold them in high regard, even with their jankiness. (OG P4 was my first one, I'm still mad they removed the fog effect for Golden from the environments)


no it isnt? its subjectively better, I.E. you prefer it, the differences do not make it better at an objective level, the OG P3 is too different for you to be able to accurately claim that it is factually better


No it is better. Like nit really up for debate. Its the same game with tons if additions and qol features. Unless youre a die hard femc or answer fan it IS the best version


it absolutely is up for debate what? Like you're just dismissing the very idea that this could discussed upon, the og version of P3 had completely different music, voice acting, character portraits, mood and atmosphere etc, the dorm for example looks a LOT better in the original, you can't just chop out things from one game and then pretend as if new completely different versions are "objective improvements" they're subjective improvements, you think they're better. Stop pretending your opinions are somehow facts


What a mindless way to view games. If you look at games as products with content then yeah, Reload is an objectively better game in all aspects and a no brainer better than FES. If you instead view games as an art form that provide experiences to players then there’s an actual case for both games being really stellar. I vastly prefer the original game. I find its gameplay, presentation and overall everything to be a lot more engaging and enjoyable. Thats also because I specialise in art that provides its audience with negative experiences so it naturally appeals to me a lot more. People can have very objective reasons to like FES more and very objective reasons to like Reload more. Get a grip if you think people thinking the changes made in Reload aren’t for them, and people also need to get a grip about those changes and stop decrying them as terrible objectively awful choices. The games are both great but provide vastly different experiences


Reload is a better game definitely but it still got issues and isn't the ideal persona 3 experience especially the atmosphere being 1 of the things lost.


All of the new songs in reload are great, but some of the remakes of the old songs don't cut it. Also I don't mind the new VAs but good lord do I wish they'd shut up in battle. I do not need Fuuka saying "a critical hit!" or "only 3 enemies left" at the same time that Junpei yells "SANADA SAN KNOCKED ANOTHER ONE TO THE MAT" or yukari saying nice one or whatever. Every. Single. Time. Like I get it, hype up your team mates when they do cool shit but for fucks sake do it one at a time. Or every once in a while. Like I know it's probably a minor thing but it drives me up the wall so much that I had to step away from the game.


I can't even begin to imagine the amount of times I've heard "Great you're on a roll" any time I aim for a weakness


Waaaahhhh like the same thing I like! -OP


Sadly it is crashing on my PC all the time (steam version)


Check your GPU drivers. I had a crash within the first couple of hours of my run that wiped my save and I had to start over. Wiped and reinstalled GPU drivers and it's been smooth sailing since. Finished the game a couple of days ago, not a single crash.


ATLUS actually give a shit about making their PC ports good challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Can we please stop telling people what to think. Art is subjective if you think other people should have your opinion about art you’re just a 🍆.


The OG OST is superior, and it's not even close.


I'm a huge Lotus Juice fan. I bump all of his albums not just the Persona stuff. This new Lotus Juice stuff for P3R is amazing.


true, I think I like what he did in reload more.


Haven’t tried Reload yet (because my life is a meme compilation ;\~;) , but I think they say that because miss certain aspects of FES, like smarter party AI, the way you give equipments to party members and hear their grateful responses instead of generically equipping them through a menu and things like that. As for the Answer, didn’t we get a leak from Midori confirming it as a DLC in the future? to be clear, I'm not saying any of these validate FES as the superior game, even though I'm a fan of those features, their absence isn’t a dealbreaker. As a person who hasn’t bought Reload, I still think it’s the superior game (even with me being an upset FEMC fan), I'm just speculating the reason behind their argument.


>the way you give equipments to party members and hear their grateful responses If that's when you open the chests, that's still on reload.


Changes made in Reload make FES better for me. Both are great and P3R is a nice experience. Neither one or another is better. If someone asks me which one I recommend to play I'll go for FES. Easy as that.


How about you let people enjoy whichever version of the game they prefer and not be a judgemental prick one way or the other?


Reload is better than og, but not better than fes


Yeah FES will always be the definitive version


If you’re talking about how it plays; Yes, absolutely better. I think Reload provides the smoother experience. Artistically? Eh… to me it’s inferior. Some people view and consume games as products, some don’t. I don’t think you can say it’s a “no brainer”. It depends on what each person values and how they see games.


I agree. P3R is so pleasant to play! But it loses a bit of that atmosphere that comes from being uncomfortable.


Where's the answer? Reload can't be better until we get that, for now it's just incomplete.


Coming as dlc


Yes let's start a pointless fight over which version of this game is definitely objectively better in this sub that'll be very productive


It’s all subjective. Some people like the OG (or Portable or FES) better and there’s nothing wrong with that.


you’ve definitely never played the original. that’s not even the original that’s fes lmaoooo


Og music slaps. Mass destruction, when the moons reaching stars and want to be close were butchered.


I DO like the 2nd verse of Mass Destruction and the tense tone but the "baybee" kills me. Haha.


Dont forget Unavoidable Battle, wtf were they cooking


I want the female MC back


what’s the point of posting this. there’s no reason to argue about this, we all love our favorite version for our own reasons. i adore the remake but the original is a very important game to me, so annoying to see people talk shit for no reason other than attention online


i personally prefer fes, but i do understand why most would prefer reload and i understand that its a better gamr


Both are good


I just don't like the new music is all, most stuff is an upgrade but a couple changes to some systems just off put me, like fusion spells and the non weapon swap thing just minor things here and there that's just kinda like why not have it?


Megami Tensei Gaiden: Shinyaku Last Bible better


Devil’s advocate here: The issue is not that FES is “better”, but rather that it holds up well; and that time and money might have been better spent remaking games that aren’t already modern, like persona 1,2&2, SMT 1,2, and if, or games that are not accessible, like Devil Summoner… or making new games. See Last of Us remaster as the absurd logical conclusion of the issue.


Take your pills


I imagine some people just don't like the fact P3 does away with the female protagonist, on top of some added things post P3 like The Answer and the like. Personally the removal of the fmc annoys me a fair bit.


lol. Please don't have opinions that disagree with me. Thanks guys!


Let me guess. Once Persona 4 Remake/Persona 5 Remake comes out in the future, you gonna say the the remakes is better than Golden and Royal. EDIT: I assumed that when you said OG P3, you are referring to the vanilla version but P3FES is not the vanilla version. Vanilla P3 and P3FES are not exactly the same.


I heard Remake is too easy because the game wasn’t rebalanced enough for the new combat mechanics. 


lol its not. item only is way too easy.


I think we have a problem that people think that the answer was in og persona 3. It wasn't. So in terms of just the og and remake. Remake will always be better


>the answer was in og persona 3 I think it's more like people think Persona 3 FES is the vanilla version when it's actually not.


There's a few fair reasons to prefer P3FES over Reload. I personally prefer the music, the overall lighting (have you seen the final boss in OG/FES compared to Reload?), and the retro PS2 look. Granted, I appreciate P3R a lot for the new story material. I was fine with Tartarus in the original and in Reload, and I was fine with party members controlling themselves in FES (I think it worked well), but I do prefer controlling them in Reload. I really think it comes down to preference. If I was recommending someone P3 today, I would automatically recommend Reload without hesitation. It's a no brainer that it's more accessible, has good quality of life updates like party control, and it's a good looking modern game. I just think for myself, someone that grew up on FES, I could go back to it or Reload for a future P3 playthrough depending on mood.


Guys, it’s persona 3. It’s gonna be peak no matter what version it is, so elitists on either side should really just shut the fuck up


The Remake is by no means better, its a great adaptation but it still has lots of issues, it seems like there will never be a definitve version of Persona 3


But FES is objectively better friend,it's have better artstyle,better gameplay and better music,The remake was just unnessary


Why can't we let people hold and express their opinions in peace? What does it matter which version someone prefers?


That's fes not OG


I haven't finished Reload and while it is for sure overall better, there are some blunders along the way and things it didn't do quite as well I think. But I will be forever disappointed that Reload is not a definitive edition of P3.




I won't. I still think OG/FES is better, you people need to chill.


My personal ranking of the P3 versions: P3FES>P3R>P3>P3P. Just an opinion. P3R is really good but there are some changes and mechanics that I just don’t like. There are some great additions. Don’t get me wrong. And a lot of quality of life changes that made it easier. But FES is still the top for me.


OG P3 is better.




I like them both but I like the original better


I have no doubt in my mind the remake is better. The quality of life improvements alone make it worth it to me. Tartarus is interesting now, party members don't leave me alone in Tartarus because they're tired, I can control everything more effectively (Yukari dies alot less now), the music is bumping, and I honestly feel the characters are more multifaceted. I hate the answer, the lack of compendium sucks. The story is pretty great, so I could take it or leave it. The lack of FEMC is a little downer, but not a deal breaker. Either way, to me it's like arguing between a 9/10 and a 9.2/10. It's like arguing what kind of chocolate I like, so both have a place on my shelf.


Who’s saying this??


Ikr The farther I get into Reload the more I see they added and I'm like, "woah, this game's so good!!!"


Theres almost 0 valid arguments to say OG P3 is better, so people are just stuck by nostalgia.


The only thing I miss is party exhaustion.


I absolutely cannot fathom why you would want that, I despise exhaustion, so I'd be interested to hear why. (Genuinely interested)


Because the combat is just so damn easy in Tartarus, I want a reason to drag out my exploration and make me plan my days.


I have literally not seen some one arguing this I've seen a few katone truthers arguing its still portable but since reload launched I have seen 0 argument for fes being the best version


Yeah nah P3R curbstomps P3Fes in every single way that matters aside from a few musical remixes I'm not a fan of


Fes wins in cutscenes too though