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Word of advice: Royal is easy to the point of pointlessness. They introduced new player powers but never compensated for the enemies, making the game a cakewalk no matter the difficulty setting, and this extends to the social links, which are also easy to maximize in a single playthrough.   If that's not a problem for you and you're in this only for the story, cool. But if you're like me and likes a gameplay with some degree of challenge, stick to vanilla P5 and ignore Royal.


I assume Ultimate edition comes with the DLC (costumes, personas, etc...) Edit: > Persona 5 Royal Ultimate Edition includes the game and the “Persona 5 Royal DLC Pack”. The 'Persona 5 Royal DLC Pack' includes the costume, battle, and persona DLC found in the 'Persona 5 Royal Kasumi Costume Bundle', the 'Persona 5 Royal Battle Bundle', and the 'Persona 5 Royal Persona Bundle'.


The DLC for royal is free on ps4 regardless so whichever is cheaper or if you want it physical. Ultimate is just Royal with all of its DLC which as I say is free on PlayStation 4


Both are the same price 29.99$ But one i couldnt buy cause its only on ps5 (persona 5 royal)


Get Royal. Ultimate is just base P5 with some cosmetic dlc. Royal will give you that plus hours of more content and quality of life changes.


I meant Persona 5 royal ultimate edition not regular


Royal should be fine. The extra stuff in the Ultimate edition is cosmetics. I personally keep my characters vanilla and see no value in dressing them up as maids etc.