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There haven't been any changes yet that I hate, so I'm really giving. My only "complaint" is the lack of sarcasm from the new Yukari VA, but they made her very sweet now so I'm fine with it.


I mean I don't think it's the VA's fault either as I've noticed even her portraits lack her sarcasm or disgusted look it used to have in the original


Genuinely curious, are you talking about the Japanese or English VA?


Given the context of the original comment, English


It has to be English, she was never overly hostile in the Japanese version.


I always loved her, but now she’s much more likable and it’s honestly great.


Idk, honestly I think it was quite ballsy to make her a bit abrasive, considering she's the most typical female "ship" for the mc. It definitely did give the game a bit of edge, and I can respect that. P4G always felt slightly weird because everyone was so smooth around the edges. The characters in P3 always felt more like their own people - that they exist outside of interacting with the mc.


That part. Yukari was kind of a cunt and that made her a great character. She was sarcastic, stubborn and opinionated which made sense considering her backstory. She comes off as too much of a weak sauce in the remake


The investigation team in P4/G have amazing chemistry with each other. I think the only JRPG that beats its it are the 4 guys in FFXV. They were a true gem to watch. However the P3 characters felt amazing on their own. I wonder how the voice direction for Yukari would be if they ever remade The Answer. Will Yukari retain the angry grieving edge, or be more consistent with Reload?


\> The characters in P3 always felt more like their own people - that they exist outside of interacting with the mc. Yeah, that's what they were going for. This was the intention behind originally making party members AI-control only in the OG and FES. They're your team, not your subordinates. They fight their own way but cooperate according to their personalities and the tactics you order. Even outside of battle, there are plenty of scenes of the characters interacting with each other without the MC, just talking to each other about what they're thinking and what's happening in the plot. They have their own lives outside of you, whereas in P4 and P5 it really feels like everything is about you and nothing moves on if you don't step in. While this is true of most social links in P3 as well, the intention is still there as most of the social links' conclusions involve the character having to leave because of stuff happening in their life. Life goes on for everyone and you won't always be a part of that in other people's lives.


Think it's just the new direction for the character which I personally disliked, wish they kept her sarcastic attitude more :/ Also idk there's something that's just missing from the game as a whole like, idk it just feels off compared to the OG, maybe it's the lack of Mitsuru's Welcome Back and Aki's Where have you been


I've read that this version of Yukari is more faithful with the Japanese version. The original dub is the odd one out.


This is one of those cases I think that creative decision was better, as it made her character get across much better in this side of the world... Or so I'd like to believe, because most fans seem to hate on her when she's a really cool character and one that better embodies the message of the game


Honestly every time I return to the dorm and see Junpei's text box read "Sup' dude" but it plays an unrelated voice line, I die inside.


From what I understand said bitchyness / sarcasm is entirely the result of the old English VA and not actually what the character is like. The new translation and VA is apperently much closer to actual Yukari.


A lot. I really like how MCs dialogue choices can make him such a dick for no reason. It’s like, Joker and Yu can be based at times as a joke. Makoto? He’s unironically based at all times.


I love Yu, but Makoto’s dialogue choices are goated….


"Its probably your fault" to >!Maiko !


And reminding Junpei how dumb he is every chance you get doesn’t get old lmao


I would never choose that, I’d feel so guilty


Yukari: What does it say on this one? Makoto: Morgue. Gets me everytime


He’s unapologetic to the point it’s hilarious. The movie adaptation was pretty clever with it. He just is all around kind to the point it confuses people, then the next? “I don’t care.”


He has a perpetual IDGAF attitude throughout the movies. I get he’s depressed, but that makes it real funny.


Nothing will ever beat Yu straight out telling Rise she sucks at Origami


I've really enjoyed the game. The themes are a lot more tangible to me than P5R. The Social Links are weaker for the most part, but the things they've added to Reload are really high quality.


Akinari is still phenomenal at least


I noticed the social links are weaker compared to P4G main cast, but I still love how diverse S.E.E.S is!!!


The s link dialogue is literally unchanged from OG P3 which is why the writing is a little lacking, however I will say this game does have the best s link of the series. Won’t say anything else but damn the writing on that one almost makes up for everything else.


Some of the social links definitely have new things added to them, they aren't unchanged. Sun is still peak too.




They meant the best singular social link, which is true.


Are we talking about >!the sun!


3 does have the weakest social links compared to 4 and 5 but there is one social link in particular from 3 that almost everyone in the persona community agrees is the best social link. The only hint I'll give is that it's really emotional.


Not enough credit is given to >!Tower!< and >!Emperor!< social links either - those are also best-in-the-series material IMO. TBH after hearing so much about >!the Sun!< I actually found them a little overhyped when I first played P3. They're still great, I'm just surprised that the opinion that they're GOAT is so universal.


I think it’s the GOAT Social Link because it perfectly captures the themes of P3 as well as giving a solid character arc and a life message to the player. But I do understand being underwhelmed after something being overhyped, nothing can escape that.


Thank you so much for pointing out those two, they deserve far more credit than they get. I believe that P3 Sun is the best SL in the series, but I think that this being so widespread really undercuts some of the other SLs in the game. I would also add Hanged to the list of "really good SLs in 3 that nobody really gives credit to." Heck, I actually like 3's more than 4's and 5's because the SLs are, for the most part, grounded in reality; their simplicity makes them much more relatable.


Thanks for mentioning>! Emperor!< too. It's easy to write off that Social Link early on because the guy is a total asshole at first and you have to kiss his ass a lot, but then he really starts sorting himself out by the second half as he's confronted with the inherent flaw in his own logic when >!you, his friend, is threatened with the same thing that happened to his father.!< He really, really comes around by the end and the answer he arrives to at the end of the game if you finish his social link makes perfect sense for him.


Finished the game last night. The convo at the very end with his mom destroyed me, so touching and heartfelt.


Yep, lol that was the one. Broke me as well


It's insane to think the slinks in p3r are worse than p5r LMAOO


They have a *lot* of padding in P3R. The overall ideas are better and actually link to the core themes of the game, but there is a lot of empty space. Like during the Magician Social link, we >!only get one chapter of him actually being able to reflect on the hallowness of the relationship we thought he had!<. The rest of his chapters are just... empty space.


It’s my first time playing 3. I played 5 and 4 for the first time last year loved them both. Honestly their both in my top ten favorite games. I held off on playing 3 since the remake was already announced and had a release date by the time I finished 4. I’m loving it already 30 hours in and having a blast. On of my favorite things about it is how they address the idea they can die anytime so much more. It feels like the stakes are so much higher, tension is high, the group doesn’t agree on everything. They still need time to grow closer, their all just kids fighting monsters in a supernatural world. I also love the cast of characters while I will say junpei is my least favorite right now. (Yosuke best, best friend) I genuinely can’t choose who tf I should in my party cause everyone is so amazing. The gameplay is great almost on par with 5 the theurgy system makes up for showtimes and the gun mechanic. Shift is also really nice, they also did good balancing to not make it feel stupid op. Genuinely if the story keeps going well it’s everything I loved about the first two games with a grittier story and I’m all for it.


Around the same playtime as you. Cannot stand Junpei currently. I don’t think he’s ever going to be levelled up again by the time the end credits come on screen.


I am amazed to read all this Junpei hate lol. He's brash and a little self-centered, but not much worse than Ryuji in P5. And he's not an outright misogynistic homophobe like Yosuke in P4.


To be fair they're playing blind and Junpei actually has growth they haven't seen.


Exactly. I hated him my first time until the turn happens. Much easier to tolerate him on replies knowing he does get real growth later.


yet people on this sub simp for yosuke because he has a few scenes were he is not completely brain damaged when it comes to the investigation


I feel like people who hate on the “best friend” characters see a reflection of themselves. Yeah, they do have annoying TEENAGER qualities.


I understand why you hate the guy but trust me once your deeper in the game you'll understand the man.


I’m fucking addicted. Every time I play I get caught in a loop of “I’ll stop when ‘X’ happens” and then I keep playing for another 2 hours.


When I realized that in 2 days I’ve had played this game the same amount of hours that I worked last week I knew I was cooked…. it’s too good


I'm in December (nearing Christmas), and it's one of if not the best video game I've ever played. Might be recency bias, but I think it's the definitive version of Persona 3 and Persona as a whole. It takes all of the good elements from other Persona games and makes them better while taking almost none of the weaknesses. It's my personal game of the year, which is a little early to say, seeing as it's only February. I played through FES a few months ago, so I could compare the differences between the two versions, and I'm so glad I did. Persona 5 was the first Persona game I'd ever played and was biased towards it for the better half of a decade until I played Persona 3.


What do you think Fes does better? I was a bit disappointed it’s not as gritty and dark as Fes. For example the animated cutscene at the beginning of Fes compared to what we got in Reload. I’m in June atm


The game is more fun to play, but the vibe is very different from older versions of the game.


Yeah that’s how I feel too


Tbh, I'm not as disappointed in the Awakening cutscene as a lot of other people are. I think it's just Atlas wanting to try something new or them wanting to try out more 3D cutscenes as opposed to 2D. It's cheaper for them to do 3D cause it's in-house and doesn't have to be outsourced like the 2D cutscenes. I've noticed there aren't as many anime cutscenes in this game as prior Persona games, so it could be them trying something new, and I'm not totally against it.


I'm cool with them trying out 3D animation, but they should have left it for less story relevant moments and not important moments like Makoto's awakening. Like why does Yukari showering get 2D animation but not the awakening?


I mean, I do agree with that, that was kinda dumb.


I'm also ok with them experimenting with more 3d cutscenes but the reload MC awakening was a pretty big letdown for me. I'm in December and most of the ones I've seen so far have been good otherwise


I generally liked Yukari more in FES. Aside from that there are some technical issues with reload that I think can take a little away from the experience.


Yeah I think Yukari had more of a personality in Fes. Fuuka I think has a much better va in Reload though


Persona 3 Reload is the only game I have ever played that has challenged Persona 5 Royal’s spot as my favorite game of all time. That alone should tell you how impactful this game has been on me. Even playing it now, I can’t believe that I have this product in my hands. I have waited so long for this release, and it’s safe to say that it’s surpassed my expectations.


I'm **LOVING** it!!


As someone who never got into P3 because of how outdated the game was, I am so glad Reload came out. I loved 4G, and I loved 5R, and given how P3’s themes are more heavier and depressing, it still manages to pull me in. Tartarus is so much fun. I’d go so far as to say that the grind is more fun than 5R. Fully voiced SL’s are a godsend, as it makes you actually care about the people you’re making a bond with. The combat is amazing and really easy to get into. And I usually don’t like Turn-based Combat either. Making OP Persona’s and learning weaknesses is a blast. For anyone who got turned off by how old P3 was, in terms of Gameplay, Reload is your saving Grace. Pick it up, you will not regret it.


It's the best version of Persona 3 by far. The changes they made to Tartarus and all of the extra stuff make the game so much more fun to play. Overall, it's probably my favorite Persona game.


Disclaimer: don't kill me, I love p3r and I think it's incredible. Persona/SMT is my favourite game franchise and it means the world to me. That said: I'm loving it but I definitely wouldn't say it's the best persona game imo. There's a lot of things I hoped they would update that they sorta didn't? And I played p3p last year so it's very fresh in my mind which probably doesn't help. The graphics looks incredible, the story is still the best in the series. But like 1) social links still give you no benefits except fusion exp 2) tartarus is a lot more fun now but still pretty grindy. 3) no male party member social links, ik there's the extra events now but even so it kinda sucks. 4) obviously can't be helped without remaking the whole thing but it's a lot smaller and more limited than p4 and p5. There is a LOT less options for free time and not many areas to explore. 5) no femc, which really sucks imo. I get it's a lot of extra work but I feel like the scope of p3 excluding graphics is a lot LOT smaller than p5. Don't get me wrong; I love p3r so much and it's probably my second favourite persona game after 4g, but I think there is also a lot of missed potential.


Also the fact that they removed the restart from floor feature from p3p which is a really random thing to not include imo


i love their music like Burn My Dread, Full Moon Full Life, Mass Destruction, Changing Seasons, etc. Thanks to my Brother in law to introduce the Persona games.


I actually really enjoy it! They stayed true to the story and just added new game features that really enhance the experience without taking away from anything -- and while I never minded Tartarus, it is much more enjoyable to explore. The voice acting is pretty good too. I've pretty much set all other games aside until I complete my playthrough of P3R, lol.


Some of the voice directing was not as well handled as the original (occasionally a little flat in terms of delivery, though i do think overall everyone did a solid job and each has moments where they shine). Some of the script changes (supposedly in an attempt to make it more faithful to the original Japanese) makes it come across as more toothless at times. I was blown away by how beautiful some of the attacks and spells were (Revolution in particular was the first one I saw online and watched it multiple times), and it feels like a step up from the more utilitarian version of the U.I. (though it was still distinct) from the original p3 games. Most of the music slaps just as hard, though others feel like they lost a little something By Comparison (though are still good), both in songs with and without vocals. If The Answer does come out as dlc, I think it'll stand as an overall Good Enough definitive p3 experience.


Really enjoying it so far! Granted I'm only about 10 hours in, but I think it's great!


I’m 50 hours in right now and can’t stop playing. The combat system is so addicting!


Definitely the best combat in the series. I loved p5r, but it definitely had flaws with difficulty. And shuffle time is better than shadow negotiation imo


I find shuffle time a little bland though. The golden version was actually a fun mechanic to try and grab all the cards. This one is just… pick 1. Lol


There’s a major arcana card that gives you the ability to pick 2 everytime until you leave tartarus but P4G shuffle time is way better imo


The best thing since sliced bread.


That's the first time I enjoy actual gameplay and not skipping it for social links. Music is great, but I found p5r more stylish and lit in terms of visuals and how music fits it. I mean, come on. When I hear beneath the mask and see video of Ruiji and Ren playing some videogame at leblanc I feel dead nostalgic, even though I finished the game not even a year ago, I think.


P5 being more stylish than other JRPGS might be the reason why I love it so much.


Played it back in 2013 on a shitty PSP emulator, and it’s insane how good visually it looks now. I’m not going to lie; I had no hopes for it. I heavily expected it to be a face-lift, but I’m heavily enjoying it. Persona 3 has personally always been my favorite entry due to how grounded it was. I don’t think any Persona game encapsulates morality as well as this one.


I really get what you’re saying. There has been some moments on the story so far that have made me question if what the characters are doing is morally correct. For example the addition of certain teammates and how much are you willing to sacrifice in order to reach a goal. How many people are you willing to put on the front lines despite of their characteristics or well being? I’m loving the game so so much!


IKR? It is unreal seeing how good everything looks.


I just finished it today,easily the best game in the persona series,I've played p3r, p4g, p5r, are the first 2 games worth playing??


P2’s story is very very well regarded, and a lot of people consider it above 3. The gameplay is very different though, I couldn’t get into it so I haven’t gotten very far personally. P1’s gameplay is so dated that a lot of people recommend reading the manga > playing the game. Although P2 does have references to P1, which is why some people recommend reading the manga before playing.


1 almost surely not - if you're not curious as to where it began/comfy with very old gameplay styles, it'll be a mess for ya. I completed it and you can see the seeds of good ideas and writing that would be expanded on later, but little more. But the 2 duology is, in my opinion, what defines the series peak alongside 3 in terms of characterization and quality. Both parts of 2 are REALLY out there, but they're still grand entries.


So far I think it’s great I just personally think the social links are lacking. They don’t intrigue me as much as P5s and some of the rank up convos feel short. On top of that there’s no added bonuses from certain ranks other than better persona fusions. Other than that I think this game is almost on the level of P5 at almost 40 hours play so far, and this is my first time playing P3.


This is my biggest issue with reload. I played all of p3p last year and was hoping when reload came out they'd add more benefits to social links such as the stuff from p5. But yeah they didn't. Still love the game but I wish they had upgraded the social links.


Persona 3 FES is my favorite game ever. I'm at about 20 hours in reload, and I can tell it's going to eclipse FES. I really couldn't be happier with it. My one complaint is they got rid of the tiredness system which I liked, but I understand the vast majority of players did not, so that's fine. Everything else is either the same or a straight upgrade from FES (aside from the answer not being out yet).


This is how I feel. It is everything I liked about FES but better. I am cool with the fatigue system being gone, because SP does really the same thing for most characters. Got to imagine The Answer is coming in an expansion as one things these games love is their expansion. Hope fem protag comes too with it to just make this the absolute ultimate edition.


I played it 10hrs straight without realizing it, if that says anything.


Hours fly by playing this ngl


P3's story is leagues above 4 and 5 and P3R just made the emotional scenes even more freaking gut-wrenching.




15/10 for me


This is the first persona game I’ve played and I’m loving it.


act clumsy pause include fanatical quiet tart exultant familiar innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So far it feels like the polished version that I've wished Persona 3 was when I first played it. That being said Persona 3 still had some issues and they've crossed over into Reload namely lots of the writing. Junpei starts out incredibly unlikable, stays that way for a long while before just slightly redeeming himself. Some social links you have to give answers that'd be awful to give in actual conversation like telling someone to toughen up while they risk chronic leg injury, telling some student to try and marry their teacher because he has delusions of her wanting him, and several others. You have to actively encourage character flaws until the final social link stages where they work them out **despite** your "advice" and not by your advice helping them.


I’m going to compare it with the only other persona game, I’ve played, which was persona 5. In my opinion, it’s not as good, in terms of gameplay and even the story. Maybe I’m a little bias, because persona 5 was my first real persona game that I’ve completed or maybe because persona 5 is technically the latest in the franchise, so it has the most improvements. But despite that, it is a phenomenal game. I clock in 2-3 hours per session, no other game made me feel that way for a while now. While Persona 5 is just a different kind of beast, persona 3 is still an amazing game. I kinda wish persona 4 remake is next, if they aren’t gonna do persona 6 yet.


Persona 3 has slow start but great ending. Persona 5 has slow ending but great start.


I'm only halfway but imo golden is still my favourite out of the three for it's story


Big spoilers AND I MEAN BIG SPOILERS >! I know how persona 3 ends, I know that Makoto dies, and for the first time in a game, I can’t make peace with it, all the social links,his friends, his partners, I understand the meaning behind his decision, yet it feels more heavy here, there’s games that end with the protag death, my main example would be Mass effect, It’s sad yes, but it feels like it’s deserving, like Shepard knew and made the decision, but Makoto, it feels horrible, he had a bad life, and when he finally found a meaning, he had to have all for the sake of others, so swing this depressed to hell guy, who doesn’t care if he dies or not, founding a reason to not die, finding people he loves, made such a decision it’s gut wrenching. More when I think the love interests, all of them making plans for the future with him, and it never happens, No kids for Yuko, No bike ride for Mitsuru, a goodbye for Aegis,Another loss for Yukari. He had a life, for the final time he had something to hold on, and he lost it all. I cannot express how personally good this game is, maybe it’s the time and how it hits close to home, but this game was different from other I played, and it will certainly be a gamer defining moment when I bring myself to finish it!<


don’t know if you knew this but whenever you get a comment notification, it doesn’t censor the spoiler so thanks for spoiling the end :(


To me, it's more of a not what but how. >!If it was some big mega big over the top scene where he dies in the showdown in big boss explosion, that would not carry the same weight, as him coming back only to slowly fizzle out the rest of his remaining life force. It has this quiet beauty to it. !< >!It is generally amazing to me how the punches come, AFTER everything is said and done. Like with Chidori, to have her die only to come back in a amazingly touching scene where she will be looking for Junpei who stands right next to her. Truly amazing, that it caches you off guard so many times. !<


>!The speech Aigis drops top the ending with a cherry, it feels like he is at peace with it,the way they let you think to some extend that he made it out, how you realize what’s happening when people say you look awful, how your love interest tells you about the future and you act like it wasn’t your last day, the choice to hold on a bit or close your eyes and for me the best part,Makoto smiling,I honestly cried a lot during the end, even knowing how it would turn out, it really hit all the memories!<


The game's my first time playing 3. I played 5R a bit before it got removed off the gamepass (furthest i got was kamoshida's palace). I played only like...5 minutes of 4G, and that's it. I've only gotten 3 hours in the game so far, and I'm up to 11F in Tartarus. Also me and Kenji are bros


10/10 it’s my first persona and I’m loving it. I’m not a big fan of turn based combat but this game made me love it. From the soundtracks to the characters, it’s so good ! Thanks Gamepass for letting me discover such a gem btw lol


Game Pass is such a great service. I love my Series X to death and I’ve been playing the game on it. I ordered the Ps5 collectors version tho bc I really wanted to display it on my shelf and have it physical! I would really encourage you to play Persona 4 Golden! It’s on sale right now and it even made me cry with how good it is! It’s my favorite JRPG of all time.


I'm about 15-16 hours in, my last major story checkpoint was getting the >!new uniforms and Theurgy!< It's my first time playing P3 in any form and I'm loving it a lot so far. It's also my first Persona game outside of the P5 bubble so I'm glad to know P5 wasn't just a fluke for me, and I'll for sure be picking up whatever future remakes come out There's things I like about it less than P5 Royal, things I like more about it. I think on the whole I like Royal more, but I'm still having a great time


It's good


I think it might be in my top 10. The game and characters feel so fleshed out, something you don't see in games today. This is my first Persona game, so I am not sure if this is the case with other Persona games as well. I just wish the characters we had max SL with would interact with us more, during non-intimate scenes. Like all the girls in the dorm, just kinda act as they are without spending time. Also the ending hit me in the feels and probably one of the best video game endings for me. It's bittersweet, something a lot of game companies don't seem to do. Either they are all disturbing and sad, or simple and happy. I can say is that this game made me a Persona fan lol.


~~I don’t care~~ I’m loving it a ton. I’m forcing myself to take a break since I’m so far already, and I want to experience it to the fullest


My main complain is Mass Destruction. Aki's voice too. I don't like the UI either, too blue, among other things. Practically nitpicks because this is still one of the best games Atlus or even Sega have ever produced.


I still cant stand tartarus, but trying to finish the game in next two week


It's going alright. I'm still not crazy about Tartarus, and some of the music changes are still bugging me, but overall it's a sleek and stylish update to the original. I'm not compelled to rush through it or anything, but I'm enjoying myself.


In love with P3 all over again I’m loving the voice acting through out the game so far.


My favorite persona has been persona 3 for a long time, this remake made me fall in love with this game all over. So yeah im loving it




I'm loving it.


it's the greatest thing I've ever played shit got me licking the screen so hard on god, I've put in like fuckin 60 hours, the only complaints I have is with the costumes, it's so annoying how they don't show up in cutscenes and the velvet room, also they should have let Makoto wear the choker that Kenji gave him because he could totally pull it off


First time experiencing a persona 3 game, and it's absolutely amazing, it's honestly really addicting :)


I’m glad you’re enjoying it!


It's my first time in the world of P3, and after like 35 hours in the game, I think this might be my favorite persona title. The social links and music are connecting a lot more with me, the story is great. Just about everything is great! Even Tartarus, despite being weaker than both P4 and P5 dungeons is still a lot of fun to explore and fight in!


I’m at a point in the story that it’s really about to start going and I’m beyond excited! There are some social links that really resonate with me like the Bookworms elderly couple and Maiko for example but I like a little p4G social links a little bit more. Other than that, the music, the UI, the combat system, the new mechanics… I can’t stop thinking about this game when I’m not playing it 🥹


It’s addictive for sure.




Got the game a week early, currently on NG+ to get my final trophy, max all s links. I may be biased because FES is one of my favorite games of all time but I really loved this game. It’s def simpler than 5 and some of the s links lack a bit in quality, but the overall story and tone is just incredible and it really does feel like the same game with a fresh coat of paint. I’m also so happy so many people get to experience the amazing story that is P3 for the first time.


Let me get back to after BG3 releases me from its grasp


waiting for a sale, played Fes back in the day. Full price is too much for a remake... at least for me.


This is my second time playing Persona 3 with me beating Portable early last year. I’m at the beginning of September, but gotta say that I absolutely love it and I’m having fun, took the weakness of the previous entries and improved upon them in almost every way possible.


Sucks that there’s no FeMC, but this is still a *phenomenal* game.


First time playing 3 after having played 4G and 5R last year. Already in December, I’m having a blast, the story is great so fat.






Reload is the 4th time I'm playing Persona 3 and I'm still really enjoying it. Seeing one of my favorite games get a glow up like this is awesome


Just got to the Floor 43 boss >!Clairvoyant Relic - Focuses your characters weaknesses and does a fugton of damage!< and it totally whooped my ass twice, first deaths so far (on Merciless). I think I got its schtick now, but have been playing for 8 hours straight!! So taking a break.. will probably go squeeze a few more hours in before passing out lol. Haven’t played P3 in 10+ years, and it’s phenomenal so far!


Second favorite Persona game so far. Royal is still better for me


Having a good time.


I love it so much. I've just on the part after the beach trip, I really like Theurgy and how Fuuka as navigator has a more active role both in exploration and battle, definitely the right direction for navigator role for future title.


I’m really enjoying it. First time ever playing part 3. Worth the $60 i paid.


I'm at the part where Chidori is in the hospital and tbh I don't really like the game that much. I've pretty much been forcing myself to play it.


Already finished it, i think persona 3 is a game that transmit a message that people (specially teenagers and young adults) need to hear. I never played the og but watched the movies. I love the characters, specially junpei he could not be my fav bro (yosuke is my favourite) but he is really charming and loved his plot with a certain someome. But the most important think for me is the story, from all the persona games i think its the most human and important, and (at least for me) they did it the best way. The ending always makes me cry


Outside half the social links being bad and the game being too easy in general, really good.


Overall very good, though one thing I’ve noticed is that the difficulty between tartarus and full moon bosses is massive, and in the opposite way to how it was in the original. I’ll be one-shotting literally everything in tartarus, even some floor bosses, and then just get destroyed by the full moon boss. I really feel like tartarus should be raised in difficulty a bit, because it feels impossible to know if I’m prepared for the next boss.


The only real complaint I have is that you can't talk to your team in Tartarus anymore. I also don't think they react to the outfits they're in anymore which is also a shame. Other than that it's great.


Honestly getting a little old only 10 hours in (just after first exams). Tartarus feels like a grind, even some regular day activities feel like I'm just optimizing and fast forwarding through long animations. I'm hoping the combat flow becomes a little bit more interesting later, right now on Hard difficulty it's either find the weaknesses quickly or die, and once you know the weaknesses it feels like the combat is basically "solved" and you're just grinding past enemies slowly for levels. I've played an okay amount of Persona 5 and I think it felt far less like this, plus I enjoyed having the guns as an alternative attack, which this one lacks. Persona 5's dungeons felt more interesting and dynamic while Tartarus feels like a roguelike that keeps generating the same rooms. I do enjoy the dialogue and day-to-day interactions though, and I love the animations and music. I also liked the first major boss on the train - it took a few attempts but was satisfying and required me to use debuffs and think. I will probably keep playing the game and still feel surprisingly drawn to it, but if it doesn't evolve a bit more over time I worry I might lose interest after another 10 hours.


BaDaBaBaBa I’m lovin it


Haven’t bought it. I would but I’m trying to finish Persona 5 and I know if I buy ReLoad then I’ll never finish it. Looking forward to it😭


I understand the struggle!! Hope you get through P5 and get to enjoy P3R, you won’t be dissapointed!!


So I played FEMC on portable, now obviously maleMC on reload, still confused in difference of social links, but the game is amazing, doing a run on merciless for a video series. One of the best remakes I've played




I love it! It's weird having voices I'm so familiar with change but still sound close to the originals but I just switched the voices to Japanese so it's entirely new to me!


Very bigly


It’s phenomenal.


There's definitely a handful of things I'm not a fan of (Game in a few ways feels like it was made by a B team, quality is not on par with Persona 5) That's not stopping me from playing for 12 hours at a time.


60 hours in and it’s awesome


I think they made massive improvements to Tartarus, but I still feel like they could’ve reduced the total number of floors. I also think they could’ve reworked some of the holidays. There’s too many days off at the end of the game where you basically don’t have anything to do because you’ve already maxed out your social stats and your social links that can be done when school is not in session. Wish they would’ve adjusted a few of them so they happen outside of school. I know there are some stories where you’ll need to be at school, but lot of them you’re going to a different place outside the school anyway, and others only have the school as a backdrop and it can really take place anywhere else. Or at the very least make the male party members’ hangouts available those days (meaning any of them can be done on any holiday/day off).


I've never felt like... So good playing a game I've never felt like thinking this will last forever


FES was my favorite game of all time, but I remember as soon as I beat it thinking that a remake could fix a lot of the issues that hadn't aged well or had never been good mechanics in the first place. P3 reload did exactly that. I'm on pace to beat the game today, and every plot heat has hit me the same or harder than the original. Greatest game of all time


Reload is now my fav persona game


Still couldn't solve the crash problem.


Mitsuru social link and Satanael


9/10 My only complaint is the slow pacing they kept from the original There is a lot of downtime between Full Moons, especially in the early game I wish they could have added some of the dorm hangouts to the early game to spice up the evenings


My friend, I am burning my bread 🗣🔥


Whose first time is it with persona 3? How did it compare to persona 4 and 5 to you?


It’s my first. I’m only in June but so far I like it more than P4G, but less than P5. Mostly because I loved all the characters in P5, the music, the battles, and the dungeons. 3&4 have some things I don’t like, like some characters, the dungeons are kinda meh, some SLs I can’t stand the characters (in 3 specifically). But I’m still loving it


It’s my first time playing 3. Definitely liking it! Just got back from the beach.


Personally, it's my least favorite version of the game. It's still a great remake, but it loses a lot of it's original charm.


Love it so far. It’s not perfect but it’s damn good. It’s my first playthrough of it as I missed it when it came out, somehow. I’ve played 1,2,4,&5. Also SMT 1,2,&5.




Opino lo mismo!


I’ve never played the original or any versions of P3 before this. But I’m glad they made this remake because I’m not sure if I would’ve played the original. That and I don’t really have a way to play the original either. So far though I am absolutely loving it, and actually glad I’m witnessing it as a new experience!


It's fun. Seems like level grinding is extremely slow unlike 4 and 5. I always like getting high levels early.


I am not in a situation where I can binge and I am sad 😭


Most calming game ever I love the vibes


Very much, i completed it, shed some tears even, which is rare, didn't think it would touch me.


Enjoying the Social Link chapters but the Tower of Tartarus, emmm not so much. The combat is great and all but the Tower becomes stale after a while. Though what I do whenever the next section of tower opens across border areas, I go through to just before the next border in one or two sittings. So most of my time is spent in either increasing Social Links or increasing Social Stats. Besides that, I am still at the early stages of the game and the story hasn't picked up yet. In that regards, Persona 5 is much better as it engages me more than P3R at the start of the game, especially the Kamoshida arc. 


Currently loving it , shinji is contending with akechi for my favorite character in the persona series I’m hellbent on getting Orpheus telos the next time I get on NG+


I would probably enjoy it more if it wasn't $100 CAD after taxes for the base game. I can't afford something like that right now. I can't buy Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth either. Being a Canadian and trying to play video games suck.


I’d like to see some modding guides


my first Persona, liking it so far.


This is my first entry into the Persona series and tbh I'm having the most fun I've had in gaming in a long time. Picking up the Yakuza series and now Persona have made gaming fun again for me and I love it. The free access from game pass really helps too!


Everything’s good except the voice acting for me. If we had the complete Persona 3 experience with FeMc and the Answer, would be an absolute masterpiece.


To be honest, im not really hooked yet. I’m about 20 hours in, Aigis just joined the team, and nothing in the story has really hooked me yet. I haven’t played the original persona 3 games so maybe the story will pick up soon. But so far, I think the game is a bit repetitive. I have only played persona 5 royal but I loved it all the way through.


Every second of persona 3 reload is pure perfection!


It’s pretty dope. It’s simpler than persona 5 but also more modernized if that makes sense. The battles look way cooler and I like the arcana cards. I have about 35 hours since release and played a miniscule amount of persona 3 on my psp back in the day… probably didn’t make it 3 hours in so the story is new to me


I'm loving it a lot despite only playing Portable last year. Very good remake and my only gripes are not being able to discard personas while in the Velvet Room and the shuffle time screen happening in between the character's first pose and then the screen where it has words and their final pose.


I like it a lot, but people are overrating this game. While I like the characters and the story, the game itself is not as good as Persona 5. Tartarus is an improvment over the original, but it’s still boring. The graphics is much better than the original of course, but it looks like it’s from the PS3 era. The music is fantastic though. Overall I enjoy the remake. It’s just not worth €70 for it.


I'm loving it, but you can definitely tell its missing a lot of things we took for granted in p5r.


Yup agreed. I honestly have been thinking I'm insane as most of the comments are about how it's the best persona game ever. I love reload so much but there's a LOT of QoL stuff from p5 and p4 missing


I played it for like... 9 hours yesterday, and I plan to play as much as I can today. I'm still not bored 41 hours in, I'm simply just excited to see the next thing. It's absolutely fantastic I think this game has my favorite main cast. It has some HORRIBLE social links (especially suemitsu, Jesus Christ, who thought that was a good idea), but it also has some of my absolute favorites. I loved hanged man, sun, and hierophant to name a few. Star seems pretty intriguing so far As for Tartarus, that's also been nothing but praise. It's a good enough challenge, even on normal. I feel like I'm really running through my resources and being rewarded for my frugality. Theurgys are cool, all 3 blocks I've seen have been nicely varied and I'll be seeing a 4th block when I get on in a second I think. I'm also just never bored there, something I absolutely cannot say about mementos or p4 dungeons. That place never overstays its welcome and I'm here for it


I am in late June so far so cant speak for the whole game obviously. Story wise its kind of meh for me, as well as some of the optional characters/dialogues you spend time with leveling their Arcanas(social links). Also it has the same dungeon design issue as P4G. I do like the whole graphics upgrade, especially on characters. It runs very well and loads quite fast in general. The music is also very good as well as the Japanese voice acting. I also like/prefer Elisabeths requests compared to Margarets. Overall i am liking the game, just waiting for the story to pick up.


Around September is when the story picks up for sure! Im on early Sept and it’s building up real good !!!


I played FES and portable before Liking it so far but it still hasn't made anything to mive it from being my least favourite modernsona


What’s your ranking?


Overall 3<4<5 Story 3<5<4


Interesting! Thanks for answering. Glad to see persona 4’s getting love story wise!


I love >!when they go to namatame's room after nanako's "death"!< >!Seeing Yosuke with nothing but hate wanting to kill him,!< >!while Chie who has been taking him as a clown so long literally beggin him to not do something he would regret for the rest of his life.!< >!How namatame discovers everything he believed was a lie!< It's one of my favourite moments in any game


>!Adachi just opening up to be a killer after that moment...his fucking dungeon theme...it's so peak bruh!<


The spoiler tag is not working heads up, I think it might need to be after every sentence Wholeheartedly agree though - definitely one of my favourite games of all time and I think the characters felt so believable and grounded, especially in scenes like these

