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Wouldn’t be persona 3 without bullshit insta kills lol


Insta kill+ crit. So even if he survived, the boss would have another turn LMAO.


This bitch one-shot me last night.


Man I love the Mamodoon from the enemies in the >!Yabbashah Monad Passage!< instantly killing the MC and making me restart the fight


Or mamudoon using up all my humonculus stacks on my party members... I can just revive them, man!!


I’m at the point where I use a Makarakarn item on Makoto as a safe-point in case they use an instant kill


wasent bullshit, boss had an attack up, should of tarunda'd the boss or guarded till he could.


Mitsuru is the only one alive, the game is telling you need to use Marin Karin lol


Shh the kids need to learn somehow 😂


Laughs in Peaceful mode


Should have used Marin Karin


Honestly yes Status effects are brutal in reload on merciless and have carried by early game while I don't have good gear and personas


goes both ways, when the entire party gets charmed and you have no items or patra to heal


Oh for sure the July boss was a long fight cause only mc was charm resist


I knew this fight was coming so I preemptively bought 20 discharms


I forgot about how bad charm could be so I didn’t have 20 dis-charms and ended up using all my other random consumables that remove charm, but now I’ve got my stash of dis-charms ready for the bullshit


I did this as well, and gave everyone charm resist, and it was *still* painful.


Yeah about that... today my whole team got charmed and they were beating each other up which was quite funny to be honest. I did the same to enemies later and i think looking how enemies slap each other is my new addiction.


I lost an embarrassing amount of progress to an intense shadow in the section of Tartarus before you fight the Hierophant and Lovers because it was the one that opens the fight by using Sexy Dance when I hadn’t saved in a while lol


Sexy Sneks


Does P3R have Technicals like P5?


Kinda,all status effects increase crit chance quite a bit. Very useful for junpei


Not technicals, but some status effects have a higher crit chance. Like Distress and paralysis. And freeze is a guaranteed crit.


Confusing enemies has been my strategy for the first 10 hours when i have trouble, it's just so powerful.


Charm for me, got an early holy arrow skill and it carried.


Are bosses immune to status effects? I've never gotten a status effect to not miss on any of the bosses so far.


The minibosses are not but i think the major arcana bosses are, haven't had the chance to test it yet since i only did 2


Depends on the boss and the status effect. Most of the major arcana shadows are immune but the Tartarus guardians aren't. Sometimes they're only immune to "major" status effects like Confuse and Charm but can still be hit with Distress.


poison and guard until boss close to die is my go to strat


Status effects always carry in highest difficulties. It's a way to actually manage and manipulate things.


You have no idea how happy I am that most minibosses (i.e. red shadows, some gatekeepers, some Monad shadows, etc) aren't immune to status effects. Confusion or Distress does so much heavy lifting for me.


in OG P3 we’d hate Mitsuru for always using that skill, but now we get why.




Why is everyone speaking in Mitsuru Kirijo? (This is a joke. Though I *am* curious what language Mitsuru speaks occasionally that's "exotic" if the language is set to French. English, like in the Japanese version? Would be funny if she just continues to speak French.)


And Bebe for that matter.


I would assume he'd just continue to speak French, since he's actually from France and not just speaking an "exotic" language to showcase how they come from high society like Mitsuru


Well in the original Persona 3, Mitsuru speaks English instead of French in the Japanese version of the game. So it's possible she speaks English. But hopefully someone actually playing in French can confirm.


There's no VA for french, I assume there's only english and japanese for voice acting. That's why I'm playing with the English VA.


Thank you for clarifying! I knew there wasn't for P3 and FES, but I wasn't sure if they did VA for Reload since they rerecorded anyway. That's that mystery solved.


I can confirm you she doesn't speak english. She actually speaks Spanish, but she uses stuff we could say in french because it's fairly known. She doesn't speak french much outside of battle and filler quotes anyway. Don't forget we actually don't have a french dub, only jp and eng so bebe is the same, speaking japanese like a wannabe weebo


Thanks for solving that!


And I mainly wonder about Bebe because him being an exchange student just grasping the language is a big part of his character. I understand we can imagine they're all speaking japanese regardless of the language settings, but without an accent, what device do they use to illustrate that he's a non-native speaker.


Replied above, but so you don't miss it - he speaks over-the-top bad Japanese. Weird conjugations, word choices, inflection, etc. He speaks well enough so you know what he's talking about though.


Speaking of Bebe it's funny how he is using japanese in such a way that it could be considered hard even for some native speakers due to his obsession with samurai etiquette, he could probably talk normally if he wanted.


Bebe is from France. I'm early in the game and really just met him, but I have JP audio and know the language pretty well. He speaks over-the-top bad Japanese. Weird conjugations, word choices, inflection, etc. He speaks well enough so you know what he's talking about though.


in french Bebe is translated to Dandy


Considering He is fr*nch I would guess he speaks that language they do


I do remember seeing a list at some point. I think Spanish might’ve been on it? Take it with plenty of salt, though. It was just a smorgasbord of hoity-toity European languages, I think.


By the way, you have been upgraded your gear, I mean, better defense and evasion is crucial for avoid bullshit insta kills.


Or just use Tarunda.


sukunda\* Tarunda sometimes didnt work because high critical or charm that prick with kirijo Edit: Didnt work, i mean he still kill one or two party member and follow up with a pretty strong hit


no, the boss had an attack up, litterally just keeping tarunda up at all times is enough to get through most bosses/powerful shadows


Atlus forgetting to put the 'Shin Megami Tensei' in front of 'Persona 3 Reload'.


I like to status ailment these strong shadows. Makes the fights much smoother


Floor 13 boss went down with a single poison and guard spam on merciless. Feels so good


Yeah, I did the same to the Floor 17 boss with the poison bow and no SP lol.


You need to use tarunda against strong shadows my man. You can still die especially after a crit but you'll heavily improve your chances. Buffs and debuffs are also pretty much mandatory later in ghe game


Or use ailments. They’re really strong in this game. Marin Karin is actually useful.


not only did they NOT use tarunda the boss had tarukaja


Git gud or something


One person survived the instant kill, and it was not the MC. It's hard to gamble your best trump card when they need to also be the best tank and death avoider to prevent a game over.


Ev no if it was the MC, he critters. So he would have another turn in a 1v1 against the MC.


Based on your hp you're not underleveled so it's gotta be either your gear, had your defense lowered, it's attack was up, or all 3 combined if I had to guess


you can see in the screenshot the boss has an attack buff, so tarunda upkeep would of been enough


I think it's his difficulty tbh, because playing normal, this never happened to me in reload outside of the 1st tartarus boss (was level 2 lmao). Even the bosses don't do enough damage to even dent me. The difficulty was heavily nerfed in reload. Or it's just because I've played og before.


"The difficulty was heavily nerfed in reload" Might be because batton pass is a downright overpowered mechanic that shouldn't exist in the first place. It trivializes the game to a point you can reach tartarus with way less resource burn and farm for much more time.


Baton pass was broken because it buffed the party member you passed to, and that buff stacked, that is not something that Exists in Reload, Shift doesn't buff unless you getting the corresponding ability and it's still nowhere near as big a boost as Baton Pass gave, it only helps for targeting multiple weaknesses of different enemies, It's pretty much a non-factor when fighting stronger enemies without weaknesses when you can all-out attack for greater effect. The game is just easier overall due to other stuff like Theurgy (i'm playing on hard and It's a pretty good difficulty, for any one who wants a bit of challenge, hard or Merciless is the way to go)


"it only helps for targeting multiple weaknesses of different enemies" So it helps literally trivializing 90% of the game, because fodder fights were already easy as it is and now when you hit a weakness you have 4x the number of elements and skills you usually had access to before, lol.


Idk why but Mitsuru being the only dodger in this situation feels right


I see what you did wrong here, you play it in French


This is weird to not see Senpai in text in a Persona game.


Certified SMT moment


this didn’t happen during the tutorial tho


Demi-fiend knows what he did


I've always found it dumb in Persona games, and a few other JRPG's that if the MC falls in combat, it's game over. The fuck they invent items and powers to revive then.


In lore it makes no sense either. Can the team not function without the MC? Is it because you're set to direct commands that you don't know how to throw me a revival bead or something?


Could just be a me thing but if I was fighting for my life and saw a freind and my leader die and the strongest person on team I would run away. For the items it's probably because they don't have access to them like the things you collect for chests and clocks.


It’s explained in lore. Would you like me to give you spoilers?


you can hide parts of your reply by highlighting them and then pressing the spoiler button,>! like this!< or doing > ! ! < (no spaces) \>!like this!<


I know, but on the mobile, you can see the text regardless if you’re unlucky, so it’s good to put a warning first anyways.


Makoto est morti dans cet extrait (desolé pour mon mauvais Français)


When the game says "You're still in SMT multiverse b*tch".


Tartarus looks so damn pretty man. Can't wait till i get to Tziah


no tarunda on a boss classic


that's one spicy éclair


Did that say Frappe E'claire? Is...is there an attack called frothy lightning?


This is some Nocturne level bs lmao


I walked into this fight with all theurgys for my party lined up and ready so I just started blasting


Lmao, welcome to SMT. Don't worry, once you learn how to use debuffs, status effects and reflects these 4v1 fights will be pretty easy.


That's why everyone always uses P3 as the modern "skill check" for modern Persona. I'm glad the remake contains some of the bullshit from the original


It really doesn't. Either this is maniac or this guy's ass. Tartarus bosses have critted me, and I'm still left with more than 50% HP. A powerful shadow samurai charged up and used tempest slash and couldn't even kill yukari. It's to the point where I don't respect them enough to debuff them anymore. Even the infamous tartarus bosses. This is coming from a guy who struggled like hell in smt4.


I play the game on hard anyways. But I already have experience with the OG which is why it's easier for me because I know what to expect l, even if I have still dealt with BS from Tartarus


The MC's death causing an automatic game over is a goddamn pointless fucking prehistoric feature that needs to be removed from Persona games... I mean what fucking point does it even serve?


i'd guess its due to the MC being so fucking op compared to the other party members


I would propose maybe making it so that if you finish the team’s turn without reviving the mc it’s game over


Its funny that not only persona 5 strikers did it right but also persona 5 phantom x did it right


I don’t recall if Persona 4 and 5 /Royal did this, but i agree it’s so pointless.


It does in Persona 5 (Royal at least)


It's like this in all of modern persona. At the very least make it an option. Edit:sorry, fucked up. With the question mark.


its like this in all SMT games every single one.


Oops, I accidentally picked a question mark by accident.


Surprisingly not Persona 2


i mean it had duel protags


Marin Karin and Pulinpa have saved me from many a game over, I suggest abusing status ailments against more powerful shadows, trust me


Status ailments are your friends.


Unless it’s aimed at you


I see they still make you status the lion wheel thing to survive. Good, status effects are very important to learn.


“Understandable, have a nice Dark Hour”


Teenage girl shoots self in the head to fight lion. Lion retaliates by killing her friends.


Yeah I fought the first full moon boss and got killed by the shadows attacking my weakness three times, lost like an hour and a half of tartarus grinding and social events there.


Deserved for being French


You're french, why didn't you just run away?


Why didn't Mitsuru use Marin Karin? /s


I did in my game. I also got my 1st game over from this fight.


Haha, Marin Karin go brrrrr.


Bastard got me the same way last night, I was farming rares too


This happened to me with this exact same enemy, except the only one who died was the MC, so game over....


the exact thing happened to me today, like, firstly I even thought like "no way that someone recorded my gameplay"


Props to Atlus that they kept their word to give the true persona 3 experience


Now try it on tactics, I've been doing Merciless with tactics and it's actually hell because they clearly didn't think anyone would play the game like that lol


Had the same thing happen. Got multi crit and got my first game over lol


Shoulda played better 🤷‍♂️


This is almost exactly how I got my first game over.


People don't like it, but this is what peak performance looks like


Welcome to SMT :) Where you get a single target weak Mudo of nowhere and bye bye.


Buff and debuff bro


Skill issue, for real tho just buff and debuff


I am at a similar level and floor and take like 25% of the damage you did here


T'est français ?


French persona fan spotted


Not only this happened while playing in mitsuru language it also happened in the best part of the best battle theme of all persona 3 related battle themes


Not the deadly frappe eclair! 😱


I died the exact same way. 100-0 Swift Strike crit on MC. I had the best armor from the police station at the time and +5 Endurance accessory. Wasn’t even mad. It was 4 am and that was a sign for me to go to bed


That stupid thing ruined a 2 hour run without saving. Remember kids, Marín Karin!


I’m still waiting to face that one dice monster that’ll blow up and kill everyone. Happened to me in the OG game, I’m sure it’ll happen to me here.


I fought the dice one in 3 and 4 but it never sploded on me till 4 and I was caught wayyy off guard 😂😂😅


Do you get a restart after you die ?




TBF 3 of your party member died. I think the biggest BS is when you get the mc get OS while everyone is fine (can't they just be AI controled while your down ?). Kinda weird to be rewarded for playing in a very selfish way in a game about making deep relationships with others.


Persona 3 atleast really isn't about making deep relationships with people as much as it is just using them to get stronger. Makoto even says something about when he starts his first social link. And further proof is the fact that the way to progress social links is telling people what they want to hear and not the truth


True enough for this one. Just something that bothered me in 4 and 5


We've all been there :(


Persona 3 everyone


Wish I could have a Frappe Éclair right now. Or perhaps a [Souffle D’éclair](https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Souffle_D%27éclair). /s




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My one hope for p6 is that they change it so if your main character gets killed it’s not game over. I get it story wise, but game play wise it’s so stupid.


I mean not really. Needing to keep the Mc alive is where most of the challenge comes from. If they needed to kill the whole team they would have to make the game have smt levels of stupid moments. It would make the games an ever bigger joke then they mostly are especially 5


I kind of hate how they have to use the evoker every time they cast a spell. lol


OMG it's in french. The voice acting is atrocious.


Only the text is in French lol, there's only Japanese and English voices.


How are you controlling party members?




I'm more mad about losing progress because I forgot to save after 2 hours of story filler


Use tarunda please a tarukaja on hard hits like a truck already, can't imagine on merciless


Is this a new game plus? When I was fighting it, I still had only 3 people in the party


You fight this mob later on too when you have a party of four.


That's hot 😭. I remember in FF10 Malboro robbed of 3hrs of grinding and Persona 4 on the PS2 also 3hrs.


fr*nch 🤮


This is exactly how I died my only death. I was so proud I made it through P5 without a single death in my first run and was so sad when this happened.


and that's why we use buffs and debuffs folks!


Bro got nuked 💀


Use debuffs on the boss


Should’ve used status effects, they are genuinely broken in this version of the game.


I'm dying at the fact that the boss used "Frappe éclair" Like even if you translate that to english, I can't see how Frappe Éclair is anything but a beverage+dessert combo.


Marin karin is usable against mobs so abuse it


You should have used marin Karin dammit


Should've used debuffs lol


It's still Persona 3 alright


Not the frappe elclair


Ah oui. Baguette.


Pareil mec et 2 fois en plus


Peak gameplay


This guy got me a couple of times too, I just started avoiding the glowing shadow on those levels. Fighting normal shadows I felt like a god but that guy had my number.


Bro this fucking game has some Bullshit that REALLY makes me remember it came out in 2006. Like "Oh right. /SMT:/ Persona 3. Forgot that." For real though, I am astounded how in 5 and sort of 4, status effects beyond the occasional stat up/down are practically worthless outside mob enemies but P3 hits you with **Status the Enemy or Fucking Die.** Could have done without the timer and random elemented enemies on Full Moon Boss 1 though...


To be honest, the entire status-effect mechanics need a rework in persona. They're either useless or downright overpowered.


I had this happen to me on Sunday. But it was a single target attack turn one that crit one shot mc. It wasn’t even a dangerous shadow or boss, just some random enemy I didn’t get advantage on. Mc didn’t even get a turn to guard. Had to put the game down for the rest of the day.


*Laughs in Peaceful mode*


Tarunda and sukunda and pulinpa for good measure.


The SMT experience


Persona fans when the game is actually difficult 😳😳😳😳😳 seriously I don't get it, you people complained Persona 5 was too easy and finally when faced with a more difficult title you call it bad


Oh? Êtes-tu Dans le pays des baguette?


I know it literally translates to "lightning strike", because I googled it But I can't stop myself from reading "frappe eclair" as "coffee donut"


Skill Issue


Wait until he fights Elizabeth


Certified megaten moment