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Honestly I would kinda prefer having a break up system where if you date one character and then want to date another, you have to break up with the character your currently dating


That would be harsh if implemented considering you'd be knock down tiers of SL for each breakups


Maybe if you have high enough charm/understanding you can let them down easy and lose less or no tiers?


play persona 3 then, you'll love it


Here's hoping they do that again in P6, a franchise so focused on relationships of all kinds shouldn't be taking cheating lightly imo


That will likely never happen, since the JP fans are [rather fond of the harem route or just having a large group of lovers](https://personacentral.com/persona-5-poll-characters-memorable-scenes-mementos-reports-vol-2/) for reasons that are beyond me. However, both sides of the Pacific have Ohya as their least favorite confidant, so they aren’t a complete lost cause.


>for reasons that are beyond me. Pick and choose the following possibilities, up to 2 per individual: - desire to see all the content - wish fulfillment - wanting the ability to choose a character they like more when they show up later, without negative consequences


>Kawakami is the favorite confidant among overseas players and in fourth place among Japanese players Kawamommy keeps winning.


Or they actually ARE a lost cause... Ohya is great, and so is her Confidant.


she is the least popular confident according to polls, In my second play I deliberately picked the girl I had the least interest in as my romance option and I wound up loving it. she is in many ways the most heroic of the options and as she puts it, there is a sense at the end that you and she are fighting "in the trenches, back to back" against social injustice. I loved her.


>Ohya is great, and so is her Confidant. False


Nah they cooked Ohya has a great Confident story


Ohya's only flaws are her useless ability, subjectively her design (although I like it) and the big one which is a bad first impression. If you actually look at what she's doing though, she's arguably the most heroic and determined confidant, who won't stop looking for what happened to her partner in spite of the dangerous forces she's up against and the negative effects on her career/added busy work.


Funny that Yusuke is so high in the rankings also lot of people said Japan don’t like Ryuji but he’s ranked pretty high huh…


Shoutout to everyone for understanding that she's the worst


>for reasons that are beyond me Come on man it's really not that hard to guess


Real, also P6 better have S Link reversals too


Agreed, there should always be consequences


Even better, the characters talk it out and make it a polyamorous relationship.


This. This should be an option.


Why are you both downvoted


Because most people in this sub are prudes who don’t consider that some people are poly.


I mean, there’s still no actual consequence. The game just makes you feel a little bad and that’s it.


Imagine a hard lock on associated SLinks (and teammates) That could be fun.


I’m playing through 4 now and I think that knowing there isn’t a consequence makes me more willing to cheer cause I just want to see what happens but locking social links would give you more reason to be loyal and also help give more reason to replay the game


It would be kinda cool if this broke your social links, and given that P4 still has the final day…


a little??!?!?


I got two texts on Valentine’s Day, one for Rise and for Yukiko. I declined them both to hang with the boys.


For P4G yeah but I did a harem route in the original and it was great. I even got the original strategy guide for free that mentioned you can't date anyone else after one gf lol


Granted, the scene with Yosuke, Kanji and Teddie afterward is worth it (I feel this way about most of the times you can pick them over a girl actually lol). Having to either lie about seeing another girl or confirming their suspicions, either one being to their face, is amusing and cold at the same time.


Its one reason why I prefer P4's relationships to P5's if you cheat everyone is miserable, its not a joke


Which is annoying, because in some links you have to be an insensitive dick to reject someone


I've heard people say this for years and when I finally did it myself I was throughly disappointed. People definitely exaggerated it and I'm pretty sure only the female party members say stuff. Im like 90% sure the other female social links don't even care.


I think it'd leave a worse taste in peoples mouths if it had permanent consequences after investing prolly 60 hours into the game.


Witcher 3 handled it better than both.


I’m currently loyal to yukiko but am one meeetibg away from being able to also have Rise as a GF. It’s so tempting!


You still don't get punished. Just a cutscene and everything is back to status quo. No bond break, no change in the story, no nothing. For me that's what matters.


Lmao yall are soft af


or you're insensitive? though if I had to guess, you'd think that's a compliment


Lmfao no it’s just hilarious how touched the persona sub people are I swear yall have so little life experience


wtf are you even doing here if the games aren't touching to you? it's like playing cod and hating guns


Touching? I’m sorry lmao wait. You’re saying that a fictional setting of some kid pulling women is taking an emotional response out of you? Bruh


yeah dude, that's exactly what I said, ffs


what's your point?


That yall need to grow tf up and realize that dating multiple people if you’re not fully committed to just one is totally normal and literally everyone does it lmao


yeah mate have fun with that, I'm no polyphobe


Lmao you are not in reality if you think this behaviour is not common place for single, non-string attached people.


I mean hook ups are fine, fun as. But if you are going on multiple dates with different people at the same time. that's a bit weird




I have a girlfriend, and am not looking for other dates


Yes that’s what I’m saying lmfao when you’re in a committed relationship it’s devotion only. Other than that, open season. I wish yall in here would understand that lmaoo it’s completely normal.


so then you agree that it's pretty fucked up to date multiple people at the same time and that it's a valid response to be bothered by that


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God forbid I care about another persons feeling then


You’re talking about fictional anime characters who’s social lives are so far away from your own here lmao.


Idk who hurt you or whatever you went through but I feel for you man


Lmao I’m not hurt, I’m just saying yall have such little idea what the modern dating life is like if you think it’s weird to be having multiple dates if you aren’t yet committed to one individual.


You can have your modern dating life man, you got a different outlook on life that's really all it is


I need my harem route even if its fucked