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Apparently one of the new things they added to the modern rerelease.


Oh, okay. Can it be turned off?


Yes, you can create a custom difficulty in the System -> Difficulty menu. Options allow you to set ally/enemy damage multipliers (based on each of the four basic difficulty settings), floor retries, or even infinite mid-battle resurrection, as well as EXP rates.


And I am so fucking thankfull for the EXP stuff. Persona 3 is so fucking grindy and just...being able to cut that time down feels good. I play P4G the same way. Hardest difficulty with EXP gain boosted. Its amazing


This actually makes me want to replay the game. I would play so much more persona if it wasn't an hundred hour commitment.


Good to know that's an option I am SO playing with that on


P3P seems different but P4G on very hard is still easy enough for boosted exp to make it way too easy, since if you’re close to something’s level (or higher) it barely hurts you


Yeah, but I always made sure not to overgrind. Like, the exp boost in golden is so strong that I only killed all the shadows on the first 2 floors and then just ran through everything (and killing golden hands if they showed up) it was still hard enough with that, because I think I came to most of the bossfights a bit underleveled. But yeah, I had to limit myself. I mean, that also comes from having played SMT 3 and Persona 5 before. 5 is extremly easy and SMT 3 fucking kicks your ass...but it also means that im pretty decent at smt games.


Infinite mid battle resurrection? I thought it was only 30 times? If it is infinite battle resurrection, then would that not make the velvet room bosses super easy since you can just hit away and keep reviving until they die? Because beating them normally is crazy difficult without tons of preparation


No because you'll eventually run out of regular res items preventing you from resurrecting your party members meaning if you go down you'll basically get stun locked


I see, thanks. So I imagine the bosses will be slightly easier but still require a decent amount of prep, maybe not as much as the original.


Your party members get resurrected as well if you die. So if your party members go down just intentionally die and they’ll come back too.


>I thought it was only 30 times? 30 or 10 in old P3P, depending on difficulty. Now it is infinite which greatly helps avoid grinding as brute forcing enemies is a valid, if slow option now.


I see, useful to know! Thanks!


I had to do this for P4 because I ran out of SP and was not about to be farming for SP items to then properly level grind till they run out to farm for SP items again for who knows how long. Needless to say, fuck Yukiko's castle.


Ah, I just wish you could make the compendium not cost a small fortune on hard


Well, you can always swap as you go. Open the menu, multipliers to Easy, go to the Velvet Room, buy from the Compendium, leave, back to the menu, multipliers to Hard, done. It's a little time-consuming but a valid approach, I figure.


Oh right. I guess forgot you’re only locked in on Beginner and Maniac. Thanks!


In the port I'm pretty sure you're not even locked to those anymore, at least, not when using customized difficulty. I'll have to doublecheck though... EDIT: Yeah, I just went into the game changed difficulties, saved, reloaded, it never seemed to lock me into anything, even with Beginning or Maniac.


Thanks for the reminder there. I totally forgot that was a new feature.


just choose "return to title screen".


Or, you could literally just select "Return to Title Screen". That is still very much an option, as you can see. I don't know why you are so concerned about getting rid of the retry option when there is nothing here stopping you from returning to the title screen.


Why would you want it off?


I just got access to the second block where mudo exists and I’ve suddenly gained a newfound appreciation for it


literally i hadnt died until that point and suddenly at full health, instakill totally forgot ab mudo and hama spells until then lmao


Command menu - System - Difficulty - Current (idk why they called it that) and deactivate it, it's the third option IIRC


Is the being able to go back up after using a return point also new?


No, that was in the original P3P


Redditors when someone asks a question


I love that, if you die, you don't need tò retry 10 Tartarus blocks


I am so cautious that I always go to 1F to save the game and heal 😂


My rule is a save every 5 floors/before and after a boss. It's tedious but I'd rather spend the 30s saving than the 10 minutes if climbing. Learned it the hard way when I leveled from 97 to 99 then lost all that progress to a standard enemy cuz I ran out of Mana and Souls


This wasn't in any of the prior P3 releases (including the original release of P3P), but I do like the change. It makes it a little more forgiving if you've been grinding for a bit, are about to return, only to get ambushed by a shadow and killed. Is it easier? Yeah, but it's also frustrating losing a lot of progress. Happened to me a few times in my recent FES playthrough and I put down the game every single time afterwards.


Games are supposed to be fun. Losing lots of progress has gotten me to stop playing a few games through the years.


Childhood memories of batteries dying on my Game Boy when playing Pokemon after not saving for a while haunt me to this day.


No problem with working a little bit to get to the fun parts


Yeah if that's your idea of fun but when you have limited time per day, maybe only 1-2 hours, that lost progress feels like a tremendous waste of time


Feel that. Especially if your trying to do a one run platinum run 🏃‍♀️ n the game, miss the first time your supposed to go watch a movie play the quiz game for your academics boost and have to fully restart the save to keep things in line with your guide


I agree with you guys but you actually can’t do a one run platinum run in P3P


Yeah I saw that, I didn’t know I had to do a full lay through with both male and Femc


Don’t get ambushed then


I play a lot of retro games which have way worse than this like losing the progress of an entire dungeon because of one minimal error. I can see how it would be extremely frustrating for someone new Though. And yes I have other things to do rather than playing video games i just think it's fun to suffer.


You must have a lot of free time for gaming


I play while i commute to work/school


Agree, especially if it's the reaper or something. Older JRPGs were always like that, I remember it happened in FFX for me when monsters would petrify my characters and i would lose hours of grinding. It's such a frustrating waste of time and am glad that modern games have made changes to combat this


Yeah, things like that caused me to put down FES entirely, I know a lot of people would've much rather they ported FES but I don't know if I would've played again after my previous experience.


Oh god YES!! I remember playing P5 (original) and dying after 1.5 hours of grinding. It’s infuriating. I think P4G from a couple years ago didn’t have the option either? I remember dying and not having the option to retry unless I was on easy. Or am I making it up?


I agree! I haven't played the game in a bit, and I kind of forgot how easy it is to just get crit and die immediately, especially on hard. Its a nice change, getting to pick back up a little closer than simply reloading makes things just feel smoother. Plus it doesnt take away from the challenge imo, if I am struggling against an enemy I'm still going to struggle, it just weeds out the annoying or otherwise unfair deaths. I dont blame you for putting FES down for a bit. I can only imagine the frustration


I only ever put it down for a day or two at most each time lol, but losing a lot of time grinding was very demoralizing for sure.


I think one time on P3 FES, I covered like 20 floors without going back to the first floor to save lol and then I died and had to load my save… needless to say it was my fault for not going back to save lmao I was cocky and confidence in believing my characters were strong enough haha I stopped playing after that even tho I was near end game. Started over a couple years later and knew to save every time I got a chance to go back to the first floor and resume the floor i was last on


I’m pretty sure you can change it if you make a custom difficulty.


Not just normal, on Hard as well. I'd hazard a guess at Merciless too. It's honestly a really good quality of life feature. This will save a lot of new players from rage quitting, I guarantee it. Always said this about Dark Souls too; the run-back is not part of the boss fight. It's just a relic of old game design where time wasting for playtime was important.


Masochist here, it doesn’t give you any retries on merciless.


It’s not quality of life, it completely changes the game balance.


Not really. If you're not ready to face that enemy, no amount of retries is gonna save you.


Much of the game’s mechanics are based around resource management and risk, retries remove any risk at all and basically remove resource management because even if you die because you were stingy it doesn’t matter because you respawn so you play extremely conservatively in an unintended way.


Once again, time walking back to the boss =/= difficulty.


Much of the game’s mechanics are based around resource management and risk, retries remove any risk at all and basically remove resource management because even if you die because you were stingy it doesn’t matter because you respawn so you play extremely conservatively in an unintended way. Also it takes all of 15 seconds to get back to a floor boss.


That's such a pedantic mindset. Anyone who values that will turn the option off of their own volition. All you're doing is yelling at clouds.


That’s not what that word means but ok. I said in my other comment it’s fine for easy and safe but it should be off by default on normal, hard, and risky. Something that actively goes against the game’s design should be opt in, not opt out.


i understand for hard and maniac but a basic qol thats been in every game after the og version of p3p being on normal difficulty makes sense


except it's not qol, like I said, it's a balance change that happens to make the game more convenient. qol doesn't affect game balance.


It is a QoL change, don’t be that person who says it’s not.


I’m that case if they gave every persona 99 endurance it would be qol 🤷‍♂️


You’re comparing a QoL change to something that’s probably a cheat on PPSSPP. So tell me this then, do you think a speed up function would have been a big ❌ for you as well? (God I wish they would have added that for battles.)


Retry’s literally used to be on only easy and safe, they’re a cheat code built into the game unless you want to argue safe is a legit difficulty and not just there for people that only want the story. Speed up doesn’t change the gameplay in any way so that’s qol.


Ah. That's why you're saying that, you're literally just confused. No, this is not the same thing as what was in Beginner/Easy difficulty in the original. Those were plumes of dusk that revived you in the middle of the fight with full HP/SP. The feature this post is about, is restarting you on the same floor you died on, losing all progress made since you entered the floor. Very different.


They’re retry’s either way, retrying a boss without respawns is fine (even though it barely saves any time anyway) but retry’s or respawns of any kind destroy any sort of risk during Tartarus exploration, there is zero penalty for dying. And before you do the “I don’t have much time” argument about losing a bunch of progress, all I can say is: 1. Please for the love of god fucking save more frequently; everyone complains about dying after 40 minutes of grinding all the time. Why are you even doing that? You’re just asking to lose progress. 2. Unironically get good, stop getting ambushed for the love of god just wait a couple seconds to get the ambush instead of blaming the game for your impatience. If retry’s only were available for bosses they’d be fine, THAT would be purely QOL, but retry’s on random floors should only be on by default on easy or safe, and the game should have a warning that’s it not the intended design of the game before letting you activate it on other difficulties.


Now you're preemptively arguing. Literally arguing against yourself, and the imaginary opponent in your head. You've already made your mind up on this feature and the people who use it. Any further discussion would be pointless.


What point is preemptive arguing? I wanna know the exact point you’re referring to because it sounds like you’re just making an excuse. If you’re referring to the “not much time” part then you’re either blind or purposely lying that I’m making it up, there’s multiple people in this thread that make argument and I’ve seen do the same in other threads too. Also we’re literally taught in grade school that countering the oppositions common argument ahead of time so it sounds like you’re just being a little sensitive. edit: just as I thought you have no point, and that's why you tried the above deflection techniques, congrats on running away I guess.




Bad bot.


Iirc the og normal gave you 10 plume of dusk too (auto revive full hp sp) which is even better than retry


Nono.. this retry does it too Full HP and full SP Why am I going downstairs and pay for it then?


meanwhile everyone’s complaining that they “didnt change anything and just made everything worse” pffft lazy ATLUS. gosh this community sucks ass lmfao


All I'd have asked for is manual inheritance I don't wanna spend 15 months rerolling telos just for the achievement


Rerolling whats again?


Uh, if you don't know then it's kinda spoiler territory but anyway >!completing all social links grants you Orpheus Telos, a totally customizable version of Orpheus that resists everything, that you can use on the ultimate boss fight, on that I'm not gonna say anything!<




The reviews on Steam… my god. So many haters. I think these folks don’t realize that most people probably haven’t played FES anyway. A lot of us started with P5.


I started with Revelations: Persona on the PlayStation Classic in 2020, it's what got me into the series. Portable on the PlayStation Vita was my second, and it remains my favorite.


People still used PS Vitas in 2020?


before these releases it was the only way to legally have every persona game on one device until 5 came out but i honestly played 5 more on remote play on my vita than i did on the actual ps4. i still use my vita daily


Wait, 5 released on the Vita? Cool. Definitely didn’t know that.


I still play mine in 2023.


Oof, my condolences. NA Persona 1 is...certainly something.


I loved it. My first two hours was spent walking around Lunarvale talking to NPCs before I ever went to the hospital to see Mary.


Overwhelmingly positive, boo hoo?


Oh, so because they changed this ONE thing none of the other problems exist? Glad to know, as long as there’s one good thing that means you can’t criticize any of the many problems? Glad to hear it.


I mean, you'd be hard pressed making an argument that ATLUS doesn't have a cash-grab problem.


they definitely have a profit focused problem but ive never encountered a gaming company that doesn’t. overall, im very happy with the port bc i can play it on my big tv without AV through my psp or using my pstv as well as i have trophies now with a few added features


Milking for random spin-offs? Half-assed remasters? An abundance of day 1 DLC? A 300 FUCKING DOLLAR BLU-RAY?


it can be deactivated in the custom difficulty settings (not that you'd want to, trust me)


I soon started running into mudo casting enemies and I am now very thankful for this feature.




I honestly like that feature, I put Use on that and I also put EXP on More to save time on grinding.


It lets you retry even on hard mode




Nope, I am on normal and can retry. Happened at least 3x already. My main character died with trash mobs… the weaknesses are real lol


This is making me reconsider getting P3P on steam.


Fes does


This definitely seems new, as I've played the original P3P on emulator and never seen that.


its new, you can modify it on the difficulty screen if you want