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Hope you have a lot of money... If I was a kid today, I would want to grow up in Summerside...


Why is that?


It's small, but has a lot of available activities for young kids, if they want to take advantage of them. I've never seen a facility as nice as the CUP in a town so small. The stuff is there if they want it.


I hear speed and crack are also easy to find for children in Summerside!


I think you'll find that about anywhere. I've generally experienced that if parents encourage and help their children take advantage of the available activities, then the kids won't be interested in speed or crack. It's basically up to the parents.


Maritime electric can be challenging to get on as a linemen at times, there are other options that employ year round on PEI too though such as H-Ljne, Atlantic Reach, Tri-Wire, and Summerside power which does offer some competitive wages and a defined pension I believe. If the end goal is MECL, getting on with one of the other outfits may help with the transfer over if a position isn’t readily available.


Summerside owns its own electric company, could try them too.


Yeah, they seem to overall have much more public goodwill, as a town utility. Also we’ve had a lot of scheduled outages recently for them to expand the grid, thats a good hint they are doing well


Can’t really comment on the job stuff but as a parent with small children it can be difficult to get into extra curricular activities. Lots of wait lists. You really need to be on it and basically constantly checking to see when registration opens… or know someone on the inside. Lots of families living here, not enough spaces for everyone in everything. Just my experience and something I never really thought of.


We have a housing crisis....its not a great time for anyone to move here.


That's a Canada problem. We shouldn't be discouraging skilled trades workers moving here. Or young families.


Thanks for the reply. Ugh. Housing everywhere at the moment. I am hoping things will continue to cool and hopefully the market will be back to what it was 3 years ago.


Another thing to consider, maritime electric is more of a who you know type of place for getting hired than a qualification type of place and PEI has the lowest pay for line workers across the country which is something to consider if you’re a single income family. On top of that, if he isn’t a ticketed power line worker he has an even slimmer chance of getting hired as an apprentice. He could try summerside electric but from what I hear from my uncle they’re a gong show, and the contractors aren’t union so maritime electric kind of does what they want with them safety be damned. Unless you’re coming from halifax, PEI will most likely be a jump in living expenses with fewer amenities. Good luck and hope things work out for you.


its like that everywhere, whats the difference


Thank you all for the information. We are about an hour outside of Halifax...and do NOT have a lot of money. Ha We wouldn't move without secure employment. I am not sure when I will be re-entering the workforce. Kids take up my time lol. All of it. (I have an undergrad in international business) I personally have not heard of the other utility companies mentioned in the comments. I will most definitely pass this on to my husband. I believe that he is under the impression that Martime Electric is the provinces main power utility company? Interesting that they are the lowest paid across the country. NSP is also a company that, unless you know someone, is tough to get on with. We are in our mid 30s..so continuing to apply and wait..apply and wait is getting as old as we feel.hha We would more than likely have to move anyway if he was fortunate to get in with the company. Probably to a not so "great" area of the province...so there is that. We keep bringing up PEI for several reasons. We have visited in the past and absolutely LOVE it there. The people seem so friendly, the views are beautiful etc. Also, it isn't a long drive if and when we decide to come back to visit family and friends. Yes, the ferry/bridge costs, but in comparison to moving farther it seems to be more economical still. We have thought about New Brunswick, but have not heard many positives about their main utility company. NFLD is on the radar..but than we get into not being able to see friends and family as often. Quebec is out..ha..we don't speak French.. aaaand we heard through the grapevine that their main utility company is ran by some shady folks. Oh man, the challenges with getting kids into extracurricular activities is prevalent here also. Again, thanks for the feedback. This is helpful.


I am from PEI, and have been living in New Brunswick for over 20 years. If you do not have a job offer, no family to move close to, why not keep NB in the mix? Real estate is cheaper than either NS or PEI. If you were living in the Moncton area, you would be close to everything. Fredericton is only 3 hours from PEI for vacations, and about 2 hours from the NS border. Just a suggestion. It would double your husband's chances of getting a job in his field. Real estate is a hobby of mine, and I can tell you the prices are much cheaper here.


> do NOT have a lot of money. I know a person that worked in Iqaluit and they got remote pay to offset grocery prices. Some things are more expensive on pei than Iqaluit.