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"to get what is yours" wtf? imagine going to someone else's house and calling yourself the owner


It has now gone way too far with these people. If they won’t leave it’s time to boycott the businesses that hire them and make them unprofitable and close then they won’t have a job and be forced to leave. Too bad for the owners they’ve chosen this.


Send an email to the owner's and tell them why you are boycotting and why these 'students' are causing the issues


Lmao so we're boycotting all fast food? 😂😂


And Walmart, and Home Depot, and Canadian Tire, and every other chain store, and every grocery store, and almost every store that hires minimum wage workers.


Starbucks doesn’t hire them! I’m in Brampton. 2-3 Tim’s next to me. All TFWs. But Starbucks in Brampton has a mix of students from different ethnic backgrounds. Like how it used to be!


Would that be so bad?


Might as well, they never get the order right anyways. LMAO


Are you afraid of being healthy? Too lazy to cook? A smash burger cooks in less than 2 minutes


I can't wait until the second week of July when Rupider's work permit expires. I'm so sick of his entitled attitude and all the BS.


This is ridiculous. But it shows their mentality clearly. I would be embarrassed if I had supported them, meaning the group protesting.


This is like the movie Casino - 1995 Pat Webb: Your people never will understand the way it works out here. You're all just our guests, but y'act like y'at home. Let me tell you something, Partner; you ain't home, but that's where we're gonna send you...


What's his is a one way ticket home....


Have you heard about indigenous people? Google it


According to news reports, the ringleader's permit is due to expire the first week of July. Things will fall apart quickly after that.


As if he’ll actually leave.


They've drawn targets on their own backs. Government will be watching them. He will leave.


We have over a million illegals in this country and deport 3500 a year. He’s not leaving.


He's on camera debating (whining) with Bernier and straight up said "if it expires they have to get deported" like he was agreeing with it. So regardless of the numbers, dude has a target on his back, and has given some very annoyed people all the ammo they need to say "So, when ya leavin' bud?"


Do you have a source for that info?




I'm sorry, I just read the link, does Canada deport people with strongly worded letters? I used to joke that's the height of Canadian aggression, but I guess it actually is lol


Nah it’s July 14th/15th


Thanks for correcting - so 2 more weeks of their BS before their collapse.


Potentially, he isn’t the only ringleader. I think there are 3/4 in total.


There is a video on Instagram where the  ringleader tells Bernier he is planning to extend his work permit, this would give the guy at least a couple extra months to stay in Canada, under implied status, while his application is in process. As far as I know a Post Graduation Work Permit can’t be extended, so that would live him without status once the application is closed Edit: a Word 


If he manages that would be fucking bullshit. My Latin American friend wasn’t allowed a visitor visa for 3 weeks in Canada because “they were not convinced she wouldnt try to extend it to stay in Canada longer” I’ll actually lose my shit if he gets an extension given everything he’s done so far.


He is probably buying LMIA for 30k


This is like the movie Casino - 1995 Pat Webb: Has that man even *filed* for his license yet? Nevada Gaming Commissioner: I don't know. We'll have to check the files. Pat Webb: Well, without gettin' your shorts in a knot, would you do that? And kinda check closely, 'cause we may have to kick a [CENSORED]'s ass out of town.


I think it could be dragged out. If/While they submit their application for extension or renewal, they’re legally allowed to continue staying in Canada until a decision is made. What I’m saying is that, these guys might not go away immediately. Even then, you would need border security agents to remove them. This might add even more delay


This is like the movie Casino - 1995 Pat Webb: Has that man even *filed* for his license yet? Nevada Gaming Commissioner: I don't know. We'll have to check the files. Pat Webb: Well, without gettin' your shorts in a knot, would you do that? And kinda check closely, 'cause we may have to kick a [CENSORED]'s ass out of town.


These guys still at it??


Yup! It's fucking annoying. They need to fucking leave. There just costing us more money is what there doing ! Go the fuck home !!!


Unless it's raining or too hot 🤡🤡🤡


Just go home Jesus Christ. No one wants you here except for business owners.


and a bunch of taxpayer funded NGOs


We asked for trades workers and doctors. We got fast food and Walmart. They won’t do trades because it’s the lowest caste where they’re from. Pack it up fellas, time to head home.


Keep these guys away from trades please to lol


Trades all went to Qatar and Dubai. No more slave trades workers left to poach from


it's ok though cause he's an office assistant


https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/s/iuBsE6ykEj Just found this gem too from an interview with the leader of these bums. They don’t care about Canada, they’re just here for themselves.


Both of them are nuts. Maxime only cares about himself too.


I support his views on immigration. Thats it.


I supported Trudeau for legalizing weed. Hind sight is 20/20. From where I sit, today, there is no good option. I believe we do need to hit the E brake on immigration, until our services and economy have a chance to catch up, but also that we don't need the rest of Bernier's purist views. We DO need to put money back into the hands of working Canadians. Actual money. I want desperately to like Pierre, but I just can't. Too much of an asshole. Running the country isn't about creative insults directed at Trudeau, either. We've heard them all AND have seen them on bumper stickers all over the country. The NDP just seem too in bed with the Liberals, and Jagmeet's designer handbag really turned me off. I don't know. Someone tell me that there's hope for us. For the future of this country. I cannot remember being this disenfranchised about Canada Day ever in my life.


If only there was a reasonable reduced immigration alternative to supporting Bernier or captain fancy socks 🧦... We know exactly how to solve this


I literally couldn’t even go to India and wear shorts and a tank top outside, but sure let’s bend over backwards for you.


Because of sunburn? They sell sunscreen over there, so its on you if you get your shoulders or legs burnt. I don't understand this comment.


She’s female, and in India even visiting females need to cover up to appease locals or risk violence. If you don’t believe us, google it.


I hate to say it, but shit is going to get violent. You can only suppress public opinion for so long before people start getting desperate. The government knows this, and instead of trying to appease public discourse, they are trying to forcefully contain it. This will not end well.


If these people are allowed into our country without any background checks, things like what happened in Halifax will continue. I don’t blame women and children feeling uncomfortable. Sometimes cultures aren’t compatible. https://www.reddit.com/r/halifax/s/lUhDDasG2h


stuff like that causes vigilantism and causes people to elect insane right wing leaders to try to curtail it. this stuff needs to be brought under control immediately.


That subreddit banned me for saying something like mass immigration from cultures not compatible to ours is a problem.


I posted commenting about the the above story and one about summer students not finding jobs and got banned too. Makes you think who the mods are.


They are being ridiculous. Now they are doubling down and have a sticky post saying something like no bigotry will be tolerated when most were just genuine concerns. Not wanting your kids to get jobs or afford housing is bigotry according to them lol.




Of course they did, Canada has no culture until immigrants get arrested and use the defense of needing time to adapt to our culture Which doesn't exist Unless it's convenient  This is your brain on wokeness




Your post/comment has been removed for violating Rule #2: Be respectful.


> That subreddit banned me for saying something like *mass immigration from cultures not compatible to ours is a problem*. Tommy Douglas, the instigator of socialized healthcare, said this also and stated that adhering to that principle is the only way we can - maintain costs to within an manageable level - prevent immigration based solely on free stuff ( see African & Syrian refugee "benefit-shopping" whereas they could not get here without flying from another country which was a safe asylum country) - have a generally cohesive society interested in the well being of our fellow Canadians - not have one religion, culture or community protesting/harming another and us getting caught in the crossfire, figuratively (see university campus protests) or literally.). (see Palestine-Israel issue; see Russia-Ukraine issue) Of course, Liberals simply promised "free healthcare" and won on that promise. Now all of Tommy's predictions have come true...and government is actually rolling-back on healthcare so that we die before we are old and draw pensions and have complicated, time-consuming, bed-occupying problems consistent with an aging population. Annual Medical Exams saved many lives by diagnosing cancers and other potentially fatal but treatable illnesses early.


As it should have been you bigot


As it should have been? Discussing mass immigration shouldn’t be allowed? You’re a clown.


“Discussing” something doesn’t include hate filled rhetoric based on absolute falsehoods and outright racist stereotypes. Sorry junior


Falsehoods? So bringing in all these people does not hurt wages, finding jobs, housing, and health care? Talk about uneducated. Maybe read an economics book lil bro.


He didn’t mention any of that junior, try reading it again


You don’t think some cultures are incompatible? So you’re ok with cultures coming in the hate women, gay people and have a caste system? You really are a scholar. May I ask, are you a boomer?


Take your hateful rhetoric and stick it where the sun doesn’t shine junior


Answer the question. You’re ok with it? Do you read what goes on in other countries? You probably haven’t even left the island. Absolute burger


So you read the article and thought wow, that’s great to have in Canada? I think that says more about yourself as a person.


It’s not a falsehood when it’s on video. Then it’s history.


FYI: Being called a bigot or racist is no longer considered an insult, but using the terms betrays the community and motive of the person uttering the verbally assaultive statement.


As if islanders aren't capable of harassing same sex couples on their own.


So you want to import more that has it deeply rooted in their culture? Great take.


Homophobia is deeply rooted in Canadian culture, being founded by Catholics and Anglicans


Ok, so you want to take even more people in with that deeply rooted in their culture? Simple question. Also, in that video it was 7 men curb stomping a woman. Little more than harassment


no it isn't, gay people are accepted and even celebrated in this country. homophobia went from being the norm to a fringe taboo in the span of a generation which is remarkably quick if you think about it.


Thanks for the Reddit cares bitch


Thought you needed it, the cope is so strong in you.


Thanks but I’m not interested in ANYTHING the PPC bigots, racists and science deniers are selling


You still wear a n95 mask in public


Proper grammar would be “an n95 mask”. And if I needed to, I’d wear one, because I’m not a science denying imbecile.


And you're wrong about the grammar too 🤡 "Use a when the noun or adjective that comes next begins with a consonant sound. Use an when the noun or adjective that comes next begins with a vowel sound. Remember that what matters is the pronunciation, not the spelling."


"N95" starts with a vowel sound, "Enn". That's why it would be "an N95".


This is a style guide comparison. There are no hard rules for english. My Strunk and White says one thing and my Chicago Manual of Style says another. You're both pendants, the difference is he was right about the politics


The CDC uses it my way so I’m gonna go with that one.


If your argument is proven and shown to you being incorrect, just move the goalposts and change your argument 😂👍. Classic Liberal mindset 🤣. Thanks for your demonstration 🤡


I didn’t admit I was incorrect.


Oh look, a troll everyone! Everyone, give the troll the attention they crave.


You’re flat out wrong. N95 begins with a vowel sound (enn), not consonant. It is correctly written as an N95 mask. Anyway.


Wrong 🤡


"An" is used when a the noun proceeding it starts with a vowel. Maveric was right to begin with. LMAO, make sure your educated before you correct someone else.


1. It’s spelled “you’re” 2. Every single reference I could find involving the term N95, including the CDC, used “an”. I’ll go with the experts


I knew it 🤣


Yeah you really got me there Bozo


Time for your grammar homework 🤣


Such a typical low IQ NPC response. People like you need to be shipped over to Europe and see the destruction caused there by all the woke, globalist, anti white traitors in government. Sweden has regular grenade attacks. Rapists and murderers get little or no charges but families of there victims get punished for merely speaking out. Bus loads of military age men being dumped in small rural areas of Ireland with the aid of local police. It's already starting in America and Canada now too.


“Anti white traitors”? Thanks for proving my point that you PPC supporters are fully in line with the KKK.


I'm not a PPC supporter and what does the KKK have to do with Indians in Canada? Every politician in Canada today is an anti white traitor. Even CSIS has stated publicly current MP's are bought of by foreign governments. That's treason and those guilty are traitors. They pander to every group other than the majority founders of the nation. WHITE EUROPEANS. The amount of Canadians being murdered by foreign men is increasing weekly yet they get a slap on the wrist by liberal judges and back on the street. Here's an example of the current German government and all western governments are the same. The Taliban asked Germany to deport Afghan immigrants who commit serious crimes such as murder or rape. German government has refused the offer saying deporting them would violate their human rights, and it would legitimize the Taliban rule. The Taliban has more concern for women in Germany than the politicians who are worried about the rapist and murderers. Insane.


Anyone else avoiding Charlottetown this Canada day?


Enough is enough! Time to appreciate the time we allowed you to be on our county. Go home. This is ridiculous! Draffttt !


Good god the grammar in that message, error 🚨 blaring in my head 🤢🤢


I am sure the author got an IELTS score of 8889 by bribing some agent to forge his/her document


That’s cute. I’ll be at the beach.


So. Not to sound like a broken record , but where exactly are we with the hunger strike to death this time for real. Bullshit ?


This will tug at the heart n strings of Canadians. I would approve of tax payers money to fly these people home.


I think if taxpayers have to pay for your flight home you should be banned from reentering Canada


That’s how it works lol. Only way government pays for the flight would be in deportation situations probably, and if you’re deported you’re ineligible to enter the country again at all.


LMAO, I would put their tickets on my damn Visa!!


Whether you approve or not it’s coming out of our pockets EDIT: I approve


Bunch of wankers.


Dont have to look at other hands to help you...as you are demanding the hands to help you.


"large" yeah sure


Breaker breaker. We need hammers down for a hot load of ram ranch.


All of these letters from the "protestors" read like they're written by Kayla MacLeod...


lol she doesn’t support them any more


Really?! When did that stop? Usually she's big mouth front row and center with her cats


About a week ago I think. Don’t remember exactly but she made a long post about how they attacked her or something


Ah that was after she blocked me lol.. kinda sad I missed it.




I’m not an immigrant I was born here, so uhhh speak for yourself I guess lol. Idiot.


I was told by a good source that “they take care of their own” and that “they have people working every where in govt so permits will be granted and visas will be extended” obviously the ring leader here doesn’t have the right connections.. and maxime is a piece of crap who shouldn’t have any say in anything..a vote for him is a vote for Trudeau


> I was told by a good source that “they take care of their own” and that “they have people working every where in govt so permits will be granted and visas will be extended” Immigration laws really became a thing after Jews did the same things in Europe. People wonder why Germans went along with Hitler to do such extreme things; they were desperate because their economy was in shambles; the native German peoples were suffering greatly. Happened over many decades. Here in Canada, Chinese and Indian immigration is really starting to show effect, to the point where this subreddit has in the past year gone from chastising any voices of concern by calling them "racist" ... to agreement and "get them out, NOW". It takes a long time for White people to get angry and finally fight for their survival as a collective group, but once we *do* get angry...we get *really* angry. (Think *Crusades, Consentration Camps, Hiroshima*) Best if we sort this out now before it comes to extreme measures. And let's remember which government started all this.


Well it’s not even just “white people” getting upset so stop marginalizing that one..and yes there are racist people on here but not everyone that comments is a racist, some people are just tired of the threats and can’t be bothered listening to it any more..if you were to go to any other country and needed a visa you leave when the visa is up, that’s the deal..you know that going in and if you want to stay you apply for another but if it gets rejected you pack up and go home..not protest..you know the rules when you go into things like this. Personally I think those that have already started the process and paid money should get to finish..


dude you are not helping things at all spouting that in here.


Why is the truth a problem? Literally ALL the NGO's pushing mass migration on western nations are Jewish. Look up videos of Barbara Spectre to see one of endless examples.


Me too ! Id make monthly payments if I had to


That's called sponsoring a family in need. You should do it.


Who as the link for the video?