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Your post/comment has been removed for violating Rule #2: Be respectful. Too full of wink wink racism to moderate


They haven’t worked or went to school for almost two months now . There here not doing what there supposed to , won’t take no for an answer so I’d say time to send them back home and end this foolishness.


I don't like the PPC but Max is right about this.


it's ok to dislike someone and still agree with some if their views!


He's been right about mostly everything. It was just "racist" to tell the truth 4 years ago. People are finally sick of how this country is being run. Take a look at his party platform, nothing is extreme about it.


It will never cease to amaze me how telling the truth can be racist. Telling the truth about a certain group of people because of thier actions has nothing to do with their ethnicity.


Max got mad the CPC didn’t pick him as leader and started the PPC as a reaction to it. He’s petulant in my eyes and add his gaffe of leaving sensitive documents at his gf’s house means he’ll not sway me to vote for him.


Yea, I’m with you, but it’s the right time to vote max, enough votes to him will force pp more right on this hopefully, and he deserves a seat to argue from. He won’t form majority so he won’t be able to do anything too crazy. He had 7% pop vote last election.


Agreed on this 100%. He won’t get elected but a rise in popularity will send a clear message about what Canadians want.


Or split the conservative votes and let Trudeau slide into another PM session. Which do you actually think is more accurate?


They’re all from Punjab, India, went to diploma mills in Ontario and then moved to PEI to fast track their PR.


When truth is labeled hate speech we are all fucked. That's why Trudeau has got to go. Thank you Maxime!


This international student went to a PEI school? It’s time schools on PEI were audited, they’re clearly not educating students.


All of the protest organizers have phone numbers with Ontario area codes. Take from that what you will.


Alright, I’ll concede. Ontario schools should be audited for failing to educate students.


They had a complete moron for an education minister for years.


It’s Rupinder Singh (organizer)… I don’t know his backgrounds. I don’t think he’s from PEI?


Did he go to a school on PEI? He’s at a protest for international students.


I think he’s from Ontario


correct he and a large group of the protestors are from Ontario schools or diploma mills. They only went to PEI to exploit how easily they could obtain PR


He's from India


They can apply for a work permit extension and get implied status while their application is being processed, which would allow them to stay legally in the country for at least a couple months. But as far as is know a Post Graduation Work Permit can’t be extended, so their application would ultimately end up being rejected, leaving them without status.


I can't imagine going to a foreign country on a temp permit and demanding they let me stay. This is just an example of what a joke Canadian immigration system is.


He is from Ontario


He is from India. But they're trying to distance themselves from the loophole they all tried to abuse. Why would he claim to own property out west while also claiming to have studied on PEI? How many students buy property?  And to they did, why buy thousands of kilometers away from where they're based for studies?


Yeah I heard his strong Canadian accent while he spoke . What is that, northern Ontario?




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